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Pearl harbour & other random musings!

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Hi Vijay


> 1. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they attacked China ferrociously



Pearl Harbour was brought about by American politics against Japan. It was

not in any way the unprovoked attack as taught in Western schools. America

were sending troops, weapons and money to China in order to support them in

their war against Japan - so Japan attacked an enemy.


Also, there's a very interesting letter from Roosevelt to the head of the

American forces which states that he wanted to join in the European war, but

needed an excuse to drag the American people with him. In this letter he

details plans to force Japan to a point where they will attack America " in

what will look like an unprovoked attack " ... the rest is history!


> 2. There was so much infighting in China for power even from the times of



As there was in every other part of the world.


> History can't be denied. All this is documented. Also, in terms of

environmental damage everyone is equally resposible.


I'm afraid there you are wrong... the bulk of environmental damage is the

result of Western industrial countries - 2nd and 3rd world countries simply

don't have the resources to do as much damage as we can!


I'm a little lost at where this conversation is going... it seems to be

heading down a dangerous path to " let's look at history as an issue of

race " , which is a concept that thankfully died a good half century ago!




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, " Peter " <metalscarab@b...> wrote:


> I'm afraid there you are wrong... the bulk of environmental damage is the

> result of Western industrial countries - 2nd and 3rd world countries simply

> don't have the resources to do as much damage as we can!


> I'm a little lost at where this conversation is going... it seems to be

> heading down a dangerous path to " let's look at history as an issue of

> race " , which is a concept that thankfully died a good half century ago!


> BB

> Peter



All I am saying is all of mankind has been involved in both the good and bad.

For eg., agreed that the Aeroplane was invented in the US. However, people all

over the World use it for flying/transportation and it causes pollution. So

basically, we are all equally responsible. Hope this clarification helps.



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Hi Vijay


> All I am saying is all of mankind has been involved in both the good and

bad. For eg., agreed that the Aeroplane was

> invented in the US. However, people all over the World use it for

flying/transportation and it causes pollution. So basically,

> we are all equally responsible. Hope this clarification helps.


I think if you were to visit an airport in Africa you would find a very

different picture to what you see in the Western world. The vast majority of

air travel is either Western businessmen, or Western holiday makers - third

world countries don't generally have many people with the income to afford

luxuries like foreign holidays (or, any holidays!), or air travel.




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, " Peter " <metalscarab@b...> wrote:

Hi Peter:


> Hi Vijay


> I think if you were to visit an airport in Africa you would find a very

> different picture to what you see in the Western world. The vast majority of

> air travel is either Western businessmen, or Western holiday makers - third

> world countries don't generally have many people with the income to afford

> luxuries like foreign holidays (or, any holidays!), or air travel.


> BB

> Peter



Excess travelling is a part of consumerism. I have NEVER met a travel agent who

has told me stay at home and be happy. It is always the other part of the World

that if I travel to by spending my hard earned money, will make me happy.


More money, more travel does not equal more happiness. If I can't find peace of

mind, contentment and happiness in my own home, on my couch with a simple coffee

and watching TV, how can I find this contentment in some far off place ?


Here is a great book in this regard: Your Money or your life by Joe Dominguez.

Another similar book is The Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs. Several

(specially in the West) have been encouraged by materials like these to lead

more simple, deeply fulfilling lives. Both these books have greatly helped me.


Best Regards,


Vijay :)

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and from the other side of the fence, i've spent maybe 2 nites out of the last 4 weeks at home....


it is a truism that travel sux up a lot of resources, i mean, look at planes...tho, i haven't been on one since the WTC incident..(not for fear of flying, more cuz i doubt i'll be able to get on a plane)

but..i love to visit new places...she new people, experience new things, sights, vistas...


not a big tv addict.. i found 99.999999% of the stuff they toss on on the idiot box here to be absolute crap.....

