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Mad Cow Disease Common In US Dog Population FYI

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Mad Cow Disease Common In US Dog Population FYI




Mad Cow Disease Becomes Common In US Dog Population7-29-5 We have been covering the BSE/Mad Cow (CWD in deer) story for over ten years now. Despite the blatant lies of the USDA regarding the existence of mad cow in the US and its efforts to suppress testing of cattle for BSE, there is no question that mad cow is in the US food chain and the general population. None, whatsoever. It is often called Alzheimer's. In fact, it is projected that around 10% of Alzheimer's victims actually have Mad Cow disease from eating US beef and dairy products. This statement comes directly from national Alzheimer's authorities. Not surprisingly, the issue of proliferating mad cow disease also extends to our pet population, especially dogs who are fed some of the most vile, dangerous 'food' in history. The average dog food contains 'meat byproducts' and numerous other ingredients often called 'protein' sources, etc. In fact, these innocuous-sounding terms are general labels for beef brains, spinal cords, tumors, diseased tissues, road kill, euthanized dogs and cats and a myriad of chemicals and toxins. Years ago, we predicted dogs would develop BSE/mad cow dementia symptoms. And we were correct. Veterinarians who refuse to fully-face reality have termed mad cow in dogs "Canine Cognitive Disorder." The articles below will help illustrate the problems we - and our pets - now face. Because the British government lied to its own people for years and covered up their mad cow catastrophe with such pathological insanity, I also surmised that the dogs in the UK would continue being fed suspect beef in addition to ground-up and rendered dead dogs and cats, road kill, and all the rest. This news story from the UK sadly proves my prediction to have been accurate: Mad Cow is very likely rampant in the UK canine population. Thousands Of UK Dogs Suffering From 'Alzheimers' By Katy Guest The Independent - UK 7-10-5

