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In a message dated 3/11/2004 11:39:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

sawildes writes:


Hope this one wasn't already given!



1431 North Federal

Fort Lauderdale


I heard they don't have raw on their menu


Judy Pokras



An online newsmagazine founded in March 2001 featuring authoritative info,

breaking news, and fun interactive features on the raw vegan lifestyle. * Rated

Number 1 in the Webseed Directory's most interesting sites list, based on how

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* Recommended by Writer's Digest, EnergyTimes, The Vegan Guide to NYC, the

Japanese magazine Engine, and the national radio program Carolyn Craft's Inner





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Guest guest

Thanks for the reminder, Susan. I haven't been there yet, and

forgot about it. Maybe they don't have a web site, and that is

why. Since it is closer than Miami for me, I think I'll try that

one next. I'll do a Mapquest search to get directions. I'll

also list it at my site after I speak to someone there.


Thanks again!


Viveca Park


Vita-Mix For Nurtrition You Can Taste!



Hope this one wasn't already given!



1431 North Federal

Fort Lauderdale









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  • 10 months later...

Morgan, I live in Broward County in south Florida, on the east coast

between Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties.


First of all, we have a five star 100 % vegan restaurant (it is not

cheap!) - Sublime, http://www.sublimeveg.com.


There is a vegan Jamaican restaurant near us, Natural Vibes, 2439 N

State Rd 7 (also called 441) in Lauderhill, FL. Jamaican food is big

down here and a lot of the places have at least one vegetarian choice,

even if it is just Calaloo, a spicy hot dish of greens. Jamaican food

might be a little too spicy for your children. Natural Vibes does have

veggie burgers and also bean burgers (probably spicier than the veggie



In our area there are many asian restaurants that offer vegan dishes -

Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese...


Bissaleh Cafe http://www.bissaleh.com/ in Sunny Isles Beach on

Collins/A1A has

Israeli/mideastern food, and kosher. While they do have fish, eggs and

dairy, but much of the menu is vegan. This restaurant is south of where

I live in Miami-Dade county.


You can go to http://www.digitalcity.com/southflorida/ then click on

restaurants, then click on cuisine. There are vegetarian and vegetarian

friendly categories, plus a number of ethnic food categories. I would

call restaurants before you go, though. You can change the are (for

anywhere in the country actually, by going to



from Maida


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Thanx for Ideas,

we may vacation in Fla next winter !

As eccentric as this May sound,Do you ever go to these places BareFoot ,

or see other Diners BareFoot?


We practice BareFoot lifestyle for spiritual reasons and very rarely eat

out because of this. And when we do, it is mostly at family owned ethnic


Thank You


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Sorry, state law in FL requires the wearing of shoes and shirts in all

restaurants. There are exceptions when it is a beach bar that serves food, but

by and large, no shoes or shirt, no service.


God's Peace,



Number 6

Sunday, January 16, 2005 5:47 PM

Re: Florida



Thanx for Ideas,

we may vacation in Fla next winter !

As eccentric as this May sound,Do you ever go to these places BareFoot ,

or see other Diners BareFoot?


We practice BareFoot lifestyle for spiritual reasons and very rarely eat

out because of this. And when we do, it is mostly at family owned ethnic


Thank You





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Wow, I wish Sublime would open up here! The menu is awesome! Didn't seem

expensive to me, tho. Beth



Maidawg <maidawg wrote:


Morgan, I live in Broward County in south Florida, on the east coast

between Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties.


First of all, we have a five star 100 % vegan restaurant (it is not

cheap!) - Sublime, http://www.sublimeveg.com.


There is a vegan Jamaican restaurant near us, Natural Vibes, 2439 N

State Rd 7 (also called 441) in Lauderhill, FL. Jamaican food is big

down here and a lot of the places have at least one vegetarian choice,

even if it is just Calaloo, a spicy hot dish of greens. Jamaican food

might be a little too spicy for your children. Natural Vibes does have

veggie burgers and also bean burgers (probably spicier than the veggie



In our area there are many asian restaurants that offer vegan dishes -

Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese...


Bissaleh Cafe http://www.bissaleh.com/ in Sunny Isles Beach on

Collins/A1A has

Israeli/mideastern food, and kosher. While they do have fish, eggs and

dairy, but much of the menu is vegan. This restaurant is south of where

I live in Miami-Dade county.


