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An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ

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Seem very insular from the web site you sent:

Races in Mitchell:



White Non-Hispanic (95.3%) American Indian (2.9%) Two or more races (0.9%) Hispanic (0.8%)

Ancestries: German (47.5%), Norwegian (11.8%), Irish (11.2%), English (7.6%), Dutch (5.5%), United States (4.6%).

German majority eh? not historically known for their tolerance as a race are they?

The Valley Vegan............Lynda <lurine wrote:


Bruhahahahahahahaha! Well, you landed plumb in the middle of Bubba Country <g> Uptight, straighlaced, Bible thumpers. http://www.city-data.com/city/Mitchell-South-Dakota.html


BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy! Now, if he'd said she was wearing black leather platform boots with 6" soles/heels, I'd have bought the story.





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:07 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ



Before you read this let me just ask where is S.D., and is this "reporter" typical of the people there? just so I can avoid it! What a sarcastic prat, porbably thinks he is clever....the Valley Vegan.....

An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ Even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not a social handicap.


August 28, 2005 KEILLOR0828






OAS_AD('Button20'); dcmaxversion = 7 dcminversion = 6 Do On Error Resume Next plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & ""))) If plugin = true Then Exit Do dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1 Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion



I was in Mitchell, S.D., (pop. 14,000, Home of the Corn Palace) not long ago standing around in a parking lot next to City Hall eating barbecue off paper plates, the way you do sometimes, with conservative, churchgoing, stick-to-business townspeople, and there, standing next to me, eating just the coleslaw (she is a vegan), was a slender young thing from L.A. who was in Mitchell to visit her cousins. In her 6-inch heels, she stood a little taller than I, and her hair was a swatch of brilliant atomic orange, and she wore a cut-off T-shirt revealing a large section of flat midriff with a bluish rhinestone in her bellybutton. It was her first time in Mitchell and she was having a great old time.

Everybody was talking to everybody -- good pork barbecue will do that to you -- some of us lurking around the long grill where the hog lay with his legs splayed, picking at him, and others standing around the beer kegs, about 40 people in all, some invited, others drop-ins, and it was two congenial hours during which (as I think back on it) I didn't hear anybody talk politics. We could look at each other and sort of guess at the political vibe -- looking at the Lady of Orange, you thought feminist-green-Euro-lefty-libertarian -- and why pursue it further?

Miss Orange was gadding about, chatting up everybody, laughing her orange head off, and it was clear that, even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not necessarily a social handicap.

It helped that she was young and smart and funny, no doubt about it. But the good Republicans of Mitchell are not above having fun, and this flamboyant oddball in their midst was Not A Problem. It was a pleasure. One shouldn't generalize, but that is what columnists do, so I will: People enjoy oddity and flamboyance, even if they won't say so (not wanting to encourage their own children), so long as it's amiable and not defensive.

There are plenty of old grumblers in Mitchell (and anywhere else) but deep down, we're all in favor of people living their lives as they choose and we are fond of true independents and adventurers and gypsy musicians. Red or blue, we agree that freedom is at the heart of American life and it's a big country and there's room for everybody. We all know that life is short and quickly ebbs to a close, so you should go ahead and take that ride down the rapids, fly to Australia, dye your hair, go in the Peace Corps, follow your star, so that when you must sit in the nursing home eating your corn mush and watching stupid TV shows, you have some vivid memories of big adventures. Everyone in this parking lot is in favor of this, even if they don't say so.

What we don't need is Too Much Information. There really is no need for a unit on Orangeness in the Mitchell public schools -- let's focus on math and English composition and American history and leave Orangism to be discovered later.

