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> > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

> >

> > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary

> > 2004

> > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/

> >

> > Understanding the health effects of long-term vegan

> > diets has been a passion of mine for a long time.

> > Having been a vegan physician for over 23 years, I

> > have seen great health improvements in those who adopt

> > completely plant-based diets - but more troubling, I

> > have also been consulted by numerous individuals who

> > have been vegan for many years and who are

> > experiencing a " failure to thrive " syndrome of low

> > energy levels, low muscle mass, pale appearance and

> > sometimes, worsening of their health status, such as

> > elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, etc.

> > I deeply want to understand these effects so we can

> > help everyone who wants to follow a purely vegan diet

> > to do so with optimum benefit - and minimal risk - to

> > their health. Thus, the Vegan Health Study is trying

> > to identify those people who are thriving on vegan

> > diets and to determine exactly what they are eating

> > and what supplements they may be taking, as well as to

> > characterize the food and supplement patterns of those

> > who are not thriving.

> >

> > In analyzing the questionniare results, as well as

> > through reviewing the medical and nutritional

> > literature and performing extensive laboratory testing

> > on over 40 participants, a number of conclusions have

> > been reached that I feel you should know about - and

> > which may help you adjust your dietary and supplement

> > programs. A summary of the research findings and

> > recommendations are contained in this e-mail. Briefly,

> > it has become clear that, at the risk of stating the

> > obvious, that nutritioun is important. Many of the

> > participants who show the " failure to thrive " syndrome

> > showed low levels of long-chain fatty acids like DHA

> > and EPA, minerals such as zinc and magnesium, some

> > amino acids (signifiying insufficient protein intake)

> > as well as insufficient vitamin B-12. The specifics

> > are contained in the attached summary of findings, and

> > hopefully will be of value to you.

> >

> > Through the Vegan Health Study, we have much more work

> > to do to gain a greater understanding of the long term

> > health effects of vegan diets. In the future, we will

> > be contacting you to invite you to complete a brief

> > version of the questionnaire to determine if there

> > have been any significant changes in your food choices

> > or health status. (Of course, all information gathered

> > remains absolutely anonymous and confidential.) A

> > summary of what we learn through that questionnaire

> > will, of course, be made available to you.

> >

> > Our 501©3 Institute of Nutrition Education and

> > Research needs support to increase the value of the

> > study by developing a stronger computer analysis tool

> > which will permit us to tease out in greater detail

> > the food and supplement patterns of those who are

> > thriving - and those who are not. Financial support

> > will also let us identify and test those special

> > individuals who may hold important keys to

> > understanding the effects of vegan nutrition, namely,

> > people who have been vegan since birth, as well as

> > vegan atheletes and those consuming exclusively raw

> > food diets. Another area of great interest are the

> > so-called " carni-nutrients " , like carnitine, taurine

> > and other nutrients found almost exclusively in animal

> > products. Could they hold the key to the " vegan

> > failure to thrive syndrome? " Our current financial

> > needs for computer programing and laboratory testing

> > for the coming year is approximately $18,000. (Our

> > staff, including myself, draw no salaries for this

> > work.) If you would like to make a tax-deductible

> > contribution to support our research, please send it

> > to:

> >

> > The Institute of Nutrition Education and Research

> > 1601 N. Sepulveda Ave.

> > Suite 342

> > Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

> >

> > You will receive a tax-deductible receipt in return.

> >

> > Again, I want to express my appreciation for your help

> > in our Vegan Health Study. I look forward to your

> > participation and to sharing our findings with you.

> >

> > Sincerely,

> >

> > Michael Klaper, M.D.

> > Director

> >

> >


> --------

> ------


> --------

> ------

> > ------

> >

> > Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary 2004

> >

> > A vegan diet is one that includes all foods of plant

> > origin, but excludes all products of animal origin

> > (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and honey).

> > An estimated 1.9% of the American population follows a

> > vegan diet. Common reasons for choosing a vegan diet

> > include concerns about health, the environment, the

> > treatment of animals, and world hunger. Today it is

> > widely recognized that appropriately planned vegan

> > diets are safe and adequate, and can offer health

> > benefits where chronic disease is concerned. However,

> > the research looking at the long-term health

> > consequences of vegan diets is limited.

> >

> > The Vegan Health Study examines vegan health through

> > analyzing questionnaires submitted by over 900

> > participants who enrolled at the

> > www.veganhealthstudy.org website and includes results

> > of testing of blood and urine samples of some vegan

> > participants. It incorporates findings of numerous

> > surveys of the medical literature, and clinical

> > interviews with many vegans in the past 7 years. This

> > clinical summary presents observations derived from

> > the Vegan Health Study and explores the practical

> > implications of these findings.

> >

> > Specifically, it addresses three primary issues:

> >

> >

> >

> > 1. The major health advantages associated with

> > vegan diets

> >

> >

> >

> > 2. The major risks for nutritional deficiencies

> > and disease states associated with vegan diets

> >

> >

> >

> > 3. Recommendations for dietary patterns that

> > minimize risks and optimize health and function for

> > long-term vegans.

> >

> >

> >

> > Advantages and Benefits

> >

> > In recent years, vegan diets have been shown to exert

> > protective effects against a number of chronic

> > diseases and medical conditions, including

> > cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain

> > cancers,- as well some kidney disorders,

> > immune-inflammatory diseases, toxin exposure, as well

> > as some gastrointestinal diseases and eye disorders.

> >

> >

> > Cardiovascular Disease

> >

> > Eating a vegan diet and incorporating prudent

> > lifestyle practices (abstinence from tobacco, moderate

> > exercise, etc.) is associated with:

> >

> > · Regression of coronary atherosclerosis and

> > improved coronary perfusion with reduced frequency,

> > duration and severity of angina.

> >

> > · Reduced oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and

> > lower blood viscosity resulting in advantages to

> > artery health.

> >

> > · Lower total and LDL cholesterol, and

> > triglycerides.

> >

> > · Reduced rates of hypertension - if salt and

> > refined carbohydrates are minimized (Note: Vegans can

> > and do develop high blood pressure as they age and if

> > they consume excessive salt and refined

> > sugar-containing foods.)

> >

> >

> > Type 2 Diabetes:

> >

> > Vegan diets that are high in whole, unrefined foods

> > and low in refined carbohydrates, saturated fat,

> > cholesterol, and trans fatty acids can offer

> > significant benefits in both the prevention and

> > treatment of type 2 diabetes. " Whole food-based "

> > vegan diets improve insulin sensitivity, blood sugar

> > control, reduce insulin requirements, and aid in

> > weight loss in people who have type 2 diabetes. These

> > advantages are thought to be largely due to the

> > increased intakes of fiber, plant sterols and soy

> > protein, and the reduced intakes of total fats and

> > refined carbohydrates

> >

> >

> > Cancer:

> >

> > There is significant evidence that vegans are at a

> > reduced risk of prostate cancer and cancers of the

> > colon and rectum.

> >

> > Prostate cancer - Vegan men appear have a reduced risk

> > of prostate cancer. This is thought to be due to the

> > reduced intake of meat and dairy products, and the

> > increased intake of protective phytochemicals

> >

> > Cancers of the colon and rectum - both male and female

> > vegans appear to enjoy a reduced risk of cancers of

> > the colon and rectum. This is thought to be due

> > largely to the reduced intake of meat and animal fats,

> > and the increased intake of fiber and protective

> > phytochemicals.

> >

> >

> >

> > Genito-urinary Disorders:

> >

> >

> >

> > Low fat, moderate protein-containing vegan diets

> > appear to offer some protection against genito-urinary

> > disorders; namely, such diets may:

> >

> >

> >

> > · Reduce painful menstrual cramps.

> >

> >

> >

> > · Preserve kidney function - high protein diets

> > cause hyperfiltration of kidney filters.

> >

> >

> >

> > Toxin Exposure:

> >

> >

> >

> > People consuming whole food-based, " organically-grown "

> > vegan diets have reduced exposure to environmental

> > toxins, especially mercury (associated with nervous

> > system and kidney toxicity) and dioxins, associated

> > with elevated risks for numerous types of cancers and

> > birth defects.

> >

> >

> >

> > The reduced toxin levels have favorable consequences

> > for the breast milk of vegan mothers. While levels of

> > hydrocarbon contaminants have been found to be

> > elevated in the breast milk of omnivorous women,

> > levels in vegans tend to be far lower.

> >

> >

> >

> > Immune/Inflammatory Diseases:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegan diets appear to offer some protection against

> > immune/inflammatory disorders, and there is some

> > evidence that they may provide useful treatment for

> > some of these conditions. Evidence suggests that vegan

> > diets:

> >

> >

> >

> > · Can effectively reduce symptoms of autoimmune

> > diseases - rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing

> > spondylitis, although findings are inconsistent for

> > fibromyalgia.

> >

> >

> >

> > · Can improve some skin conditions, such as

> > atopic dermatitis.

> >

> >

> >

> > · Can improve asthma symptoms.

> >

> >

> >

> > · Can possibly reduce severity and frequency of

> > sinus infections.

> >

> >

> >

> > Gastrointestinal Diseases:

> >

> >

> >

> > Evidence suggests that vegans have lower rates of

> > gastrointestinal disorders. This is thought to be due

> > to the increased intakes of fiber-containing plant

> > foods. Vegan diets have been found to:

> >

> >

> >

> > · Minimize risk of constipation, and provide

> > effective treatment of constipation.

> >

> >

> >

> > · Reduce incidence of colonic diverticula.

> >

> >

> >

> > · Reduce incidence of gallstones

> >

> >

> >

> > Eye Diseases:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegan diets may reduce risk of age-related macular

> > degeneration and cataracts. Dietary components that

> > appear particularly protective include a variety of

> > carotenoids, particularly zeaxanthin and lutein. These

> > phytochemicals are concentrated in a variety of fruits

> > and vegetables, especially dark greens such as

> > collards and spinach.

> >

> >

> >

> > Risks and Possible Disadvantages

> >

> >

> >

> > While vegan diets offer considerable protection

> > against many chronic diseases, the Vegan Health Study

> > has found that vegans may be at increased risk for

> > certain nutritional deficiencies. For optimal

> > long-term health, it is essential that vegans are

> > aware of the potential pitfalls, and make the

> > necessary dietary adjustments to avoid them.

> >

> >

> >

> > Vitamin Deficiencies:

> >

> >

> >

> > The Vegan Health Study confirms numerous other studies

> > that vegans who do not supplement their diets with

> > vitamin B-12 are at definite risk for deficiency of

> > vitamin B12. The effects of vitamin B-12 deficiencies

> > may appear as soon as 6 months after adopting a purely

> > plant-based diet, or may not appear following

> > consumption of an exclusively vegan diet for 10 years

> > or more.

> >

> >

> >

> > Vitamin B-12 deficiencies:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vitamin B12 deficiency has numerous negative

> > consequences for health:

> >

> >

> >

> > Artery Damage:

> >

> >

> >

> > When vitamin B12 levels fall, homocysteine levels in

> > the blood begin to rise. Homocysteine is a waste

> > product of the metabolism of the amino acid,

> > methionine. Elevated levels of homocysteine can damage

> > the inner surfaces of arteries and in doing so promote

> > deposition of cholesterol plaques - thus elevating the

> > risk of heart attacks and strokes.

> >

> >

> >

> > Neurological Damage:

> >

> >

> >

> > Peripheral nerves - numbness and tingling and burning

> > sensation in extremities and profound muscular

> > fatigue.

> >

> >

> >

> > Spinal cord injury - a serious form - subacute

> > combined degeneration - may cause paralysis and be

> > irreversible.

> >

> >

> >

> > Other neurological hazards of vitamin B12 deficiency:

> > dementia and depression in adults.

> >

> > Risks to children:

> >

> >

> >

> > If mother is B-12 deficient while pregnant: birth

> > defects.

> >

> > If mother is B-12 deficient while breastfeeding:

> > nerve and brain damage, poor weight gain and " failure

> > to thrive syndrome. "

> >

> > If child is B-12 deficient during infancy and

> > adolescence: impaired intellectual function

> > impairment.

> >

> >

> >

> > Blood system damage:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to macrocytic anemia

> > (abnormal shape and function of red blood cells),

> > causing weakness, fatigue, irritability and inability

> > to concentrate.

> >

> >

> > Vitamin D deficiencies:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegans who have limited exposure to warm sunshine,

> > such as those living in northern climates, as well as

> > those who have dark skin, and older adults, are at

> > increased risk for vitamin D deficiency, leading to

> > weakened bones. The vegetarian form of vitamin D

> > (vitamin D2) is also 60 percent as available as the

> > animal form (vitamin D3), which would raise

> > requirements for vegans who rely on vitamin D2 in the

> > form of supplements or fortified foods.

> >

> >

> >

> > Mineral deficiencies:

> >

> >

> >

> > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > animal-derived foods.

> >

> >

> >

> > Minerals Commonly Inadequate in Vegan Diets

> >

> >

> > Iodine

> >

> > Vegans who do not include iodized salt or seaweeds in

> > their diet appear are at increased risk of iodine

> > deficiency, needed for production of vital thyroid

> > hormones.

> >

> >

> > Minerals Sometimes Inadequate in Vegan Diets

> >

> >

> > Calcium

> >

> > Vegan women and men are not immune to osteoporosis and

> > actually may be at greater risk for low bone density

> > and possible fracture. I have seen several frankly

> > osteoporotic men and women in my practice in the past

> > 5 years. The osteoporosis observed in vegan women may

> > be from failure to consume - or to absorb and utilize

> > - sufficient calcium. Other factors may play roles,

> > such as insufficient amounts and/or function of

> > hormones like estrogen and testosterone, excessive

> > intake or production of thyroid hormones, insufficient

> > weight-bearing physical activity, and inadequate

> > intake or absorption of trace minerals, including

> > boron and vitamins, especially vitamin D and K.