You can go to http://www.digitalcity.com/southflorida/ then click on

restaurants, then click on cuisine. There are vegetarian and vegetarian

friendly categories, plus a number of ethnic food categories. I would

call restaurants before you go, though. You can change the are (for

anywhere in the country actually, by going to



from Maida


Please sign my petition:









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quintmom wrote:


> Sorry, state law in FL requires the wearing of shoes and shirts in all

> restaurants. There are exceptions when it is a beach bar that serves

> food, but by and large, no shoes or shirt, no service.


> God's Peace,

> Gayle

> -


With all due respect, I beg to differ




It is a common miconception, rather like the absolute necessity of meat

for health.

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Then it has changed since I was a police officer in this state and had to

enforce the law. I apologize. If you will recall, though, I did mention the

exception as being the beach establishments.


God's Peace,



Number 6

Sunday, January 16, 2005 8:20 PM

Re: Florida



quintmom wrote:


> Sorry, state law in FL requires the wearing of shoes and shirts in all

> restaurants. There are exceptions when it is a beach bar that serves

> food, but by and large, no shoes or shirt, no service.


> God's Peace,

> Gayle

> -


With all due respect, I beg to differ




It is a common miconception, rather like the absolute necessity of meat

for health.






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quintmom wrote:


> Then it has changed since I was a police officer in this state and had

> to enforce the law. I apologize. If you will recall, though, I did

> mention the exception as being the beach establishments.


Thankk You But No Offfense taken


I am ammember of the organizaton who's website I refer to there and We

are accustomed to this misconseption

I just feel that the issue of BareFoot Lifestyle is related to

Vegetarian Lifestyle due to the

aspects of Voluntary Simplicity and leather usage which may have

influenced some of us in our choice

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No, Miro, I never see restaurant diners who are in bare feet. That

would probably violate health codes. You may find it difficult to go to

a restaurant other than, as you say, smaller family-owned places.


What are the spiritual reasons to go barefoot?



from Maida


Please sign my petition:



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Maida asked:

> What are the spiritual reasons to go barefoot?


I was wondering that too, but I thought since no one else asked I'd just keep

quiet ;=( This isn't a hassle - I'd really like to know too!


I understand the avoidance of leather (although you can get non-leather

footwear) of course.


Much appreciated if someone could explain ;=)



Pat ;=)

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Lynda,

during the first months after I moved here to florida,, I was having a very hard time adjusting. Yes, Dubya rules in my town.

I am from manhattan, and just wanted to go back. I was used to hopping in and out of the subway.

was very independent, never asked anybody for anything.


upon moving here, I was my husbands parasite and he was my chauffer. I was basically stuck and trapped in a suburban jail.

being that , I had never driven a car and the nearest store was miles away.

I was in shock at everything, that walmart had a Hunting department and that they where blasting country music. ( I grew up in a Jewish, Hispanic, Greek and Irish neighborhood) had never been in a walmart.


Most of all I missed Sidewalks! I love walking and seeing people, not cars.

People here were shocked that someone in their 30's could not drive. The radios have a million christian stations.


I would call my friends up to complain about how bad I had it. (they got tired of this) and often I would cry at nights (feeling terribly homesick).


Now, I am making the best of it. I have my permit, take lessons, and am enrolled in college. I have joined VeganMeet up at Meetup. com and found vegans, am seeking out people like me who share my values. I found an artist community in my town. My kids love the bakcyard and all the space my house has.


It's not all bad. the sunsets are beautiful, and the beaches peaceful. most of the sunsets are violet/pink color.

I am seeking out places of nature, parks, trees, Wildlife and plan to volunteer at a bird sanctuary, as soon as my driving is perfect.

My husband and I are saving up, to buy cheap land in Upstate NY, while it is still cheap! Since global warming reports fraggle sent says florida will be unihabitable soon!


I went to manhattan for the summer and found it a bit noisy and stressful. Go figure!










8/25/2005 2:30:28 AM

Re: Eat more veggies & fruits (dah)


I really feel sorry for folks that move to Florida that aren't crackers (for our other side of the pond folks, crackers are folks from Georgia and northern Florida and the area known as the panhandle) or aren't prepared for the culture shock!