But Mitchell enjoys you, Mademoiselle L'Orange. It admires your spunk, your gumption, your sense of hilarity, the way you swan around us plain Midwesterners and throw your head back and laugh. You are right not to assume our disapproval. Too many Orangists do this. They tend to gravitate toward the coasts, which is perfectly understandable, but you shouldn't assume the hostility of the Great In-Between. Don't alienate people who aren't necessarily your enemy. The red/blue business is 78 percent B.S. There's a lot of purple going around, and mauve and magenta. Red or blue, we know that life can be unfair, and hard work is not necessarily rewarded. The world can be merciless. Time marches on. The precipice lies ahead. This is not a Democratic or Republican point of view -- it's common knowledge.

And knowing that, we love being around you, vegan L.A. lady at the Mitchell barbecue with your orange hair and 6-inch heels. I'm wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt and thank you for not drawing hard and fast conclusions about my politics and taste in companions. All of us here wish you well and want you to be happy, Miss Orange. And take my word for it, this is terrific barbecue, vinegary and savory and chewy and memorable and altogether worth the loss of life. Thank you, pig.

Garrison Keillor's "A Prairie Home Companion" can be heard Saturday nights on public radio stations across the country.

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05Peter H


Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. Well, the list would be long.


My advise, stick to the northern east coast and the west coast. We are much more laid back and accepting! I think the Puritans or some weird morphed version of them, are alive and well in much of the U.S.





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:24 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Seem very insular from the web site you sent:

Races in Mitchell:



White Non-Hispanic (95.3%) American Indian (2.9%) Two or more races (0.9%) Hispanic (0.8%)

Ancestries: German (47.5%), Norwegian (11.8%), Irish (11.2%), English (7.6%), Dutch (5.5%), United States (4.6%).

German majority eh? not historically known for their tolerance as a race are they?

The Valley Vegan............Lynda <lurine wrote:


Bruhahahahahahahaha! Well, you landed plumb in the middle of Bubba Country <g> Uptight, straighlaced, Bible thumpers. http://www.city-data.com/city/Mitchell-South-Dakota.html


BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy! Now, if he'd said she was wearing black leather platform boots with 6" soles/heels, I'd have bought the story.





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:07 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ



Before you read this let me just ask where is S.D., and is this "reporter" typical of the people there? just so I can avoid it! What a sarcastic prat, porbably thinks he is clever....the Valley Vegan.....

An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ Even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not a social handicap.


August 28, 2005 KEILLOR0828






OAS_AD('Button20'); dcmaxversion = 7 dcminversion = 6 Do On Error Resume Next plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & ""))) If plugin = true Then Exit Do dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1 Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion



I was in Mitchell, S.D., (pop. 14,000, Home of the Corn Palace) not long ago standing around in a parking lot next to City Hall eating barbecue off paper plates, the way you do sometimes, with conservative, churchgoing, stick-to-business townspeople, and there, standing next to me, eating just the coleslaw (she is a vegan), was a slender young thing from L.A. who was in Mitchell to visit her cousins. In her 6-inch heels, she stood a little taller than I, and her hair was a swatch of brilliant atomic orange, and she wore a cut-off T-shirt revealing a large section of flat midriff with a bluish rhinestone in her bellybutton. It was her first time in Mitchell and she was having a great old time.

Everybody was talking to everybody -- good pork barbecue will do that to you -- some of us lurking around the long grill where the hog lay with his legs splayed, picking at him, and others standing around the beer kegs, about 40 people in all, some invited, others drop-ins, and it was two congenial hours during which (as I think back on it) I didn't hear anybody talk politics. We could look at each other and sort of guess at the political vibe -- looking at the Lady of Orange, you thought feminist-green-Euro-lefty-libertarian -- and why pursue it further?

Miss Orange was gadding about, chatting up everybody, laughing her orange head off, and it was clear that, even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not necessarily a social handicap.

It helped that she was young and smart and funny, no doubt about it. But the good Republicans of Mitchell are not above having fun, and this flamboyant oddball in their midst was Not A Problem. It was a pleasure. One shouldn't generalize, but that is what columnists do, so I will: People enjoy oddity and flamboyance, even if they won't say so (not wanting to encourage their own children), so long as it's amiable and not defensive.

