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Is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?

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Is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?

Are overlit, heavily toxic supermarkets making you ill and eating

your brain? Why, yes

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist


Friday, April 15, 2005


It's like a goddamn circus in there.

It really is. It's like some bizarrely overlit funhouse, a massive

chaotic attack on all your senses and an outright assault on your

optic nerves, and that's well before you've even made it past the

towering display of Bud Light and well before the huge end-cap cases

of Ruffles Sour Cream and Strychnine and about a mile away from the

chemical-blasted, hormone-injected, meat-like slabs in the butcher's

section that seem to look at you as you amble by, and hiss.


This is what it feels like to walk into any giant chain supermarket

these days, from Safeway to Albertsons to Ralphs to Vons to you name

it, and I have hereby come to the slightly snarky conclusion that

it's a true wonder that more people don't walk out of these places

suffering something akin to full-body spasms and devolving into semi-

catatonic mumblings about loudly colored boxes of S'Mores cereal and

giant bags of neon-orange Doritos attacking them from above.


In fact, actually, some people do. Some people pick up on these

nasty agents of vibrational doom far more than others. Maybe that

someone is you. And maybe you don't even realize just how bad it is.



Observe, won't you, the frozen premolded wax-glazed Pepperoni Bagel

Bites that taste like cardboard and rancid sheep's blood. Note the

Reese's-flavored, sugar-drenched breakfast cereal that looks like

something your dog coughed up and which makes your kids' eyes wobble

after they eat it.


Taste, won't you, the yummy insect parts aswim in that foot-high

stack of cheap-ass, hyperpink Oscar Mayer bologna. Listen in wonder

as that case of Dr. Pepper seems to cry out to your pancreas,

begging to induce type 2 diabetes. Feel your very colon quiver and

scream as you stroll by the wall of frozen Jimmy Dean breakfast

sausage biscuits. Woe is your body and your spirit in this savage,

toxic wasteland.


Remember that news item from last year about that insanely manic

Pokemon cartoon that induced epileptic fits in all those Japanese

kids? Too many bright flashing lights. Too much screaming color. Too

much artificial everything. The spirit, the soul, the body, they can

handle only so much. Especially if said mind/body/spirit have been

at all retuned, awareness-raised, karmic-pain-threshold lowered.


I deem it Supermarket Syndrome. It is what happens when you spend

increasing amounts of your grocery-shopping time in local natural

markets, farmer's markets, Whole Foods or (here in S.F.) Rainbow

Grocery, or in any of a thousand smaller health marts around town -

and don't give me the you're-an-elitist, I-can't-afford-that-stuff

argument, because there are plenty of cheap farmer's markets and

healthy grocery stores right now, places full of quiet lighting and

healthy grains and organic produce and friendly service and foods

that don't have, as their first ingredient, imminent death, or

refined sugar, or high-fructose corn syrup, or Bright Flaming Red

No. 3, or Known Cancerous Substance No. 4, or Raging Obesity-Related

Heart Disease No. 11.


They are places, in other words, where you walk in and spend an hour

of your life and it immediately feels, you know, different. Better.

Healthier. Lighter. More natural. And you walk out and you go, hey,

wow, check it out: no searing headache.


And when you shop in these places for a while, an amazing thing

happens: your body changes. Your senses recalibrate. You calm down.

Equilibrium returns. You note all the pronounceable ingredients. You

note that there aren't endless arrays of garbage foods, most of them

marketed to children and every single one sealed in hideous molded

plastic tubs containing more packaging than foodstuff. And you note

the people, the customers, seem less, I don't know, dazed?

Overwhelmed? Drugged?


And then, when you least expect it, you find yourself in some

situation or in some town with no other grocery options and you

innocently walk back into Safeway to try to buy some organic hormone-

free eggs (ha-ha yeah right good luck) - and WHAM. Sensory overload.

Low-vibration overload. You get what in meditation circles they

would call whacked, slapped upside the spirit by dank, malicious

energy. Supermarket Syndrome.


Pork-like sausage in a can. Cool Whip with enough high-fructose corn

syrup to caulk your driveway. Creepy chicken-flavored sauce packets,

ten to a box. Precut celery. Precut cookie dough. Precut everything

because you're too lazy to handle a knife. Nabisco honey-flavored

Teddy Grahams shaped like Dora the Explorer. Dawn Wash & Toss.

Crustless white bread of sufficient consistency to plug Hoover Dam.


We are amazing beings, we bipeds. We adapt. We can endure the most

unlivable crap and the most unhealthy exposure and think it's

completely fine and normal.


Normal, that is, until we take one step away from it and spend a

little time outside a given teeming cauldron of low-vibrational

culture, and then when we happen to step back in for a second, we

can only go Oh my freaking God how in the hell did I ever do this?

