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Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination

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Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination


Oil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began, briefly topping

a record $58 a barrel on Monday. While the Bush administration is fond of

blaming oil prices on OPEC, the group says the pricing is beyond their control.

We take a look at the current state of oil with Jim Paul of the Global Policy

Forum and Michael Klare, author of " Blood and Oil.†[includes rush transcript]


When you ask most people in the world why the US invaded Iraq, the majority

would probably include oil in their answer. But now, two years after the

invasion began, oil prices have not only not gone down for U.S. consumers - they

have actually gone up. And in dramatic form.

Oil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began and gas is

costing US motorists an average of $2.15 a gallon. Yesterday, oil prices briefly

topped $58 a barrel, causing some shock waves on the markets. The Bush

administration is fond of blaming oil prices on OPEC - the Organization of

Petroleum Exporting Countries. But OPEC officials say the pricing is beyond

their control. So what is driving this so-called crisis? To discuss this, we are

joined by two guests.



Jim Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He is based at the United

Nations and monitors events there. He has authored a number of reports on oil

companies and Iraq.

Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire

College. His latest book is called " Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences

of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum. "




AMY GOODMAN: To discuss this we're joined by two guests in our studio. Jim Paul

is here. He’s the Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He's based at the

United Nations and monitors events there. He's authored a number of reports on

oil companies in Iraq. They can be found at www.globalpolicy.org. On the line

with us from Massachusetts, Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Study --

World Security Studies at Hampshire College. His latest book is called Blood and

Oil. We welcome you both to Democracy Now! Jim Paul, let's begin with you.

What's going on? Why are these prices soaring?


JIM PAUL: Well, Amy, there's two different elements to this. One is the

temporary conjuncture in the oil markets which include things like the refinery

fire in the United States and other factors like that. The situation in Iraq is

also an element of that type. But, more fundamentally, the markets are moving

higher and higher because it looks like the world is actually running out of

oil. There's been a big dispute about this in the oil industry for a long time;

but the Unocal takeover is one example of this. The oil companies can't find

more oil, and so they're buying other companies in order to increase their

reserves. This is, I think, the most explosive aspect to this issue.


AMY GOODMAN: Professor Michael Klare, do you agree?


MICHAEL KLARE: Yes. I generally agree. I think we have to even elaborate on what

Jim Paul said. We’re facing a structural change in the oil and energy industry

that's likely to be permanent, and that structural change is that the output

cannot keep up with demand; and what you have to add to the equation is surging

demand for oil around the world, especially in the United States and China and

Japan, Europe and India. And the global oil industry is simply not capable of

satisfying this rising level of demand and won't be so far as we could tell for

the rest of the petroleum era. So there's going to be intense competition. And

then you add on top of that political instability in Venezuela and Nigeria and

Angola and Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and you can understand why prices are so high.


AMY GOODMAN: Did the invasion of Iraq have any effect?


MICHAEL KLARE: Certainly, it has, because the invasion of Iraq which was

supposed to produce greater stability in the Persian Gulf, and therefore

facilitate higher levels of output has had the opposite effect. It has promoted

instability in the region. It's invited a massive insurgency, which regularly

attacks oil facilities and pipelines. And it's led to terrorism and instability

in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region. So there's no greater

stability, and when things become tormented like this, oil deliveries drop.


AMY GOODMAN: There is a lot of blaming of OPEC. Is OPEC in control of this, Jim



JIM PAUL: I don't think OPEC is in control of it. These are -- as Mike was just

saying, these are forces that are much bigger than OPEC. OPEC 's own production

is pretty high in terms of its capacity right now. Only Saudi Arabia has a very,

very small amount of swing production left; and so I don't think we can blame it

on OPEC at all.


AMY GOODMAN: So what's going to happen right now, Michael Klare, around this



MICHAEL KLARE: You're going to see oil and energy become the central political

issue of the coming future. I sense as I travel around the country that people

in the United States are becoming much more aware of the issue of peak oil that

Jim alluded to before, the notion that we're reaching the moment when global oil

output will reach its peak or maximum level and then drop, making oil less and

less available, more competition, more stress. People are beginning to

understand that this will affect everything in America because we're so

dependent on oil that it's going to challenge our way of life; and I think

people are beginning to understand this.


AMY GOODMAN: Jim Paul, does global warming play a role?


JIM PAUL: Yes, it certainly does. It's well understood that the carbon emissions

that result from burning this stuff are causing global warming, or are a main

cause of it. And so, it's very likely that, as understanding of this increases

and political momentum develops for regulating it, there are going to be

regulatory rules that are going to cut down on the possibility of producing and

burning petroleum; and this is one of the many factors that has the markets

worried and the companies themselves, even though they're making record profits

right now.


AMY GOODMAN: What about Venezuela, Michael Klare? You mention it, one of the

major oil suppliers in the world. What role does oil play in the U.S. while many

have said trying to topple the President Hugo Chavez?


MICHAEL KLARE: Well, this is part -- Amy, this is part of a global struggle. The

United States under the Bush-Cheney administration is committed to perpetuating

our dependence on oil. And the only way we could do that is by procuring more

and more of the rest of the world's oil. I mean everywhere: Africa, Latin

America, the Middle East, Central Asia. We need more and more of all of those

places' oil, and any time somebody stands in the way of that, like Hugo Chavez,

and says, ‘Wait a minute. We want to control our own oil destiny. We want to

produce it at a rate that's good for our economy, and, in fact, we want to use

our oil to boost regional Latin American development, rather than satisfy

American consumers,’ this is a direct assault on the oil-driven foreign policy

of the Bush administration. So it's hardly surprising, I think, that the

administration is seeking to undermine Hugo Chavez, and I'm sure they're working

on that night and day.


AMY GOODMAN: Talking about other conflict areas, Jim Paul, what about Sudan?


JIM PAUL: Well, Sudan is a place where U.S. and China have more or less come

head-to-head. It's one of a quite a few countries where that's been happening.