There are plenty of old grumblers in Mitchell (and anywhere else) but deep down, we're all in favor of people living their lives as they choose and we are fond of true independents and adventurers and gypsy musicians. Red or blue, we agree that freedom is at the heart of American life and it's a big country and there's room for everybody. We all know that life is short and quickly ebbs to a close, so you should go ahead and take that ride down the rapids, fly to Australia, dye your hair, go in the Peace Corps, follow your star, so that when you must sit in the nursing home eating your corn mush and watching stupid TV shows, you have some vivid memories of big adventures. Everyone in this parking lot is in favor of this, even if they don't say so.

What we don't need is Too Much Information. There really is no need for a unit on Orangeness in the Mitchell public schools -- let's focus on math and English composition and American history and leave Orangism to be discovered later.

But Mitchell enjoys you, Mademoiselle L'Orange. It admires your spunk, your gumption, your sense of hilarity, the way you swan around us plain Midwesterners and throw your head back and laugh. You are right not to assume our disapproval. Too many Orangists do this. They tend to gravitate toward the coasts, which is perfectly understandable, but you shouldn't assume the hostility of the Great In-Between. Don't alienate people who aren't necessarily your enemy. The red/blue business is 78 percent B.S. There's a lot of purple going around, and mauve and magenta. Red or blue, we know that life can be unfair, and hard work is not necessarily rewarded. The world can be merciless. Time marches on. The precipice lies ahead. This is not a Democratic or Republican point of view -- it's common knowledge.

And knowing that, we love being around you, vegan L.A. lady at the Mitchell barbecue with your orange hair and 6-inch heels. I'm wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt and thank you for not drawing hard and fast conclusions about my politics and taste in companions. All of us here wish you well and want you to be happy, Miss Orange. And take my word for it, this is terrific barbecue, vinegary and savory and chewy and memorable and altogether worth the loss of life. Thank you, pig.

Garrison Keillor's "A Prairie Home Companion" can be heard Saturday nights on public radio stations across the country.

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05





Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05

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Is there any race, other than Welsh, that you like Peter?





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:24 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Seem very insular from the web site you sent:

Races in Mitchell:



White Non-Hispanic (95.3%) American Indian (2.9%) Two or more races (0.9%) Hispanic (0.8%)

Ancestries: German (47.5%), Norwegian (11.8%), Irish (11.2%), English (7.6%), Dutch (5.5%), United States (4.6%).

German majority eh? not historically known for their tolerance as a race are they?

The Valley Vegan............Lynda <lurine wrote:


Bruhahahahahahahaha! Well, you landed plumb in the middle of Bubba Country <g> Uptight, straighlaced, Bible thumpers. http://www.city-data.com/city/Mitchell-South-Dakota.html


BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy! Now, if he'd said she was wearing black leather platform boots with 6" soles/heels, I'd have bought the story.





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:07 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ



Before you read this let me just ask where is S.D., and is this "reporter" typical of the people there? just so I can avoid it! What a sarcastic prat, porbably thinks he is clever....the Valley Vegan.....

An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ Even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not a social handicap.


August 28, 2005 KEILLOR0828






OAS_AD('Button20'); dcmaxversion = 7 dcminversion = 6 Do On Error Resume Next plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & ""))) If plugin = true Then Exit Do dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1 Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion



I was in Mitchell, S.D., (pop. 14,000, Home of the Corn Palace) not long ago standing around in a parking lot next to City Hall eating barbecue off paper plates, the way you do sometimes, with conservative, churchgoing, stick-to-business townspeople, and there, standing next to me, eating just the coleslaw (she is a vegan), was a slender young thing from L.A. who was in Mitchell to visit her cousins. In her 6-inch heels, she stood a little taller than I, and her hair was a swatch of brilliant atomic orange, and she wore a cut-off T-shirt revealing a large section of flat midriff with a bluish rhinestone in her bellybutton. It was her first time in Mitchell and she was having a great old time.

