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How Do You Cope?

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Typing too fast, a majority of vegans are NOT that way but enough are to give the negative image.






Monday, May 02, 2005 2:22 PM

Re: Re: How Do You Cope?


The problem is that these are the folks that stick in the minds of a lot of the folks one would try to convert. When a negative image is presented year after year, that is "the" image folks have.


As to that particular Health and Harmony Fair, there are tons of options in Wine Country and it is simply a life style that those folks to. Of course, a lot of folks aren't real clear on the whole complex carbs thing and having to have a balance diet and choices. They just look at fruits and veggies and away they go.


At anyrate, my point is that a majority of vegans are that way but that enough are that they give the whole segment of society a bad image.


Youngest kidlet was talking to a lady about being a vegetarian and as soon as she said she was going to become a vegan, you could see the warning bells go off in this woman's head. Later she came up to me and asked if I knew she wanted to be "one of those people" and did I really want her hanging around "that element."


Of course, she went running in the opposite direction and looking for something to ward off the evil when I said, "Oh, that's o.k., we homeschool too." <g>





anouk sickler

Sunday, May 01, 2005 9:43 PM

Re: Re: How Do You Cope?


Hi lynda,


from that description I am lucky not to have gone to a health and harmony fair.

I am not familiar with patooli oil is and I don't smoke weed. I don't judge ohters who do, it's just that I really need all of my brain cells.. as, I went to a ghetto school and have had to self educate myself.


I don't fit the sickly profile, Me my husband and two little boys get compliments on how our skin glows.

I have tons of energy, have counted just three gray hairs in my 32 years.


My theory on thse sickly vegans is that they just don't have access to alot of options. For instance, Whole foods, has many healthy vegan alternatives, but not everyone can shop there unless they want to spend their whole paycheck.

Not every vegan has access to land.

We lived in a poor neighborhood in brooklyn for one year and we were starting to look real SICKLY, only because, the grocery stores around us had no healthy options! (we didn't have a car)


I belong to an argentinian vegan chat group and they have a REALLY hard time finding vegan items, but they will forgo any product, by any company, that tests on animals, for the sake of their own moral values. That is more important to them, than having an abundance of food/cosmetics to choose from.


The other day I was trying to find cookies for my son to take to school, I could not find a single one that did not include eggs, butter, or honey. I was at whole foods, I left empty handed. He is trying to understand this. He is six. I will have to make my own.


as for body odor, it is my understanding that vegans have better body odor than meat eaters. we eat less toxins, that means our bodies have less toxins to get rid of. Yes, I am saying that my shit smells less : )


I bet if we were to do an informal poll with photographs of vegans, vs, meat-eaters, that the vegans would look more attractive. Just a guess.


I agree with you about the cristians, when someone shoves anything down your throat, the reaction is to rebel/ defensive.









5/1/2005 6:14:32 PM

Re: Re: How Do You Cope?

Also, vegans are their own worst enemies. Has anyone ever been to a Healthand Harmony Fair? Too large a % of those folks look down right sickly!AND, you can smell them or the patooli oil or the weed a mile away. Not tosay that patooli oil or weed are a bad thing but the body odor is!

There used to be one in the city I used to live in. I over heard more thanone mother (usually the mother of a young teen) saying (paraphrased) "Ifthat is what being a vegetarian (they don't know the difference) looks likethen my [son/daughter] isn't going to try that diet."Unfortunately, it isn't the sensible folks that are usually "seen" andidentified as "vegan." Same with the pro-life folks or Christians or mostany other folks that have an agenda and want to change the minds of others.I think the Ladies in Black are about the only movement that hasn't gone outof its way, or some segment of it, to offend the very folks they want toconvert.Lynda-Mary Minihane <minihSaturday, April 30, 2005 2:12 PM Re: How Do You Cope?> Jef, My hairdresser has the very same n ame as you but I know that I> am not speaking to him because he thinks that I am nuts because I> object to eating meat. Most people think that I am nuts but I have> had 30 years to get used to it. Even after 30 years I am constantly> amazed at what most people consider to be food. I was helping a> local club today and they provided some food bits for the helpers> and I looked at it and actualy thought that they may as well have> provided me with shredded paper to eat (luckly I had provided my> own). I cant see it changing in this generation or maybe not even in> the next but it will change. It is a pity that you and I will not> have the satisfaction of seeing it. I think that we should consider> ourselvs to be extreemly lucky and feel sorry for them instead of> feeling angry with them.To send an email to -@g roups.com To send an email to -

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We were talking about converting people. We weren't talking about me or the kidlet. The question was "why don't they get it" and my response was that sometimes the image that people have is what gets in the way.


We deal with that daily as we homeschool. The *image* of homeschooling is that of hippies or Christians that want to isolate their children from all those *evil* things other people are teaching.


We also homestead and the generally held image of that is gun toting crazies that are seperationists.


Soooo, we don't try to stuff the information down anyone's throat but rather give them small nice doses of reality. The average person is more comfortable with that.