The Chinese have an enormous interest in developing their external oil

resources, because they need to import maybe as many as five million barrels a

day from the Middle East area. And they started developing oil in Sudan, and the

U.S. and the U.K. companies didn't like that. They were shut out. So we have a

very, very tough and very nasty, virtually genocidal conflict going on in Sudan;

and I think quite a bit of it can be traced to the conflicts of oil interests



AMY GOODMAN: Michael Klare, what about the Senate voting to drill in the Arctic

National Wildlife Refuge?


MICHAEL KLARE: This, I think, is a form of delusion. It is smoke and mirrors to

distract the American public from the reality of the Bush plan. I think

Americans understand that our dependence on imported oil is a threat to our

well-being. I think that's well understood. So Bush says, ‘I have a solution

to that. We'll drill in ANWAR and become independent.’ Well, he's lying.

Because there's no way that ANWAR, even if it has all the oil they claim it

does, is going to diminish our dependence on imported oil one bit. We will

continue to be ever more dependent on imported oil. But it's a way of

distracting the public from the reality of our predicament.


AMY GOODMAN: What, Michael Klare, are the alternatives?


MICHAEL KLARE: The alternatives are to reduce our dependence on petroleum,

period. There's no way you could separate our dependence on foreign petroleum

from our dependence on petroleum in general. We simply have to find ways to

reduce our consumption; and that means primarily in transportation, because

that's where we use most of our oil. It means driving fewer miles or driving

more fuel-efficient vehicles like hybrids or very fuel-efficient diesels. There

isn't any other solution. Oh, and public transit, of course.


AMY GOODMAN: In a piece you did for the Los Angeles Times on Sunday called,

“Arctic Drilling is No Energy Answer,†you mention the Cheney report, the

whole report on energy policy (which we haven't heard very much about lately),

the litigation over it, the demand that he reveal who it was he consulted with.

But what ultimately came of that? Is it a push for dependence on oil or not?


MICHAEL KLARE: Absolutely. This is a blueprint for the preservation of the

existing energy paradigm in the United States, which is big oil, big coal,

nuclear power, automobiles, and highways. That's our existing energy paradigm,

and the Bush plan is 100% committed to preserving that for another 20 years or

so. And the only way they could do that is to increase America's procurement of

foreign oil. So what the Bush energy plan really is, is a blueprint to go after

the oil of Colombia, Venezuela, Angola, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran,

Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. That's the essence of the strategy; and I think

the war in Iraq which followed that was partly shaped by that blueprint.


AMY GOODMAN: I want to thank you both very much for being with us, Michael

Klare, Professor at Hampshire College, author of the book, Blood and Oil, and

Jim Paul in our studio, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum.



Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fall

How can you refuse it?

Let fury have the hour, anger can be power

D'you know that you can use it?

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The supposed cost increase is going out in those nifty little checks folks who own stocks get. My cousin has stocks from way back when and she told us that for years she's been getting double digit checks. For the last 4 years they have been climbing and now they are triple digit.


I figure a sure cure would be to take away the per diem and car allowances from those in the DC whorehouse and when they scream in pain from paying like regular folks then something might get done.


As to the rise in the cost of diesel, it goes up every spring so they can gouge the farmers! What a lovely world we live in!






