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Give us this day our daily bread. ~Matthew 6:11~


And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake

it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

~Matthew 26:26~


BREAD: In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return

unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and

unto dust shalt thou return. ~Genesis 3:19~


So, this " hemp bread " in the bag with the many-stemmed leaf -- is it as

filling as it looks, or does it give you the munchies? Is it OK to eat

as long as you don't inhale? Lynn Gordon laughs -- not fall-down

laughing, but something more mellow, resigned as she is by now to

questions about stems, dealers and street value.


" We all try not to joke about it, but we can't help it, " she said.


Gordon is president of French Meadow Bakery in Minneapolis, which four

years ago introduced " Healthy Hemp Sprouted Bread, " made with hempseed

imported from Germany and Canada -- imported because hemp, a member of

the cannabis family related to marijuana, is in some forms a controlled

substance in the United States.


Hempseed and hemp oil, also used in the making of food products,

contain trace amounts of THC -- the " psychoactive " element that makes

cousin marijuana an illegal drug.


The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has been trying for more than a

year to prohibit the use of hempseed and hemp oil in food products, and

the agency recently published " final rules " addressing the legal status

of products derived from the cannabis plant. The ban is to take effect

Monday, but a hemp industry association has asked the Ninth U.S.

Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco to stay the order.


The appeals court stayed an earlier form of the proposed rule last



Without another stay, Gordon fears she'll have to stop making her

popular hemp bread -- which accounts for about 20 percent of French

Meadow's nationwide sales of frozen and refrigerated natural foods.


It also accounts for most of Gordon's own breakfasts and lunches.


" I have it every day with a poached egg, and every day I have a grilled

cheese sandwich, " she said. " I'd really hate to have to stop. I've

become quite addicted to it. "




" No, really, hempseed is a wonder food, one of the most nutritious

foods on the planet, " she said. " This would be a great loss for

health-conscious consumers of the United States. "


Controlled substance


Under the Controlled Substances Act, any product that contains even a

trace of THC -- tetrahydrocannabinols -- is itself a controlled

substance, according to the DEA.


In some cases, the agency grants exemptions for " legitimate industrial

use " of a controlled substance, and the rules the DEA announced on

March 21 allow for the use of hemp to make rope, paper, clothing, soaps

and shampoos.


" DEA is exempting these types of industrial cannabis products from

control because they . . . do not cause THC to enter the human body, "

the agency said. " When it comes to cannabis products that are intended

or used for human consumption [foods and beverages], however, today's

rules make clear that if such a product contains THC, it remains

prohibited. "


To register their opposition to the DEA's rule and " give the public a

taste of what they'll be missing, " hemp advocates will visit about 70

agency offices around the country Monday and pass out samples of foods

containing hempseed or hemp oil.


At about half of those sites, the samples will be French Meadow's

Healthy Hemp Sprouted Bread, fresh from the company's south Minneapolis

bakery, Gordon said.


She insists that her bread has nothing to do with any campaign to

decriminalize marijuana -- any more than poppyseed muffins are meant to

lead to use of opium.


" I'm in the food business, not the drug business, " she said. " I don't

have a personal penchant for marijuana. Those days passed long ago. If

marijuana is helpful for people with glaucoma, maybe it should be

available to them. But that's not my battle. "


A 'rotation crop'


When the DEA first declared war on hempseed in food, " we were told we

couldn't make it anymore and had to remove it from our shelves, " Gordon

said. " All our retailers around the country removed it, but we kept

making it and selling it at our cafe " on Lyndale Avenue S.


The seeds test virtually THC-free, she said. French Meadow also tests

finished loaves, with the same result.


" The bag is a little controversial, " Gordon said, though the pictured

hemp leaf " is pointier, not as rounded " as a marijuana leaf.


And each plastic bag -- not to say baggie -- carries an endorsement

from George Washington: " Make the most of the hemp seed, " he is quoted

as saying in 1794. " Sow it everywhere! "


Thomas Jefferson raised hemp, too, Gordon said.


" It's not just a fluffy marketing technique, " she said. " Hemp doesn't

require herbicides or pesticides, and it's a very good rotation crop

for corn and soybeans. "


Baked with whole-wheat flour, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds and other organic

ingredients, French Meadow's hemp bread is high in protein, fiber and

good fatty acids.