How did I ever live here eat this drink that lick those shop here

wear that date her consume this believe that?


Remember how when you were a little kid and you drank gallons of

pasteurized two-percent milk with your Oreos and you thought it was

amazing and good? And then when you reached adulthood you

(hopefully) got away from that nasty stuff and maybe switched to

nonfat or even (hopefully) soy or almond or rice milk because you

learned that milk is for babies and besides, those sad cows are

pretty much bathed in noxious hormones and chemicals from birth?



And then one day you just so happened to be handed a glass of old-

school milk and you remembered your happy childhood, so you took a

big swig and almost gagged because it tasted like thick liquid

phlegm and you were like, " Oh my God, how the hell did I ever drink

this crap? " Supermarket Syndrome is exactly like that, except with



And yes, it really is vibrational. And yes, your body can actually

feel it, feel the violent lack of positive energy in all that

processed crap, feel it deep down, where the meanings are, and if

you've ever walked out of Safeway or Best Buy or Wal-Mart feeling

oddly soiled and grimy and vaguely depressed, if not outright sick

to your stomach, you know exactly what I mean.


Blue ketchup. Peanut-butter yogurt with little plastic dome-tops

full of chocolate sprinkles and M & M's and freeze-dried, strawberry-

like lumps. Sugar-free SnackWell's cookies featuring GMO wheat and

eight pounds per square bite of cancer-happy sucralose and

aspartame. Velveeta. Kraft " Shrek " -shaped Cheese Nips featuring

enough thiamine mononitrate and disodium phosphate and partially

hydrogenated oil and outright brain-cramping MSG to kill, well,



We are surrounded. We are immersed. American consumer culture is

teeming with so many neon-colored, overprocessed, semicomestible,

demon-spawn products we can no longer even recognize how bad it is,

how it is all meant to drive us slowly insane, so slowly we forget

to keep asking why we feel so sick all the time, and we just shut

the hell up and buy more giant tubs of Country Crock to go with our

liquefied reconstituted pork tubes because we think this is the only



Of course, it's not. The solution is easy. Get your flesh happy. Get

the hell out of Safeway and Albertsons and the big-box stores that

only want to pummel your sense of humanity and joy and suck your

soul through your eyeballs.


Hie thee to local markets, organic places, natural foods, small

grocery stores staffed by people who do not seem to be secretly

mapping out ways to dismember your children as they ring up your

groceries. Do not underestimate the effect this form of simple

escape and recalibration can have on your overall sense of well-

being and hope. It is not too late. The rice milk is waiting.


Mark Morford's Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday and

Friday on SF Gate, unless it appears on Tuesdays and Thursdays,

which it never does. Subscribe to this column at


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i adore mark...


i rarely go into giant box supermarkets..and the few times i do, i realize why i never go into them

about 4-5 months ago walked with a friend to get some wine..she went into safeway..ok..so..followed her in...

they even had some weird mass market organic veggies treats..of course, the display was tucked in next to the aisle with the batteries, mop-n-glo and bleach....

i think i damamged my retina from the reflected glow off the shiny floor, the glass/plastic everything and the glossy packaging...

i didn't know apples came in that color red as well...i thought only crayons looked like that.....


and..last july, i was in an albertsons(it was late, and we needed something desperately, and it was in a part of oakland far from anything remotely health/organic store related)

and..i was overwhelmed by the enormous displays of atkins diet merchandising..everywhere...atkins bread?! atkins candy bars?!..suprised they didn't have atkins beer and cigarettes...


i'll stick with farmer's markets, whole paycheck and berkeley bowl..thanx and all


And Bugs Bunny is a friend of mine

Eating him I'd feel like Frankenstein

Eating flesh seems pretty foul to me

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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> i adore mark...


I love him too - have you seen his latest " what's on Jesus' ipod? "

good stuff.


I too recently wandered into a safeway to get a prescription filled (I

typically get them all from Canada but that doesn't work for

everything). I figured I'm here I might as well pick up a couple of

basic things - bread, etc. Every single loaf of wheat bread - EVERY

ONE - had partially hydrogenated oil in it. Looked at some pickles -

they all had yellow dye #5. Gross. But it was also a good chance to

look at prices since Whole Foods is known as being so expensive - I

figured I could comparison shop. They had one of their stupid " buy

one get one free " things for Raisin Bran (of course loaded with high

fructose corn syrup) - regular price $4.85 - so two boxes for that

price. Well the raisin bran I buy at Whole Foods is 1.99 all the



Safeway is soul sucking indeed.


nancyd (since there is now another nancy I added my last initial - and

welcome to the other nancy!)