Everybody was talking to everybody -- good pork barbecue will do that to you -- some of us lurking around the long grill where the hog lay with his legs splayed, picking at him, and others standing around the beer kegs, about 40 people in all, some invited, others drop-ins, and it was two congenial hours during which (as I think back on it) I didn't hear anybody talk politics. We could look at each other and sort of guess at the political vibe -- looking at the Lady of Orange, you thought feminist-green-Euro-lefty-libertarian -- and why pursue it further?

Miss Orange was gadding about, chatting up everybody, laughing her orange head off, and it was clear that, even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not necessarily a social handicap.

It helped that she was young and smart and funny, no doubt about it. But the good Republicans of Mitchell are not above having fun, and this flamboyant oddball in their midst was Not A Problem. It was a pleasure. One shouldn't generalize, but that is what columnists do, so I will: People enjoy oddity and flamboyance, even if they won't say so (not wanting to encourage their own children), so long as it's amiable and not defensive.

There are plenty of old grumblers in Mitchell (and anywhere else) but deep down, we're all in favor of people living their lives as they choose and we are fond of true independents and adventurers and gypsy musicians. Red or blue, we agree that freedom is at the heart of American life and it's a big country and there's room for everybody. We all know that life is short and quickly ebbs to a close, so you should go ahead and take that ride down the rapids, fly to Australia, dye your hair, go in the Peace Corps, follow your star, so that when you must sit in the nursing home eating your corn mush and watching stupid TV shows, you have some vivid memories of big adventures. Everyone in this parking lot is in favor of this, even if they don't say so.

What we don't need is Too Much Information. There really is no need for a unit on Orangeness in the Mitchell public schools -- let's focus on math and English composition and American history and leave Orangism to be discovered later.

But Mitchell enjoys you, Mademoiselle L'Orange. It admires your spunk, your gumption, your sense of hilarity, the way you swan around us plain Midwesterners and throw your head back and laugh. You are right not to assume our disapproval. Too many Orangists do this. They tend to gravitate toward the coasts, which is perfectly understandable, but you shouldn't assume the hostility of the Great In-Between. Don't alienate people who aren't necessarily your enemy. The red/blue business is 78 percent B.S. There's a lot of purple going around, and mauve and magenta. Red or blue, we know that life can be unfair, and hard work is not necessarily rewarded. The world can be merciless. Time marches on. The precipice lies ahead. This is not a Democratic or Republican point of view -- it's common knowledge.

And knowing that, we love being around you, vegan L.A. lady at the Mitchell barbecue with your orange hair and 6-inch heels. I'm wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt and thank you for not drawing hard and fast conclusions about my politics and taste in companions. All of us here wish you well and want you to be happy, Miss Orange. And take my word for it, this is terrific barbecue, vinegary and savory and chewy and memorable and altogether worth the loss of life. Thank you, pig.

Garrison Keillor's "A Prairie Home Companion" can be heard Saturday nights on public radio stations across the country.

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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Bicycle race(s) <g>





Jo Cwazy

Sunday, August 28, 2005 2:38 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Is there any race, other than Welsh, that you like Peter?





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:24 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Seem very insular from the web site you sent:

Races in Mitchell:



White Non-Hispanic (95.3%) American Indian (2.9%) Two or more races (0.9%) Hispanic (0.8%)

Ancestries: German (47.5%), Norwegian (11.8%), Irish (11.2%), English (7.6%), Dutch (5.5%), United States (4.6%).

German majority eh? not historically known for their tolerance as a race are they?

The Valley Vegan............Lynda <lurine wrote:


Bruhahahahahahahaha! Well, you landed plumb in the middle of Bubba Country <g> Uptight, straighlaced, Bible thumpers. http://www.city-data.com/city/Mitchell-South-Dakota.html


BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy! Now, if he'd said she was wearing black leather platform boots with 6" soles/heels, I'd have bought the story.