; lettuceheads ; TFHB

Tuesday, April 05, 2005 1:03 PM

Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination

Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of DominationOil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began, briefly topping a record $58 a barrel on Monday. While the Bush administration is fond of blaming oil prices on OPEC, the group says the pricing is beyond their control. We take a look at the current state of oil with Jim Paul of the Global Policy Forum and Michael Klare, author of "Blood and Oil.†[includes rush transcript] --When you ask most people in the world why the US invaded Iraq, the majority would probably include oil in their answer. But now, two years after the invasion began, oil prices have not only not gone down for U.S. consumers - they have actually gone up. And in dramatic form. Oil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began and gas is costing US motorists an average of $2.15 a gallon. Yesterday, oil prices briefly topped $58 a barrel, causing some shock waves on the markets. The Bush administration is fond of blaming oil prices on OPEC - the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. But OPEC officials say the pricing is beyond their control. So what is driving this so-called crisis? To discuss this, we are joined by two guests. Jim Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He is based at the United Nations and monitors events there. He has authored a number of reports on oil companies and Iraq. Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College. His latest book is called "Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum."AMY GOODMAN: To discuss this we're joined by two guests in our studio. Jim Paul is here. He’s the Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He's based at the United Nations and monitors events there. He's authored a number of reports on oil companies in Iraq. They can be found at www.globalpolicy.org. On the line with us from Massachusetts, Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Study -- World Security Studies at Hampshire College. His latest book is called Blood and Oil. We welcome you both to Democracy Now! Jim Paul, let's begin with you. What's going on? Why are these prices soaring? JIM PAUL: Well, Amy, there's two different elements to this. One is the temporary conjuncture in the oil markets which include things like the refinery fire in the United States and other factors like that. The situation in Iraq is also an element of that type. But, more fundamentally, the markets are moving higher and higher because it looks like the world is actually running out of oil. There's been a big dispute about this in the oil industry for a long time; but the Unocal takeover is one example of this. The oil companies can't find more oil, and so they're buying other companies in order to increase their reserves. This is, I think, the most explosive aspect to this issue. AMY GOODMAN: Professor Michael Klare, do you agree? MICHAEL KLARE: Yes. I generally agree. I think we have to even elaborate on what Jim Paul said. We’re facing a structural change in the oil and energy industry that's likely to be permanent, and that structural change is that the output cannot keep up with demand; and what you have to add to the equation is surging demand for oil around the world, especially in the United States and China and Japan, Europe and India. And the global oil industry is simply not capable of satisfying this rising level of demand and won't be so far as we could tell for the rest of the petroleum era. So there's going to be intense competition. And then you add on top of that political instability in Venezuela and Nigeria and Angola and Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and you can understand why prices are so high. AMY GOODMAN: Did the invasion of Iraq have any effect? MICHAEL KLARE: Certainly, it has, because the invasion of Iraq which was supposed to produce greater stability in the Persian Gulf, and therefore facilitate higher levels of output has had the opposite effect. It has promoted instability in the region. It's invited a massive insurgency, which regularly attacks oil facilities and pipelines. And it's led to terrorism and instability in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region. So there's no greater stability, and when things become tormented like this, oil deliveries drop. AMY GOODMAN: There is a lot of blaming of OPEC. Is OPEC in control of this, Jim Paul? JIM PAUL: I don't think OPEC is in control of it. These are -- as Mike was just saying, these are forces that are much bigger than OPEC. OPEC 's own production is pretty high in terms of its capacity right now. Only Saudi Arabia has a very, very small amount of swing production left; and so I don't think we can blame it on OPEC at all. AMY GOODMAN: So what's going to happen right now, Michael Klare, around this issue? MICHAEL KLARE: You're going to see oil and energy become the central political issue of the coming future. I sense as I travel around the country that people in the United States are becoming much more aware of the issue of peak oil that Jim alluded to before, the notion that we're reaching the moment when global oil output will reach its peak or maximum level and then drop, making oil less and less available, more competition, more stress. People are beginning to understand that this will affect everything in America because we're so dependent on oil that it's going to challenge our way of life; and I think people are beginning to understand this. AMY GOODMAN: Jim Paul, does global warming play a role? JIM PAUL: Yes, it certainly does. It's well understood that the carbon emissions that result from burning this stuff are causing global warming, or are a main cause of it. And so, it's very likely that, as understanding of this increases and political momentum develops for regulating it, there are going to be regulatory rules that are going to cut down on the possibility of producing and burning petroleum; and this is one of the many factors that has the markets worried and the companies themselves, even though they're making record profits right now. AMY GOODMAN: What about Venezuela, Michael Klare? You mention it, one of the major oil suppliers in the world. What role does oil play in the U.S. while many have said trying to topple the President Hugo Chavez? MICHAEL KLARE: Well, this is part -- Amy, this is part of a global struggle. The United States under the Bush-Cheney administration is committed to perpetuating our dependence on oil. And the only way we could do that is by procuring more and more of the rest of the world's oil. I mean everywhere: Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia. We need more and more of all of those places' oil, and any time somebody stands in the way of that, like Hugo Chavez, and says, ‘Wait a minute. We want to control our own oil destiny. We want to produce it at a rate that's good for our economy, and, in fact, we want to use our oil to boost regional Latin American development, rather than satisfy American consumers,’ this is a direct assault on the oil-driven foreign policy of the Bush administration. So it's hardly surprising, I think, that the administration is seeking to undermine Hugo Chavez, and I'm sure they're working on that night and day. AMY GOODMAN: Talking about other conflict areas, Jim Paul, what about Sudan? JIM PAUL: Well, Sudan is a place where U.S. and China have more or less come head-to-head. It's one of a quite a few countries where that's been happening. The Chinese have an enormous interest in developing their external oil resources, because they need to import maybe as many as five million barrels a day from the Middle East area. And they started developing oil in Sudan, and the U.S. and the U.K. companies didn't like that. They were shut out. So we have a very, very tough and very nasty, virtually genocidal conflict going on in Sudan; and I think quite a bit of it can be traced to the conflicts of oil interests there. AMY GOODMAN: Michael Klare, what about the Senate voting to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? MICHAEL KLARE: This, I think, is a form of delusion. It is smoke and mirrors to distract the American public from the reality of the Bush plan. I think Americans understand that our dependence on imported oil is a threat to our well-being. I think that's well understood. So Bush says, ‘I have a solution to that. We'll drill in ANWAR and become independent.’ Well, he's lying. Because there's no way that ANWAR, even if it has all the oil they claim it does, is going to diminish our dependence on imported oil one bit. We will continue to be ever more dependent on imported oil. But it's a way of distracting the public from the reality of our predicament. AMY GOODMAN: What, Michael Klare, are the alternatives? MICHAEL KLARE: The alternatives are to reduce our dependence on petroleum, period. There's no way you could separate our dependence on foreign petroleum from our dependence on petroleum in general. We simply have to find ways to reduce our consumption; and that means primarily in transportation, because that's where we use most of our oil. It means driving fewer miles or driving more fuel-efficient vehicles like hybrids or very fuel-efficient diesels. There isn't any other solution. Oh, and public transit, of course. AMY GOODMAN: In a piece you did for the Los Angeles Times on Sunday called, “Arctic Drilling is No Energy Answer,†you mention the Cheney report, the whole report on energy policy (which we haven't heard very much about lately), the litigation over it, the demand that he reveal who it was he consulted with. But what ultimately came of that? Is it a push for dependence on oil or not? MICHAEL KLARE: Absolutely. This is a blueprint for the preservation of the existing energy paradigm in the United States, which is big oil, big coal, nuclear power, automobiles, and highways. That's our existing energy paradigm, and the Bush plan is 100% committed to preserving that for another 20 years or so. And the only way they could do that is to increase America's procurement of foreign oil. So what the Bush energy plan really is, is a blueprint to go after the oil of Colombia, Venezuela, Angola, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. That's the essence of the strategy; and I think the war in Iraq which followed that was partly shaped by that blueprint. AMY GOODMAN: I want to thank you both very much for being with us, Michael Klare, Professor at Hampshire College, author of the book, Blood and Oil, and Jim Paul in our studio, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fallHow can you refuse it?Let fury have the hour, anger can be powerD'you know that you can use it?To send an email to -

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What are you lot moaning about - our petrol costs 85.9 pence per litre! Oh

for those low US prices.






