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- new vegetarian- Eglaelin and headaches

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Here are some more ideas of what might be causing your headaches, Eglaelin.


Stress, lack of sleep, bright lights, weather changes and strong odors are all

potential headache triggers.


Foods can cause headaches by affecting your brain chemistry or changing the size

of your blood vessels, Marks says. The five most common dietary triggers of

headaches are:


a.. Alcohol, particularly red wine.

b.. Too much caffeine. A little caffeine is OK, but drinking beverages every

day that give you more caffeine than what you would get in two 8-ounce cups of

coffee can cause headaches.

c.. Chocolate.

d.. Aged cheeses such as Swiss, cheddar and mozzarella. They contain tyramine,

a natural compound that can cause dilation and constriction of your blood


e.. Food additives, such as monosodium glutamate or MSG, a common ingredient

in canned soups, sulfites (used commonly to preserve dried fruit, but you can

find sulfite free ones) and nitrites (used as a meat preservative).

Hope this helps and you can't go wrong on a healthy vegetarian diet. Eat a

good variety of vegetarian foods and enjoy improved health of a lifetime.




Friday, April 20, 2007 7:57 AM

Re: - new vegetarian- Eglaelin



Some ideas, might be your body, detoxifying from meat, or allergies, or if

your body is used to caffeine and you've reduced that or eliminated that too, it

would cause headaches at first.

Most meat contains a growth stimulant and appetite stimulant, given to animals

in their feed and the elimination of meat may be causing temporary headaches as

a result of not having it, but only at first.

Also all the hormones that meat contains, is no longer in your diet and that

is a change, which is a good thing, but also an adjustment for the body. But if

your meat intake has been greatly reduced already, I think it is probably not

related to this at all. Many people give up meat cold turkey and don't have any

side effects at all.


Here is a great article on the vegetarian diet that will give you lots of

insight. http://www.freedomyou.com/nutrition_book/Modern%20Meat.htm


Here's to great health,





Friday, April 20, 2007 5:53 AM

[sPAM] Greetings from Eglaelin




I have recently moved into a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet due to ethical

reasons. My last meat dish was on Monday afternoon but I had steadily

decreased my meat intake before that.

Here is the only issue that I am having. I have had a steady headache

in the frontal region of my head. Since the only changes in my life

recently have been the change to a veggie diet and some more time in

meditation I can only think it because of the decrease in meat

products. Has anyone else ever had this difficulty and how long did

it last?


In Peace,



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