tho, must admit to a recent addiction to the Science channel...... rvijay07 Dec 5, 2004 2:04 AM Re: Pearl harbour & other random musings! , "Peter" <metalscarab@b...> wrote:Hi Peter:> Hi Vijay> > I think if you were to visit an airport in Africa you would find a very> different picture to what you see in the Western world. The vast majority of> air travel is either Western businessmen, or Western holiday makers - third> world countries don't generally have many people with the income to afford> luxuries like foreign holidays (or, any holidays!), or air travel.> > BB> PeterExcess travelling is a part of consumerism. I have NEVER met a travel agent who has told me stay at home and be happy. It is always the other part of the World that if I travel to by spending my hard earned money, will make me happy.More money, more travel does not equal more happiness. If I can't find peace of mind, contentment and happiness in my own home, on my couch with a simple coffee and watching TV, how can I find this contentment in some far off place ? Here is a great book in this regard: Your Money or your life by Joe Dominguez. Another similar book is The Simple Living Guide by Janet Luhrs. Several (specially in the West) have been encouraged by materials like these to lead more simple, deeply fulfilling lives. Both these books have greatly helped me.Best Regards,Vijay :)To send an email to -






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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:





I also, haven't had a tv in three months,

due mostsly because cable is $40 a month and we're trying to save

that money and also because, we as a family were becoming totally

addicted to it.


I wish we could just choose our channels, if we could I would

probably just watch six channels. Science, Nature, and History

channels would be among them.


I find myself reading much more and getting pleasure from this.

I bet, there probably still isn't a Vegetarian show on the food




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Hi Anouk,


I recently cancelled my cable subscription. I'm trying to save money to go

back to school and it cost too much. I've gotten so much reading done

since I've stopped watching TV all the time - it's great. I kind of miss

not being able to watch Law and Order every day, but I decided to keep my

Netflix subscription and they have the first two seasons of it on DVD so I

can watch it all I want that way (Max Greavey was my favorite character,

BTW, and they never show the first three seasons on TNT anymore.) I still

watch shows on the networks I do pick up, but I'm averaging 1-2 hours a day

instead of 5. That's a big improvement for me.






> [Original Message]

> Anouk Sickler <zurumato


> 12/5/2004 9:53:46 PM

> Re: Pearl harbour & other random musings!




> , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> >




> I also, haven't had a tv in three months,

> due mostsly because cable is $40 a month and we're trying to save

> that money and also because, we as a family were becoming totally

> addicted to it.


> I wish we could just choose our channels, if we could I would

> probably just watch six channels. Science, Nature, and History

> channels would be among them.


> I find myself reading much more and getting pleasure from this.

> I bet, there probably still isn't a Vegetarian show on the food

> channel.


> -anouk


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Hi Vijay,


I see your point about travelling, however, I believe that there is

something special and magic about going somewhere else.


I don't think it's fair that, some of us(the haves) get to travel

more often and are often obnoxious when we get there. I am also aware

of all the pollution that the travel industry causes. It bothers me

when countries develop places (that used to be the habitat of

animals) and make them touri$t destinations.


I was recently sickened by the though of people travelling to Norway,

just to Hunt baby seals, for a weekend.


I have always been extremely curious, and hope to learn from other

cultures and languages. for example, I have never been to England,

and as a teenager I dreamed about going there, because all of the

music, that I listened to came from there, and I admire the way tony

blair sounds when he speaks.

I thought that being stuck in manhattan all my life was pretty gross.


I have a list of many places I would like to visit, as part of

natural human exploration, but, I would not like to disturb anything

or anybody, or cause harm to lands. There is the dilemma.


You are right, there is something beautiful about being happy no

matter where you are, Thanks for sharing your Simple Living ideas, I

will try and find that book at my library. It is something that I am

looking to adapt to in my life.


upon moving, from nyc to florida, the moving truck was delayed for

two weeks,


For Two Weeks I Had No Possesions, I Never Felt More At Peace!


when the truck arrived, we where not angry at them, we were angry at

all of our boxes of Stuff!


btw, if the travel agent were to tell you to stay at home, she

wouldn't get her commission :)






> Excess travelling is a part of consumerism. I have NEVER met a

travel agent who has told me stay at home and be happy. It is always

the other part of the World that if I travel to by spending my hard

earned money, will make me happy.


> More money, more travel does not equal more happiness. If I can't

find peace of mind, contentment and happiness in my own home, on my

couch with a simple coffee and watching TV, how can I find this

contentment in some far off place ?


> Here is a great book in this regard: Your Money or your life by Joe

Dominguez. Another similar book is The Simple Living Guide by Janet

Luhrs. Several (specially in the West) have been encouraged by

materials like these to lead more simple, deeply fulfilling lives.

Both these books have greatly helped me.