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:07 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ



Before you read this let me just ask where is S.D., and is this "reporter" typical of the people there? just so I can avoid it! What a sarcastic prat, porbably thinks he is clever....the Valley Vegan.....

An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ Even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not a social handicap.


August 28, 2005 KEILLOR0828






OAS_AD('Button20'); dcmaxversion = 7 dcminversion = 6 Do On Error Resume Next plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & ""))) If plugin = true Then Exit Do dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1 Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion



I was in Mitchell, S.D., (pop. 14,000, Home of the Corn Palace) not long ago standing around in a parking lot next to City Hall eating barbecue off paper plates, the way you do sometimes, with conservative, churchgoing, stick-to-business townspeople, and there, standing next to me, eating just the coleslaw (she is a vegan), was a slender young thing from L.A. who was in Mitchell to visit her cousins. In her 6-inch heels, she stood a little taller than I, and her hair was a swatch of brilliant atomic orange, and she wore a cut-off T-shirt revealing a large section of flat midriff with a bluish rhinestone in her bellybutton. It was her first time in Mitchell and she was having a great old time.

Everybody was talking to everybody -- good pork barbecue will do that to you -- some of us lurking around the long grill where the hog lay with his legs splayed, picking at him, and others standing around the beer kegs, about 40 people in all, some invited, others drop-ins, and it was two congenial hours during which (as I think back on it) I didn't hear anybody talk politics. We could look at each other and sort of guess at the political vibe -- looking at the Lady of Orange, you thought feminist-green-Euro-lefty-libertarian -- and why pursue it further?

Miss Orange was gadding about, chatting up everybody, laughing her orange head off, and it was clear that, even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not necessarily a social handicap.

It helped that she was young and smart and funny, no doubt about it. But the good Republicans of Mitchell are not above having fun, and this flamboyant oddball in their midst was Not A Problem. It was a pleasure. One shouldn't generalize, but that is what columnists do, so I will: People enjoy oddity and flamboyance, even if they won't say so (not wanting to encourage their own children), so long as it's amiable and not defensive.

There are plenty of old grumblers in Mitchell (and anywhere else) but deep down, we're all in favor of people living their lives as they choose and we are fond of true independents and adventurers and gypsy musicians. Red or blue, we agree that freedom is at the heart of American life and it's a big country and there's room for everybody. We all know that life is short and quickly ebbs to a close, so you should go ahead and take that ride down the rapids, fly to Australia, dye your hair, go in the Peace Corps, follow your star, so that when you must sit in the nursing home eating your corn mush and watching stupid TV shows, you have some vivid memories of big adventures. Everyone in this parking lot is in favor of this, even if they don't say so.

What we don't need is Too Much Information. There really is no need for a unit on Orangeness in the Mitchell public schools -- let's focus on math and English composition and American history and leave Orangism to be discovered later.

But Mitchell enjoys you, Mademoiselle L'Orange. It admires your spunk, your gumption, your sense of hilarity, the way you swan around us plain Midwesterners and throw your head back and laugh. You are right not to assume our disapproval. Too many Orangists do this. They tend to gravitate toward the coasts, which is perfectly understandable, but you shouldn't assume the hostility of the Great In-Between. Don't alienate people who aren't necessarily your enemy. The red/blue business is 78 percent B.S. There's a lot of purple going around, and mauve and magenta. Red or blue, we know that life can be unfair, and hard work is not necessarily rewarded. The world can be merciless. Time marches on. The precipice lies ahead. This is not a Democratic or Republican point of view -- it's common knowledge.

And knowing that, we love being around you, vegan L.A. lady at the Mitchell barbecue with your orange hair and 6-inch heels. I'm wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt and thank you for not drawing hard and fast conclusions about my politics and taste in companions. All of us here wish you well and want you to be happy, Miss Orange. And take my word for it, this is terrific barbecue, vinegary and savory and chewy and memorable and altogether worth the loss of life. Thank you, pig.

Garrison Keillor's "A Prairie Home Companion" can be heard Saturday nights on public radio stations across the country.

