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here..from the National Lawyers Guild Site



The NLG LGBT Committee is dismayed at the inroads Coors Beer is making into the

LGBT Community. The Committee will be attempting to take out ads in a few LGBT

papers around the country to educate people on Coors family funding of the right



What follws here is the text for LGBT newspaper ad and a more in depth article

on the connections between Coors and the homophobic reactionary right:




Buy a Coors, Coors Light, Killian’s Red, Zima, Keystone, Belgian White or Blue

Moon and you’re supporting anti-gay bigots.


A slick PR campaign has flooded our community with claims that Coors Brewing is

now our friend—that Coors has domestic partner benefits, sponsors LGBT groups

and events (usually in return for having the Coors logo prominently displayed),

and that there are gay members of the Coors family. Some of this is true, but

what they leave out is that the Coors family continues to give millions of

dollars to our enemies


FACT: Coors money founded the Heritage Foundation, America’s premier far-right

think tank, and the " cultural conservative " Free Congress Foundation. The Coors

family’s Castle Rock Foundation still gives these groups hundreds of thousands

dollars yearly.


FACT: The Castle Rock Foundation board includes William Coors (chairman of

Adolph Coors Co., which runs all the family businesses), brewery chairman Peter

Coors, Jeffrey Coors and Holland Coors.


FACT: Jeffrey Coors is CEO of Graphic Packaging International, a Coors spin-off

that provides packaging for Coors products. He’s also a board member of the

Free Congress Foundation (FCF)—and was its chair when FCF argued in a " friend

of the court " brief in the Hawaii marriage case that homosexuality is " repugnant

to... the laws of nature and nature’s God " and quoted Blackstone’s

description of sodomy as " an infamous crime against nature. " FCF is credited

with inventing the notion of a sinister " homosexual agenda " by sponsoring

publication of the viciously homophobic " The Homosexual Network " and " Gays, AIDS

and You. "


FACT: The Heritage Foundation criticized the Supreme Court for striking down

Colorado’s anti-gay Amendment 2, slammed the Legal Services Corporation for

" actions [that] advance the goals of homosexual activists, " and urged Congress

to keep a complete ban on gays and lesbians in the military.


FACT: Massive Coors family funding of right-wing homophobia continues today,

including Castle Rock grants to Heritage, Free Congress (run by anti-gay TV

commentator Paul Weyrich), the Center for Individual Rights, the Western

Journalism Center (run by homophobe Joseph Farah), the Center for the Study of

Popular Culture, Promise Keepers (a fundamentalist Christian group), the

Institute on Religion and Public Life and many other fiercely homophobic groups.


FACT: Jeffrey and Holland Coors and other family members have served on the

board of the Council for National Policy (CNP)--a veritable Who’s Who of the

anti-gay right, also supported by Castle Rock money. Members include Pat

Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Phyllis Schlafly, Oliver North, Gary Bauer, Ed Meese,

and Sen. Jesse Helms.


FACT: While most corporations (including other brewers) give to candidates on

both sides of the aisle, Coors’ corporate and PAC donations tilt heavily

toward far-right, anti-gay bigots.


The Coors family has a long history of supporting racist and anti-gay groups,

and their support of anti-gay bigots continues today. We could fill this

newspaper with more examples. When you buy Coors products, you enrich a family

that gives millions to our worst enemies.


Until the Coors family stops funding right-wing bigots:




Tell LGBT organizations and publications it is NOT OK to give a fig leaf to

bigotry by accepting Coors sponsorship and advertising.




For more information check:








For info on the environmental disasters that Coors has perpetrated on Colorado

see http://www.corporations.org/coors/index.html


You can find the IRS 990 forms for Castle Rock Foundation that lists amounts

given to these groups, and lists the board of directors at



Read Citizen Coors by Dan Baum


This ad sponsored by the LGBT Committee of the National Lawyers Guild. The

National Lawyers Guild has been a progressive voice in the legal community since

1937. Formed to support the New Deal, it was the first racially integrated

national bar association.

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