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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> http://www.drought.unl.edu/dm/current.html


Also as per Paul Zane Pilzer, technology will rise to the need and offer good

solutions to shortage of natural resources. However, in regards to water, wonder

if this will happen. The only reason we all live on this planet is because it

has water. Most solutions so far inregards to water shortage are expensive and

benefit only a limited portion of the society. What about all the rest of the

people ?


One way is perhaps to setup a lot of windmills, use the power from these to

distill the ocean water. But all these projects take time and are expensive.



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we already are

look at north africa and the sahel...

expect a crippling drought/water shortage from the Great Plains to the West within 10 yrs...

but..thats just my opinion... rvijay07 Jan 13, 2005 7:45 AM Re: drought , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:> http://www.drought.unl.edu/dm/current.htmlFrom the info. provided a good portion of the Western US seems to be affected by drought.Great link. Thanks. In your opinion in how many years will we see the Earth being affected by severe drought and water crisis ?Thanks.VijayTo send an email to -





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and then wot do we do with all the salt?

yer gonna have these high concentrations of salinated water and slurries near the desalination plants, all along the coasts....

coastlines are under enough pressure as it is...


and the "technology will find a way" approach is partially how we got in this mess in the first place


rvijay07 Jan 13, 2005 7:50 AM Re: drought , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:> http://www.drought.unl.edu/dm/current.htmlAlso as per Paul Zane Pilzer, technology will rise to the need and offer good solutions to shortage of natural resources. However, in regards to water, wonder if this will happen. The only reason we all live on this planet is because it has water. Most solutions so far inregards to water shortage are expensive and benefit only a limited portion of the society. What about all the rest of the people ?One way is perhaps to setup a lot of windmills, use the power from these to distill the ocean water. But all these projects take time and are expensive.VijayTo send an email to -





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Here is an opinion against the drought theory. As global warming increases more

water will be produced from melting glaciers etc., Hence, more floods can be

expected than droughts.



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i disagree...

while melting glaciers and ice caps will cause more flooding, it will be only in certain areas

bacchus help all of us who live on the coastline..

on the other paw..the loss of glacier on mountain peaks means that the slow percolation of water will end...

the west of the US is absolutely dependant on snowmelt...

think of those regions(like around Mt Kilamanjaro) that are dependent on glacier melt...

increased heating of the atmosphere will cause longer and more pronounced roughts/dry periods...

dust storms

this will cause loss of top soil and plant life

which will increase the likelihood of drought conditions...


now add in the loss of worldwide forests, grasslands, and the like...

not a pretty picture rvijay07 Jan 13, 2005 3:46 PM Re: drought Here is an opinion against the drought theory. As global warming increases more water will be produced from melting glaciers etc., Hence, more floods can be expected than droughts.VijayTo send an email to -





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its a complicated issue...

and its only going to get more so...

there are a million variables...

wait til malaria makes an appearance in alaska... rvijay07 Jan 13, 2005 4:08 PM Re: drought Fraggle is correct again. Due to overcultivation there is dessertification. UN Program/Awareness day in this regard !!!In the face of this biofuels are a scary topic.http://www.unccd.int/publicinfo/menu.phpVijayTo send an email to -





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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:



In regards to life in coastal areas, not all would be affected would they ? For

eg., Florida is so far away from glaciers. Those coastal areas closer to

glaciers would be affected more, wouldn't they ?



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Sometimes it is said that ignorance is bliss. The vast majority seem focused on

sales, celebrations, auto festivals etc., Maybe it is time for us also to get

out and have some fun while there is still time.



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if the polar ice caps melt, ALL coastal areas are gonna be affected...


if you pour water in a bathtub, doesn't it eventually reach the whole tub?


besides, florida ia already having problems..salinated water is permeating their aquifers and such...


not to mention they have to undue the damage they did to the everglades rvijay07 Jan 13, 2005 5:16 PM Re: drought , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:>In regards to life in coastal areas, not all would be affected would they ? For eg., Florida is so far away from glaciers. Those coastal areas closer to glaciers would be affected more, wouldn't they ?VijayTo send an email to -





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witht the establishment of a grass species or two on the southern most continent, expect the warmup to continue faster then..

snow and ice are white..reflect heat back

soil and grass are dark...absorb heat more readily rvijay07 Jan 13, 2005 6:44 PM Re: drought , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:>In regards to Malaria in Alaska, this doesn't seem to far off. See this thread below:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0%2C%2C2087-1415627%2C00.htmlVijayTo send an email to -





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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:



ALl this is true. Maybe then a good number of people will start migrating

towards the poles searching for better climate. At this rate, closer to the

equator etc., it may get unbearably hot.



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> , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:


Here is the fun part, in India oil is used to transport water. This way both get

depleted faster.


There are two solutions here:

1. Go Solar in a big way fast (With global warming this makes more sense)

2. Reduce population growth.


What are the chances of this happening ? Any other solutions ?



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yeah..i'm sure cananda and alaska are gonna enjoy hordes of people massing northward


and..lets not forget the ginornous environmental damage...

where are caribou suppose to move?

polar bears?? show em on a space shuttle to pluto?

besides, as ecosystems move northward, they are gonna run into lil problems, namely us...


they've already got "drunken forest" problems in alaska...

and huge beetle infestations....

rvijay07 Jan 14, 2005 2:34 AM Re: drought , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:>ALl this is true. Maybe then a good number of people will start migrating towards the poles searching for better climate. At this rate, closer to the equator etc., it may get unbearably hot.Vijay To send an email to -





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petroleum is used to move water all over the globe...


so, is the earth doomed to look like the fabled canals of Lowell's Mars? rvijay07 Jan 14, 2005 5:15 AM Re: drought > , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:Here is the fun part, in India oil is used to transport water. This way both get depleted faster.There are two solutions here:1. Go Solar in a big way fast (With global warming this makes more sense)2. Reduce population growth.What are the chances of this happening ? Any other solutions ?Vijay To send an email to -





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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:



If all the big things happen then local small pockets of people who are well

prepared to do things from scratch and well equippend/stocked may survive.

Hence, it is very important to be aware of local factors. One needs to be very

creative and think out of the box.


For eg., When all these things happen local emergency service may not be




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Thinking about what will happen to the World is too stressful. One can't take

responsibility for it and feel depressed. See it from afar and make impersonal

decisions. Help other to the best extent possible. Finally, I wish for a fast,

painless death should nature decide to hit where I live.



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