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the yellow dye is added because it activates the nanobots in yer cerebral cortex and they encourage you to buy three boxes of raisin bran along with the latest *Outdoor fresh* new improved Swifter disposable chin wipe njdoane May 4, 2005 9:23 AM Re: Is Safeway Sucking Your Soul? , fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:> i adore mark...I love him too - have you seen his latest "what's on Jesus' ipod?" good stuff.I too recently wandered into a safeway to get a prescription filled (I typically get them all from Canada but that doesn't work for everything). I figured I'm here I might as well pick up a couple of basic things - bread, etc. Every single loaf of wheat bread - EVERY ONE - had partially hydrogenated oil in it. Looked at some pickles - they all had yellow dye #5. Gross. But it was also a good chance to look at prices since Whole Foods is known as being so expensive - I figured I could comparison shop. They had one of their stupid "buy one get one free" things for Raisin Bran (of course loaded with high fructose corn syrup) - regular price $4.85 - so two boxes for that price. Well the raisin bran I buy at Whole Foods is 1.99 all the time. Safeway is soul sucking indeed.nancyd (since there is now another nancy I added my last initial - and welcome to the other nancy!)To send an email to -



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Ours aren't that bad in the UK. They usually just have the aisle arranged in food types, but not too flash. Maybe people would give it a miss if they did it over here.






Wednesday, May 04, 2005 4:44 PM

Re: Is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?


i adore mark...


i rarely go into giant box supermarkets..and the few times i do, i realize why i never go into them

about 4-5 months ago walked with a friend to get some wine..she went into safeway..ok..so..followed her in...

they even had some weird mass market organic veggies treats..of course, the display was tucked in next to the aisle with the batteries, mop-n-glo and bleach....

i think i damamged my retina from the reflected glow off the shiny floor, the glass/plastic everything and the glossy packaging...

i didn't know apples came in that color red as well...i thought only crayons looked like that.....


and..last july, i was in an albertsons(it was late, and we needed something desperately, and it was in a part of oakland far from anything remotely health/organic store related)

and..i was overwhelmed by the enormous displays of atkins diet merchandising..everywhere...atkins bread?! atkins candy bars?!..suprised they didn't have atkins beer and cigarettes...


i'll stick with farmer's markets, whole paycheck and berkeley bowl..thanx and all

fraggleTo send an email to -

And Bugs Bunny is a friend of mine

Eating him I'd feel like Frankenstein

Eating flesh seems pretty foul to me

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Hey, Fraggle, didn't the big boxes down your way cut their lights over the supposed energy crisis? Up here in the real trees they shut off every other row of lights and put in lower wattage lamps in the ones they left on. Everyone one except Michael's, that is. None of them up here have kicked the other lights back on.


The only good thing that came out of that TX fueled price gouging was the reduction in lights in those stores.


Lynda, who has to hit Safeway about once every 6 months because they are the only store that carried Beau Monde seasoning and who shops at Ray's about every six months because they have a major sale on Westbrae Natural organics at 69 cents a can!




Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:44 AM

Re: Is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?


i adore mark...


i rarely go into giant box supermarkets..and the few times i do, i realize why i never go into them

about 4-5 months ago walked with a friend to get some wine..she went into safeway..ok..so..followed her in...

they even had some weird mass market organic veggies treats..of course, the display was tucked in next to the aisle with the batteries, mop-n-glo and bleach....

i think i damamged my retina from the reflected glow off the shiny floor, the glass/plastic everything and the glossy packaging...

i didn't know apples came in that color red as well...i thought only crayons looked like that.....


and..last july, i was in an albertsons(it was late, and we needed something desperately, and it was in a part of oakland far from anything remotely health/organic store related)

and..i was overwhelmed by the enormous displays of atkins diet merchandising..everywhere...atkins bread?! atkins candy bars?!..suprised they didn't have atkins beer and cigarettes...


i'll stick with farmer's markets, whole paycheck and berkeley bowl..thanx and all

fraggleTo send an email to -

And Bugs Bunny is a friend of mine

Eating him I'd feel like Frankenstein

Eating flesh seems pretty foul to me

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not that i recall..but...like i said..never really go in em to notice...

i know in canada they were suppose t o be replacing all the bulbs t o high sodium, but no idea if they did it here as well Lynda May 4, 2005 11:16 AM Re: Is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?


Hey, Fraggle, didn't the big boxes down your way cut their lights over the supposed energy crisis? Up here in the real trees they shut off every other row of lights and put in lower wattage lamps in the ones they left on. Everyone one except Michael's, that is. None of them up here have kicked the other lights back on.


The only good thing that came out of that TX fueled price gouging was the reduction in lights in those stores.


Lynda, who has to hit Safeway about once every 6 months because they are the only store that carried Beau Monde seasoning and who shops at Ray's about every six months because they have a major sale on Westbrae Natural organics at 69 cents a can!