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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In 6 " heels? He better stay far away from my Harley, he'd probably trip and

knock it over!




" serene " <serene


Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:28 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ



> Lynda wrote:



>> BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy!


> Then you haven't met Fraggle. ;-)


> serene, ducking and running




> To send an email to -


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Egg and spoon?

Now stop trying to make me look xenophobic Jo, and have some kittens!

The Valley Vegan...........Jo Cwazy <heartwork wrote:


Is there any race, other than Welsh, that you like Peter?





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:24 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Seem very insular from the web site you sent:

Races in Mitchell:



White Non-Hispanic (95.3%) American Indian (2.9%) Two or more races (0.9%) Hispanic (0.8%)

Ancestries: German (47.5%), Norwegian (11.8%), Irish (11.2%), English (7.6%), Dutch (5.5%), United States (4.6%).

German majority eh? not historically known for their tolerance as a race are they?

The Valley Vegan............Lynda <lurine wrote:


Bruhahahahahahahaha! Well, you landed plumb in the middle of Bubba Country <g> Uptight, straighlaced, Bible thumpers. http://www.city-data.com/city/Mitchell-South-Dakota.html


BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy! Now, if he'd said she was wearing black leather platform boots with 6" soles/heels, I'd have bought the story.





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:07 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ



Before you read this let me just ask where is S.D., and is this "reporter" typical of the people there? just so I can avoid it! What a sarcastic prat, porbably thinks he is clever....the Valley Vegan.....

An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ Even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not a social handicap.


August 28, 2005 KEILLOR0828






OAS_AD('Button20'); dcmaxversion = 7 dcminversion = 6 Do On Error Resume Next plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & ""))) If plugin = true Then Exit Do dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1 Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion



I was in Mitchell, S.D., (pop. 14,000, Home of the Corn Palace) not long ago standing around in a parking lot next to City Hall eating barbecue off paper plates, the way you do sometimes, with conservative, churchgoing, stick-to-business townspeople, and there, standing next to me, eating just the coleslaw (she is a vegan), was a slender young thing from L.A. who was in Mitchell to visit her cousins. In her 6-inch heels, she stood a little taller than I, and her hair was a swatch of brilliant atomic orange, and she wore a cut-off T-shirt revealing a large section of flat midriff with a bluish rhinestone in her bellybutton. It was her first time in Mitchell and she was having a great old time.

Everybody was talking to everybody -- good pork barbecue will do that to you -- some of us lurking around the long grill where the hog lay with his legs splayed, picking at him, and others standing around the beer kegs, about 40 people in all, some invited, others drop-ins, and it was two congenial hours during which (as I think back on it) I didn't hear anybody talk politics. We could look at each other and sort of guess at the political vibe -- looking at the Lady of Orange, you thought feminist-green-Euro-lefty-libertarian -- and why pursue it further?

Miss Orange was gadding about, chatting up everybody, laughing her orange head off, and it was clear that, even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not necessarily a social handicap.

It helped that she was young and smart and funny, no doubt about it. But the good Republicans of Mitchell are not above having fun, and this flamboyant oddball in their midst was Not A Problem. It was a pleasure. One shouldn't generalize, but that is what columnists do, so I will: People enjoy oddity and flamboyance, even if they won't say so (not wanting to encourage their own children), so long as it's amiable and not defensive.

There are plenty of old grumblers in Mitchell (and anywhere else) but deep down, we're all in favor of people living their lives as they choose and we are fond of true independents and adventurers and gypsy musicians. Red or blue, we agree that freedom is at the heart of American life and it's a big country and there's room for everybody. We all know that life is short and quickly ebbs to a close, so you should go ahead and take that ride down the rapids, fly to Australia, dye your hair, go in the Peace Corps, follow your star, so that when you must sit in the nursing home eating your corn mush and watching stupid TV shows, you have some vivid memories of big adventures. Everyone in this parking lot is in favor of this, even if they don't say so.