" fraggle " <EBbrewpunx

; <lettuceheads >;


Tuesday, April 05, 2005 9:03 PM

Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination




Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination


Oil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began, briefly

topping a record $58 a barrel on Monday. While the Bush administration is

fond of blaming oil prices on OPEC, the group says the pricing is beyond

their control. We take a look at the current state of oil with Jim Paul of

the Global Policy Forum and Michael Klare, author of " Blood and Oil.â?

[includes rush transcript]



When you ask most people in the world why the US invaded Iraq, the majority

would probably include oil in their answer. But now, two years after the

invasion began, oil prices have not only not gone down for U.S. consumers -

they have actually gone up. And in dramatic form.

Oil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began and gas is

costing US motorists an average of $2.15 a gallon. Yesterday, oil prices

briefly topped $58 a barrel, causing some shock waves on the markets. The

Bush administration is fond of blaming oil prices on OPEC - the Organization

of Petroleum Exporting Countries. But OPEC officials say the pricing is

beyond their control. So what is driving this so-called crisis? To discuss

this, we are joined by two guests.



Jim Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He is based at the

United Nations and monitors events there. He has authored a number of

reports on oil companies and Iraq.

Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire

College. His latest book is called " Blood and Oil: The Dangers and

Consequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum. "




AMY GOODMAN: To discuss this we're joined by two guests in our studio. Jim

Paul is here. Heâ?Ts the Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He's

based at the United Nations and monitors events there. He's authored a

number of reports on oil companies in Iraq. They can be found at

www.globalpolicy.org. On the line with us from Massachusetts, Michael Klare,

Professor of Peace and World Study -- World Security Studies at Hampshire

College. His latest book is called Blood and Oil. We welcome you both to

Democracy Now! Jim Paul, let's begin with you. What's going on? Why are

these prices soaring?


JIM PAUL: Well, Amy, there's two different elements to this. One is the

temporary conjuncture in the oil markets which include things like the

refinery fire in the United States and other factors like that. The

situation in Iraq is also an element of that type. But, more fundamentally,

the markets are moving higher and higher because it looks like the world is

actually running out of oil. There's been a big dispute about this in the

oil industry for a long time; but the Unocal takeover is one example of

this. The oil companies can't find more oil, and so they're buying other

companies in order to increase their reserves. This is, I think, the most

explosive aspect to this issue.


AMY GOODMAN: Professor Michael Klare, do you agree?


MICHAEL KLARE: Yes. I generally agree. I think we have to even elaborate on

what Jim Paul said. Weâ?Tre facing a structural change in the oil and energy

industry that's likely to be permanent, and that structural change is that

the output cannot keep up with demand; and what you have to add to the

equation is surging demand for oil around the world, especially in the

United States and China and Japan, Europe and India. And the global oil

industry is simply not capable of satisfying this rising level of demand and

won't be so far as we could tell for the rest of the petroleum era. So

there's going to be intense competition. And then you add on top of that

political instability in Venezuela and Nigeria and Angola and Saudi Arabia

and Iraq, and you can understand why prices are so high.


AMY GOODMAN: Did the invasion of Iraq have any effect?


MICHAEL KLARE: Certainly, it has, because the invasion of Iraq which was

supposed to produce greater stability in the Persian Gulf, and therefore

facilitate higher levels of output has had the opposite effect. It has

promoted instability in the region. It's invited a massive insurgency, which

regularly attacks oil facilities and pipelines. And it's led to terrorism

and instability in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region. So

there's no greater stability, and when things become tormented like this,

oil deliveries drop.


AMY GOODMAN: There is a lot of blaming of OPEC. Is OPEC in control of this,

Jim Paul?


JIM PAUL: I don't think OPEC is in control of it. These are -- as Mike was

just saying, these are forces that are much bigger than OPEC. OPEC 's own

production is pretty high in terms of its capacity right now. Only Saudi

Arabia has a very, very small amount of swing production left; and so I

don't think we can blame it on OPEC at all.


AMY GOODMAN: So what's going to happen right now, Michael Klare, around this



MICHAEL KLARE: You're going to see oil and energy become the central

political issue of the coming future. I sense as I travel around the country

that people in the United States are becoming much more aware of the issue

of peak oil that Jim alluded to before, the notion that we're reaching the

moment when global oil output will reach its peak or maximum level and then

drop, making oil less and less available, more competition, more stress.

People are beginning to understand that this will affect everything in

America because we're so dependent on oil that it's going to challenge our

way of life; and I think people are beginning to understand this.


AMY GOODMAN: Jim Paul, does global warming play a role?


JIM PAUL: Yes, it certainly does. It's well understood that the carbon

emissions that result from burning this stuff are causing global warming, or

are a main cause of it. And so, it's very likely that, as understanding of

this increases and political momentum develops for regulating it, there are

going to be regulatory rules that are going to cut down on the possibility

of producing and burning petroleum; and this is one of the many factors that

has the markets worried and the companies themselves, even though they're

making record profits right now.


AMY GOODMAN: What about Venezuela, Michael Klare? You mention it, one of the

major oil suppliers in the world. What role does oil play in the U.S. while

many have said trying to topple the President Hugo Chavez?


MICHAEL KLARE: Well, this is part -- Amy, this is part of a global struggle.

The United States under the Bush-Cheney administration is committed to

perpetuating our dependence on oil. And the only way we could do that is by

procuring more and more of the rest of the world's oil. I mean everywhere:

Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia. We need more and more

of all of those places' oil, and any time somebody stands in the way of

that, like Hugo Chavez, and says, â?~Wait a minute. We want to control our

own oil destiny. We want to produce it at a rate that's good for our

economy, and, in fact, we want to use our oil to boost regional Latin

American development, rather than satisfy American consumers,â?T this is a

direct assault on the oil-driven foreign policy of the Bush administration.

So it's hardly surprising, I think, that the administration is seeking to

undermine Hugo Chavez, and I'm sure they're working on that night and day.


AMY GOODMAN: Talking about other conflict areas, Jim Paul, what about Sudan?


