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Hi Emmy,

'Just off the top of my head, try:

- baked potato topped with vegetarian chili

- vegetarian shephard's pie (ie. use TVP and/or tofu and/or seitan

(gluten) and/ot lentils and/or other mashed beans mixed with peas/carrots

etc.. and topped with mashed potatoes and baked)

- Hearty soups, like lentil and chickpea or minestrone with beans,

served with homemade-style bread

- Veggie burgers or sloppy joes made with TVP or tofu

- Texan casserole made with a layer of refried beans topped with

a layer of diced tomatoes, green peppes and corn, baked and served with

tortilla chips or flour tortillas

- Indian curries

- tabouleh (middle eastern salad mad with parsley, mint and couscous

or bulghur...I ad chickpeas or beans to mine)

For interesting pasta sauces:

- try making sauces out of other pureed veggies, other than tomato.

Sweet potato is really interesting, as is broccoli

- if you can get silken tofu, blend the soft silken tofu with a tin

of tomato soup (or fresh tomatoes) to make a rose sauce.

- if you eat eggs, and you can find it, try using gnocci instead of


Good luck....



Emmy O'Malley wrote:

"Emmy O'Malley" <Mystic_Night


Hi all,

Well...I think I must be doing something wrong. I know there must

be much

more to vegetarianism than pasta and rice as the "filler" for the


space that meat leaves on my dinner plate.

Okay, here's the problem I have. Two weeks ago I went veggie, this


cooking for myself 5 nights a week (my mom makes 2 vegetarian meals

a week),

and see, I'm not one of those teenagers who's totally ignorant

about the

whole thing and resorts to eating cheese pizza and pasta to make

up for the

lack of fulfilling meat, however, I am having a problem with VARIETY.


main problem is that aside from being a pasta FANATIC, I haven't

yet got the

creativity to think of what else I can eat in place of meat. My

diet seems

to be pretty high in carbohydrates, and while some dieticians say

that that

is good, many say that we've got to have a lot of variety.

Sooo...basically, I would like some help as to how I can utilize


more without always depending upon pastas and rice. Or, if anybody

can point

me in the direction of good reference sources, that would be great,


Thanks, in advance.

Oh, I should point out something really neat. Ever since I cleaned

up my

diet, as I say, my dad's taken onto my example, and he's trying

to cut down

on his meat intake and eat healthier snacks like, instead of going


mid-day chicken sandwiches, he'll eat raisins and nuts, and I've

also gotten

him to start drinking more milk instead of his usual soda at every


meal. And, oh! Instead of having steak for lunch or something,

if I have any

leftovers from a previous vegetarian dinner I made, he will go

for that

instead! Isn't it amazing???

Happy vegging!



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  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone

i am trying to make a cake for my daughters 1st birthday. It must be dairy

free and wheat free. Does anybody have any recipies or ideas for this.

many thanks


norma & iain (parents to )

samuel 8 fragile x syndrome

thomas 7 years

ebony 5 years fragilex carrier

oliver 2 HD illeostomy

kira 9 months dairy & gluten allergy




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  • 4 years later...

Hi Louise. Sorry you are going through all of that.


Breakfast is a bit tricky for you. I'd really suggest trying some soy

products even though you say you do not like them (so long as you are

allowed to consume them I'd give them another go if I were you).

Specifically using soy milk to make breakfast shakes. I have used chocolate

soy milk with chocolate soy protein powder to make shakes (along with peanut

butter, cinnamon and banana - although I know you do not like fruit) and

there is no way I could tell it was soy. Add some ice if you want it a bit

frostier and colder. I glass of soy milk will get you about nearly 1/3 of

what is recommended daily.


Are oats considered a cereal to your doc or is he referring to the cereals

that have tons of fortified stuff in them?


Anywho, sorry I do not have a perfect solution to fit your wants but I hope

you find something to your liking and needs. Let us know if you find

something that suits you. And trust me many people love chocolate soy

milk. Oh, I've read that molasses is a wonderful source of iron.





On 2/9/06, Louise <> wrote:


> I haven't posted for a while, but boy has some stressful stuff being

> going down in my life.


> Okay, as a memory refresher, I am a 30 y.o. female lacto-ovo

> vegetarian. I suffer from renal failure, but am not on dialysis yet.

> I also have hypertension and osteoporosis.


> Just lately my renal specialist, during routine blood tests, has

> discovered very high phosphate levels and anaemia. My iron levels

> are fine though, in fact they are surprisingly high considering I

> don't supplement or even bother eating iron rich foods.


> So, with the aneamia I have to self-inject the hormone erythrepoiton

> weekly. Not a problem, just a bit stressful as nobody likes giving

> themselves needles.


> But the phosphate is a bigger problem. Here's what the renal unit

> dietitian has told me: cut dairy back to 1 cup (250ml) of milk per

> day, and do not eat cereals or wholegrain breads. I have to have

> white bread (!!! Which I don't like, and which is unhealthy anyway)

> and I'm also not allowed to eat legumes/beans at all. I'm only

> allowed 5 eggs a week.


> I'm finding it particularly difficult to find something I can eat

> for breakfast, and also to get enough calcium, when you consider my

> osteoporosis. I'm not a fan of fruit (for breakfast or any other

> time), and I certainly don't like soy products.


> I also hate white bread.