Wednesday, May 04, 2005 8:44 AM

Re: Is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?


i adore mark...


i rarely go into giant box supermarkets..and the few times i do, i realize why i never go into them

about 4-5 months ago walked with a friend to get some wine..she went into safeway..ok..so..followed her in...

they even had some weird mass market organic veggies treats..of course, the display was tucked in next to the aisle with the batteries, mop-n-glo and bleach....

i think i damamged my retina from the reflected glow off the shiny floor, the glass/plastic everything and the glossy packaging...

i didn't know apples came in that color red as well...i thought only crayons looked like that.....


and..last july, i was in an albertsons(it was late, and we needed something desperately, and it was in a part of oakland far from anything remotely health/organic store related)

and..i was overwhelmed by the enormous displays of atkins diet merchandising..everywhere...atkins bread?! atkins candy bars?!..suprised they didn't have atkins beer and cigarettes...


i'll stick with farmer's markets, whole paycheck and berkeley bowl..thanx and all

fraggleTo send an email to - And Bugs Bunny is a friend of mine

Eating him I'd feel like Frankenstein

Eating flesh seems pretty foul to me

To send an email to -





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Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years some of

our major grocery chains have added a variety of organic fresh fruits

and veggies, plus several isles of frozen organic breads, veggies,

dairy and vegan dairy like products, snack foods, canned foods,

almost anything. Also in this section are some " fair-trade "

products, and bio-degradable cleaners.


I guess they see the prospects since organic food consumption has

been growing 20% to 40% for the last ten years Do American

Supermarks offer this? Why not?


In the 1950's 40 cents on the household dollar was spent on food, and

now it's between 10 and 15 cents. People would rather spend their

money of meaningless extravagances than safe food. But maybe the

name " Safeway " has them convinced their food is safe.


A little of topic, but I was really dismayed when I heard that the

U.S. was not joining the Kyoto global plan to reduce toxic emmissions

by 20% over the next few years. The Canadian government is spending

Billions of dollars towards reducing our toxic emissions which screw

OUR ozone and cause drastic weather changes. But the U.S. opts not

to. It may mean they may have to pay a little more for their food.

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, " jeffdevine8 " <jeffdevine8>


> Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years some of



vijay lives in canada too.

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As far as I know the food wasn't safe in the 50s - not in the UK - didn't we

use a lot of pesticides etc. as we had to grow a lot of crops on a small







" jeffdevine8 " <jeffdevine8


Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:49 PM

Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?



> Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years some of

> our major grocery chains have added a variety of organic fresh fruits

> and veggies, plus several isles of frozen organic breads, veggies,

> dairy and vegan dairy like products, snack foods, canned foods,

> almost anything. Also in this section are some " fair-trade "

> products, and bio-degradable cleaners.


> I guess they see the prospects since organic food consumption has

> been growing 20% to 40% for the last ten years Do American

> Supermarks offer this? Why not?


> In the 1950's 40 cents on the household dollar was spent on food, and

> now it's between 10 and 15 cents. People would rather spend their

> money of meaningless extravagances than safe food. But maybe the

> name " Safeway " has them convinced their food is safe.


> A little of topic, but I was really dismayed when I heard that the

> U.S. was not joining the Kyoto global plan to reduce toxic emmissions

> by 20% over the next few years. The Canadian government is spending

> Billions of dollars towards reducing our toxic emissions which screw

> OUR ozone and cause drastic weather changes. But the U.S. opts not

> to. It may mean they may have to pay a little more for their food.



To send an email to -


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american supermarkets do offer some organics. Some are real big on it like

TOPS, Albertsons and Rays. They have whole sections in each section for

organics. Others include an item or two. Safeway is the last to join the



Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by Crichton? It

will give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.





> " jeffdevine8 " <jeffdevine8


> Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:49 PM

> Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?



> > Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years some of

> > our major grocery chains have added a variety of organic fresh fruits

> > and veggies, plus several isles of frozen organic breads, veggies,

> > dairy and vegan dairy like products, snack foods, canned foods,

> > almost anything. Also in this section are some " fair-trade "

> > products, and bio-degradable cleaners.

> >

> > I guess they see the prospects since organic food consumption has

> > been growing 20% to 40% for the last ten years Do American

> > Supermarks offer this? Why not?

> >

> > In the 1950's 40 cents on the household dollar was spent on food, and

> > now it's between 10 and 15 cents. People would rather spend their

> > money of meaningless extravagances than safe food. But maybe the

> > name " Safeway " has them convinced their food is safe.