JIM PAUL: Well, Sudan is a place where U.S. and China have more or less come

head-to-head. It's one of a quite a few countries where that's been

happening. The Chinese have an enormous interest in developing their

external oil resources, because they need to import maybe as many as five

million barrels a day from the Middle East area. And they started developing

oil in Sudan, and the U.S. and the U.K. companies didn't like that. They

were shut out. So we have a very, very tough and very nasty, virtually

genocidal conflict going on in Sudan; and I think quite a bit of it can be

traced to the conflicts of oil interests there.


AMY GOODMAN: Michael Klare, what about the Senate voting to drill in the

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?


MICHAEL KLARE: This, I think, is a form of delusion. It is smoke and mirrors

to distract the American public from the reality of the Bush plan. I think

Americans understand that our dependence on imported oil is a threat to our

well-being. I think that's well understood. So Bush says, â?~I have a

solution to that. We'll drill in ANWAR and become independent.â?T Well, he's

lying. Because there's no way that ANWAR, even if it has all the oil they

claim it does, is going to diminish our dependence on imported oil one bit.

We will continue to be ever more dependent on imported oil. But it's a way

of distracting the public from the reality of our predicament.


AMY GOODMAN: What, Michael Klare, are the alternatives?


MICHAEL KLARE: The alternatives are to reduce our dependence on petroleum,

period. There's no way you could separate our dependence on foreign

petroleum from our dependence on petroleum in general. We simply have to

find ways to reduce our consumption; and that means primarily in

transportation, because that's where we use most of our oil. It means

driving fewer miles or driving more fuel-efficient vehicles like hybrids or

very fuel-efficient diesels. There isn't any other solution. Oh, and public

transit, of course.


AMY GOODMAN: In a piece you did for the Los Angeles Times on Sunday called,

â?oArctic Drilling is No Energy Answer,â? you mention the Cheney report,

the whole report on energy policy (which we haven't heard very much about

lately), the litigation over it, the demand that he reveal who it was he

consulted with. But what ultimately came of that? Is it a push for

dependence on oil or not?


MICHAEL KLARE: Absolutely. This is a blueprint for the preservation of the

existing energy paradigm in the United States, which is big oil, big coal,

nuclear power, automobiles, and highways. That's our existing energy

paradigm, and the Bush plan is 100% committed to preserving that for another

20 years or so. And the only way they could do that is to increase America's

procurement of foreign oil. So what the Bush energy plan really is, is a

blueprint to go after the oil of Colombia, Venezuela, Angola, Nigeria,

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. That's the

essence of the strategy; and I think the war in Iraq which followed that was

partly shaped by that blueprint.


AMY GOODMAN: I want to thank you both very much for being with us, Michael

Klare, Professor at Hampshire College, author of the book, Blood and Oil,

and Jim Paul in our studio, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum.



Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fall

How can you refuse it?

Let fury have the hour, anger can be power

D'you know that you can use it?





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our cheapest gas here is now $2.53/gallon..and yes thats with all our cute subsidies..

on the other paw..saw gas in SF the other day


oh yeah...