Son #3's best friend moved there because her mother had moved to be closer to her mother. She lasted 3 months and then came screaming back to CA!


She said everytime she turned around someone was asking her who she voted for and giving her one of those looks like "you better say George W."




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It is amazing to me, when you think NY = NYC, just how cheap it is to buy in upstate NY. We've been looking because we want more land. Here's one for you, 41 acres, BIG house and only $165,000! http://cgi.ebay.com/House-Land-Acreage-in-Upstate-New-York-For-Sale_W0QQitemZ4401495631QQcategoryZ12605QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem






Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:58 AM

Re: Florida



Hi Lynda,

during the first months after I moved here to florida,, I was having a very hard time adjusting. Yes, Dubya rules in my town.

I am from manhattan, and just wanted to go back. I was used to hopping in and out of the subway.

was very independent, never asked anybody for anything.


upon moving here, I was my husbands parasite and he was my chauffer. I was basically stuck and trapped in a suburban jail.

being that , I had never driven a car and the nearest store was miles away.

I was in shock at everything, that walmart had a Hunting department and that they where blasting country music. ( I grew up in a Jewish, Hispanic, Greek and Irish neighborhood) had never been in a walmart.


Most of all I missed Sidewalks! I love walking and seeing people, not cars.

People here were shocked that someone in their 30's could not drive. The radios have a million christian stations.


I would call my friends up to complain about how bad I had it. (they got tired of this) and often I would cry at nights (feeling terribly homesick).


Now, I am making the best of it. I have my permit, take lessons, and am enrolled in college. I have joined VeganMeet up at Meetup. com and found vegans, am seeking out people like me who share my values. I found an artist community in my town. My kids love the bakcyard and all the space my house has.


It's not all bad. the sunsets are beautiful, and the beaches peaceful. most of the sunsets are violet/pink color.

I am seeking out places of nature, parks, trees, Wildlife and plan to volunteer at a bird sanctuary, as soon as my driving is perfect.

My husband and I are saving up, to buy cheap land in Upstate NY, while it is still cheap! Since global warming reports fraggle sent says florida will be unihabitable soon!


I went to manhattan for the summer and found it a bit noisy and stressful. Go figure!










8/25/2005 2:30:28 AM

Re: Eat more veggies & fruits (dah)


I really feel sorry for folks that move to Florida that aren't crackers (for our other side of the pond folks, crackers are folks from Georgia and northern Florida and the area known as the panhandle) or aren't prepared for the culture shock!


Son #3's best friend moved there because her mother had moved to be closer to her mother. She lasted 3 months and then came screaming back to CA!


She said everytime she turned around someone was asking her who she voted for and giving her one of those looks like "you better say George W."




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i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....


a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one

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Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:36 PM

Re: Florida


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....


a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one

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Only in America.



The Valley Vegan.........fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....


a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one Peter H


Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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Bruhahahahahaha. One does forget that most folks don't realise that the South is a world unto itself!


That is not at all uncommon in the South, Jo. The pickups with the flags are merely the tip of the iceberg!





Jo Cwazy

Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: Florida








Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:36 PM

Re: Florida


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....

a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05





Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05

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Good for you Anouk!"zurumato" <zurumato wrote:



Hi Lynda,

during the first months after I moved here to florida,, I was having a very hard time adjusting. Yes, Dubya rules in my town.

I am from manhattan, and just wanted to go back. I was used to hopping in and out of the subway.

was very independent, never asked anybody for anything.


upon moving here, I was my husbands parasite and he was my chauffer. I was basically stuck and trapped in a suburban jail.

being that , I had never driven a car and the nearest store was miles away.

I was in shock at everything, that walmart had a Hunting department and that they where blasting country music. ( I grew up in a Jewish, Hispanic, Greek and Irish neighborhood) had never been in a walmart.


Most of all I missed Sidewalks! I love walking and seeing people, not cars.

People here were shocked that someone in their 30's could not drive. The radios have a million christian stations.


I would call my friends up to complain about how bad I had it. (they got tired of this) and often I would cry at nights (feeling terribly homesick).


Now, I am making the best of it. I have my permit, take lessons, and am enrolled in college. I have joined VeganMeet up at Meetup. com and found vegans, am seeking out people like me who share my values. I found an artist community in my town. My kids love the bakcyard and all the space my house has.