" It's absolutely obscene that we're looking to ban it, " Gordon said.


A Loaf of Wonder Food or Seeds of Addiction?


Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune (MN)

Author: Chuck Haga, Star Tribune

Published: April 17, 2003

Contact: opinion

Website: http://www.startribune.com/


Related Articles & Web Site:


Cannabis News Hemp Links



Foods Containing Hemp Face DEA Ban



DEA Final Rule on Hemp Foods Challenged



Get Your Fill of Hemp While It's Still Legal





And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no

more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the

heathen any more. (Ezekiel 34:29)






Hemp Food


* Hemp extracts can be used to treat a variety of physical and mental

ailments which include tuberculosis, glaucoma, depression, and the side

effects of cancer therapy. Prior to this century, cannabis extracts

were the most commonly used medicines throughout the world.


House Votes To Let Farmers Grow Industrial Hemp



* “The hemp seed is the highest of any plant in essential amino acids

and essential fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are responsible

for our immune response...and contribute to…more disease resistance.”

(Hempseed Nutrition by Lynn Osburn).


* Hempseed was used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by

tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body

to waste away. (Czechoslovakia Tubercular Nutritional Study, 1955.)


* Hemp seed protein more closely resembles that of the human body than

soy; it is also easier to digest. Hemp contains a richer source of

essential fatty acid oils than soy. These oils prevent heart disease

and build the immune system. Hemp also resists UV-B light, which is a

kind of sunlight that is blocked by the ozone layer. Soy beans do not

take UV-B light very well. If the ozone layer were to deplete by 16%,

which by some estimates is very possible, soy production would fall by

25-30%. We may have to grow hemp or starve -- and it won't be the first

time that this has happened. Hemp has been used to " bail out " many

populations in time of famine.


* Hemp grain is the most nutritionally complete seed on the planet for

human consumption. Each hemp seed contains 25% protein. This protein

is more easily digestible than the protein in soybeans because it

contains a perfect ratio of essential fatty acids (EFA's). EFA's are

important for strengthening your immune system and protecting you from

disease. Fish oil and flax oil are also high in EFA's, but hemp

contains the most perfect ratio of EFA's for human consumption. Hemp

grain is also high in iron and calcium and is an excellent source of

dietary fiber


* Ralph Loziers, general counsel of the National Institute of Oilseed

Products, told the Congressional committee studying marijuana

prohibition in 1937 that, “Hemp seed… is used in all the Oriental

nations and also in a part of Russia as food. It is grown in their

fields and used as oatmeal.


* Hemp seed oil has been called Nature's perfect blend of Essential

Fatty Acids due to the large amount of these substances contained in

the oil. Specifically Hemp seed oil has large amounts of Lineolenic

(Omega-3), and Lineoleic (Omega-6) fatty acids. These are considered to

be essential by nutritionists since humans are unable to synthesize

them, thus they must consume them from an external source.


* Many Essential Nutrients Found in Hemp Seed July 27, 2000

By Nancy Ross Ryan - Chicago Tribune

Source: Spokane.net http://www.spokane.net


According to the latest research, there are about 45 nutrients that

humans can't live without and which their bodies can't manufacture: 21

minerals, 13 vitamins, eight amino acids and two essential fatty acids.

No single food has them all. But when a food is discovered that is a

rich source of several essential nutrients, such as hemp seed, it makes

nutrition news. Its promoters bill hemp seed as the soybean of the new

millennium. In addition to containing vitamins and minerals (calcium,

iron, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin), hemp seed, like the soybean, is

a vegetable source of complete protein, having all eight amino acids.

Hemp oil (pressed from the hemp seed) is, according to many, the best

source of the two essential fatty acids (or EFAs) we can't live

without: omega 3 alpha-linolenic acid and omega 6 linoleic acid.


In 1992 a consortium of 20 British farmers requested permission to grow

industrial hemp, a crop that had been banned since 1971. Home Office

Minister Michael Jack saw no reason to oppose the request since

industrial hemp had been grown for years on the Continent " without any

problems " . The farmers received licenses to cultivate 1500 acres. In

1993 a consortium of 10 Canadian farmers requested permission to grow

hemp, a crop that had been banned since 1923. The federal government

informed them the law would have to be changed before commercial plots

could be harvested. However, seeing that " farmers in Canada are very

interested in it " , Health Minister Diane Marleau issued a permit for 18

acres of experimental plots. The next year Parliament enabled

commercial harvests.