l Message----- Jo Cwazy Apr 5, 2005 1:30 PM Re: Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination What are you lot moaning about - our petrol costs 85.9 pence per litre! Ohfor those low US prices.Jo-"fraggle" <EBbrewpunx; <lettuceheads >;<TFHB >Tuesday, April 05, 2005 9:03 PM Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of DominationBlood and Oil: The Rising Cost of DominationOil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began, brieflytopping a record $58 a barrel on Monday. While the Bush administration isfond of blaming oil prices on OPEC, the group says the pricing is beyondtheir control. We take a look at the current state of oil with Jim Paul ofthe Global Policy Forum and Michael Klare, author of "Blood and Oil.â?[includes rush transcript]--When you ask most people in the world why the US invaded Iraq, the majoritywould probably include oil in their answer. But now, two years after theinvasion began, oil prices have not only not gone down for U.S. consumers -they have actually gone up. And in dramatic form.Oil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began and gas iscosting US motorists an average of $2.15 a gallon. Yesterday, oil pricesbriefly topped $58 a barrel, causing some shock waves on the markets. TheBush administration is fond of blaming oil prices on OPEC - the Organizationof Petroleum Exporting Countries. But OPEC officials say the pricing isbeyond their control. So what is driving this so-called crisis? To discussthis, we are joined by two guests.Jim Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He is based at theUnited Nations and monitors events there. He has authored a number ofreports on oil companies and Iraq.Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at HampshireCollege. His latest book is called "Blood and Oil: The Dangers andConsequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum."AMY GOODMAN: To discuss this we're joined by two guests in our studio. JimPaul is here. Heâ?Ts the Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He'sbased at the United Nations and monitors events there. He's authored anumber of reports on oil companies in Iraq. They can be found atwww.globalpolicy.org. On the line with us from Massachusetts, Michael Klare,Professor of Peace and World Study -- World Security Studies at HampshireCollege. His latest book is called Blood and Oil. We welcome you both toDemocracy Now! Jim Paul, let's begin with you. What's going on? Why arethese prices soaring?JIM PAUL: Well, Amy, there's two different elements to this. One is thetemporary conjuncture in the oil markets which include things like therefinery fire in the United States and other factors like that. Thesituation in Iraq is also an element of that type. But, more fundamentally,the markets are moving higher and higher because it looks like the world isactually running out of oil. There's been a big dispute about this in theoil industry for a long time; but the Unocal takeover is one example ofthis. The oil companies can't find more oil, and so they're buying othercompanies in order to increase their reserves. This is, I think, the mostexplosive aspect to this issue.AMY GOODMAN: Professor Michael Klare, do you agree?MICHAEL KLARE: Yes. I generally agree. I think we have to even elaborate onwhat Jim Paul said. Weâ?Tre facing a structural change in the oil and energyindustry that's likely to be permanent, and that structural change is thatthe output cannot keep up with demand; and what you have to add to theequation is surging demand for oil around the world, especially in theUnited States and China and Japan, Europe and India. And the global oilindustry is simply not capable of satisfying this rising level of demand andwon't be so far as we could tell for the rest of the petroleum era. Sothere's going to be intense competition. And then you add on top of thatpolitical instability in Venezuela and Nigeria and Angola and Saudi Arabiaand Iraq, and you can understand why prices are so high.AMY GOODMAN: Did the invasion of Iraq have any effect?MICHAEL KLARE: Certainly, it has, because the invasion of Iraq which wassupposed to produce greater stability in the Persian Gulf, and thereforefacilitate higher levels of output has had the opposite effect. It haspromoted instability in the region. It's invited a massive insurgency, whichregularly attacks oil facilities and pipelines. And it's led to terrorismand instability in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region. Sothere's no greater stability, and when things become tormented like this,oil deliveries drop.AMY GOODMAN: There is a lot of blaming of OPEC. Is OPEC in control of this,Jim Paul?JIM PAUL: I don't think OPEC is in control of it. These are -- as Mike wasjust saying, these are forces that are much bigger than OPEC. OPEC 's ownproduction is pretty high in terms of its capacity right now. Only SaudiArabia has a very, very small amount of swing production left; and so Idon't think we can blame it on OPEC at all.AMY GOODMAN: So what's going to happen right now, Michael Klare, around thisissue?MICHAEL KLARE: You're going to see oil and energy become the centralpolitical issue of the coming future. I sense as I travel around the countrythat people in the United States are becoming much more aware of the issueof peak oil that Jim alluded to before, the notion that we're reaching themoment when global oil output will reach its peak or maximum level and thendrop, making oil less and less available, more competition, more stress.People are beginning to understand that this will affect everything inAmerica because we're so dependent on oil that it's going to challenge ourway of life; and I think people are beginning to understand this.AMY GOODMAN: Jim Paul, does global warming play a role?JIM PAUL: Yes, it certainly does. It's well understood that the carbonemissions that result from burning this stuff are causing global warming, orare a main cause of it. And so, it's very likely that, as understanding ofthis increases and political momentum develops for regulating it, there aregoing to be regulatory rules that are going to cut down on the possibilityof producing and burning petroleum; and this is one of the many factors thathas the markets worried and the companies themselves, even though they'remaking record profits right now.AMY GOODMAN: What about Venezuela, Michael Klare? You mention it, one of themajor oil suppliers in the world. What role does oil play in the U.S. whilemany have said trying to topple the President Hugo Chavez?MICHAEL KLARE: Well, this is part -- Amy, this is part of a global struggle.The United States under the Bush-Cheney administration is committed toperpetuating our dependence on oil. And the only way we could do that is byprocuring more and more of the rest of the world's oil. I mean everywhere:Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia. We need more and moreof all of those places' oil, and any time somebody stands in the way ofthat, like Hugo Chavez, and says, â?~Wait a minute. We want to control ourown oil destiny. We want to produce it at a rate that's good for oureconomy, and, in fact, we want to use our oil to boost regional LatinAmerican development, rather than satisfy American consumers,â?T this is adirect assault on the oil-driven foreign policy of the Bush administration.So it's hardly surprising, I think, that the administration is seeking toundermine Hugo Chavez, and I'm sure they're working on that night and day.AMY GOODMAN: Talking about other conflict areas, Jim Paul, what about Sudan?JIM PAUL: Well, Sudan is a place where U.S. and China have more or less comehead-to-head. It's one of a quite a few countries where that's beenhappening. The Chinese have an enormous interest in developing theirexternal oil resources, because they need to import maybe as many as fivemillion barrels a day from the Middle East area. And they started developingoil in Sudan, and the U.S. and the U.K. companies didn't like that. Theywere shut out. So we have a very, very tough and very nasty, virtuallygenocidal conflict going on in Sudan; and I think quite a bit of it can betraced to the conflicts of oil interests there.AMY GOODMAN: Michael Klare, what about the Senate voting to drill in theArctic National Wildlife Refuge?MICHAEL KLARE: This, I think, is a form of delusion. It is smoke and mirrorsto distract the American public from the reality of the Bush plan. I thinkAmericans understand that our dependence on imported oil is a threat to ourwell-being. I think that's well understood. So Bush says, â?~I have asolution to that. We'll drill in ANWAR and become independent.â?T Well, he'slying. Because there's no way that ANWAR, even if it has all the oil theyclaim it does, is going to diminish our dependence on imported oil one bit.We will continue to be ever more dependent on imported oil. But it's a wayof distracting the public from the reality of our predicament.AMY GOODMAN: What, Michael Klare, are the alternatives?MICHAEL KLARE: The alternatives are to reduce our dependence on petroleum,period. There's no way you could separate our dependence on foreignpetroleum from our dependence on petroleum in general. We simply have tofind ways to reduce our consumption; and that means primarily intransportation, because that's where we use most of our oil. It meansdriving fewer miles or driving more fuel-efficient vehicles like hybrids orvery fuel-efficient diesels. There isn't any other solution. Oh, and publictransit, of course.AMY GOODMAN: In a piece you did for the Los Angeles Times on Sunday called,â?oArctic Drilling is No Energy Answer,â? you mention the Cheney report,the whole report on energy policy (which we haven't heard very much aboutlately), the litigation over it, the demand that he reveal who it was heconsulted with. But what ultimately came of that? Is it a push fordependence on oil or not?MICHAEL KLARE: Absolutely. This is a blueprint for the preservation of theexisting energy paradigm in the United States, which is big oil, big coal,nuclear power, automobiles, and highways. That's our existing energyparadigm, and the Bush plan is 100% committed to preserving that for another20 years or so. And the only way they could do that is to increase America'sprocurement of foreign oil. So what the Bush energy plan really is, is ablueprint to go after the oil of Colombia, Venezuela, Angola, Nigeria,Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. That's theessence of the strategy; and I think the war in Iraq which followed that waspartly shaped by that blueprint.AMY GOODMAN: I want to thank you both very much for being with us, MichaelKlare, Professor at Hampshire College, author of the book, Blood and Oil,and Jim Paul in our studio, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum.Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fallHow can you refuse it?Let fury have the hour, anger can be powerD'you know that you can use it?To send an email to -