Cat-lovers have always suspected it. Now vets have proved it. Thousands of dogs in the UK are suffering from disorders of the brain. In short, ours is a nation that owns mad dogs. A major study of British pets has shown that a third of dogs aged seven and older showed "significant" signs of brain dysfunction. "Most pet owners are unaware that their pet is suffering from these disorders even though they may see the changes associated with age-related behavioural disorders," says Bo Bronserud, managing director of VetPlus, the company that undertook the study. "Changes will often be accepted as part of the ageing process, and pet owners may not see the point in taking any action. We are a nation of animal-lovers and the number of animals suffering from 'Alzheimer's' without their owners being aware could be as high as a million." VetPlus asked 981 pet-owners, chosen through UK veterinary surgeries, to answer questions about changes in their dogs' behaviour as the animals became older. Many reported changes in behaviour that indicated cognitive dysfunction disorders, such as frequent barking and changes to sleep patterns and bladder and bowel activity. Twenty veterinary practices then conducted clinical trials on a new drug, Activait, giving 20 dogs the drug and 24 more a placebo to see if it would change their symptoms. Scientists found that activity, social interaction and house-training improved in the dogs taking Activait. Sarah Heath, a leading animal behaviourist, explains: "Pets, and particularly dogs over 8, are more likely to be at risk of displaying signs of cognitive decline. This can result in them becoming less sociable and appearing disorientated within their own homes. They may sleep more and have an increase in 'accidents' around the house." Pip Boydell, owner of the Animal Medical Centre, spends his working life dealing with diseases of the brain and eye. "Although I retain a degree of scepticism, I find many dog and cat patients with diseases that involve degeneration of brain tissue, how a marked improvement following supplementation of Aktivait," he says. "I now take it myself although there is no evidence it is helping my memory at all..." 'She was confused. I had virtually given up on her' Sally, a cross-breed, is 17 years old. Her owner is Joe Jowett, 72, from Stalybridge near Manchester. He took her to his local vet when she became very disorientated and did not recognise him. "Quite frankly, when I took her to the vet, I had virtually given up on her," he says. "She was in a very confused state. Not the lively little dog she usually is. They decided she had had at least three strokes. She was 15 at the time. She's 17 now and she has been on Activait for the best part of two years. The vet said, "Let's give it a go", and it seems to have kept her going. It was about three or four weeks before we noticed she wasn't as dozy-looking. She goes on about three or four walks every day. We sprinkle the capsules on to very thinly sliced beef, which we roll up. It has kept us together for an extra couple of years. I wish they could find something that could do the same for me!" © 2005 Independent News & Media (UK) Ltd. http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/environment/article298080.ece Mad Cow In Dogs From MTW Mad Cow Disease In Dogs Date Jun 19, 2005 Hi Jeff - Our last two dogs had "canine cognitive disorder" in their final years. No dog of ours ever had it till these last 2 (and I am 55). First dog about 8 years ago, the second was last year. You may want to investigate the situation, since the dogs were eating commercial dog food with lower standards. I understand there are always a few homeless people who buy dog food for meat. Doesn't require refrigeration and is affordable. You could check shelters, etc. for a rise in incidence of Alzheimer's, and cognitive disorders, etc. I realize many of these already have cognitive disabilities from alcohol and drug abuse, so it complicates the identification, but a rise in incidence...well, you get the drift. _____ Canine Cognitive Dysfunction In the past several years, a brain disorder that is somewhat similar to Alzheimer's disease in humans has been identified in dogs. Canine cognitive disorder strikes many dogs over the age of about 10 years. Signs include loss of house-training, decreased interaction with the rest of the family, disorientation and decreased ability to follow commands. Although we are unable to cure this disorder, we do have medication that can temporarily decrease the signs of the disease, allowing you to spend more quality time with your pet. < & amp;hl=en> .com/services1.htm+%22canine+cognitive+disorder & hl=en < & amp;hl=en> When an older pet becomes forgetful, it is usually recognized as "old dog syndrome" and accepted as normal aging. However, recent studies show that there may be pathological reasons why so many older dogs have behavior changes. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) is believed to be caused by neurodegenerative changes in the brain, resulting in a deterioration of cognitive abilities. Key behavioral signs (usually noticed first by owners at home) include disorientation, abnormal sleep/wake cycles, loss of house-training and decreased responsiveness to family members. http://www.petdr.com/newsletter.htm _____ Cognitive Dysfunction In Elderly Dogs - Canine 'Alzheimer's' Syndrome By Dr. Nicholas As veterinary medicine has become more sophisticated, and careful nurturing of pets has become the rule rather than the exception, the population of geriatric small animal pets has grown steadily, mirroring the increase in the human elderly population. As an animal progresses into its twilight years, inevitable aging changes take place in all organ systems, including the brain. Most small to medium-sized dogs are considered geriatric when they reach 10 years of age, or when 75 percent of their anticipated life span has elapsed. But this does not mean that when they have exceeded this arbitrary limit they will necessarily show signs of senile dementia. Some dogs appear normal mentally long after the empirical cutoff, and some remain bright to the end of their natural life span. These lucky dogs are referred to as "successful agers, same as their human counterparts. Dogs that do not weather aging so well, and who show obvious signs of mental deterioration, constitute unsuccessful agers. The Signs Though variable in degree and expression, the classical signs of cognitive dysfunction (CD) in elderly dogs include: * Reduced activity * Increased sleeping * Reduced responsiveness to commands/apparent deafness * Lack of interest in surroundings/events * Confusion/disorientation * Inability to recognize familiar people * Increased thirst * Excessive panting * Difficulty eating and/or reduced interest in food * Loss of bladder and bowel control * Difficulty navigating the environment (e.g. stairs) Not all dogs show all of these signs and some will show paradoxical behaviors, such as agitation and/or barking, for no particular reason. However, the signs of CD are progressive and eventually will completely incapacitate the dog. It is interesting to note that the percentage of dogs affected with CD at 10 years old, 12 years old, 14 years old, mirrors the age-related demographic for cognitive dysfunction in humans. Central Nervous System Though not identical to the changes in human Alzheimer patients, pathological changes in the brains of dogs with CD are similar to those in human Alzheimer,s patients and are proportionate to the severity of the clinical syndrome. Many different changes have been reported but the most significant are deposits of beta-amyloid and its formation of plaques in the brain. It is these pathologic changes, and their functional sequelae, that are thought to be responsible for the cognitive/behavioral deterioration associated with CD. The Cause Pathological changes in the brains of affected animals are directly responsible for signs of CD but why should such changes occur in one animal and not another? Although we don't know the precise reason for individual susceptibility, inheritance probably plays a role. But some interaction between genetics and the environment cannot be dismissed as also contributing. Treatment There was no treatment for this degenerative condition until the advent of deprenyl. (Anipryl®) This drug helps turn back the aging clock and buy affected dogs more quality time. Deprenyl is not a primary treatment for the disease process but will symptomatically reverse the clinical signs of aging in most dogs with CD by increasing brain concentrations of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine "connects thought with action and also increases cognitive awareness. In the Oliver Sack,s movie, Awakenings, patients were unable to move because of the lack of dopamine. Dopamine is low in human Parkinson,s patients, who have difficulty moving around. In contrast, excessive dopamine levels produce racing thoughts, paranoia, increased anxiety, and repetitive behaviors. If the canine aging theory is correct, CD patients have low dopamine, hence low activity and reduced cognitive performance. Increasing dopamine by means of deprenyl should, and does, reverse the clinical signs of CD in the majority of patients for a time at least. One third of canine CD patients respond extremely well to treatment with deprenyl by regaining their youthful vigor; another one third respond reasonably well; and one third do not respond at all (perhaps there is a variant of CD with different neuropathology). The bottom line is that for any dog that is slowing down to the point that problems become apparent, treatment with deprenyl is the logical choice once other organic causes for reduced mental function have been ruled out. Many people think that it is 'normal' for their elderly dogs to gradually lose energy and interest in life. They therefore tolerate the cognitive aging syndrome for longer than is necessary. These folks sometimes don,t seek help or wait until bladder or bowel control is lost before trying to find out if something can be done. The latter is the main cause for concern for owners of geriatric dogs, who seem to be able to put up with almost any amount of senile change in their pets before the indignity of incontinence finally causes them to seek help. Incidentally, it,s often the same for human Alzheimer patients. Deprenyl is marketed with the specific label instruction for the treatment of age-related cognitive dysfunction and age-related inappropriate urination. Early treatment with the drug will buy impaired dogs extra quality time increasing their 'health span.' As a side effect, deprenyl also increases the life span of dogs over 10 years - and that's nothing to sniff at.



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