> >

> > A little of topic, but I was really dismayed when I heard that the

> > U.S. was not joining the Kyoto global plan to reduce toxic emmissions

> > by 20% over the next few years. The Canadian government is spending

> > Billions of dollars towards reducing our toxic emissions which screw

> > OUR ozone and cause drastic weather changes. But the U.S. opts not

> > to. It may mean they may have to pay a little more for their food.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to -

> >

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oh my

Chrichton's book is a horrid lil diatribe..i barely got thru it...

and, kyoto barely scratches the surface of wot needs to be done...

look at it this way..

if 99.999% of climatoligists, and world scientists are wrong, and all this global warming stuff is a mistake...then, whoops, the worse that happens is it makes it a tad harder on some economies

if, on the other paw, they are correct, and we do nothing, well, gee, we are only talking worldwide armageddon more er less...oh..the planet weill be fine....sure.....

now..us, our children, and civilization as we know it will be gone...

gee..which side would ya'll rather be on...


besides..his book has sooooo many things that are just wrong....


Chrichton's main ending thesis sems to be since we don't have all the facts, and can't acurrately predict everything that is going to occur, then it must all be a house of cards and is all wrong


nah...i wouldn't put this book on my top 5,000,000,000 reading list..



fraggleinal Message----- Lynda May 5, 2005 12:42 PM Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul? Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by Crichton? Itwill give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.Lynda

And Bugs Bunny is a friend of mine

Eating him I'd feel like Frankenstein

Eating flesh seems pretty foul to me

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it all started in the 1940's so maybe..



On Behalf Of Jo CwazyFriday, May 06, 2005 1:31 AM Subject: Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?As far as I know the food wasn't safe in the 50s - not in the UK - didn't weuse a lot of pesticides etc. as we had to grow a lot of crops on a smallisland.Jo-"jeffdevine8" <jeffdevine8Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:49 PM Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?> Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years some of> our major grocery chains have added a variety of organic fresh fruits> and veggies, plus several isles of frozen organic breads, veggies,> dairy and vegan dairy like products, snack foods, canned foods,> almost anything. Also in this section are some "fair-trade"> products, and bio-degradable cleaners.>> I guess they see the prospects since organic food consumption has> been growing 20% to 40% for the last ten years Do American> Supermarks offer this? Why not?>> In the 1950's 40 cents on the household dollar was spent on food, and> now it's between 10 and 15 cents. People would rather spend their> money of meaningless extravagances than safe food. But maybe the> name "Safeway" has them convinced their food is safe.>> A little of topic, but I was really dismayed when I heard that the> U.S. was not joining the Kyoto global plan to reduce toxic emmissions> by 20% over the next few years. The Canadian government is spending> Billions of dollars towards reducing our toxic emissions which screw> OUR ozone and cause drastic weather changes. But the U.S. opts not> to. It may mean they may have to pay a little more for their food.>>

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to agree with the guru of Fraggle,


Kyoto should read 50% renewables by 2010 (not 10%)

and 20% regenerative by 2050 in other words reducing previous problems by 20% per year until back to some sort of norm.

Kyoto calls for 50% renewables by 2050 UGHH... that won't even come close to fixing the problem

although it would help if USA & Australia would sign up to the Kyoto agreement.

Australia has the distinction of being the only country in the world that puts out more pollution per person than the USA hell at least we can do more than swim.....sigh...



On Behalf Of fraggleFriday, May 06, 2005 4:11 AM Subject: Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?

oh my

Chrichton's book is a horrid lil diatribe..i barely got thru it...

and, kyoto barely scratches the surface of wot needs to be done...

look at it this way..

if 99.999% of climatoligists, and world scientists are wrong, and all this global warming stuff is a mistake...then, whoops, the worse that happens is it makes it a tad harder on some economies

if, on the other paw, they are correct, and we do nothing, well, gee, we are only talking worldwide armageddon more er less...oh..the planet weill be fine....sure.....

now..us, our children, and civilization as we know it will be gone...

gee..which side would ya'll rather be on...


besides..his book has sooooo many things that are just wrong....


Chrichton's main ending thesis sems to be since we don't have all the facts, and can't acurrately predict everything that is going to occur, then it must all be a house of cards and is all wrong


nah...i wouldn't put this book on my top 5,000,000,000 reading list..



fraggleinal Message----- Lynda May 5, 2005 12:42 PM Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul? Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by Crichton? Itwill give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.LyndaTo send an email to -

And Bugs Bunny is a friend of mine

Eating him I'd feel like Frankenstein

Eating flesh seems pretty foul to me

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I think it is great that supermarkets are starting to offer organic/healthy food aisles,

however, I think that they are just drawing in a market, for profit and benefit.

bottom line is that they want the customers to shop there and not at a health food store.


for instance, my local supermarket which is called Publix, had the lack of tact, to put the vegetarian/alternative foods, just a few feet across from their live incarcerated, lobsters, you know the ones that are taped and thrown in a small box of water.


I try not to shop there. I'd rather support a small health food store.