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we are paying $A1.10 a litre here (Australian dollars)

which works out about 3.25 a gallon in US dollars

and still rising..





fraggle [EBbrewpunx]Wednesday, April 06, 2005 5:25 AM Subject: Re: Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination

our cheapest gas here is now $2.53/gallon..and yes thats with all our cute subsidies..

on the other paw..saw gas in SF the other day


oh yeah...

l Message----- Jo Cwazy Apr 5, 2005 1:30 PM Re: Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination What are you lot moaning about - our petrol costs 85.9 pence per litre! Ohfor those low US prices.Jo-"fraggle" <EBbrewpunx; <lettuceheads >;<TFHB >Tuesday, April 05, 2005 9:03 PM Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of DominationBlood and Oil: The Rising Cost of DominationOil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began, brieflytopping a record $58 a barrel on Monday. While the Bush administration isfond of blaming oil prices on OPEC, the group says the pricing is beyondtheir control. We take a look at the current state of oil with Jim Paul ofthe Global Policy Forum and Michael Klare, author of "Blood and Oil.â?[includes rush transcript]--When you ask most people in the world why the US invaded Iraq, the majoritywould probably include oil in their answer. But now, two years after theinvasion began, oil prices have not only not gone down for U.S. consumers -they have actually gone up. And in dramatic form.Oil prices have risen almost $15 a barrel since the year began and gas iscosting US motorists an average of $2.15 a gallon. Yesterday, oil pricesbriefly topped $58 a barrel, causing some shock waves on the markets. TheBush administration is fond of blaming oil prices on OPEC - the Organizationof Petroleum Exporting Countries. But OPEC officials say the pricing isbeyond their control. So what is driving this so-called crisis? To discussthis, we are joined by two guests.Jim Paul, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He is based at theUnited Nations and monitors events there. He has authored a number ofreports on oil companies and Iraq.Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at HampshireCollege. His latest book is called "Blood and Oil: The Dangers andConsequences of America's Growing Dependency on Imported Petroleum."AMY GOODMAN: To discuss this we're joined by two guests in our studio. JimPaul is here. Heâ?Ts the Executive Director of Global Policy Forum. He'sbased at the United Nations and monitors events there. He's authored anumber of reports on oil companies in Iraq. They can be found atwww.globalpolicy.org. On the line with us from Massachusetts, Michael Klare,Professor of Peace and World Study -- World Security Studies at HampshireCollege. His latest book is called Blood and Oil. We welcome you both toDemocracy Now! Jim Paul, let's begin with you. What's going on? Why arethese prices soaring?JIM PAUL: Well, Amy, there's two different elements to this. One is thetemporary conjuncture in the oil markets which include things like therefinery fire in the United States and other factors like that. Thesituation in Iraq is also an element of that type. But, more fundamentally,the markets are moving higher and higher because it looks like the world isactually running out of oil. There's been a big dispute about this in theoil industry for a long time; but the Unocal takeover is one example ofthis. The oil companies can't find more oil, and so they're buying othercompanies in order to increase their reserves. This is, I think, the mostexplosive aspect to this issue.AMY GOODMAN: Professor Michael Klare, do you agree?MICHAEL KLARE: Yes. I generally agree. I think we have to even elaborate onwhat Jim Paul said. Weâ?Tre facing a structural change in the oil and energyindustry that's likely to be permanent, and that structural change is thatthe output cannot keep up with demand; and what you have to add to theequation is surging demand for oil around the world, especially in theUnited States and China and Japan, Europe and India. And the global oilindustry is simply not capable of satisfying this rising level of demand andwon't be so far as we could tell for the rest of the petroleum era. Sothere's going to be intense competition. And then you add on top of thatpolitical instability in Venezuela and Nigeria and Angola and Saudi Arabiaand Iraq, and you can understand why prices are so high.AMY GOODMAN: Did the invasion of Iraq have any effect?MICHAEL KLARE: Certainly, it has, because the invasion of Iraq which wassupposed to produce greater stability in the Persian Gulf, and thereforefacilitate higher levels of output has had the opposite effect. It haspromoted instability in the region. It's invited a massive insurgency, whichregularly attacks oil facilities and pipelines. And it's led to terrorismand instability in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the region. Sothere's no greater stability, and when things become tormented like this,oil deliveries drop.AMY GOODMAN: There is a lot of blaming of OPEC. Is OPEC in control of this,Jim Paul?JIM PAUL: I don't think OPEC is in control of it. These are -- as Mike wasjust saying, these are forces that are much bigger than OPEC. OPEC 's ownproduction is pretty high in terms of its capacity right now. Only SaudiArabia has a very, very small amount of swing production left; and so Idon't think we can blame it on OPEC at all.AMY GOODMAN: So what's going to happen right now, Michael Klare, around thisissue?MICHAEL KLARE: You're going to see oil and energy become the centralpolitical issue of the coming future. I sense as I travel around the countrythat people in the United States are becoming much more aware of the issueof peak oil that Jim alluded to before, the notion that we're reaching themoment when global oil output will reach its peak or maximum level and thendrop, making oil less and less available, more competition, more stress.People are beginning to understand that this will affect everything inAmerica because we're so dependent on oil that it's going to challenge ourway of life; and I think people are beginning to understand this.AMY GOODMAN: Jim Paul, does global warming play a role?JIM PAUL: Yes, it certainly does. It's well understood that the carbonemissions that result from burning this stuff are causing global warming, orare a main cause of it. And so, it's very likely that, as understanding ofthis increases and political momentum develops for regulating it, there aregoing to be regulatory rules that are going to cut down on the possibilityof producing and burning petroleum; and this is one of the many factors thathas the markets worried and the companies themselves, even though they'remaking record profits right now.AMY GOODMAN: What about Venezuela, Michael Klare? You mention it, one of themajor oil suppliers in the world. What role does oil play in the U.S. whilemany have said trying to topple the President Hugo Chavez?MICHAEL KLARE: Well, this is part -- Amy, this is part of a global struggle.The United States under the Bush-Cheney administration is committed toperpetuating our dependence on oil. And the only way we could do that is byprocuring more and more of the rest of the world's oil. I mean everywhere:Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Central Asia. We need more and moreof all of those places' oil, and any time somebody stands in the way ofthat, like Hugo Chavez, and says, â?~Wait a minute. We want to control ourown oil destiny. We want to produce it at a rate that's good for oureconomy, and, in fact, we want to use our oil to boost regional LatinAmerican development, rather than satisfy American consumers,â?T this is adirect assault on the oil-driven foreign policy of the Bush administration.So it's hardly surprising, I think, that the administration is seeking toundermine Hugo Chavez, and I'm sure they're working on that night and day.AMY GOODMAN: Talking about other conflict areas, Jim Paul, what about Sudan?JIM PAUL: Well, Sudan is a place where U.S. and China have more or less comehead-to-head. It's one of a quite a few countries where that's beenhappening. The Chinese have an enormous interest in developing theirexternal oil resources, because they need to import maybe as many as fivemillion barrels a day from the Middle East area. And they started developingoil in Sudan, and the U.S. and the U.K. companies didn't like that. Theywere shut out. So we have a very, very tough and very nasty, virtuallygenocidal conflict going on in Sudan; and I think quite a bit of it can betraced to the conflicts of oil interests there.AMY GOODMAN: Michael Klare, what about the Senate voting to drill in theArctic National Wildlife Refuge?MICHAEL KLARE: This, I think, is a form of delusion. It is smoke and mirrorsto distract the American public from the reality of the Bush plan. I thinkAmericans understand that our dependence on imported oil is a threat to ourwell-being. I think that's well understood. So Bush says, â?~I have asolution to that. We'll drill in ANWAR and become independent.â?T Well, he'slying. Because there's no way that ANWAR, even if it has all the oil theyclaim it does, is going to diminish our dependence on imported oil one bit.We will continue to be ever more dependent on imported oil. But it's a wayof distracting the public from the reality of our predicament.AMY GOODMAN: What, Michael Klare, are the alternatives?MICHAEL KLARE: The alternatives are to reduce our dependence on petroleum,period. There's no way you could separate our dependence on foreignpetroleum from our dependence on petroleum in general. We simply have tofind ways to reduce our consumption; and that means primarily intransportation, because that's where we use most of our oil. It meansdriving fewer miles or driving more fuel-efficient vehicles like hybrids orvery fuel-efficient diesels. There isn't any other solution. Oh, and publictransit, of course.AMY GOODMAN: In a piece you did for the Los Angeles Times on Sunday called,â?oArctic Drilling is No Energy Answer,â? you mention the Cheney report,the whole report on energy policy (which we haven't heard very much aboutlately), the litigation over it, the demand that he reveal who it was heconsulted with. But what ultimately came of that? Is it a push fordependence on oil or not?MICHAEL KLARE: Absolutely. This is a blueprint for the preservation of theexisting energy paradigm in the United States, which is big oil, big coal,nuclear power, automobiles, and highways. That's our existing energyparadigm, and the Bush plan is 100% committed to preserving that for another20 years or so. And the only way they could do that is to increase America'sprocurement of foreign oil. So what the Bush energy plan really is, is ablueprint to go after the oil of Colombia, Venezuela, Angola, Nigeria,Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. That's theessence of the strategy; and I think the war in Iraq which followed that waspartly shaped by that blueprint.AMY GOODMAN: I want to thank you both very much for being with us, MichaelKlare, Professor at Hampshire College, author of the book, Blood and Oil,and Jim Paul in our studio, Executive Director of Global Policy Forum.Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fallHow can you refuse it?Let fury have the hour, anger can be powerD'you know that you can use it?To send an email to -