Part One by Lynn Osburn


Part II, Hempseed Oils and the Flow of Life Force




Energy Farming in America



Hemp Food Association




The Hemp Conspiriacy



Hemp FAQ's


FAQ#1: What are the benefits of hemp seeds and hemp oil for food?

For informative answers to this question, see:

Hemp Seed, The Royal Grain, by Chris Bennett


Traditional Uses of Culinary Hemp Seed by Dr. Alexander Sumach


Centuries of Safe Consumption of Hemp Foods by Cynthia Thielen


Essential Fatty Acids Can Affect Your Baby's Intelligence! by Hempola,

Inc. http://www.thehia.org/faqs/faq4.htm

Nutritional Analysis of Hempseed and Hempseed Oil by The Ohio Hempery


Nutritional Analysis of HempNut Hulled Hempseed by Richard Rose



Hemp seed: A cure for the common cold?



Alive Foods raw hemp foods, wellness retreat centre based on people who

cured themselves from cancer



Motherhemp launch the succesful organic dairy free hemp ice-cream

alternative to EU market at Biofach, visit them at the British

Pavillion, Hall 1, Stand 440



Hemp Seed Cookbook, SCRAP, PO Box 510, Cazadero, CA 94521, (707)

847-3642, $2.25.


Fats and Oils: The Complete Guide to Fats and Oils in Health and


Alive Books, PO Box 80055, Burnaby BC, Canada V5H 3X5, $20.


" Hemp Food Industries Association " r


Tune In, Turn on, Eat Up


Dr Dave West of the NAIHC educates us to some 28 pages of hemp myths

and facts in adobe acrobat format


Australia's bumper harvest





Nutiva Recipes


Pacific Hemp


Sativa's Kitchens


Hemp Rella


Ohio Hempery


Hungry Bear Hemp Foods


Galaxy Global Eatery




Hempen Ale Home


Humboldt Brewing Company Hemp Beer!


A recipe for hemp oil vinaigrette




In the later times, some shall speak lies in hypocrisy commanding to

abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with

thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. Every creature

of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with

thanksgiving. For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. If

thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a

good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and

of good doctrine. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-6)



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Hardrug, Booze & Petro-Chem Alternative

Eliminated by Legislation and Administrated Education Depravation!






The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

hemp is great, it's worth the extra money. and it shouldn't even show

up on drug tests because the THC content is very low. I did see a

program on TV however, which found that eating a poppy seed bagel can

show up in an opium test.

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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

I get them with no problem at my organic food co-op too.



Kathy Raine <kraine wrote:


I get edible hemp seeds at my local food co-op / health food store. They

are expensive, they are delicious. Kathy








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  • 2 years later...
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Hemp vs. Marijuana http://www.ontariohempalliance.org/info/p_hvsm.cfm

Hemp is not marijuana. Although both hemp and marijuana are

categorized as Cannabis Sativa, marijuana has an average potency of 5-15%

THC (the chemical substance which gives marijuana its psychoactive

properties) whereas hemp has less than 0.3%THC. At this concentration, hemp

has no psychoactive properties.




Here is another great article.






PuterWitch <puterwitch wrote:

> now aren't hemp seeds the same thing as

pot seeds, or is that different?

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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest



Thought of you when I listened to the latest Diet Science podcast

on hemp foods. It was kind of light in substance, but here it is:




And then this morning, I read in the NY Times of North Dakotans'

efforts to legalizae the growing of hemp crops:


http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/21/us/21hemp.html?_r=1 & hp & oref=slogin





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  • 1 year later...

I have a question about hemp... I have some hemp seed that's been in a

plastic storage container for about a year... or two. Is it still

good do you think, or has it gone rancid by now? I'd like to still

use it!

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I have not seen hemp seeds to plant.  Only the other bud seed. 

Write me off list.



--- On Thu, 1/15/09, road.princess <mbishop999 wrote:



road.princess <mbishop999

Re: Hemp


Thursday, January 15, 2009, 2:35 PM







I have a question about hemp... I have some hemp seed that's been in a

plastic storage container for about a year... or two. Is it still

good do you think, or has it gone rancid by now? I'd like to still

use it!




















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