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Puerto Rican Pastelón (plantain lasagna)

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What an interesting recipe. I'm new to the Plantains and have only a couple of

ways I have prepared them.. Thanks for a new idea. I love the Canned Cedar

Lake and Worthington Vegetarian Burger.




Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:05 AM

Puerto Rican Pastelón (plantain " lasagna " )



Wondering how to cook those strange huge " bananas " you see in Latin

supermarkets? Here is the vegetarian version of a delicious tropical

plantain " lasagna " that is typical in Puerto Rico:


3 large ripe plantains

1 can (20 ounce) crumbled Cedar Lake Vegeburger (or equivalent)

½ cup finely chopped onion

½ cup finely chopped green pepper

½ cup finely chopped cilantro

6 cloves mashed garlic

¼ cup olive oil

2-3 teaspoons herbs to taste (oregano, etc)

½ cup tomato sauce or ketchup

(1 cup cheese optional)


Cut plantains into 3-4 pieces each and boil them with the skins on

until soft. Drain, peel and mash. Saute onion, green pepper,

cilantro, garlic, and herbs in olive oil until cooked, then add

crumbled vegeburger and mix well. Layer half the mashed plantain in

the bottom of a rectangular lasagna pan, then cover with the

vegeburger mix. Top with another layer of mashed plantain, then add

some tomato sauce or ketchup. Can be topped with cheese too. Bake

25 minutes at 350F, then slice and enjoy!!! Buen provecho!!!







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Hi Judy,


Plantains are a staple food here. You can also cut them into 2 "

pieces, boil them with the skin on, then when they are soft, peel and

eat (this works with green or ripe plantains). The green ones are

starchy, like a potato, while the ripe ones are sweet. Ripe ones can

also be cut in long thin strips lengthwise, and fried in a little

olive oil for a sweet treat. Kids love this with ketchup.


A very popular way to make them is " tostones " , or fried plantain

chips. Peel green plantains, then cut into 1/4 " to 1/2 " slices. Fry

in olive oil until soft, then crush them flat (you can buy a

wooden " tostonera " for this, or use a cutting board and smash them

with a can). Refry and serve hot with a little sea salt and

ketchup!!! Delicious.


Another way to prepare ripe ones is " pionono " (different from

Argentine pionono). Peel 3-4 ripe plantains, cut them lengthwise and

place them open them like a boat in a rectangular baking pan. Fill

with the same mixture you made for the pastelón, top with tomato

sauce (cheese optional) and bake until done. Also delicious.






, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> What an interesting recipe. I'm new to the Plantains and have only

a couple of ways I have prepared them.. Thanks for a new idea. I

love the Canned Cedar Lake and Worthington Vegetarian Burger.

> Judy

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