> >

> >

> > Iron

> >

> > Vegan iron intakes are often higher than that of

> > non-vegetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians. Yet many

> > vegans and vegetarians can show low levels of iron in

> > the tissues (measured as ferritin) indicating low

> > absorption of the iron they consume. Iron from

> > vegetable sources is not as absorbable as iron from

> > animal sources. This chemical difference, combined

> > with insufficient intake of vitamin C, which

> > facilitates iron absorption, can lead to low tissue

> > levels.

> >

> >

> > Zinc

> >

> > A significant percentage of vegans have zinc intakes

> > below the RDA, and suboptimal zinc status. Absorption

> > of zinc in vegan diets is reduced relative to those

> > consuming non-vegetarian diets, probably because vegan

> > diets are higher in phytates, which can significantly

> > compromise zinc absorption, and lower in animal

> > protein, which appears to enhance zinc absorption. To

> > ensure sufficient zinc in vegan diets, intakes above

> > the RDA may be required.

> >

> >

> > Magnesium

> >

> > Magnesium is a metal required by hundreds of essential

> > enzymes needed in energy production and vital tissue

> > functions (blood, muscle, etc.)

> >

> > While vegan diets can be higher in magnesium than

> > non-vegetarian diets, absorption may be lower due to

> > higher fiber intakes.

> >

> >

> >

> > Essential fat deficiencies:

> >

> >

> >

> > Long-term vegans commonly have low tissue levels of

> > highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) of the omega-3

> > family - namely, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid - 20

> > carbon atoms in length) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid

> > - 22 carbon atoms in length).

> >

> >

> >

> > Deficiencies in these fatty molecules may lead to dry

> > skin and feelings of low energy levels. as well as

> > increased risk for: cardiovascular disease, cancer,

> > diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity,

> > neurological/behavioral disorders such as Alzheimer's

> > disease, depression, (possibly) ADHD, schizophrenia,

> > immune/inflammatory disorders such as asthma,

> > rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel

> > diseases, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Also,

> > deficiencies of EPA and DHA can lead to sub-optimal

> > infant development with compromised brain function and

> > reduced visual acuity.

> >

> > The primary reasons for depressed omega-3 fatty acid

> > status in vegans are several fold:

> >

> > First, vegans consume insufficient amounts of

> > alpha-linolenic acid (the essential omega-3 fatty

> > acid found primarily in flaxseeds, hempseeds,

> > canola oil, walnuts, green vegetables), relative to

> > their intake of linoleic acid (the omega-6 fatty

> > acid found in margarines, commercial mayonnaise and

> > many salad dressings, crackers, chips cookies and

> > snack foods, as well as cooking and other oils like

> > safflower, grape seed, sunflower, corn oil [60-75%

> > omega -6] soy, cottonseed oil and sesame [45-50% omega

> > -6]).

> >

> > Second, vegans seldom consume the pre-formed

> > omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which in

> > non-vegetarian diets, come mainly from fish.

> >

> > Third, vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and B3 (niacin)

> > and C (ascorbic acid) as well as the element zinc are

> > needed for the conversion of linolenic acid to EPA and

> > DHA. Since these nutrients can be in short supply in a

> > vegan diet that does not contain enough fresh fruits

> > and vegetables or appropriate supplementation, long

> > chain fatty acid deficiencies can result.

> >

> >

> >

> > Protein deficiencies:

> >

> >

> >

> > Although the majority of reports suggest adequate

> > protein intakes in vegans, the Vegan Health Study has

> > found that sub-optimal amino acid status (the

> > " building blocks " of protein) can be common among

> > vegans, and many of the vegans whose levels of amino

> > acids were determined though blood testing showed low

> > levels of some amino acids, especially the

> > " branched-chain " ones, valine, leucine, and

> > isoleucine.

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegans who do not consume enough sulfur-containing

> > amino acids, particularly cysteine and methionine are

> > at risk for reduced production of carnitine, a protein

> > necessary for metabolizing fats for energy. Low levels

> > of carnitine can lead to fatigue and reduced physical

> > performance. A lack of these sulfur-containing amino

> > acids also reduces the production of glutathione, a

> > powerful antioxidant needed for detoxification of

> > tissue- damaging free radicals, which can accelerate

> > aging of tissues and increase cancer risk.

> >

> >

> >

> > Organ dysfunction:

> >

> >

> >

> > Heart and blood vessels:

> >

> >

> >

> > Elevated blood cholesterol levels:

> >

> >

> >

> > While vegans generally have lower blood cholesterol

> > levels relative to non-vegetarians, vegan diets do not

> > impart immunity to elevated cholesterol and

> > triglycerides. Those who consume a diet with:

> >

> >

> >

> > (a) large amounts of refined carbohydrates (both

> > sugars and starches found in highly processed

> > breads and cereals, pastas, white rice, pretzels,

> > pastries, candies, soft drinks, etc.),

> >

> > (b) trans fatty acids and deep-fried foods, and

> >

> > © insufficient fiber, and green and yellow

> > vegetables,

> >

> >

> >

> > seem to be at higher risk to develop elevated blood

> > cholesterol.

> >

> >

> >

> > Elevated triglycerides:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegans generally have lower levels of the blood-fat

> > family of triglycerides than non-vegetarians; however

> > those who consume excessive amounts of refined

> > carbohydrates - both sugars and starches - commonly

> > develop elevated levels of triglycerides, possibly

> > elevating their risk of blood vessel disease.

> >

> >

> >

> > High blood pressure (hypertension):

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegans are generally at an advantage were blood

> > pressure is concerned; however those consuming a high

> > sodium (salt) diets, combined with excessive stress

> > levels and insufficient exercise can and do develop

> > hypertension - leading to increased risk of heart

> > attack and stroke. (Risk for hypertension is

> > especially high if either parent or a sibling had high

> > blood pressure.)

> >

> >

> >

> > Heart attacks:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegans experience considerable protection against

> > heart attacks, however, this advantage can be

> > virtually negated in those consuming insufficient

> > vitamin B12, with resulting elevated levels of

> > artery-damaging homocysteine.

> >

> >

> >

> > Bones:

> >

> >

> >

> > Vegans are at definite risk for osteoporosis (despite

> > lower protein intakes) if they do not consume and

> > absorb enough calcium, magnesium, trace minerals like

> > boron, zinc and manganese, as well as vitamins K and D

> > - and get enough weight bearing exercise.

> >

> >

> >

> > Tissue aging:

> >

> >

> >

> > In the body, refined sugars are oxidized, forming

> > " advanced glycosylation end products " ( " AGE's " ). These

> > molecules then cross-link with protein strands

> > throughout the body (the Maillard reaction) which

> > causes stiffening and dysfunction of connective

> > tissues in arteries, eye tissues, and other vital

> > organs. Consequently, vegans who consume diets rich in

> > refined sugars (candies, pastries, soft drinks) age

> > their tissues prematurely through these dietary

> > choices.

> >

> >

> >

> > Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations

> >

> >

> >

> > 1. Make whole plant foods the foundation of your

> > diet.

> >

> >

> >

> > Emphasize (non-genetically modified, organically

> > grown) whole foods ( " foods as grown " ). Include a

> > variety of fresh, colorful vegetables, including green

> > leafy vegetables on a daily basis, fruits, legumes,

> > nuts, seeds and whole grains. (If there is any

> > question of gluten intolerance - e.g. abdominal

> > cramps, bloating, diarrhea or hives after eating

> > wheat, barley, oats and rye, consider eliminating

> > products made from those grains and emphasize

> > low-gluten grains like quinoa, millet &

> > buckwheat.)

> >

> >

> >

> > 2. Minimize refined carbohydrates - both sugars

> > and starches.

> >

> >

> >

> > Refined sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar,

> > syrups, candy and sodas, as well as refined starches,

> > such as white flour products and white rice

> > products, crowd out foods that nourish and protect us,

> > and contribute to a variety of health problems. These

> > foods cause oxidative damage to tissues and contribute

> > to premature aging of the body. They elevate blood

> > sugar levels, adversely affect blood lipids

> > (particularly triglycerides), and increase risk for

> > type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes, as well as

> > cardiovascular diseases and gastro- intestinal

> > disorders.

> >

> >

> >

> > 3. Include a healthful intake and balance of essential

> > fatty acids.

> >

> >

> >

> > Aim for 3 to5 grams of alpha-linolenic acid per day

> > for most adults. This can be achieved by consuming 2

> > T. freshly ground flax seeds or 2 tsp. of fresh

> > flaxseed oil daily (add to gravies, cereals,

> > smoothies, salads, etc.), or an equal amount of

> > alpha-linolenic acid from a combination of foods such

> > as hempseed oil, hempseeds and walnuts. If taking

> > omega-3 fats in the above forms is impractical or

> > undesirable, consider taking an algae-derived DHA

> > supplement (300 mg./day, in " vegi-cap " ), available at

> > natural food stores. This is particularly important

> > for those who may have increased needs (e.g. pregnant

> > or lactating women), or reduced ability to convert

> > alpha-linolenic acid to EPA and DHA (e.g. people with

> > diabetes or hypertension).

> >

> >

> >

> > 4. Assure an adequate protein intake - approximately

> > 60 to 70 grams per day for average vegan adults, and

> > up to 90 grams per day for athletes and those with

> > higher protein needs, like pregnant women and those

> > healing fractures, burns and other wounds.

> >

> >

> >

> > Liberally ingest protein-rich foods - lentils,

> > chickpeas, beans, and other legumes, as well as nuts,

> > seeds, and products made from them, tempeh, hummus,

> > etc.

> >

> >

> >

> > 5. Assure an adequate supply of trace minerals.

> >

> >

> >

> > Consume ample helpings of dark green leafy vegetables,

> > legumes, nuts, seeds, root vegetables and fruits. It

> > is not enough to eat the minerals - you must absorb

> > them. So, break up the plant fibers by chewing your

> > foods well and/or using food preparations methods that

> > help to break up plant fibers - cooking (e.g. soups or

> > stews), grinding, juicing, grating or pureeing.

> >

> >

> >

> > 6. Insure a reliable source of vitamin B12.

> >

> >

> >

> > Reliable sources include fortified foods and

> > supplements. Fortified foods such as non-dairy

> > beverages (rice-based and soy-based drinks), Red Star

> > nutritional yeast (Vegetarian Support Formula), and

> > some cereals are good choices. Make food choices so

> > consume at least 3 mcg. of B12 in total.

> >

> >

> >

> > If there is any doubt that your intake of B-12 may not

> > be sufficient (as is common with many long-term

> > vegans), then a vitamin B12 supplement is advised.

> > Take a sublingual " microdot " of approximately 1000

> > mcg. - 2000 mcg. vitamin B12 at least once a week.

> > When using large amounts of B-12, only 0.5 to 1.0%

> > will be absorbed - thus high intakes are required to

> > insure sufficient absorption.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > 7. Keep sodium intake to not more than 2400 mg (1/2

> > teaspoon of salt) per day, and preferably around 1800

> > mg per day.

> >

> >

> >

> > About 75% of the sodium in most diets comes from

> > processed foods, and about 20% is added at the table.

> > This is one more reason to limit processed foods (meat

> > analogs, canned soups, etc.). Use flavored vinegars,

> > lemon juice and other low-sodium taste enhancers,

> > rather than soy sauce and other salty seasonings

> >

> >

> >

> > Note: Athletes, especially those living in warm

> > climates may require higher amounts of sodium in their

> > diets.

> >

> >

> >

> > 8. Eliminate trans fatty acids.

> >

> >

> >

> > Commonly found in processed foods containing

> > " hydrogenated vegetable oil, " " partially hydrogenated

> > vegetable oil " or shortening (read the labels!), trans

> > fatty acids distort the shape, flexibility and

> > permeability of cell membranes, thus compromising

> > their function and increasing risk for artery disease,

> > type 2 diabetes, and possibly some cancers. Again,

> > minimize processed foods and emphasize fresh, whole

> > foods.

> >

> >

> >

> > 9. Consider taking a (vegan) multi-vitamin/mineral

> > supplement.

> >

> >

> >

> > If there is any question of adequate intake of any

> > given vitamin, mineral or essential fat, consider

> > taking a high-potency (vegetarian)

> > multivitamin-mineral preparation (tablet or liquid or

> > powder) daily, or approximately 2-3 times per week.

> > This supplement should contain the following nutrients

> > in approximately these amounts: iodine - 150 mcg.,

> > zinc - 15 mg., copper - 1-2 mg., boron - 2 mg.,

> > vitamin K - .5 mg., and vitamin D2 - 5 mcg (or

> > approximately 400 International Units.)

> >

> >

> >

> > Other possibly helpful supplements to consider taking

> > several times per week would be:

> >

> >

> >

> > 1. a calcium/magnesium supplement (approximately 1000

> > mg. of calcium and 800-1000 mg. of magnesium),

> >

> >

> >

> > 2. 300 mg of algae-derived DHA

> >

> >

> >

> > 3. 3 mcg. vitamin B12 daily in fortified foods

> > or 1000 mcg. - 2000 mcg. vitamin B-12 weekly

> > in a sublingual microdot supplement.

> >

> >

> >

> > 4. If low energy levels or deficient

> > muscle mass are concerns, additional nutrients, like

> > taurine and carnitine may be of value.

> > The Vegan Health Study will be researching these

> > substances and will share recommendations about them

> > with you in our next report.

> >

> >

> >

> > 10. . Be sure to get a consistent reliable source of

> > vitamin D.