5/5/2005 3:58:50 PM

Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?

american supermarkets do offer some organics. Some are real big on it likeTOPS, Albertsons and Rays. They have whole sections in each section fororganics. Others include an item or two. Safeway is the last to join thetrend.Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by Crichton? Itwill give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.Lynda-> "jeffdevine8" <jeffdevine8> > Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:49 PM> Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?>>> > Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years some of> > our major grocery chains have added a variety of organic fresh fruits> > and veggies, plus several isles of frozen organic breads, veggies,> > dairy and vegan dairy like products, snack foods, canned foods,> > almost anything. Also in this section are some "fair-trade"> > products, and bio-degradable cleaners.> >> > I guess they see the prospects since organic food consumption has> > been growing 20% to 40% for the last ten years Do American> > Supermarks offer this? Why not?> >> > In the 1950's 40 cents on the household dollar was spent on food, and> > now it's between 10 and 15 cents. People would rather spend their> > money of meaningless extravagances than safe food. But maybe the> > name "Safeway" has them convinced their food is safe.> >> > A little of topic, but I was really dismayed when I heard that the> > U.S. was not joining the Kyoto global plan to reduce toxic emmissions> > by 20% over the next few years. The Canadian government is spending> > Billions of dollars towards reducing our toxic emissions which screw> > OUR ozone and cause drastic weather changes. But the U.S. opts not> > to. It may mean they may have to pay a little more for their food.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > To send an email to - > >

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I love the way he starts the book: "this is a work of fiction" and then has footnotes throughout. Ah, you don't do that with fiction. Then he ends the book with a classic "do as I say, not as I do," by stating "I don't have an agenda.


The kidlets and I have a "bad" habit of reading and correcting books. Had a ball with Saxon Math. We went through State of Fear and his footnotes and sent him the corrections (quite a few have later additions that are different OR he is selective in what he quotes). Don't expec to hear from him.


However, I hadn't noticed before that he has his little thumb in ER. Of course, after the rants about vaccinations (if you don't you are abusing your child) and homeschooling (they only do it to hide abuse), we stopped watching.






Thursday, May 05, 2005 1:10 PM

Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?


oh my

Chrichton's book is a horrid lil diatribe..i barely got thru it...

and, kyoto barely scratches the surface of wot needs to be done...

look at it this way..

if 99.999% of climatoligists, and world scientists are wrong, and all this global warming stuff is a mistake...then, whoops, the worse that happens is it makes it a tad harder on some economies

if, on the other paw, they are correct, and we do nothing, well, gee, we are only talking worldwide armageddon more er less...oh..the planet weill be fine....sure.....

now..us, our children, and civilization as we know it will be gone...

gee..which side would ya'll rather be on...


besides..his book has sooooo many things that are just wrong....


Chrichton's main ending thesis sems to be since we don't have all the facts, and can't acurrately predict everything that is going to occur, then it must all be a house of cards and is all wrong


nah...i wouldn't put this book on my top 5,000,000,000 reading list..




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.... but something is better than nothing. If you have aims you

achieve more than if you have no aims.




, " Craig Dearth " <cd39@e...> wrote:

> to agree with the guru of Fraggle,


> Kyoto should read 50% renewables by 2010 (not 10%)

> and 20% regenerative by 2050 in other words reducing previous

problems by

> 20% per year until back to some sort of norm.

> Kyoto calls for 50% renewables by 2050 UGHH... that won't even

come close

> to fixing the problem

> although it would help if USA & Australia would sign up to the Kyoto

> agreement.

> Australia has the distinction of being the only country in the


> that puts out more pollution per person than the USA hell at least

we can do

> more than swim.....sigh...

> Craig





> Behalf Of fraggle

> Friday, May 06, 2005 4:11 AM


> Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?



> oh my

> Chrichton's book is a horrid lil diatribe..i barely got thru it...

> and, kyoto barely scratches the surface of wot needs to be done...

> look at it this way..

> if 99.999% of climatoligists, and world scientists are wrong, and

all this

> global warming stuff is a mistake...then, whoops, the worse that

happens is

> it makes it a tad harder on some economies

> if, on the other paw, they are correct, and we do nothing, well,

gee, we are

> only talking worldwide armageddon more er less...oh..the planet

weill be

> fine....sure.....

> now..us, our children, and civilization as we know it will be


> gee..which side would ya'll rather be on...


> besides..his book has sooooo many things that are just wrong....


> Chrichton's main ending thesis sems to be since we don't have all

the facts,

> and can't acurrately predict everything that is going to occur,

then it must

> all be a house of cards and is all wrong


> nah...i wouldn't put this book on my top 5,000,000,000 reading


> :)

> cheers

> fraggle



> inal Message-----

> Lynda

> May 5, 2005 12:42 PM


> Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?




> Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by

Crichton? It

> will give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.