What we don't need is Too Much Information. There really is no need for a unit on Orangeness in the Mitchell public schools -- let's focus on math and English composition and American history and leave Orangism to be discovered later.

But Mitchell enjoys you, Mademoiselle L'Orange. It admires your spunk, your gumption, your sense of hilarity, the way you swan around us plain Midwesterners and throw your head back and laugh. You are right not to assume our disapproval. Too many Orangists do this. They tend to gravitate toward the coasts, which is perfectly understandable, but you shouldn't assume the hostility of the Great In-Between. Don't alienate people who aren't necessarily your enemy. The red/blue business is 78 percent B.S. There's a lot of purple going around, and mauve and magenta. Red or blue, we know that life can be unfair, and hard work is not necessarily rewarded. The world can be merciless. Time marches on. The precipice lies ahead. This is not a Democratic or Republican point of view -- it's common knowledge.

And knowing that, we love being around you, vegan L.A. lady at the Mitchell barbecue with your orange hair and 6-inch heels. I'm wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt and thank you for not drawing hard and fast conclusions about my politics and taste in companions. All of us here wish you well and want you to be happy, Miss Orange. And take my word for it, this is terrific barbecue, vinegary and savory and chewy and memorable and altogether worth the loss of life. Thank you, pig.

Garrison Keillor's "A Prairie Home Companion" can be heard Saturday nights on public radio stations across the country.

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail Peter H


How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Photos. Get Photos

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you want to play that game...hmmm!!???

fine..i'm doublin yer wife's rent! so there!



i have been horribly and deeply wounded....

yuppie indeed...



serene <serene

Aug 28, 2005 9:28 PM


Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Lynda wrote:



> BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy!


Then you haven't met Fraggle. ;-)


serene, ducking and running




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a vegan with black leather heels???

tsk tsk.... Lynda Aug 28, 2005 10:34 AM Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Bruhahahahahahahaha! Well, you landed plumb in the middle of Bubba Country <g> Uptight, straighlaced, Bible thumpers. http://www.city-data.com/city/Mitchell-South-Dakota.html


BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy! Now, if he'd said she was wearing black leather platform boots with 6" soles/heels, I'd have bought the story.



a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one

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Actually, she didn't CALL you a yuppie, she said you dress like one.... There's a dif, right? :)fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:

yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you want to play that game...hmmm!!???fine..i'm doublin yer wife's rent! so there!nyeah!i have been horribly and deeply wounded....yuppie indeed...serene <sereneAug 28, 2005 9:28 PM Subject: Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQLynda wrote:> BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy!Then you haven't met Fraggle. ;-)serene, ducking and runningTo send an email to -

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both are pretty damn horrendous

i'm alerting my lawyer.....

would you beleive my local notary?

ok...so i'm writing nasty letters in my cereal Jonnie Hellens Aug 29, 2005 10:21 AM Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ

Actually, she didn't CALL you a yuppie, she said you dress like one.... There's a dif, right? :)fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote: yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you want to play that game...hmmm!!???fine..i'm doublin yer wife's rent! so there!nyeah!i have been horribly and deeply wounded....yuppie indeed...serene <sereneAug 28, 2005 9:28 PM Subject: Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQLynda wrote:> BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy!Then you haven't met Fraggle. ;-)serene, ducking and runningTo send an email to -

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I reckon she meant the 'punk' part, not the 'yuppie' part.





both are pretty damn horrendous

i'm alerting my lawyer.....

would you beleive my local notary?

ok...so i'm writing nasty letters in my cereal Jonnie Hellens Aug 29, 2005 10:21 AM Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ

Actually, she didn't CALL you a yuppie, she said you dress like one.... There's a dif, right? :)fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote: yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you want to play that game...hmmm!!???fine..i'm doublin yer wife's rent! so there!nyeah!i have been horribly and deeply wounded....yuppie indeed...serene <sereneAug 28, 2005 9:28 PM Subject: Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQLynda wrote:> BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy!Then you haven't met Fraggle. ;-)serene, ducking and runningTo send an email to -