> >

> >

> >

> > The best place to get your vitamin D is sunshine. Aim

> > for about 20-30 minutes on your face and forearms each

> > day, and more if you have dark skin. (Such brief

> > exposure times will not damage your skin or increase

> > cancer risk, and will produce substantial benefits for

> > your immune system.) If you live in a cooler climate,

> > sunshine may not be intense enough to produce vitamin

> > D during the winter months, and you will need to rely

> > on fortified foods such as fortified non-dairy

> > beverages or vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D3 is

> > generally derived from animal sources, while vitamin

> > D2 is plant-based. The recommended daily intake is

> > approximately 5 mcg. or approximately 400

> > International Units.

> >

> >

> >

> > 11 Try to get 20 to 30 minutes of active,

> > weight-bearing exercise

> >

> > at least every other day.

> >

> >

> >

> > Include a balance of cardiovascular, flexibility and

> > strength exercises.

> >

> >

> >

> > 12. For optimal health, a positive mental and

> > emotional state is essential - and possibly more

> > important - than nutritional intake. Life is about

> > more than avoiding disease and death. Get as much

> > love, laughter and meaningful service into your daily

> > life as possible.

> >

> >

> >

> > (Acknowledgment and appreciation is expressed to

> > Brenda Davis, R.D. and Vesanto Medina R.D. for their

> > valuable contribution to these recommendations.)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ______________

> > Juno Gift Certificates

> > Give the gift of Internet access this holiday season.

> > http://www.juno.com/give

> >

> >

> > ___

> > The Bionomic Nutrition Forum

> > http://www.soalive.biz

> > FORUM_Digest also available

> > [unless otherwise noted, this text is free to use by non-profit

> organisations]

> > by emailing the list server address ListServer

> > with the message text UNS FORUM

> >

> >

> >

> >



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i have an issue with the statement below

i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole thing


magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom

its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....

and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water

and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in it....

> >> >> > High fiber diets can conspire against effective> > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound> > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and> > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine> > so quickly that there is less time for mineral> > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,> > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower> > concentrations in plant-based foods than> > animal-derived foods.> >> >> >

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Hi Joanne


This is strange - I hadn't realised that unhealthy vegans existed in

anything other than small numbers. It makes you wonder what they are

eating - or not eating.




> > > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

> > >

> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary

> > > 2004

> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/

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Hi Fraggle


I think some of the statements seem to be out of date, and newer knowledge replaces these outdated ideas.






Tuesday, December 21, 2004 8:18 AM

Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper



i have an issue with the statement below

i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole thing


magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom

its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....

and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water

and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in it....

> >> >> > High fiber diets can conspire against effective> > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound> > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and> > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine> > so quickly that there is less time for mineral> > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,> > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower> > concentrations in plant-based foods than> > animal-derived foods.> >> >> >To send an email to -

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Hi Jo,


I know of some people that try veganism but eat unhealthy diets of junk food ,refined carbs,

and have suffered from mineral deficiences and low energy levels. As Dr Klapper explains a whole food

diet is so important,- I've been vegan for 7 years and feel great ( I've never taken supplements).

Juicing is good for mineral absorption,- I have carrot/ spinach or kale, beetroot, apple juice everyday.

Omega 3 is very important aswell, found in nuts and seeds, but I think they put in margerines aswell now.









Jo bb

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:45 PM

Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

Hi JoanneThis is strange - I hadn't realised that unhealthy vegans existed inanything other than small numbers. It makes you wonder what they areeating - or not eating.Jo> > > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper> > >> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary> > > 2004> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/To send an email to -

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Maybe it is in a less bio-availible form? Our bodies can't digest

every single thing we put in or we could just eat hunks of zinc for





, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> i have an issue with the statement below


i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole





magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom


its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....


and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water


and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in




> >

> >

> > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > animal-derived foods.

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as far as i know, magnesium is much easier to use in leafy greens then in some hunk of flesh....again..as far as i know Sara Dec 21, 2004 8:38 AM Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper Maybe it is in a less bio-availible form? Our bodies can't digest every single thing we put in or we could just eat hunks of zinc for example.Sara , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:> i have an issue with the statement belowi'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole thingbutmagnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdomits a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* waterand yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in it....> >> >> > High fiber diets can conspire against effective> > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound> > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and> > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine> > so quickly that there is less time for mineral> > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,> > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower> > concentrations in plant-based foods than> > animal-derived foods.To send an email to -





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I dunno. I bet most people don't eat enough green leafies.

Regardless, I would say their advice at the end is pretty sound.

Seems like most of the potential health problems from vegan diets

they talked about are related to badly-planned vegan diets. Like

people who eat nothing but things from the white food group (my term

for refined cr*p). Those of us who eat well and varied should be

good. As long as we include a B-12 source, of course.



, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> as far as i know, magnesium is much easier to use in leafy greens

then in some hunk of flesh....again..as far as i know





Maybe it is in a less bio-availible form? Our bodies can't digest

every single thing we put in or we could just eat hunks of zinc for




, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> i have an issue with the statement below


i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole





magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom


its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....


and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water


and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in



> >

> >

> > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > animal-derived foods.

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I'm no doctor, but I suggest that it is obvious that you can still

be vegan and eat so much caffeine, salt, sugar, chemicals,

preservatives, refined carbohydrates--and just, plain JUNK that the

vegan diet does no good. Such a diet would clearly have negative

health benefits--even if it excludes animal products!


You can be hypoglycemic, diabetic and obese on a vegan diet! You

can have high cholesterol if you eat " Fat free " foods on a vegan

diet. You can die from lung cancer, emphysema and chronic,

obstructive pulmonary disease on a vegan diet--if you smoke.

Prescription drugs, chemicals, additives, processed foods can all

affect a vegan diet.




In my opinion, the best vegan diet is fruits and veggies, beans and

some grains--and nothing else!





, " Joanne " <Kimberley1@t...> wrote:


> > > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

> > >

> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary

> > > 2004

> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/

> > >

> > > Understanding the health effects of long-term vegan

> > > diets has been a passion of mine for a long time.

> > > Having been a vegan physician for over 23 years, I

> > > have seen great health improvements in those who adopt

> > > completely plant-based diets - but more troubling, I

> > > have also been consulted by numerous individuals who

> > > have been vegan for many years and who are

> > > experiencing a " failure to thrive " syndrome of low

> > > energy levels, low muscle mass, pale appearance and

> > > sometimes, worsening of their health status, such as

> > > elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, etc.

> > > I deeply want to understand these effects so we can

> > > help everyone who wants to follow a purely vegan diet

> > > to do so with optimum benefit - and minimal risk - to

> > > their health. Thus, the Vegan Health Study is trying

> > > to identify those people who are thriving on vegan

> > > diets and to determine exactly what they are eating

> > > and what supplements they may be taking, as well as to

> > > characterize the food and supplement patterns of those

> > > who are not thriving.

> > >

> > > In analyzing the questionniare results, as well as

> > > through reviewing the medical and nutritional

> > > literature and performing extensive laboratory testing

> > > on over 40 participants, a number of conclusions have

> > > been reached that I feel you should know about - and

> > > which may help you adjust your dietary and supplement

> > > programs. A summary of the research findings and

> > > recommendations are contained in this e-mail. Briefly,

> > > it has become clear that, at the risk of stating the

> > > obvious, that nutritioun is important. Many of the

> > > participants who show the " failure to thrive " syndrome

> > > showed low levels of long-chain fatty acids like DHA

> > > and EPA, minerals such as zinc and magnesium, some

> > > amino acids (signifiying insufficient protein intake)

> > > as well as insufficient vitamin B-12. The specifics

> > > are contained in the attached summary of findings, and

> > > hopefully will be of value to you.

> > >

> > > Through the Vegan Health Study, we have much more work

> > > to do to gain a greater understanding of the long term

> > > health effects of vegan diets. In the future, we will

> > > be contacting you to invite you to complete a brief

> > > version of the questionnaire to determine if there

> > > have been any significant changes in your food choices

> > > or health status. (Of course, all information gathered

> > > remains absolutely anonymous and confidential.) A

> > > summary of what we learn through that questionnaire

> > > will, of course, be made available to you.

> > >

> > > Our 501©3 Institute of Nutrition Education and

> > > Research needs support to increase the value of the

> > > study by developing a stronger computer analysis tool

> > > which will permit us to tease out in greater detail

> > > the food and supplement patterns of those who are

> > > thriving - and those who are not. Financial support

> > > will also let us identify and test those special

> > > individuals who may hold important keys to

> > > understanding the effects of vegan nutrition, namely,

> > > people who have been vegan since birth, as well as

> > > vegan atheletes and those consuming exclusively raw

> > > food diets. Another area of great interest are the

> > > so-called " carni-nutrients " , like carnitine, taurine

> > > and other nutrients found almost exclusively in animal

> > > products. Could they hold the key to the " vegan

> > > failure to thrive syndrome? " Our current financial

> > > needs for computer programing and laboratory testing

> > > for the coming year is approximately $18,000. (Our

> > > staff, including myself, draw no salaries for this

> > > work.) If you would like to make a tax-deductible

> > > contribution to support our research, please send it

> > > to:

> > >

> > > The Institute of Nutrition Education and Research

> > > 1601 N. Sepulveda Ave.

> > > Suite 342

> > > Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

> > >

> > > You will receive a tax-deductible receipt in return.

> > >

> > > Again, I want to express my appreciation for your help

> > > in our Vegan Health Study. I look forward to your

> > > participation and to sharing our findings with you.

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > > Michael Klaper, M.D.

> > > Director

> > >

> > >

> >

> > --------------------------------


> > ------

> >

> > --------------------------------


> > ------

> > > ------

> > >

> > > Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary 2004

> > >

> > > A vegan diet is one that includes all foods of plant

> > > origin, but excludes all products of animal origin

> > > (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and honey).

> > > An estimated 1.9% of the American population follows a

> > > vegan diet. Common reasons for choosing a vegan diet

> > > include concerns about health, the environment, the

> > > treatment of animals, and world hunger. Today it is

> > > widely recognized that appropriately planned vegan

> > > diets are safe and adequate, and can offer health

> > > benefits where chronic disease is concerned. However,

> > > the research looking at the long-term health

> > > consequences of vegan diets is limited.

> > >

> > > The Vegan Health Study examines vegan health through

> > > analyzing questionnaires submitted by over 900

> > > participants who enrolled at the

> > > www.veganhealthstudy.org website and includes results

> > > of testing of blood and urine samples of some vegan

> > > participants. It incorporates findings of numerous

> > > surveys of the medical literature, and clinical

> > > interviews with many vegans in the past 7 years. This

> > > clinical summary presents observations derived from

> > > the Vegan Health Study and explores the practical

> > > implications of these findings.

> > >

> > > Specifically, it addresses three primary issues:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1. The major health advantages associated with

> > > vegan diets

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. The major risks for nutritional deficiencies

> > > and disease states associated with vegan diets

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3. Recommendations for dietary patterns that

> > > minimize risks and optimize health and function for

> > > long-term vegans.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Advantages and Benefits

> > >

> > > In recent years, vegan diets have been shown to exert

> > > protective effects against a number of chronic

> > > diseases and medical conditions, including

> > > cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain

> > > cancers,- as well some kidney disorders,

> > > immune-inflammatory diseases, toxin exposure, as well

> > > as some gastrointestinal diseases and eye disorders.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cardiovascular Disease

> > >

> > > Eating a vegan diet and incorporating prudent

> > > lifestyle practices (abstinence from tobacco, moderate

> > > exercise, etc.) is associated with:

> > >

> > > · Regression of coronary atherosclerosis and

> > > improved coronary perfusion with reduced frequency,

> > > duration and severity of angina.

> > >

> > > · Reduced oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and

> > > lower blood viscosity resulting in advantages to

> > > artery health.

> > >

> > > · Lower total and LDL cholesterol, and

> > > triglycerides.

> > >

> > > · Reduced rates of hypertension - if salt and

> > > refined carbohydrates are minimized (Note: Vegans can

> > > and do develop high blood pressure as they age and if

> > > they consume excessive salt and refined

> > > sugar-containing foods.)

> > >

> > >

> > > Type 2 Diabetes:

> > >

> > > Vegan diets that are high in whole, unrefined foods

> > > and low in refined carbohydrates, saturated fat,

> > > cholesterol, and trans fatty acids can offer

> > > significant benefits in both the prevention and

> > > treatment of type 2 diabetes. " Whole food-based "

> > > vegan diets improve insulin sensitivity, blood sugar

> > > control, reduce insulin requirements, and aid in

> > > weight loss in people who have type 2 diabetes. These

> > > advantages are thought to be largely due to the

> > > increased intakes of fiber, plant sterols and soy

> > > protein, and the reduced intakes of total fats and

> > > refined carbohydrates

> > >

> > >

> > > Cancer:

> > >

> > > There is significant evidence that vegans are at a

> > > reduced risk of prostate cancer and cancers of the

> > > colon and rectum.