> So aside from fresh vegetables, I just can't think of anything I can

> eat, or want to eat! I guess I can have rice and pasta but there's

> only so often you want to eat those. I'm not a huge pasta fan.


> I just can't find the balance in all this :((


> Any breakfast suggestions, and non-dairy, non-soy calcium

> suggestions?


> Louise

> South Australia







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Hi Louise. So sorry to read you are not feeling well and

having so many health issues.

As far as food suggestions go i think i will have to agree

with Shawn. Even though you may not prefer certain

foods, you are really limited in your choices and you

have got to eat something. You need the nutrition to

help your body through this difficult health crisis.

My heart goes out to you right now.


~ pt ~


Thought is free.

~ Shakespeare (1564-1616)


, " Louise " <lmfoster wrote:


> But the phosphate is a bigger problem. Here's what the renal unit

> dietitian has told me: cut dairy back to 1 cup (250ml) of milk per

> day, and do not eat cereals or wholegrain breads. I have to have

> white bread (!!! Which I don't like, and which is unhealthy anyway)

> and I'm also not allowed to eat legumes/beans at all. I'm only

> allowed 5 eggs a week.


> I'm finding it particularly difficult to find something I can eat

> for breakfast, and also to get enough calcium, when you consider my

> osteoporosis. I'm not a fan of fruit (for breakfast or any other

> time), and I certainly don't like soy products.


> I also hate white bread.


> So aside from fresh vegetables, I just can't think of anything I can

> eat, or want to eat! I guess I can have rice and pasta but there's

> only so often you want to eat those. I'm not a huge pasta fan.


> I just can't find the balance in all this :((


> Any breakfast suggestions, and non-dairy, non-soy calcium

> suggestions?


> Louise

> South Australia


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> So aside from fresh vegetables, I just can't think of anything I can

> eat, or want to eat! I guess I can have rice and pasta but there's

> only so often you want to eat those. I'm not a huge pasta fan.


> I just can't find the balance in all this :((


Try using this database. It's a good way to get a specific nutrient

into your diet, or lower another, if that's a problem. You might also

want to invest in a nutrition software program.





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Thanks for your input everyone. There's lots of useful hints and

suggestions there. I've also got to do a certain amount of things for

myself - e.g. stop sulking about my situation, bite the bullet, and

get my nutrition regardless of whether it's stuff I don't like. It's

hard - of course its hard, as I suffer nausea as well - but it's not

the end of the world.




South Australia

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Hi Louise:


I suggest you find a dietician who could help you with what to eat. If you

have seen then maybe try a 2nd one. They should be able to give you

recommendations on what to eat and how to substitute items.


Good luck and sorry I wasn't more help.


Please let us know what you find out.






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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

My beautiful niece has just decided to become vegetarian!!!! Is there

anything she needs to do {special} with her diet to make sure she is

getting the right nutrients?


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Take vitimin B supplements. A good B complex with B-12. Vitimin B-12

deficiency causes muddy thinking, memory problems, confusion and can cause

permanent problems. It is hard to get B-12 as a vegetarian. I also suggest

that she take a good quality pro-biotic. ////When I wasn't taking one my skin

dries out and I got exzema and had other skin and hair problems.



lynn <frigault wrote:

My beautiful niece has just decided to become vegetarian!!!! Is there

anything she needs to do {special} with her diet to make sure she is

getting the right nutrients?









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Hi Lynn,


You should be proud of her! The main issue is not to just " eliminate

meat " from her diet, but to educate herself about what foods are

healthy and what foods to avoid. For example, if she just stops

eating meat, but lives on nothing but junk food (loaded with fat,

salt and empty carbohydrates) she is not going to be too healthy.

She needs to eat a balanced diet, including lots of fresh fruits and

vegetables, legumes (beans, lentils, garbanzos, soy products), and

whole grains. If she eats milk and eggs (lacto ovo vegetarian) then

she will have no problem with vitamin B12, but if she is vegan, then

she should be sure to take a B12 supplement or use soymilk or other

products with B12 added.


If she eats a well balanced diet of healthy ingredients, she will be

much healthier than her meat eating friends and family!!!



Puerto Rico


, " lynn " <frigault wrote:


> My beautiful niece has just decided to become vegetarian!!!! Is


> anything she needs to do {special} with her diet to make sure she


> getting the right nutrients?

> Lynn


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I am proud of her. Thanks for the info, I forwarded it to her.



brbrunner <brbrunner wrote:

Hi Lynn,


You should be proud of her! The main issue is not to just " eliminate

meat " from her diet, but to educate herself about what foods are

healthy and what foods to avoid. For example, if she just stops

eating meat, but lives on nothing but junk food (loaded with fat,

salt and empty carbohydrates) she is not going to be too healthy.

She needs to eat a balanced diet, including lots of fresh fruits and

vegetables, legumes (beans, lentils, garbanzos, soy products), and

whole grains. If she eats milk and eggs (lacto ovo vegetarian) then

she will have no problem with vitamin B12, but if she is vegan, then

she should be sure to take a B12 supplement or use soymilk or other

products with B12 added.


If she eats a well balanced diet of healthy ingredients, she will be

much healthier than her meat eating friends and family!!!



Puerto Rico


, " lynn " <frigault wrote:


> My beautiful niece has just decided to become vegetarian!!!! Is


> anything she needs to do {special} with her diet to make sure she


> getting the right nutrients?

> Lynn












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