It's not all bad. the sunsets are beautiful, and the beaches peaceful. most of the sunsets are violet/pink color.

I am seeking out places of nature, parks, trees, Wildlife and plan to volunteer at a bird sanctuary, as soon as my driving is perfect.

My husband and I are saving up, to buy cheap land in Upstate NY, while it is still cheap! Since global warming reports fraggle sent says florida will be unihabitable soon!


I went to manhattan for the summer and found it a bit noisy and stressful. Go figure!










8/25/2005 2:30:28 AM

Re: Eat more veggies & fruits (dah)


I really feel sorry for folks that move to Florida that aren't crackers (for our other side of the pond folks, crackers are folks from Georgia and northern Florida and the area known as the panhandle) or aren't prepared for the culture shock!


Son #3's best friend moved there because her mother had moved to be closer to her mother. She lasted 3 months and then came screaming back to CA!


She said everytime she turned around someone was asking her who she voted for and giving her one of those looks like "you better say George W."




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I thought it had changed by now.






Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:41 PM

Re: Florida


Bruhahahahahaha. One does forget that most folks don't realise that the South is a world unto itself!


That is not at all uncommon in the South, Jo. The pickups with the flags are merely the tip of the iceberg!





Jo Cwazy

Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: Florida








Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:36 PM

Re: Florida


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....

a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05

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why would ya think that?

oh..there are some more civilized parts of the south...

but..all in all, its still a reactionary right wing racist pit of a place... Jo Cwazy Aug 25, 2005 12:26 PM Re: Florida


I thought it had changed by now.






Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:41 PM

Re: Florida


Bruhahahahahaha. One does forget that most folks don't realise that the South is a world unto itself!


That is not at all uncommon in the South, Jo. The pickups with the flags are merely the tip of the iceberg!





Jo Cwazy

Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: Florida








Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:36 PM

Re: Florida


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....

a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05

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Nope, it is in the water or something! If you want to step back into the 50s just take a trip to the South, Texas or Idaho!





Jo Cwazy

Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:26 PM

Re: Florida


I thought it had changed by now.






Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:41 PM

Re: Florida


Bruhahahahahaha. One does forget that most folks don't realise that the South is a world unto itself!


That is not at all uncommon in the South, Jo. The pickups with the flags are merely the tip of the iceberg!





Jo Cwazy

Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: Florida








Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:36 PM

Re: Florida


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....

a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05





Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05

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I suppose because there's not much about it on our news over here. Certainly sounds like a place to avoid.






Thursday, August 25, 2005 8:46 PM

Re: Florida


why would ya think that?

oh..there are some more civilized parts of the south...

but..all in all, its still a reactionary right wing racist pit of a place... Jo Cwazy Aug 25, 2005 12:26 PM Re: Florida


I thought it had changed by now.






Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:41 PM

Re: Florida


Bruhahahahahaha. One does forget that most folks don't realise that the South is a world unto itself!


That is not at all uncommon in the South, Jo. The pickups with the flags are merely the tip of the iceberg!





Jo Cwazy

Thursday, August 25, 2005 10:29 AM

Re: Florida








Thursday, August 25, 2005 5:36 PM

Re: Florida


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....

a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.15/82 - Release 8/25/05

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No kidding! Are they still so (um, what is the word? you know what I mean) there? fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....


a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one Jonnie

Start your day with - make it your home page

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it is an entire region of our country tho


Jo Cwazy Aug 25, 2005 1:01 PM Re: Florida

I suppose because there's not much about it on our news over here. Certainly sounds like a place to avoid.





a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one

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while splintered into many smaller groups, the KKK in florida has some of the more violent chapters of that little..umm..organization(i use that term very loosely...) Jonnie Hellens Aug 25, 2005 1:08 PM Re: Florida

No kidding! Are they still so (um, what is the word? you know what I mean) there? fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:

i've prolly mentioned it here before


my first memory of florida..

we were drivin down the east coast

many many many years ago

i was prolly like..7? something like that


as you entered florida along I-95 , there was this huge billboard

Welcome To Florida!


directly behind the sign

was a guy on horseback

sitting watching the traffic go by

in full Klan regalia....

a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one Jonnie



Start your day with - make it your home page To send an email to -


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