> > >

> > > Prostate cancer - Vegan men appear have a reduced risk

> > > of prostate cancer. This is thought to be due to the

> > > reduced intake of meat and dairy products, and the

> > > increased intake of protective phytochemicals

> > >

> > > Cancers of the colon and rectum - both male and female

> > > vegans appear to enjoy a reduced risk of cancers of

> > > the colon and rectum. This is thought to be due

> > > largely to the reduced intake of meat and animal fats,

> > > and the increased intake of fiber and protective

> > > phytochemicals.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Genito-urinary Disorders:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Low fat, moderate protein-containing vegan diets

> > > appear to offer some protection against genito-urinary

> > > disorders; namely, such diets may:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Reduce painful menstrual cramps.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Preserve kidney function - high protein diets

> > > cause hyperfiltration of kidney filters.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Toxin Exposure:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > People consuming whole food-based, " organically-grown "

> > > vegan diets have reduced exposure to environmental

> > > toxins, especially mercury (associated with nervous

> > > system and kidney toxicity) and dioxins, associated

> > > with elevated risks for numerous types of cancers and

> > > birth defects.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The reduced toxin levels have favorable consequences

> > > for the breast milk of vegan mothers. While levels of

> > > hydrocarbon contaminants have been found to be

> > > elevated in the breast milk of omnivorous women,

> > > levels in vegans tend to be far lower.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Immune/Inflammatory Diseases:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegan diets appear to offer some protection against

> > > immune/inflammatory disorders, and there is some

> > > evidence that they may provide useful treatment for

> > > some of these conditions. Evidence suggests that vegan

> > > diets:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can effectively reduce symptoms of autoimmune

> > > diseases - rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing

> > > spondylitis, although findings are inconsistent for

> > > fibromyalgia.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can improve some skin conditions, such as

> > > atopic dermatitis.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can improve asthma symptoms.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can possibly reduce severity and frequency of

> > > sinus infections.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Gastrointestinal Diseases:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Evidence suggests that vegans have lower rates of

> > > gastrointestinal disorders. This is thought to be due

> > > to the increased intakes of fiber-containing plant

> > > foods. Vegan diets have been found to:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Minimize risk of constipation, and provide

> > > effective treatment of constipation.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Reduce incidence of colonic diverticula.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Reduce incidence of gallstones

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Eye Diseases:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegan diets may reduce risk of age-related macular

> > > degeneration and cataracts. Dietary components that

> > > appear particularly protective include a variety of

> > > carotenoids, particularly zeaxanthin and lutein. These

> > > phytochemicals are concentrated in a variety of fruits

> > > and vegetables, especially dark greens such as

> > > collards and spinach.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Risks and Possible Disadvantages

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > While vegan diets offer considerable protection

> > > against many chronic diseases, the Vegan Health Study

> > > has found that vegans may be at increased risk for

> > > certain nutritional deficiencies. For optimal

> > > long-term health, it is essential that vegans are

> > > aware of the potential pitfalls, and make the

> > > necessary dietary adjustments to avoid them.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin Deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The Vegan Health Study confirms numerous other studies

> > > that vegans who do not supplement their diets with

> > > vitamin B-12 are at definite risk for deficiency of

> > > vitamin B12. The effects of vitamin B-12 deficiencies

> > > may appear as soon as 6 months after adopting a purely

> > > plant-based diet, or may not appear following

> > > consumption of an exclusively vegan diet for 10 years

> > > or more.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin B-12 deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin B12 deficiency has numerous negative

> > > consequences for health:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Artery Damage:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > When vitamin B12 levels fall, homocysteine levels in

> > > the blood begin to rise. Homocysteine is a waste

> > > product of the metabolism of the amino acid,

> > > methionine. Elevated levels of homocysteine can damage

> > > the inner surfaces of arteries and in doing so promote

> > > deposition of cholesterol plaques - thus elevating the

> > > risk of heart attacks and strokes.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Neurological Damage:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Peripheral nerves - numbness and tingling and burning

> > > sensation in extremities and profound muscular

> > > fatigue.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Spinal cord injury - a serious form - subacute

> > > combined degeneration - may cause paralysis and be

> > > irreversible.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Other neurological hazards of vitamin B12 deficiency:

> > > dementia and depression in adults.

> > >

> > > Risks to children:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If mother is B-12 deficient while pregnant: birth

> > > defects.

> > >

> > > If mother is B-12 deficient while breastfeeding:

> > > nerve and brain damage, poor weight gain and " failure

> > > to thrive syndrome. "

> > >

> > > If child is B-12 deficient during infancy and

> > > adolescence: impaired intellectual function

> > > impairment.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Blood system damage:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to macrocytic anemia

> > > (abnormal shape and function of red blood cells),

> > > causing weakness, fatigue, irritability and inability

> > > to concentrate.

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin D deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans who have limited exposure to warm sunshine,

> > > such as those living in northern climates, as well as

> > > those who have dark skin, and older adults, are at

> > > increased risk for vitamin D deficiency, leading to

> > > weakened bones. The vegetarian form of vitamin D

> > > (vitamin D2) is also 60 percent as available as the

> > > animal form (vitamin D3), which would raise

> > > requirements for vegans who rely on vitamin D2 in the

> > > form of supplements or fortified foods.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mineral deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > > animal-derived foods.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Minerals Commonly Inadequate in Vegan Diets

> > >

> > >

> > > Iodine

> > >

> > > Vegans who do not include iodized salt or seaweeds in

> > > their diet appear are at increased risk of iodine

> > > deficiency, needed for production of vital thyroid

> > > hormones.

> > >

> > >

> > > Minerals Sometimes Inadequate in Vegan Diets

> > >

> > >

> > > Calcium

> > >

> > > Vegan women and men are not immune to osteoporosis and

> > > actually may be at greater risk for low bone density

> > > and possible fracture. I have seen several frankly

> > > osteoporotic men and women in my practice in the past

> > > 5 years. The osteoporosis observed in vegan women may

> > > be from failure to consume - or to absorb and utilize

> > > - sufficient calcium. Other factors may play roles,

> > > such as insufficient amounts and/or function of

> > > hormones like estrogen and testosterone, excessive

> > > intake or production of thyroid hormones, insufficient

> > > weight-bearing physical activity, and inadequate

> > > intake or absorption of trace minerals, including

> > > boron and vitamins, especially vitamin D and K.

> > >

> > >

> > > Iron

> > >

> > > Vegan iron intakes are often higher than that of

> > > non-vegetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians. Yet many

> > > vegans and vegetarians can show low levels of iron in

> > > the tissues (measured as ferritin) indicating low

> > > absorption of the iron they consume. Iron from

> > > vegetable sources is not as absorbable as iron from

> > > animal sources. This chemical difference, combined

> > > with insufficient intake of vitamin C, which

> > > facilitates iron absorption, can lead to low tissue

> > > levels.

> > >

> > >

> > > Zinc

> > >

> > > A significant percentage of vegans have zinc intakes

> > > below the RDA, and suboptimal zinc status. Absorption

> > > of zinc in vegan diets is reduced relative to those

> > > consuming non-vegetarian diets, probably because vegan

> > > diets are higher in phytates, which can significantly

> > > compromise zinc absorption, and lower in animal

> > > protein, which appears to enhance zinc absorption. To

> > > ensure sufficient zinc in vegan diets, intakes above

> > > the RDA may be required.

> > >

> > >

> > > Magnesium

> > >

> > > Magnesium is a metal required by hundreds of essential

> > > enzymes needed in energy production and vital tissue

> > > functions (blood, muscle, etc.)

> > >

> > > While vegan diets can be higher in magnesium than

> > > non-vegetarian diets, absorption may be lower due to

> > > higher fiber intakes.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Essential fat deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Long-term vegans commonly have low tissue levels of

> > > highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) of the omega-3

> > > family - namely, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid - 20

> > > carbon atoms in length) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid

> > > - 22 carbon atoms in length).

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Deficiencies in these fatty molecules may lead to dry

> > > skin and feelings of low energy levels. as well as

> > > increased risk for: cardiovascular disease, cancer,

> > > diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity,

> > > neurological/behavioral disorders such as Alzheimer's

> > > disease, depression, (possibly) ADHD, schizophrenia,

> > > immune/inflammatory disorders such as asthma,

> > > rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel

> > > diseases, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Also,

> > > deficiencies of EPA and DHA can lead to sub-optimal

> > > infant development with compromised brain function and

> > > reduced visual acuity.

> > >

> > > The primary reasons for depressed omega-3 fatty acid

> > > status in vegans are several fold:

> > >

> > > First, vegans consume insufficient amounts of

> > > alpha-linolenic acid (the essential omega-3 fatty

> > > acid found primarily in flaxseeds, hempseeds,

> > > canola oil, walnuts, green vegetables), relative to

> > > their intake of linoleic acid (the omega-6 fatty

> > > acid found in margarines, commercial mayonnaise and

> > > many salad dressings, crackers, chips cookies and

> > > snack foods, as well as cooking and other oils like

> > > safflower, grape seed, sunflower, corn oil [60-75%

> > > omega -6] soy, cottonseed oil and sesame [45-50% omega

> > > -6]).

> > >

> > > Second, vegans seldom consume the pre-formed

> > > omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which in

> > > non-vegetarian diets, come mainly from fish.

> > >

> > > Third, vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and B3 (niacin)

> > > and C (ascorbic acid) as well as the element zinc are

> > > needed for the conversion of linolenic acid to EPA and

> > > DHA. Since these nutrients can be in short supply in a

> > > vegan diet that does not contain enough fresh fruits

> > > and vegetables or appropriate supplementation, long

> > > chain fatty acid deficiencies can result.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Protein deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Although the majority of reports suggest adequate

> > > protein intakes in vegans, the Vegan Health Study has

> > > found that sub-optimal amino acid status (the

> > > " building blocks " of protein) can be common among

> > > vegans, and many of the vegans whose levels of amino

> > > acids were determined though blood testing showed low

> > > levels of some amino acids, especially the

> > > " branched-chain " ones, valine, leucine, and

> > > isoleucine.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans who do not consume enough sulfur-containing

> > > amino acids, particularly cysteine and methionine are

> > > at risk for reduced production of carnitine, a protein

> > > necessary for metabolizing fats for energy. Low levels

> > > of carnitine can lead to fatigue and reduced physical

> > > performance. A lack of these sulfur-containing amino

> > > acids also reduces the production of glutathione, a

> > > powerful antioxidant needed for detoxification of

> > > tissue- damaging free radicals, which can accelerate

> > > aging of tissues and increase cancer risk.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Organ dysfunction:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Heart and blood vessels:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Elevated blood cholesterol levels:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > While vegans generally have lower blood cholesterol

> > > levels relative to non-vegetarians, vegan diets do not

> > > impart immunity to elevated cholesterol and

> > > triglycerides. Those who consume a diet with:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (a) large amounts of refined carbohydrates (both

> > > sugars and starches found in highly processed

> > > breads and cereals, pastas, white rice, pretzels,

> > > pastries, candies, soft drinks, etc.),

> > >

> > > (b) trans fatty acids and deep-fried foods, and

> > >

> > > © insufficient fiber, and green and yellow

> > > vegetables,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > seem to be at higher risk to develop elevated blood

> > > cholesterol.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Elevated triglycerides:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans generally have lower levels of the blood-fat

> > > family of triglycerides than non-vegetarians; however

> > > those who consume excessive amounts of refined

> > > carbohydrates - both sugars and starches - commonly

> > > develop elevated levels of triglycerides, possibly

> > > elevating their risk of blood vessel disease.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > High blood pressure (hypertension):

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans are generally at an advantage were blood

> > > pressure is concerned; however those consuming a high

> > > sodium (salt) diets, combined with excessive stress

> > > levels and insufficient exercise can and do develop

> > > hypertension - leading to increased risk of heart

> > > attack and stroke. (Risk for hypertension is

> > > especially high if either parent or a sibling had high

> > > blood pressure.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Heart attacks:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans experience considerable protection against

> > > heart attacks, however, this advantage can be

> > > virtually negated in those consuming insufficient

> > > vitamin B12, with resulting elevated levels of

> > > artery-damaging homocysteine.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Bones:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans are at definite risk for osteoporosis (despite

> > > lower protein intakes) if they do not consume and

> > > absorb enough calcium, magnesium, trace minerals like

> > > boron, zinc and manganese, as well as vitamins K and D

> > > - and get enough weight bearing exercise.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Tissue aging:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In the body, refined sugars are oxidized, forming

> > > " advanced glycosylation end products " ( " AGE's " ). These

> > > molecules then cross-link with protein strands

> > > throughout the body (the Maillard reaction) which

> > > causes stiffening and dysfunction of connective

> > > tissues in arteries, eye tissues, and other vital

> > > organs. Consequently, vegans who consume diets rich in

> > > refined sugars (candies, pastries, soft drinks) age

> > > their tissues prematurely through these dietary

> > > choices.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1. Make whole plant foods the foundation of your

> > > diet.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Emphasize (non-genetically modified, organically

> > > grown) whole foods ( " foods as grown " ). Include a

> > > variety of fresh, colorful vegetables, including green

> > > leafy vegetables on a daily basis, fruits, legumes,

> > > nuts, seeds and whole grains. (If there is any

> > > question of gluten intolerance - e.g. abdominal

> > > cramps, bloating, diarrhea or hives after eating

> > > wheat, barley, oats and rye, consider eliminating

> > > products made from those grains and emphasize

> > > low-gluten grains like quinoa, millet &

> > > buckwheat.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. Minimize refined carbohydrates - both sugars

> > > and starches.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Refined sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar,

> > > syrups, candy and sodas, as well as refined starches,

> > > such as white flour products and white rice

> > > products, crowd out foods that nourish and protect us,

> > > and contribute to a variety of health problems. These

> > > foods cause oxidative damage to tissues and contribute

> > > to premature aging of the body. They elevate blood

> > > sugar levels, adversely affect blood lipids

> > > (particularly triglycerides), and increase risk for

> > > type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes, as well as

> > > cardiovascular diseases and gastro- intestinal

> > > disorders.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3. Include a healthful intake and balance of essential

> > > fatty acids.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Aim for 3 to5 grams of alpha-linolenic acid per day

> > > for most adults. This can be achieved by consuming 2

> > > T. freshly ground flax seeds or 2 tsp. of fresh

> > > flaxseed oil daily (add to gravies, cereals,

> > > smoothies, salads, etc.), or an equal amount of

> > > alpha-linolenic acid from a combination of foods such

> > > as hempseed oil, hempseeds and walnuts. If taking

> > > omega-3 fats in the above forms is impractical or

> > > undesirable, consider taking an algae-derived DHA

> > > supplement (300 mg./day, in " vegi-cap " ), available at

> > > natural food stores. This is particularly important

> > > for those who may have increased needs (e.g. pregnant

> > > or lactating women), or reduced ability to convert

> > > alpha-linolenic acid to EPA and DHA (e.g. people with

> > > diabetes or hypertension).