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tis only gonna get worse in the long run

limited resource that is needed/desired by waaaay tooo many... Craig Dearth Apr 5, 2005 5:36 PM RE: Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination

we are paying $A1.10 a litre here (Australian dollars)

which works out about 3.25 a gallon in US dollars

and still rising..





fraggle [EBbrewpunx]Wednesday, April 06, 2005 5:25 AM Subject: Re: Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination

our cheapest gas here is now $2.53/gallon..and yes thats with all our cute subsidies..

on the other paw..saw gas in SF the other day


oh yeah...


Kick over the wall 'cause government's to fall

How can you refuse it?

Let fury have the hour, anger can be power

D'you know that you can use it?

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We live in a town without so much as a stop sign. Well, we live 5 miles out of town and then 2.5 miles out a private road. The nearest town with a stop sign is an hour away over the summit. The nearest town of any size is 2 hours away.


The reason for the explanation is so you realise that we live outside Nowhere <g> Our gas went up this morning to $2.69 for regular. That's 10 cents a gallon less than the "big" city which is 2 hours closer to the refineries.


DH is busy getting all the stuff together to start making biodiesel. As is, diesel is cheaper (at the moment) and it sure goes further than gas! We can make our own biodiesel for something like 49 a gallon.


I guess ol' Schwartzenazi heard how many folks are making their own biodiesel because he wants to do away with the gas tax and put an electronic mileage counter on all cars and charge folks by the miles they drive.






Tuesday, April 05, 2005 2:24 PM

Re: Blood and Oil: The Rising Cost of Domination


our cheapest gas here is now $2.53/gallon..and yes thats with all our cute subsidies..

on the other paw..saw gas in SF the other day


oh yeah...


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