> Best Regards,


> Vijay :)

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, " Anouk Sickler " <zurumato@e...> wrote:


> Hi Vijay,


> I see your point about travelling, however, I believe that there is

> something special and magic about going somewhere else.



There are other ways to experience foreign cultures that are simpler and deeper.

For eg., learn a foreign language. Meet foreigners locally, attend their

functions on an exchange basis. Read about them, surf their web-sites, watch

foreign movies, listen to shortwave radio.


Can one learn everything about a foreign Country in a two weeks vacation ? More

can be learned by reading, meeting people from other countries etc.,


You are so correct about commission. All these multinational want new business.

A day will come when several new parts of the world will get all these big

stores and travel agencies etc., But so also will they get all the problems

associated with it.



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Vijay -


Although I do agree with your point on being able to experience the world right from your living room, I think that one can appreciate the diversity of the world better through travel. I know that travel has been restricted throughout history by limited transportation and, more recently, the economic gap, but much that cannot be learned through reading can be learned through experience. I am not talking about package vacations and the like which take you to touristy spots that don't teach you a damn thing about life in whatever place you are visiting. The type of travel that I am proposing is a more immersed type of thing where one is actually integrating into the culture of whatever place you are visiting. I am currently an applicant for the US Peace Corps and will hopefully be able to enter into it after I graduate from school. This type of travel I think really can give somebody a very important lesson in life and humanity. The type of vacations where all you do is sit on the beach and have the indigenous people serve you liquor are demeaning to all whether they realise it or not.


I do indeed see your point on being able to learn more about a culture from reading literature and history than taking one of these quicky, see everything in a week or two vacations, but don't discount those who do, or who hope to actually immerse themselves into a completely different culture for a longer period of time in order to learn more about the world around them.




Monday, December 06, 2004 5:27 AM

Re: Pearl harbour & other random musings!

, "Anouk Sickler" <zurumato@e...> wrote:> Hi Vijay,> > I see your point about travelling, however, I believe that there is > something special and magic about going somewhere else.> There are other ways to experience foreign cultures that are simpler and deeper. For eg., learn a foreign language. Meet foreigners locally, attend their functions on an exchange basis. Read about them, surf their web-sites, watch foreign movies, listen to shortwave radio.Can one learn everything about a foreign Country in a two weeks vacation ? More can be learned by reading, meeting people from other countries etc.,You are so correct about commission. All these multinational want new business. A day will come when several new parts of the world will get all these big stores and travel agencies etc., But so also will they get all the problems associated with it.VijayTo send an email to -

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Here is a great site in regards to Simple Living that someone just sent me,

please explore at your leisure:




Anything in moderation is good. Travel comes at a price. Travel results in

lesser time available for other things in life. Also, international travel is

expensive. There are several out there who are paying for their travel debts on

their credit cards. Debt is no fun.


Vijay (Returns back to lurking again.)

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ive never seen a veggie or vegan cookery program on tv. i find it difficult to get books too why is everything based on the meat eater??Anouk Sickler <zurumato wrote:

, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:> I also, haven't had a tv in three months, due mostsly because cable is $40 a month and we're trying to save that money and also because, we as a family were becoming totally addicted to it.I wish we could just choose our channels, if we could I would probably just watch six channels. Science, Nature, and History channels would be among them. I find myself reading much more and getting pleasure from this.I bet, there probably still isn't a Vegetarian show on the food channel. -anoukTo send an email to -

Win a castle for NYE with your mates and Messenger

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I have only ever seen 1 programme for vegetarians, but a lot of cookery series now have at least 1 recipie for vegetarians ( sometimes 1 episode) which is sometimes truly vegetarian, i.e.vegan.

The Valley Vegan.......victoria leggett <tipples78 wrote:


ive never seen a veggie or vegan cookery program on tv. i find it difficult to get books too why is everything based on the meat eater??Anouk Sickler <zurumato wrote: , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:> I also, haven't had a tv in three months, due mostsly because cable is $40 a month and we're trying to save that money and also because, we as a family were becoming totally addicted to it.I wish we could just choose our channels, if we could I would probably just watch six channels. Science, Nature, and History channels would be among them. I find myself reading much more and getting pleasure from this.I bet, there probably still isn't a Vegetarian show on the food channel. -anoukTo send an email to -



Win a castle for NYE with your mates and Messenger To send an email to - Peter H


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