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 4. Assure an adequate protein intake - approximately

> > > 60 to 70 grams per day for average vegan adults, and

> > > up to 90 grams per day for athletes and those with

> > > higher protein needs, like pregnant women and those

> > > healing fractures, burns and other wounds.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Liberally ingest protein-rich foods - lentils,

> > > chickpeas, beans, and other legumes, as well as nuts,

> > > seeds, and products made from them, tempeh, hummus,

> > > etc.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 5. Assure an adequate supply of trace minerals.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Consume ample helpings of dark green leafy vegetables,

> > > legumes, nuts, seeds, root vegetables and fruits. It

> > > is not enough to eat the minerals - you must absorb

> > > them. So, break up the plant fibers by chewing your

> > > foods well and/or using food preparations methods that

> > > help to break up plant fibers - cooking (e.g. soups or

> > > stews), grinding, juicing, grating or pureeing.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 6. Insure a reliable source of vitamin B12.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Reliable sources include fortified foods and

> > > supplements. Fortified foods such as non-dairy

> > > beverages (rice-based and soy-based drinks), Red Star

> > > nutritional yeast (Vegetarian Support Formula), and

> > > some cereals are good choices. Make food choices so

> > > consume at least 3 mcg. of B12 in total.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If there is any doubt that your intake of B-12 may not

> > > be sufficient (as is common with many long-term

> > > vegans), then a vitamin B12 supplement is advised.

> > > Take a sublingual " microdot " of approximately 1000

> > > mcg. - 2000 mcg. vitamin B12 at least once a week.

> > > When using large amounts of B-12, only 0.5 to 1.0%

> > > will be absorbed - thus high intakes are required to

> > > insure sufficient absorption.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 7. Keep sodium intake to not more than 2400 mg (1/2

> > > teaspoon of salt) per day, and preferably around 1800

> > > mg per day.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > About 75% of the sodium in most diets comes from

> > > processed foods, and about 20% is added at the table.

> > > This is one more reason to limit processed foods (meat

> > > analogs, canned soups, etc.). Use flavored vinegars,

> > > lemon juice and other low-sodium taste enhancers,

> > > rather than soy sauce and other salty seasonings

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Note: Athletes, especially those living in warm

> > > climates may require higher amounts of sodium in their

> > > diets.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 8. Eliminate trans fatty acids.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Commonly found in processed foods containing

> > > " hydrogenated vegetable oil, " " partially hydrogenated

> > > vegetable oil " or shortening (read the labels!), trans

> > > fatty acids distort the shape, flexibility and

> > > permeability of cell membranes, thus compromising

> > > their function and increasing risk for artery disease,

> > > type 2 diabetes, and possibly some cancers. Again,

> > > minimize processed foods and emphasize fresh, whole

> > > foods.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 9. Consider taking a (vegan) multi-vitamin/mineral

> > > supplement.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If there is any question of adequate intake of any

> > > given vitamin, mineral or essential fat, consider

> > > taking a high-potency (vegetarian)

> > > multivitamin-mineral preparation (tablet or liquid or

> > > powder) daily, or approximately 2-3 times per week.

> > > This supplement should contain the following nutrients

> > > in approximately these amounts: iodine - 150 mcg.,

> > > zinc - 15 mg., copper - 1-2 mg., boron - 2 mg.,

> > > vitamin K - .5 mg., and vitamin D2 - 5 mcg (or

> > > approximately 400 International Units.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Other possibly helpful supplements to consider taking

> > > several times per week would be:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1. a calcium/magnesium supplement (approximately 1000

> > > mg. of calcium and 800-1000 mg. of magnesium),

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. 300 mg of algae-derived DHA

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3. 3 mcg. vitamin B12 daily in fortified foods

> > > or 1000 mcg. - 2000 mcg. vitamin B-12 weekly

> > > in a sublingual microdot supplement.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 4. If low energy levels or deficient

> > > muscle mass are concerns, additional nutrients, like

> > > taurine and carnitine may be of value.

> > > The Vegan Health Study will be researching these

> > > substances and will share recommendations about them

> > > with you in our next report.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 10. . Be sure to get a consistent reliable source of

> > > vitamin D.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The best place to get your vitamin D is sunshine. Aim

> > > for about 20-30 minutes on your face and forearms each

> > > day, and more if you have dark skin. (Such brief

> > > exposure times will not damage your skin or increase

> > > cancer risk, and will produce substantial benefits for

> > > your immune system.) If you live in a cooler climate,

> > > sunshine may not be intense enough to produce vitamin

> > > D during the winter months, and you will need to rely

> > > on fortified foods such as fortified non-dairy

> > > beverages or vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D3 is

> > > generally derived from animal sources, while vitamin

> > > D2 is plant-based. The recommended daily intake is

> > > approximately 5 mcg. or approximately 400

> > > International Units.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 11 Try to get 20 to 30 minutes of active,

> > > weight-bearing exercise

> > >

> > > at least every other day.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Include a balance of cardiovascular, flexibility and

> > > strength exercises.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 12. For optimal health, a positive mental and

> > > emotional state is essential - and possibly more

> > > important - than nutritional intake. Life is about

> > > more than avoiding disease and death. Get as much

> > > love, laughter and meaningful service into your daily

> > > life as possible.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (Acknowledgment and appreciation is expressed to

> > > Brenda Davis, R.D. and Vesanto Medina R.D. for their

> > > valuable contribution to these recommendations.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > > Juno Gift Certificates

> > > Give the gift of Internet access this holiday season.

> > > http://www.juno.com/give

> > >

> > >

> > > ___

> > > The Bionomic Nutrition Forum

> > > http://www.soalive.biz

> > > FORUM_Digest also available

> > > [unless otherwise noted, this text is free to use by non-profit

> > organisations]

> > > by emailing the list server address ListServer@s...

> > > with the message text UNS FORUM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

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i assume thats true with most folks....

i know lotsa junk food vegetarians...

and, lets not ferget the rest of the population 2004 10:11 AM Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper I dunno. I bet most people don't eat enough green leafies. Regardless, I would say their advice at the end is pretty sound. Seems like most of the potential health problems from vegan diets they talked about are related to badly-planned vegan diets. Like people who eat nothing but things from the white food group (my term for refined cr*p). Those of us who eat well and varied should be good. As long as we include a B-12 source, of course.Sara , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:> as far as i know, magnesium is much easier to use in leafy greens then in some hunk of flesh....again..as far as i know

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It is important to have wholefood, and to eat a lot of vegetables. The juice you mention sounds worth trying. I try to have a good diet, and take supplements - just to be sure.






Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:25 PM

Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper


Hi Jo,


I know of some people that try veganism but eat unhealthy diets of junk food ,refined carbs,

and have suffered from mineral deficiences and low energy levels. As Dr Klapper explains a whole food

diet is so important,- I've been vegan for 7 years and feel great ( I've never taken supplements).

Juicing is good for mineral absorption,- I have carrot/ spinach or kale, beetroot, apple juice everyday.

Omega 3 is very important aswell, found in nuts and seeds, but I think they put in margerines aswell now.









Jo bb

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:45 PM

Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

Hi JoanneThis is strange - I hadn't realised that unhealthy vegans existed inanything other than small numbers. It makes you wonder what they areeating - or not eating.Jo> > > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper> > >> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary> > > 2004> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/To send an email to - To send an email to -

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I think I remember reading that after a few weeks of eating a vegan diet you

adjust to absorb more minerals from fibrous vegetables than previously.

I'll have to read up on it again, but it won't be for a couple of weeks.




" Sara " <gagrip5


Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:38 PM







> Maybe it is in a less bio-availible form? Our bodies can't digest

> every single thing we put in or we could just eat hunks of zinc for

> example.

> Sara



> , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> > i have an issue with the statement below


> i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole

> thing


> but


> magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom


> its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....


> and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water


> and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in

> it....



> > >

> > >

> > > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > > animal-derived foods.

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That's right. I love green leaves of all kinds, and broccoli and carrots -

but sometimes realise my veggies have consisted of peppers and mushrooms for

a couple of days.





" Sara " <gagrip5


Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:11 PM







> I dunno. I bet most people don't eat enough green leafies.

> Regardless, I would say their advice at the end is pretty sound.

> Seems like most of the potential health problems from vegan diets

> they talked about are related to badly-planned vegan diets. Like

> people who eat nothing but things from the white food group (my term

> for refined cr*p). Those of us who eat well and varied should be

> good. As long as we include a B-12 source, of course.

> Sara


> , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> > as far as i know, magnesium is much easier to use in leafy greens

> then in some hunk of flesh....again..as far as i know



> Sara


> Maybe it is in a less bio-availible form? Our bodies can't digest

> every single thing we put in or we could just eat hunks of zinc for

> example.

> Sara


> , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> > i have an issue with the statement below


> i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole

> thing


> but


> magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom


> its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....


> and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water


> and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in

> it....


> > >

> > >

> > > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > > animal-derived foods.

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...... and nuts and seeds.









I'm no doctor, but I suggest that it is obvious that you can still

be vegan and eat so much caffeine, salt, sugar, chemicals,

preservatives, refined carbohydrates--and just, plain JUNK that the

vegan diet does no good. Such a diet would clearly have negative

health benefits--even if it excludes animal products!


You can be hypoglycemic, diabetic and obese on a vegan diet! You

can have high cholesterol if you eat " Fat free " foods on a vegan

diet. You can die from lung cancer, emphysema and chronic,

obstructive pulmonary disease on a vegan diet--if you smoke.

Prescription drugs, chemicals, additives, processed foods can all

affect a vegan diet.




In my opinion, the best vegan diet is fruits and veggies, beans and

some grains--and nothing else!





, " Joanne " <Kimberley1@t...> wrote:


> > > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

> > >

> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary

> > > 2004

> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/

> > >

> > > Understanding the health effects of long-term vegan

> > > diets has been a passion of mine for a long time.

> > > Having been a vegan physician for over 23 years, I

> > > have seen great health improvements in those who adopt

> > > completely plant-based diets - but more troubling, I

> > > have also been consulted by numerous individuals who

> > > have been vegan for many years and who are

> > > experiencing a " failure to thrive " syndrome of low

> > > energy levels, low muscle mass, pale appearance and

> > > sometimes, worsening of their health status, such as

> > > elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, etc.

> > > I deeply want to understand these effects so we can

> > > help everyone who wants to follow a purely vegan diet

> > > to do so with optimum benefit - and minimal risk - to

> > > their health. Thus, the Vegan Health Study is trying

> > > to identify those people who are thriving on vegan

> > > diets and to determine exactly what they are eating

> > > and what supplements they may be taking, as well as to

> > > characterize the food and supplement patterns of those

> > > who are not thriving.

> > >

> > > In analyzing the questionniare results, as well as

> > > through reviewing the medical and nutritional

> > > literature and performing extensive laboratory testing

> > > on over 40 participants, a number of conclusions have

> > > been reached that I feel you should know about - and

> > > which may help you adjust your dietary and supplement

> > > programs. A summary of the research findings and

> > > recommendations are contained in this e-mail. Briefly,

> > > it has become clear that, at the risk of stating the

> > > obvious, that nutritioun is important. Many of the

> > > participants who show the " failure to thrive " syndrome

> > > showed low levels of long-chain fatty acids like DHA

> > > and EPA, minerals such as zinc and magnesium, some

> > > amino acids (signifiying insufficient protein intake)

> > > as well as insufficient vitamin B-12. The specifics

> > > are contained in the attached summary of findings, and

> > > hopefully will be of value to you.

> > >

> > > Through the Vegan Health Study, we have much more work

> > > to do to gain a greater understanding of the long term

> > > health effects of vegan diets. In the future, we will

> > > be contacting you to invite you to complete a brief

> > > version of the questionnaire to determine if there

> > > have been any significant changes in your food choices

> > > or health status. (Of course, all information gathered

> > > remains absolutely anonymous and confidential.) A

> > > summary of what we learn through that questionnaire

> > > will, of course, be made available to you.

> > >

> > > Our 501©3 Institute of Nutrition Education and

> > > Research needs support to increase the value of the

> > > study by developing a stronger computer analysis tool

> > > which will permit us to tease out in greater detail

> > > the food and supplement patterns of those who are

> > > thriving - and those who are not. Financial support

> > > will also let us identify and test those special

> > > individuals who may hold important keys to

> > > understanding the effects of vegan nutrition, namely,

> > > people who have been vegan since birth, as well as

> > > vegan atheletes and those consuming exclusively raw

> > > food diets. Another area of great interest are the

> > > so-called " carni-nutrients " , like carnitine, taurine

> > > and other nutrients found almost exclusively in animal

> > > products. Could they hold the key to the " vegan

> > > failure to thrive syndrome? " Our current financial

> > > needs for computer programing and laboratory testing

> > > for the coming year is approximately $18,000. (Our

> > > staff, including myself, draw no salaries for this

> > > work.) If you would like to make a tax-deductible

> > > contribution to support our research, please send it

> > > to:

> > >

> > > The Institute of Nutrition Education and Research

> > > 1601 N. Sepulveda Ave.

> > > Suite 342

> > > Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

> > >

> > > You will receive a tax-deductible receipt in return.

> > >

> > > Again, I want to express my appreciation for your help

> > > in our Vegan Health Study. I look forward to your

> > > participation and to sharing our findings with you.

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > >

> > > Michael Klaper, M.D.

> > > Director

> > >

> > >

> >

> > --------------------------------


> > ------

> >

> > --------------------------------


> > ------

> > > ------

> > >

> > > Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary 2004

> > >

> > > A vegan diet is one that includes all foods of plant

> > > origin, but excludes all products of animal origin

> > > (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and honey).