As to being afraid of being different or alternative, obviously you don't know us. Being a People's Park brat and having done Alcatraz and lots of other radical things going back to when I was 5, we aren't too worried about that. However, we live in a land of reality and realise that sometimes the message gets lost in the perception of those who view you.





Jo Cwazy

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 10:20 AM

Re: Re: How Do You Cope?


I'm not sure what you are trying to say. What is it you dislike about alternative people, or people who like patchouli oil? There are many vegans who also have alternative lifestyles and many vegans who are totally conservative (in the British sense) in their approach to life. Is your daughter frightened of being alternative?






Monday, May 02, 2005 10:22 PM

Re: Re: How Do You Cope?


The problem is that these are the folks that stick in the minds of a lot of the folks one would try to convert. When a negative image is presented year after year, that is "the" image folks have.


As to that particular Health and Harmony Fair, there are tons of options in Wine Country and it is simply a life style that those folks to. Of course, a lot of folks aren't real clear on the whole complex carbs thing and having to have a balance diet and choices. They just look at fruits and veggies and away they go.


At anyrate, my point is that a majority of vegans are that way but that enough are that they give the whole segment of society a bad image.


Youngest kidlet was talking to a lady about being a vegetarian and as soon as she said she was going to become a vegan, you could see the warning bells go off in this woman's head. Later she came up to me and asked if I knew she wanted to be "one of those people" and did I really want her hanging around "that element."


Of course, she went running in the opposite direction and looking for something to ward off the evil when I said, "Oh, that's o.k., we homeschool too." <g>





anouk sickler

Sunday, May 01, 2005 9:43 PM

Re: Re: How Do You Cope?


Hi lynda,


from that description I am lucky not to have gone to a health and harmony fair.

I am not familiar with patooli oil is and I don't smoke weed. I don't judge ohters who do, it's just that I really need all of my brain cells.. as, I went to a ghetto school and have had to self educate myself.


I don't fit the sickly profile, Me my husband and two little boys get compliments on how our skin glows.

I have tons of energy, have counted just three gray hairs in my 32 years.


My theory on thse sickly vegans is that they just don't have access to alot of options. For instance, Whole foods, has many healthy vegan alternatives, but not everyone can shop there unless they want to spend their whole paycheck.

Not every vegan has access to land.

We lived in a poor neighborhood in brooklyn for one year and we were starting to look real SICKLY, only because, the grocery stores around us had no healthy options! (we didn't have a car)


I belong to an argentinian vegan chat group and they have a REALLY hard time finding vegan items, but they will forgo any product, by any company, that tests on animals, for the sake of their own moral values. That is more important to them, than having an abundance of food/cosmetics to choose from.


The other day I was trying to find cookies for my son to take to school, I could not find a single one that did not include eggs, butter, or honey. I was at whole foods, I left empty handed. He is trying to understand this. He is six. I will have to make my own.


as for body odor, it is my understanding that vegans have better body odor than meat eaters. we eat less toxins, that means our bodies have less toxins to get rid of. Yes, I am saying that my shit smells less : )


I bet if we were to do an informal poll with photographs of vegans, vs, meat-eaters, that the vegans would look more attractive. Just a guess.


I agree with you about the cristians, when someone shoves anything down your throat, the reaction is to rebel/ defensive.









5/1/2005 6:14:32 PM

Re: Re: How Do You Cope?

Also, vegans are their own worst enemies. Has anyone ever been to a Healthand Harmony Fair? Too large a % of those folks look down right sickly!AND, you can smell them or the patooli oil or the weed a mile away. Not tosay that patooli oil or weed are a bad thing but the body odor is!

There used to be one in the city I used to live in. I over heard more thanone mother (usually the mother of a young teen) saying (paraphrased) "Ifthat is what being a vegetarian (they don't know the difference) looks likethen my [son/daughter] isn't going to try that diet."Unfortunately, it isn't the sensible folks that are usually "seen" andidentified as "vegan." Same with the pro-life folks or Christians or mostany other folks that have an agenda and want to change the minds of others.I think the Ladies in Black are about the only movement that hasn't gone outof its way, or some segment of it, to offend the very folks they want toconvert.Lynda-Mary Minihane <minihSaturday, April 30, 2005 2:12 PM Re: How Do You Cope?> Jef, My hairdresser has the very same n ame as you but I know that I> am not speaking to him because he thinks that I am nuts because I> object to eating meat. Most people think that I am nuts but I have> had 30 years to get used to it. Even after 30 years I am constantly> amazed at what most people consider to be food. I was helping a> local club today and they provided some food bits for the helpers> and I looked at it and actualy thought that they may as well have> provided me with shredded paper to eat (luckly I had provided my> own). I cant see it changing in this generation or maybe not even in> the next but it will change. It is a pity that you and I will not> have the satisfaction of seeing it. I think that we should consider> ourselvs to be extreemly lucky and feel sorry for them instead of> feeling angry with them.To send an email to -@g roups.com To send an email to - To send an email to -

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