> Lynda



> To send an email to -





> --


> ----


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We also buy as much as we can from health shops, as they will keep

selling health foods as long as they can. If we buy from the

supermarkets they will most likely drop the healthy, veeggie/vegan

foods in the future (as they do in the run-up to Christmas each year)

and we will be left without anywhere to buy them. Also, of course,

you can often get good advice in the health food shops - which is

impossible in the supermarkets.




, " Taga Sickler " <zurumato@e...>


> I think it is great that supermarkets are starting to offer

organic/healthy food aisles,

> however, I think that they are just drawing in a market, for

profit and benefit.

> bottom line is that they want the customers to shop there and not

at a health food store.


> for instance, my local supermarket which is called Publix, had

the lack of tact, to put the vegetarian/alternative foods, just a

few feet across from their live incarcerated, lobsters, you know

the ones that are taped and thrown in a small box of water.


> I try not to shop there. I'd rather support a small health food



> -anouk



> -

> Lynda


> 5/5/2005 3:58:50 PM

> Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?



> american supermarkets do offer some organics. Some are real big on

it like

> TOPS, Albertsons and Rays. They have whole sections in each

section for

> organics. Others include an item or two. Safeway is the last to

join the

> trend.


> Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by

Crichton? It

> will give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.


> Lynda

> -


> > " jeffdevine8 " <jeffdevine8>

> >

> > Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:49 PM

> > Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?

> >

> >

> > > Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years

some of

> > > our major grocery chains have added a variety of organic fresh


> > > and veggies, plus several isles of frozen organic breads,


> > > dairy and vegan dairy like products, snack foods, canned foods,

> > > almost anything. Also in this section are some " fair-trade "

> > > products, and bio-degradable cleaners.

> > >

> > > I guess they see the prospects since organic food consumption


> > > been growing 20% to 40% for the last ten years Do American

> > > Supermarks offer this? Why not?

> > >

> > > In the 1950's 40 cents on the household dollar was spent on

food, and

> > > now it's between 10 and 15 cents. People would rather spend


> > > money of meaningless extravagances than safe food. But maybe


> > > name " Safeway " has them convinced their food is safe.

> > >

> > > A little of topic, but I was really dismayed when I heard that


> > > U.S. was not joining the Kyoto global plan to reduce toxic


> > > by 20% over the next few years. The Canadian government is


> > > Billions of dollars towards reducing our toxic emissions which


> > > OUR ozone and cause drastic weather changes. But the U.S. opts


> > > to. It may mean they may have to pay a little more for their


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > To send an email to -


> > >

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We are real lucky. We live in a very small place. No stop lights, no stop signs and an hour from even a small (3000) town.


We have a fantastic natural foods store where we can order from their catelog and they add 10% over wholesale. I buy stuff in our dinky little wide spot in the road for less than the sale prices at any store in the state! Now they are offering lugs of fresh veggies and fruits.


This year the high school is going to raise organic veggies and have their own farmers markets. Way kewl!





Taga Sickler

Thursday, May 05, 2005 9:34 PM

Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?


I think it is great that supermarkets are starting to offer organic/healthy food aisles,

however, I think that they are just drawing in a market, for profit and benefit.

bottom line is that they want the customers to shop there and not at a health food store.


for instance, my local supermarket which is called Publix, had the lack of tact, to put the vegetarian/alternative foods, just a few feet across from their live incarcerated, lobsters, you know the ones that are taped and thrown in a small box of water.


I try not to shop there. I'd rather support a small health food store.










5/5/2005 3:58:50 PM

Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?

american supermarkets do offer some organics. Some are real big on it likeTOPS, Albertsons and Rays. They have whole sections in each section fororganics. Others include an item or two. Safeway is the last to join thetrend.Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by Crichton? Itwill give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.Lynda-> "jeffdevine8" <jeffdevine8> > Wednesday, May 04, 2005 9:49 PM> Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?>>> > Great article. I'm Canadian, and within the past few years some of> > our major grocery chains have added a variety of organic fresh fruits> > and veggies, plus several isles of frozen organic breads, veggies,> > dairy and ve gan dairy like products, snack foods, canned foods,> > almost anything. Also in this section are some "fair-trade"> > products, and bio-degradable cleaners.> >> > I guess they see the prospects since organic food consumption has> > been growing 20% to 40% for the last ten years Do American> > Supermarks offer this? Why not?> >> > In the 1950's 40 cents on the household dollar was spent on food, and> > now it's between 10 and 15 cents. People would rather spend their> > money of meaningless extravagances than safe food. But maybe the> > name "Safeway" has them convinced their food is safe.> >> > A little of topic, but I was really dismayed when I heard that the> > U.S. was not joining the Kyoto global plan to reduce toxic emmissions> > by 20% over the next few years. The Canadian government is spending> > Billions of dollars towards reducing our toxic emissions which screw> > OUR ozone and cause drastic weather changes. But the U.S. opts not> > to. It may mean they may have to pay a little more for their food.> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > To send an email to - > >