> > > An estimated 1.9% of the American population follows a

> > > vegan diet. Common reasons for choosing a vegan diet

> > > include concerns about health, the environment, the

> > > treatment of animals, and world hunger. Today it is

> > > widely recognized that appropriately planned vegan

> > > diets are safe and adequate, and can offer health

> > > benefits where chronic disease is concerned. However,

> > > the research looking at the long-term health

> > > consequences of vegan diets is limited.

> > >

> > > The Vegan Health Study examines vegan health through

> > > analyzing questionnaires submitted by over 900

> > > participants who enrolled at the

> > > www.veganhealthstudy.org website and includes results

> > > of testing of blood and urine samples of some vegan

> > > participants. It incorporates findings of numerous

> > > surveys of the medical literature, and clinical

> > > interviews with many vegans in the past 7 years. This

> > > clinical summary presents observations derived from

> > > the Vegan Health Study and explores the practical

> > > implications of these findings.

> > >

> > > Specifically, it addresses three primary issues:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1. The major health advantages associated with

> > > vegan diets

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. The major risks for nutritional deficiencies

> > > and disease states associated with vegan diets

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3. Recommendations for dietary patterns that

> > > minimize risks and optimize health and function for

> > > long-term vegans.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Advantages and Benefits

> > >

> > > In recent years, vegan diets have been shown to exert

> > > protective effects against a number of chronic

> > > diseases and medical conditions, including

> > > cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain

> > > cancers,- as well some kidney disorders,

> > > immune-inflammatory diseases, toxin exposure, as well

> > > as some gastrointestinal diseases and eye disorders.

> > >

> > >

> > > Cardiovascular Disease

> > >

> > > Eating a vegan diet and incorporating prudent

> > > lifestyle practices (abstinence from tobacco, moderate

> > > exercise, etc.) is associated with:

> > >

> > > · Regression of coronary atherosclerosis and

> > > improved coronary perfusion with reduced frequency,

> > > duration and severity of angina.

> > >

> > > · Reduced oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and

> > > lower blood viscosity resulting in advantages to

> > > artery health.

> > >

> > > · Lower total and LDL cholesterol, and

> > > triglycerides.

> > >

> > > · Reduced rates of hypertension - if salt and

> > > refined carbohydrates are minimized (Note: Vegans can

> > > and do develop high blood pressure as they age and if

> > > they consume excessive salt and refined

> > > sugar-containing foods.)

> > >

> > >

> > > Type 2 Diabetes:

> > >

> > > Vegan diets that are high in whole, unrefined foods

> > > and low in refined carbohydrates, saturated fat,

> > > cholesterol, and trans fatty acids can offer

> > > significant benefits in both the prevention and

> > > treatment of type 2 diabetes. " Whole food-based "

> > > vegan diets improve insulin sensitivity, blood sugar

> > > control, reduce insulin requirements, and aid in

> > > weight loss in people who have type 2 diabetes. These

> > > advantages are thought to be largely due to the

> > > increased intakes of fiber, plant sterols and soy

> > > protein, and the reduced intakes of total fats and

> > > refined carbohydrates

> > >

> > >

> > > Cancer:

> > >

> > > There is significant evidence that vegans are at a

> > > reduced risk of prostate cancer and cancers of the

> > > colon and rectum.

> > >

> > > Prostate cancer - Vegan men appear have a reduced risk

> > > of prostate cancer. This is thought to be due to the

> > > reduced intake of meat and dairy products, and the

> > > increased intake of protective phytochemicals

> > >

> > > Cancers of the colon and rectum - both male and female

> > > vegans appear to enjoy a reduced risk of cancers of

> > > the colon and rectum. This is thought to be due

> > > largely to the reduced intake of meat and animal fats,

> > > and the increased intake of fiber and protective

> > > phytochemicals.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Genito-urinary Disorders:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Low fat, moderate protein-containing vegan diets

> > > appear to offer some protection against genito-urinary

> > > disorders; namely, such diets may:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Reduce painful menstrual cramps.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Preserve kidney function - high protein diets

> > > cause hyperfiltration of kidney filters.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Toxin Exposure:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > People consuming whole food-based, " organically-grown "

> > > vegan diets have reduced exposure to environmental

> > > toxins, especially mercury (associated with nervous

> > > system and kidney toxicity) and dioxins, associated

> > > with elevated risks for numerous types of cancers and

> > > birth defects.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The reduced toxin levels have favorable consequences

> > > for the breast milk of vegan mothers. While levels of

> > > hydrocarbon contaminants have been found to be

> > > elevated in the breast milk of omnivorous women,

> > > levels in vegans tend to be far lower.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Immune/Inflammatory Diseases:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegan diets appear to offer some protection against

> > > immune/inflammatory disorders, and there is some

> > > evidence that they may provide useful treatment for

> > > some of these conditions. Evidence suggests that vegan

> > > diets:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can effectively reduce symptoms of autoimmune

> > > diseases - rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing

> > > spondylitis, although findings are inconsistent for

> > > fibromyalgia.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can improve some skin conditions, such as

> > > atopic dermatitis.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can improve asthma symptoms.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Can possibly reduce severity and frequency of

> > > sinus infections.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Gastrointestinal Diseases:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Evidence suggests that vegans have lower rates of

> > > gastrointestinal disorders. This is thought to be due

> > > to the increased intakes of fiber-containing plant

> > > foods. Vegan diets have been found to:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Minimize risk of constipation, and provide

> > > effective treatment of constipation.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Reduce incidence of colonic diverticula.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > · Reduce incidence of gallstones

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Eye Diseases:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegan diets may reduce risk of age-related macular

> > > degeneration and cataracts. Dietary components that

> > > appear particularly protective include a variety of

> > > carotenoids, particularly zeaxanthin and lutein. These

> > > phytochemicals are concentrated in a variety of fruits

> > > and vegetables, especially dark greens such as

> > > collards and spinach.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Risks and Possible Disadvantages

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > While vegan diets offer considerable protection

> > > against many chronic diseases, the Vegan Health Study

> > > has found that vegans may be at increased risk for

> > > certain nutritional deficiencies. For optimal

> > > long-term health, it is essential that vegans are

> > > aware of the potential pitfalls, and make the

> > > necessary dietary adjustments to avoid them.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin Deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The Vegan Health Study confirms numerous other studies

> > > that vegans who do not supplement their diets with

> > > vitamin B-12 are at definite risk for deficiency of

> > > vitamin B12. The effects of vitamin B-12 deficiencies

> > > may appear as soon as 6 months after adopting a purely

> > > plant-based diet, or may not appear following

> > > consumption of an exclusively vegan diet for 10 years

> > > or more.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin B-12 deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin B12 deficiency has numerous negative

> > > consequences for health:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Artery Damage:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > When vitamin B12 levels fall, homocysteine levels in

> > > the blood begin to rise. Homocysteine is a waste

> > > product of the metabolism of the amino acid,

> > > methionine. Elevated levels of homocysteine can damage

> > > the inner surfaces of arteries and in doing so promote

> > > deposition of cholesterol plaques - thus elevating the

> > > risk of heart attacks and strokes.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Neurological Damage:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Peripheral nerves - numbness and tingling and burning

> > > sensation in extremities and profound muscular

> > > fatigue.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Spinal cord injury - a serious form - subacute

> > > combined degeneration - may cause paralysis and be

> > > irreversible.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Other neurological hazards of vitamin B12 deficiency:

> > > dementia and depression in adults.

> > >

> > > Risks to children:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If mother is B-12 deficient while pregnant: birth

> > > defects.

> > >

> > > If mother is B-12 deficient while breastfeeding:

> > > nerve and brain damage, poor weight gain and " failure

> > > to thrive syndrome. "

> > >

> > > If child is B-12 deficient during infancy and

> > > adolescence: impaired intellectual function

> > > impairment.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Blood system damage:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to macrocytic anemia

> > > (abnormal shape and function of red blood cells),

> > > causing weakness, fatigue, irritability and inability

> > > to concentrate.

> > >

> > >

> > > Vitamin D deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans who have limited exposure to warm sunshine,

> > > such as those living in northern climates, as well as

> > > those who have dark skin, and older adults, are at

> > > increased risk for vitamin D deficiency, leading to

> > > weakened bones. The vegetarian form of vitamin D

> > > (vitamin D2) is also 60 percent as available as the

> > > animal form (vitamin D3), which would raise

> > > requirements for vegans who rely on vitamin D2 in the

> > > form of supplements or fortified foods.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Mineral deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > > animal-derived foods.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Minerals Commonly Inadequate in Vegan Diets

> > >

> > >

> > > Iodine

> > >

> > > Vegans who do not include iodized salt or seaweeds in

> > > their diet appear are at increased risk of iodine

> > > deficiency, needed for production of vital thyroid

> > > hormones.

> > >

> > >

> > > Minerals Sometimes Inadequate in Vegan Diets

> > >

> > >

> > > Calcium

> > >

> > > Vegan women and men are not immune to osteoporosis and

> > > actually may be at greater risk for low bone density

> > > and possible fracture. I have seen several frankly

> > > osteoporotic men and women in my practice in the past

> > > 5 years. The osteoporosis observed in vegan women may

> > > be from failure to consume - or to absorb and utilize

> > > - sufficient calcium. Other factors may play roles,

> > > such as insufficient amounts and/or function of

> > > hormones like estrogen and testosterone, excessive

> > > intake or production of thyroid hormones, insufficient

> > > weight-bearing physical activity, and inadequate

> > > intake or absorption of trace minerals, including

> > > boron and vitamins, especially vitamin D and K.

> > >

> > >

> > > Iron

> > >

> > > Vegan iron intakes are often higher than that of

> > > non-vegetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians. Yet many

> > > vegans and vegetarians can show low levels of iron in

> > > the tissues (measured as ferritin) indicating low

> > > absorption of the iron they consume. Iron from

> > > vegetable sources is not as absorbable as iron from

> > > animal sources. This chemical difference, combined

> > > with insufficient intake of vitamin C, which

> > > facilitates iron absorption, can lead to low tissue

> > > levels.

> > >

> > >

> > > Zinc

> > >

> > > A significant percentage of vegans have zinc intakes

> > > below the RDA, and suboptimal zinc status. Absorption

> > > of zinc in vegan diets is reduced relative to those

> > > consuming non-vegetarian diets, probably because vegan

> > > diets are higher in phytates, which can significantly

> > > compromise zinc absorption, and lower in animal

> > > protein, which appears to enhance zinc absorption. To

> > > ensure sufficient zinc in vegan diets, intakes above

> > > the RDA may be required.

> > >

> > >

> > > Magnesium

> > >

> > > Magnesium is a metal required by hundreds of essential

> > > enzymes needed in energy production and vital tissue

> > > functions (blood, muscle, etc.)

> > >

> > > While vegan diets can be higher in magnesium than

> > > non-vegetarian diets, absorption may be lower due to

> > > higher fiber intakes.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Essential fat deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Long-term vegans commonly have low tissue levels of

> > > highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) of the omega-3

> > > family - namely, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid - 20

> > > carbon atoms in length) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid

> > > - 22 carbon atoms in length).

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Deficiencies in these fatty molecules may lead to dry

> > > skin and feelings of low energy levels. as well as

> > > increased risk for: cardiovascular disease, cancer,

> > > diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity,

> > > neurological/behavioral disorders such as Alzheimer's

> > > disease, depression, (possibly) ADHD, schizophrenia,

> > > immune/inflammatory disorders such as asthma,

> > > rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel

> > > diseases, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis. Also,

> > > deficiencies of EPA and DHA can lead to sub-optimal

> > > infant development with compromised brain function and

> > > reduced visual acuity.

> > >

> > > The primary reasons for depressed omega-3 fatty acid

> > > status in vegans are several fold:

> > >

> > > First, vegans consume insufficient amounts of

> > > alpha-linolenic acid (the essential omega-3 fatty

> > > acid found primarily in flaxseeds, hempseeds,

> > > canola oil, walnuts, green vegetables), relative to

> > > their intake of linoleic acid (the omega-6 fatty

> > > acid found in margarines, commercial mayonnaise and

> > > many salad dressings, crackers, chips cookies and

> > > snack foods, as well as cooking and other oils like

> > > safflower, grape seed, sunflower, corn oil [60-75%

> > > omega -6] soy, cottonseed oil and sesame [45-50% omega

> > > -6]).

> > >

> > > Second, vegans seldom consume the pre-formed

> > > omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which in

> > > non-vegetarian diets, come mainly from fish.

> > >

> > > Third, vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) and B3 (niacin)

> > > and C (ascorbic acid) as well as the element zinc are

> > > needed for the conversion of linolenic acid to EPA and

> > > DHA. Since these nutrients can be in short supply in a

> > > vegan diet that does not contain enough fresh fruits

> > > and vegetables or appropriate supplementation, long

> > > chain fatty acid deficiencies can result.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Protein deficiencies:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Although the majority of reports suggest adequate

> > > protein intakes in vegans, the Vegan Health Study has

> > > found that sub-optimal amino acid status (the

> > > " building blocks " of protein) can be common among

> > > vegans, and many of the vegans whose levels of amino

> > > acids were determined though blood testing showed low

> > > levels of some amino acids, especially the

> > > " branched-chain " ones, valine, leucine, and

> > > isoleucine.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans who do not consume enough sulfur-containing

> > > amino acids, particularly cysteine and methionine are

> > > at risk for reduced production of carnitine, a protein

> > > necessary for metabolizing fats for energy. Low levels

> > > of carnitine can lead to fatigue and reduced physical

> > > performance. A lack of these sulfur-containing amino

> > > acids also reduces the production of glutathione, a

> > > powerful antioxidant needed for detoxification of

> > > tissue- damaging free radicals, which can accelerate

> > > aging of tissues and increase cancer risk.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Organ dysfunction:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Heart and blood vessels:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Elevated blood cholesterol levels:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > While vegans generally have lower blood cholesterol

> > > levels relative to non-vegetarians, vegan diets do not

> > > impart immunity to elevated cholesterol and

> > > triglycerides. Those who consume a diet with:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (a) large amounts of refined carbohydrates (both

> > > sugars and starches found in highly processed

> > > breads and cereals, pastas, white rice, pretzels,

> > > pastries, candies, soft drinks, etc.),

> > >

> > > (b) trans fatty acids and deep-fried foods, and

> > >

> > > © insufficient fiber, and green and yellow

> > > vegetables,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > seem to be at higher risk to develop elevated blood

> > > cholesterol.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Elevated triglycerides:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans generally have lower levels of the blood-fat

> > > family of triglycerides than non-vegetarians; however

> > > those who consume excessive amounts of refined

> > > carbohydrates - both sugars and starches - commonly

> > > develop elevated levels of triglycerides, possibly

> > > elevating their risk of blood vessel disease.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > High blood pressure (hypertension):

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans are generally at an advantage were blood

> > > pressure is concerned; however those consuming a high

> > > sodium (salt) diets, combined with excessive stress

> > > levels and insufficient exercise can and do develop

> > > hypertension - leading to increased risk of heart

> > > attack and stroke. (Risk for hypertension is

> > > especially high if either parent or a sibling had high

> > > blood pressure.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Heart attacks:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans experience considerable protection against

> > > heart attacks, however, this advantage can be

> > > virtually negated in those consuming insufficient

> > > vitamin B12, with resulting elevated levels of

> > > artery-damaging homocysteine.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Bones:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Vegans are at definite risk for osteoporosis (despite

> > > lower protein intakes) if they do not consume and

> > > absorb enough calcium, magnesium, trace minerals like

> > > boron, zinc and manganese, as well as vitamins K and D

> > > - and get enough weight bearing exercise.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Tissue aging:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In the body, refined sugars are oxidized, forming

> > > " advanced glycosylation end products " ( " AGE's " ). These

> > > molecules then cross-link with protein strands

> > > throughout the body (the Maillard reaction) which

> > > causes stiffening and dysfunction of connective

> > > tissues in arteries, eye tissues, and other vital

> > > organs. Consequently, vegans who consume diets rich in

> > > refined sugars (candies, pastries, soft drinks) age

> > > their tissues prematurely through these dietary

> > > choices.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1. Make whole plant foods the foundation of your

> > > diet.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Emphasize (non-genetically modified, organically

> > > grown) whole foods ( " foods as grown " ). Include a

> > > variety of fresh, colorful vegetables, including green

> > > leafy vegetables on a daily basis, fruits, legumes,

> > > nuts, seeds and whole grains. (If there is any

> > > question of gluten intolerance - e.g. abdominal

> > > cramps, bloating, diarrhea or hives after eating

> > > wheat, barley, oats and rye, consider eliminating

> > > products made from those grains and emphasize

> > > low-gluten grains like quinoa, millet &

> > > buckwheat.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. Minimize refined carbohydrates - both sugars

> > > and starches.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Refined sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar,

> > > syrups, candy and sodas, as well as refined starches,

> > > such as white flour products and white rice

> > > products, crowd out foods that nourish and protect us,

> > > and contribute to a variety of health problems. These

> > > foods cause oxidative damage to tissues and contribute

> > > to premature aging of the body. They elevate blood

> > > sugar levels, adversely affect blood lipids

> > > (particularly triglycerides), and increase risk for

> > > type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes, as well as

> > > cardiovascular diseases and gastro- intestinal

> > > disorders.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3. Include a healthful intake and balance of essential

> > > fatty acids.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Aim for 3 to5 grams of alpha-linolenic acid per day

> > > for most adults. This can be achieved by consuming 2

> > > T. freshly ground flax seeds or 2 tsp. of fresh

> > > flaxseed oil daily (add to gravies, cereals,

> > > smoothies, salads, etc.), or an equal amount of

> > > alpha-linolenic acid from a combination of foods such

> > > as hempseed oil, hempseeds and walnuts. If taking

> > > omega-3 fats in the above forms is impractical or

> > > undesirable, consider taking an algae-derived DHA

> > > supplement (300 mg./day, in " vegi-cap " ), available at

> > > natural food stores. This is particularly important

> > > for those who may have increased needs (e.g. pregnant

> > > or lactating women), or reduced ability to convert

> > > alpha-linolenic acid to EPA and DHA (e.g. people with

> > > diabetes or hypertension).

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 4. Assure an adequate protein intake - approximately

> > > 60 to 70 grams per day for average vegan adults, and

> > > up to 90 grams per day for athletes and those with

> > > higher protein needs, like pregnant women and those

> > > healing fractures, burns and other wounds.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Liberally ingest protein-rich foods - lentils,

> > > chickpeas, beans, and other legumes, as well as nuts,

> > > seeds, and products made from them, tempeh, hummus,

> > > etc.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 5. Assure an adequate supply of trace minerals.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Consume ample helpings of dark green leafy vegetables,

> > > legumes, nuts, seeds, root vegetables and fruits. It

> > > is not enough to eat the minerals - you must absorb

> > > them. So, break up the plant fibers by chewing your

> > > foods well and/or using food preparations methods that

> > > help to break up plant fibers - cooking (e.g. soups or

> > > stews), grinding, juicing, grating or pureeing.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 6. Insure a reliable source of vitamin B12.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Reliable sources include fortified foods and

> > > supplements. Fortified foods such as non-dairy

> > > beverages (rice-based and soy-based drinks), Red Star

> > > nutritional yeast (Vegetarian Support Formula), and

> > > some cereals are good choices. Make food choices so

> > > consume at least 3 mcg. of B12 in total.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If there is any doubt that your intake of B-12 may not

> > > be sufficient (as is common with many long-term

> > > vegans), then a vitamin B12 supplement is advised.

> > > Take a sublingual " microdot " of approximately 1000

> > > mcg. - 2000 mcg. vitamin B12 at least once a week.

> > > When using large amounts of B-12, only 0.5 to 1.0%

> > > will be absorbed - thus high intakes are required to

> > > insure sufficient absorption.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 7. Keep sodium intake to not more than 2400 mg (1/2

> > > teaspoon of salt) per day, and preferably around 1800

> > > mg per day.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > About 75% of the sodium in most diets comes from

> > > processed foods, and about 20% is added at the table.

> > > This is one more reason to limit processed foods (meat

> > > analogs, canned soups, etc.). Use flavored vinegars,

> > > lemon juice and other low-sodium taste enhancers,

> > > rather than soy sauce and other salty seasonings

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Note: Athletes, especially those living in warm

> > > climates may require higher amounts of sodium in their

> > > diets.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 8. Eliminate trans fatty acids.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Commonly found in processed foods containing

> > > " hydrogenated vegetable oil, " " partially hydrogenated

> > > vegetable oil " or shortening (read the labels!), trans

> > > fatty acids distort the shape, flexibility and

> > > permeability of cell membranes, thus compromising

> > > their function and increasing risk for artery disease,

> > > type 2 diabetes, and possibly some cancers. Again,

> > > minimize processed foods and emphasize fresh, whole

> > > foods.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 9. Consider taking a (vegan) multi-vitamin/mineral

> > > supplement.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > If there is any question of adequate intake of any

> > > given vitamin, mineral or essential fat, consider

> > > taking a high-potency (vegetarian)

> > > multivitamin-mineral preparation (tablet or liquid or

> > > powder) daily, or approximately 2-3 times per week.

> > > This supplement should contain the following nutrients

> > > in approximately these amounts: iodine - 150 mcg.,

> > > zinc - 15 mg., copper - 1-2 mg., boron - 2 mg.,

> > > vitamin K - .5 mg., and vitamin D2 - 5 mcg (or

> > > approximately 400 International Units.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Other possibly helpful supplements to consider taking

> > > several times per week would be:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 1. a calcium/magnesium supplement (approximately 1000

> > > mg. of calcium and 800-1000 mg. of magnesium),

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. 300 mg of algae-derived DHA

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 3. 3 mcg. vitamin B12 daily in fortified foods

> > > or 1000 mcg. - 2000 mcg. vitamin B-12 weekly

> > > in a sublingual microdot supplement.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 4. If low energy levels or deficient

> > > muscle mass are concerns, additional nutrients, like

> > > taurine and carnitine may be of value.

> > > The Vegan Health Study will be researching these

> > > substances and will share recommendations about them

> > > with you in our next report.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 10. . Be sure to get a consistent reliable source of

> > > vitamin D.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The best place to get your vitamin D is sunshine. Aim

> > > for about 20-30 minutes on your face and forearms each

> > > day, and more if you have dark skin. (Such brief

> > > exposure times will not damage your skin or increase

> > > cancer risk, and will produce substantial benefits for

> > > your immune system.) If you live in a cooler climate,

> > > sunshine may not be intense enough to produce vitamin

> > > D during the winter months, and you will need to rely

> > > on fortified foods such as fortified non-dairy

> > > beverages or vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D3 is

> > > generally derived from animal sources, while vitamin

> > > D2 is plant-based. The recommended daily intake is

> > > approximately 5 mcg. or approximately 400

> > > International Units.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 11 Try to get 20 to 30 minutes of active,

> > > weight-bearing exercise

> > >

> > > at least every other day.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Include a balance of cardiovascular, flexibility and

> > > strength exercises.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > 12. For optimal health, a positive mental and

> > > emotional state is essential - and possibly more

> > > important - than nutritional intake. Life is about

> > > more than avoiding disease and death. Get as much

> > > love, laughter and meaningful service into your daily

> > > life as possible.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > (Acknowledgment and appreciation is expressed to

> > > Brenda Davis, R.D. and Vesanto Medina R.D. for their

> > > valuable contribution to these recommendations.)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > > Juno Gift Certificates

> > > Give the gift of Internet access this holiday season.

> > > http://www.juno.com/give

> > >

> > >

> > > ___

> > > The Bionomic Nutrition Forum

> > > http://www.soalive.biz

> > > FORUM_Digest also available

> > > [unless otherwise noted, this text is free to use by non-profit

> > organisations]

> > > by emailing the list server address ListServer@s...

> > > with the message text UNS FORUM

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >










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I'm mildly allergic to many fruits and vegetables and have to eat them in

small quantities only. One of the few exceptions is broccoli. I used to

eat broccoli pretty much every day. Then one day I had a slight bout of

food poisoning/stomach flu/whatever. After you've thrown up a large

quantity of broccolli it doesn't seem quite as appealing. I haven't

touched it in months. :(






> [Original Message]

> Jo bb <Heartwork


> 12/21/2004 1:22:40 PM


Michael Klaper




> That's right. I love green leaves of all kinds, and broccoli and carrots


> but sometimes realise my veggies have consisted of peppers and mushrooms


> a couple of days.


> Jo


> -

> " Sara " <gagrip5


> Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:11 PM

> Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael

> Klaper



> >

> >

> > I dunno. I bet most people don't eat enough green leafies.

> > Regardless, I would say their advice at the end is pretty sound.

> > Seems like most of the potential health problems from vegan diets

> > they talked about are related to badly-planned vegan diets. Like

> > people who eat nothing but things from the white food group (my term

> > for refined cr*p). Those of us who eat well and varied should be

> > good. As long as we include a B-12 source, of course.

> > Sara

> >

> > , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> > > as far as i know, magnesium is much easier to use in leafy greens

> > then in some hunk of flesh....again..as far as i know

> >

> >

> > Sara

> >

> > Maybe it is in a less bio-availible form? Our bodies can't digest

> > every single thing we put in or we could just eat hunks of zinc for

> > example.

> > Sara

> >

> > , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> > > i have an issue with the statement below

> >

> > i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole

> > thing

> >

> > but

> >

> > magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom

> >

> > its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....

> >

> > and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water

> >

> > and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in

> > it....

> >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > > > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > > > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > > > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > > > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > > > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > > > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > > > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > > > animal-derived foods.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to -

> >

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I take B12 supplements and kelp occasionaly but I had my blood tested when I was pregnant and my mineral and vitamin level was excellent. I also had an antioxidant skin test done a few months ago and my was one of the highest recorded in the U.K at 98,000,










Jo bb

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 8:08 PM

Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper




It is important to have wholefood, and to eat a lot of vegetables. The juice you mention sounds worth trying. I try to have a good diet, and take supplements - just to be sure.






Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:25 PM

Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper


Hi Jo,


I know of some people that try veganism but eat unhealthy diets of junk food ,refined carbs,

and have suffered from mineral deficiences and low energy levels. As Dr Klapper explains a whole food

diet is so important,- I've been vegan for 7 years and feel great ( I've never taken supplements).

Juicing is good for mineral absorption,- I have carrot/ spinach or kale, beetroot, apple juice everyday.

Omega 3 is very important aswell, found in nuts and seeds, but I think they put in margerines aswell now.









Jo bb

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:45 PM

Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

Hi JoanneThis is strange - I hadn't realised that unhealthy vegans existed inanything other than small numbers. It makes you wonder what they areeating - or not eating.Jo> > > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper> > >> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary> > > 2004> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/To send an email to - To send an email to - To send an email to -

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I’m not a fan of the idea of



Everything we need for our diet is in the

ground or hanging from a tree or in Marmite.






Andrew Barnes









Jo bb


21 December 2004 20:08


Re: Fw:











It is important to have wholefood,

and to eat a lot of vegetables. The juice you mention sounds worth

trying. I try to have a good diet, and take supplements - just to be






















December 21, 2004 4:25 PM




Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper






Hi Jo,






I know of some people

that try veganism but eat unhealthy diets of junk food ,refined carbs,



and have suffered from

mineral deficiences and low energy levels. As Dr Klapper explains a whole food



diet is so important,-

I've been vegan for 7 years and feel great ( I've never taken supplements).