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that's the point

its like throwing buckets of water on a forest fire rather than diverting the river to put it out


something is worthless we need heavier action

that comes straight from the Green Peace Australia Climate specialist Francis MacGuire





On Behalf Of heartwerkFriday, May 06, 2005 2:31 PM Subject: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?... but something is better than nothing. If you have aims you achieve more than if you have no aims.Jo , "Craig Dearth" <cd39@e...> wrote:> to agree with the guru of Fraggle,> > Kyoto should read 50% renewables by 2010 (not 10%)> and 20% regenerative by 2050 in other words reducing previous problems by> 20% per year until back to some sort of norm.> Kyoto calls for 50% renewables by 2050 UGHH... that won't even come close> to fixing the problem> although it would help if USA & Australia would sign up to the Kyoto> agreement.> Australia has the distinction of being the only country in the world> that puts out more pollution per person than the USA hell at least we can do> more than swim.....sigh...> Craig> > > On> Behalf Of fraggle> Friday, May 06, 2005 4:11 AM> > Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?> > > oh my> Chrichton's book is a horrid lil diatribe..i barely got thru it...> and, kyoto barely scratches the surface of wot needs to be done...> look at it this way..> if 99.999% of climatoligists, and world scientists are wrong, and all this> global warming stuff is a mistake...then, whoops, the worse that happens is> it makes it a tad harder on some economies> if, on the other paw, they are correct, and we do nothing, well, gee, we are> only talking worldwide armageddon more er less...oh..the planet weill be> fine....sure.....> now..us, our children, and civilization as we know it will be gone...> gee..which side would ya'll rather be on...> > besides..his book has sooooo many things that are just wrong....> > Chrichton's main ending thesis sems to be since we don't have all the facts,> and can't acurrately predict everything that is going to occur, then it must> all be a house of cards and is all wrong> > nah...i wouldn't put this book on my top 5,000,000,000 reading list..> :)> cheers> fraggle> > > inal Message-----> Lynda> May 5, 2005 12:42 PM> > Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?> > > > Speaking of global emissions, anyone read State of Fear by Crichton? It> will give you some pause over the thinking behind Kyoto.> > Lynda> > >

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I'm not a great fiction reader, but I would imagine that if you

wrote 'a story' you might base some of your ideas on non-fiction

concepts that you had read, and would therefore add the footnotes.




, " Lynda " <lurine@s...> wrote:

> I love the way he starts the book: " this is a work of fiction " and

then has footnotes throughout. Ah, you don't do that with fiction.

Then he ends the book with a classic " do as I say, not as I do, " by

stating " I don't have an agenda.


> The kidlets and I have a " bad " habit of reading and correcting

books. Had a ball with Saxon Math. We went through State of Fear

and his footnotes and sent him the corrections (quite a few have

later additions that are different OR he is selective in what he

quotes). Don't expec to hear from him.


> However, I hadn't noticed before that he has his little thumb in

ER. Of course, after the rants about vaccinations (if you don't you

are abusing your child) and homeschooling (they only do it to hide

abuse), we stopped watching.


> Lynda

> -

> fraggle


> Thursday, May 05, 2005 1:10 PM

> Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?



> oh my

> Chrichton's book is a horrid lil diatribe..i barely got thru it...

> and, kyoto barely scratches the surface of wot needs to be done...

> look at it this way..

> if 99.999% of climatoligists, and world scientists are wrong, and

all this global warming stuff is a mistake...then, whoops, the worse

that happens is it makes it a tad harder on some economies

> if, on the other paw, they are correct, and we do nothing, well,

gee, we are only talking worldwide armageddon more er less...oh..the

planet weill be fine....sure.....

> now..us, our children, and civilization as we know it will be


> gee..which side would ya'll rather be on...


> besides..his book has sooooo many things that are just wrong....


> Chrichton's main ending thesis sems to be since we don't have all

the facts, and can't acurrately predict everything that is going to

occur, then it must all be a house of cards and is all wrong


> nah...i wouldn't put this book on my top 5,000,000,000 reading


> :)

> cheers

> fraggle

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weren't you suppose to send us a picture of a flower awhile ago..to see if we could identify it? Lynda May 5, 2005 11:58 PM Re: Re: is Safeway Sucking Your Soul?


We are real lucky. We live in a very small place. No stop lights, no stop signs and an hour from even a small (3000) town.


We have a fantastic natural foods store where we can order from their catelog and they add 10% over wholesale. I buy stuff in our dinky little wide spot in the road for less than the sale prices at any store in the state! Now they are offering lugs of fresh veggies and fruits.


This year the high school is going to raise organic veggies and have their own farmers markets. Way kewl!




And Bugs Bunny is a friend of mine

Eating him I'd feel like Frankenstein

Eating flesh seems pretty foul to me

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