Juicing is good for

mineral absorption,- I have carrot/ spinach or kale, beetroot, apple juice




Omega 3 is very important

aswell, found in nuts and seeds, but I think they put in margerines aswell now.

























Jo bb








December 21, 2004 2:45 PM




Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper





Hi Joanne


This is strange - I hadn't realised that unhealthy

vegans existed in

anything other than small numbers. It makes

you wonder what they are

eating - or not eating.





Michael Klaper

> > >

> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study -

Clinical Summary

> > > 2004

> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/






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You will come round to broccoli again soon. The same thing happened to me

with baked beans many years ago.





> I'm mildly allergic to many fruits and vegetables and have to eat them in

> small quantities only. One of the few exceptions is broccoli. I used to

> eat broccoli pretty much every day. Then one day I had a slight bout of

> food poisoning/stomach flu/whatever. After you've thrown up a large

> quantity of broccolli it doesn't seem quite as appealing. I haven't

> touched it in months. :(


> Love,

> Anna



> > [Original Message]

> > Jo bb <Heartwork

> >

> > 12/21/2004 1:22:40 PM


> Michael Klaper

> >

> >

> >

> > That's right. I love green leaves of all kinds, and broccoli and


> -

> > but sometimes realise my veggies have consisted of peppers and mushrooms

> for

> > a couple of days.

> >

> > Jo

> >

> > -

> > " Sara " <gagrip5

> >

> > Tuesday, December 21, 2004 6:11 PM

> > Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael

> > Klaper

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > I dunno. I bet most people don't eat enough green leafies.

> > > Regardless, I would say their advice at the end is pretty sound.

> > > Seems like most of the potential health problems from vegan diets

> > > they talked about are related to badly-planned vegan diets. Like

> > > people who eat nothing but things from the white food group (my term

> > > for refined cr*p). Those of us who eat well and varied should be

> > > good. As long as we include a B-12 source, of course.

> > > Sara

> > >

> > > , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> > > > as far as i know, magnesium is much easier to use in leafy greens

> > > then in some hunk of flesh....again..as far as i know

> > >

> > >

> > > Sara

> > >

> > > Maybe it is in a less bio-availible form? Our bodies can't digest

> > > every single thing we put in or we could just eat hunks of zinc for

> > > example.

> > > Sara

> > >

> > > , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> > > > i have an issue with the statement below

> > >

> > > i'll admit thats its past midnite, and i haven't read this whole

> > > thing

> > >

> > > but

> > >

> > > magnesium is very prevalent in the plant kingdom

> > >

> > > its a component of chlorophyll fer bacchus' sake....

> > >

> > > and,..beyond that, its in high concentrations in *hard* water

> > >

> > > and yer kidneys will stop excreting magnesium if yer body is low in

> > > it....

> > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > High fiber diets can conspire against effective

> > > > > mineral absorption because (a) minerals are bound

> > > > > tightly to phytate molecules in the plant fibers and

> > > > > (b) because the food mass moves through the intestine

> > > > > so quickly that there is less time for mineral

> > > > > absorption. In addition, some minerals, like iodine,

> > > > > magnesium and zinc, simply exist in far lower

> > > > > concentrations in plant-based foods than

> > > > > animal-derived foods.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > To send an email to -

> > >

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and even if the taste wasn't akin to ground up burnt crickets, the stuff is made from Bass yeast..which is owned by Coors(yeah, i got some weird issues....) Andrew Barnes Dec 22, 2004 12:50 AM RE: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper




I’m not a fan of the idea of supplements.


Everything we need for our diet is in the ground or hanging from a tree or in Marmite.






Andrew Barnes






Jo bb [Heartwork] 21 December 2004 20:08 Subject: Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper







It is important to have wholefood, and to eat a lot of vegetables. The juice you mention sounds worth trying. I try to have a good diet, and take supplements - just to be sure.












Tuesday, December 21, 2004 4:25 PM


Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper




Hi Jo,




I know of some people that try veganism but eat unhealthy diets of junk food ,refined carbs,


and have suffered from mineral deficiences and low energy levels. As Dr Klapper explains a whole food


diet is so important,- I've been vegan for 7 years and feel great ( I've never taken supplements).


Juicing is good for mineral absorption,- I have carrot/ spinach or kale, beetroot, apple juice everyday.


Omega 3 is very important aswell, found in nuts and seeds, but I think they put in margerines aswell now.

















Jo bb



Tuesday, December 21, 2004 2:45 PM


Re: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper



Hi JoanneThis is strange - I hadn't realised that unhealthy vegans existed inanything other than small numbers. It makes you wonder what they areeating - or not eating.Jo> > > IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper> > >> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study - Clinical Summary> > > 2004> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/To send an email to - To send an email to -

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This message is confidential and is intended for the addressee only; unless clearly stated that this disclaimer should not apply, this e-mail is not intended to create legally binding commitments on behalf of FDM Group Plc, nor do its contents reflect the corporate views or policies of FDM. Any unauthorised disclosure, use or dissemination, either whole or partial, is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of the message, please notify the sender immediately.______________________This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. Theservice is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactiveanti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:http://www.star.net.uk______________________To send an email to -






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Ok so I have heard conflicting issues on

this and I switch between real Marmite and the one in the health food shop

Though you don’t like the taste of

ground up crickets (apparently I do) is Marmite not vegan?






Andrew Barnes











22 December 2004 14:26


RE: Fw:











and even if the taste wasn't akin to ground up

burnt crickets, the stuff is made from Bass yeast..which is owned by

Coors(yeah, i got some weird issues....)




Andrew Barnes

Dec 22, 2004 12:50 AM

RE: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper




not a fan of the idea of supplements.




we need for our diet is in the ground or hanging from a tree or in Marmite.






Andrew Barnes













Jo bb


21 December 2004 20:08


Re: Fw:











It is important to have wholefood,

and to eat a lot of vegetables. The juice you mention sounds worth

trying. I try to have a good diet, and take supplements - just to be sure.





















December 21, 2004 4:25 PM




Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper






Hi Jo,






I know of some people

that try veganism but eat unhealthy diets of junk food ,refined carbs,



and have suffered from

mineral deficiences and low energy levels. As Dr Klapper explains a whole food



diet is so important,-

I've been vegan for 7 years and feel great ( I've never taken supplements).



Juicing is good for

mineral absorption,- I have carrot/ spinach or kale, beetroot, apple juice




Omega 3 is very important

aswell, found in nuts and seeds, but I think they put in margerines aswell now.

























Jo bb








December 21, 2004 2:45 PM




Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper





Hi Joanne


This is strange - I hadn't realised that unhealthy

vegans existed in

anything other than small numbers. It makes

you wonder what they are

eating - or not eating.





Michael Klaper

> > >

> > > Dr. Klaper's Vegan Health Study -

Clinical Summary

> > > 2004

> > > http://www.veganhealthstudy.org/






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This message is confidential and is intended for the addressee only; unless

clearly stated that this disclaimer should not apply, this e-mail is not

intended to create legally binding commitments on behalf of FDM Group Plc, nor

do its contents reflect the corporate views or policies of FDM. Any

unauthorised disclosure, use or dissemination, either whole or partial, is

prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of the message, please notify

the sender immediately.


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as far as i know, marmite is vegan...its essentially concentrated spent brewers yeats, with a few other things like salt added....in NZ they add sugar..but..thats another story...

my problem with it is..its definately an aquired taste, which i've apparantly never aquired..i want to update my assesment..it tastes like rancid burnt crickets

(tho, i describe a bunch of things as tasting like biurnt crickets..sooo..)

my main problem is the main component of the UK version is made using yeast from Bass...Coors is an owner of Bass...sorry.....i absolutely loathe Coors and everything the lil nazi's have done...

its a personal thing


fragglegan_chat] Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper





Ok so I have heard conflicting issues on this and I switch between real Marmite and the one in the health food shop

Though you don’t like the taste of ground up crickets (apparently I do) is Marmite not vegan?






Andrew Barnes


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The main vegan thing I struggle on is

keeping up with ethical companies.


i.e. Pringles are great crisps (and I

think the ingredients are vegan) but the are owned by an unethical parent

company so personally I steer clear.


What do Coors do to you?






Andrew Barnes

Account Manager


FDM Group

Lanchester House - Trafalgar Place -

Brighton - BN1 4FL

Tel: +44 (0)870 060 3100 - Fax: +44 (0)870 060 3101 - Mob: +44 (0)7970 075 905












22 December 2004 14:49


RE: Fw:







as far as i know, marmite is vegan...its essentially concentrated spent brewers

yeats, with a few other things like salt added....in NZ they add

sugar..but..thats another story...



my problem with it

is..its definately an aquired taste, which i've apparantly never aquired..i

want to update my assesment..it tastes like rancid burnt crickets



(tho, i describe a bunch

of things as tasting like biurnt crickets..sooo..)



my main problem is the

main component of the UK version is made using yeast from Bass...Coors is

an owner of Bass...sorry.....i absolutely loathe Coors and everything the lil

nazi's have done...



its a personal thing











gan_chat] Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper



so I have heard conflicting issues on this and I switch between real Marmite

and the one in the health food shop


you don’t like the taste of ground up crickets (apparently I do) is

Marmite not vegan?






Andrew Barnes










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This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star Internet. The

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the Adolph Coors brewing company has long been a nasty right wing brewing concern..

they use to hold Klan rallies on their property way back when

but..they are founders and major backers of the Heritage Foundation here in the colonies..

Heritage is a right wing think tank..the biggest actually..heritage is vehemently anti-union(as was Coors brewing), they helped compose newt gingrinches contract on america,...when bush jr first become president, he asked heritage to look over all of Clinton's executive decisions, and see which would be the best to overturn

Coors has had a long running problem with homophobia(namely they supported anti gay rights for years, and had to deal with numerous boycotts)(not just from gay rights groups, but latino's, women's rights groups. etc)

and Coors is just plan nasty beer..face it..even if they do have blue moon brewing..there beer is crap..(sorry..we all have lines)


Andrew Barnes Dec 22, 2004 6:51 AM RE: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper




The main vegan thing I struggle on is keeping up with ethical companies.


i.e. Pringles are great crisps (and I think the ingredients are vegan) but the are owned by an unethical parent company so personally I steer clear.


What do Coors do to you?






Andrew BarnesAccount Manager

FDM GroupLanchester House - Trafalgar Place - Brighton - BN1 4FLTel: +44 (0)870 060 3100 - Fax: +44 (0)870 060 3101 - Mob: +44 (0)7970 075 905andrew.barneswww.fdmgroup.com







fraggle [EBbrewpunx] 22 December 2004 14:49 Subject: RE: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper



as far as i know, marmite is vegan...its essentially concentrated spent brewers yeats, with a few other things like salt added....in NZ they add sugar..but..thats another story...


my problem with it is..its definately an aquired taste, which i've apparantly never aquired..i want to update my assesment..it tastes like rancid burnt crickets


(tho, i describe a bunch of things as tasting like biurnt crickets..sooo..)


my main problem is the main component of the UK version is made using yeast from Bass...Coors is an owner of Bass...sorry.....i absolutely loathe Coors and everything the lil nazi's have done...


its a personal thing




fragglegan_chat] Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper

Ok so I have heard conflicting issues on this and I switch between real Marmite and the one in the health food shop

Though you don’t like the taste of ground up crickets (apparently I do) is Marmite not vegan?






Andrew Barnes


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If it’s bad beer then we should be

against these people.


All the other stuff just adds weight to

the argument






Andrew Barnes












22 December 2004 15:19


RE: Fw:





the Adolph Coors brewing

company has long been a nasty right wing brewing concern..



they use to hold Klan

rallies on their property way back when



but..they are founders

and major backers of the Heritage Foundation here in the colonies..



Heritage is a right wing

think tank..the biggest actually..heritage is vehemently anti-union(as was

Coors brewing), they helped compose newt gingrinches contract on

america,...when bush jr first become president, he asked heritage to look over

all of Clinton's executive decisions, and see which would be the best to




Coors has had a long

running problem with homophobia(namely they supported anti gay rights for

years, and had to deal with numerous boycotts)(not just from gay rights groups,

but latino's, women's rights groups. etc)



and Coors is just plan

nasty beer..face it..even if they do have blue moon brewing..there beer is

crap..(sorry..we all have lines)










Andrew Barnes

Dec 22, 2004 6:51 AM

RE: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper




main vegan thing I struggle on is keeping up with ethical companies.




Pringles are great crisps (and I think the ingredients are vegan) but the are

owned by an unethical parent company so personally I steer clear.


What do

Coors do to you?






Andrew Barnes

Account Manager


FDM Group

Lanchester House - Trafalgar Place -

Brighton - BN1 4FL

Tel: +44 (0)870 060 3100 - Fax: +44 (0)870 060 3101 - Mob: +44 (0)7970 075 905
















22 December 2004 14:49


RE: Fw:







as far as i know, marmite is vegan...its essentially concentrated spent brewers

yeats, with a few other things like salt added....in NZ they add

sugar..but..thats another story...



my problem with it

is..its definately an aquired taste, which i've apparantly never aquired..i

want to update my assesment..it tastes like rancid burnt crickets



(tho, i describe a bunch

of things as tasting like biurnt crickets..sooo..)



my main problem is the

main component of the UK version is made using yeast from Bass...Coors is

an owner of Bass...sorry.....i absolutely loathe Coors and everything the lil

nazi's have done...



its a personal thing











gan_chat] Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper



so I have heard conflicting issues on this and I switch between real Marmite

and the one in the health food shop


you don’t like the taste of ground up crickets (apparently I do) is

Marmite not vegan?






Andrew Barnes











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too true..

ok..i need to go hoist a pint in joe strummer's name now



Andrew Barnes Dec 22, 2004 7:32 AM RE: Fw: IMPORTANT INFO FOR VEGANS from Dr. Michael Klaper






If it’s bad beer then we should be against these people.


All the other stuff just adds weight to the argument




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