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Silly, the OC is just something they made up in a script meeting <g>






Monday, August 29, 2005 9:48 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


hey...soo..the US has sucked in a lot of people from around the globe

wot can you expect?

humans are pretty dang xenophobic anyways...tribalisms, regionalisms, my god is better then yer god, etc and so forth

and whole sections of hte US were colonized by people wanting to set up their own lil theocracies....the puritans, the pilgrims, the shakers, etc....

as for laid back..depends on wot you mean by laid back....San Diego, orange county, et al might be west coast, but have very little in common with say, arcata, the bay area er even santa barbara....

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oh i can most definately assure you that there is a realm behind the orange curtain Lynda Aug 29, 2005 5:30 PM Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Silly, the OC is just something they made up in a script meeting <g>





a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one

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Yup, anything is possible after a few brewskies and some of the famous stuff from the green triangle <<eg>>






Monday, August 29, 2005 6:51 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


oh i can most definately assure you that there is a realm behind the orange curtain Lynda Aug 29, 2005 5:30 PM Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Silly, the OC is just something they made up in a script meeting <g>





a blinding flash hotter than the sun dead bodies lie across the path the radiation colors the air

finishing one by one

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LOL Lynda.






Monday, August 29, 2005 5:47 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Bicycle race(s) <g>





Jo Cwazy

Sunday, August 28, 2005 2:38 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Is there any race, other than Welsh, that you like Peter?





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 9:24 PM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Seem very insular from the web site you sent:

Races in Mitchell:



White Non-Hispanic (95.3%) American Indian (2.9%) Two or more races (0.9%) Hispanic (0.8%)

Ancestries: German (47.5%), Norwegian (11.8%), Irish (11.2%), English (7.6%), Dutch (5.5%), United States (4.6%).

German majority eh? not historically known for their tolerance as a race are they?

The Valley Vegan............Lynda <lurine wrote:


Bruhahahahahahahaha! Well, you landed plumb in the middle of Bubba Country <g> Uptight, straighlaced, Bible thumpers. http://www.city-data.com/city/Mitchell-South-Dakota.html


BTW, I have yet to see a vegan dressed up like a punk yuppy! Now, if he'd said she was wearing black leather platform boots with 6" soles/heels, I'd have bought the story.





peter hurd

Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:07 AM

Re: Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ



Before you read this let me just ask where is S.D., and is this "reporter" typical of the people there? just so I can avoid it! What a sarcastic prat, porbably thinks he is clever....the Valley Vegan.....

An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ Even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not a social handicap.


August 28, 2005 KEILLOR0828






OAS_AD('Button20'); dcmaxversion = 7 dcminversion = 6 Do On Error Resume Next plugin = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & dcmaxversion & ""))) If plugin = true Then Exit Do dcmaxversion = dcmaxversion - 1 Loop While dcmaxversion >= dcminversion



I was in Mitchell, S.D., (pop. 14,000, Home of the Corn Palace) not long ago standing around in a parking lot next to City Hall eating barbecue off paper plates, the way you do sometimes, with conservative, churchgoing, stick-to-business townspeople, and there, standing next to me, eating just the coleslaw (she is a vegan), was a slender young thing from L.A. who was in Mitchell to visit her cousins. In her 6-inch heels, she stood a little taller than I, and her hair was a swatch of brilliant atomic orange, and she wore a cut-off T-shirt revealing a large section of flat midriff with a bluish rhinestone in her bellybutton. It was her first time in Mitchell and she was having a great old time.

Everybody was talking to everybody -- good pork barbecue will do that to you -- some of us lurking around the long grill where the hog lay with his legs splayed, picking at him, and others standing around the beer kegs, about 40 people in all, some invited, others drop-ins, and it was two congenial hours during which (as I think back on it) I didn't hear anybody talk politics. We could look at each other and sort of guess at the political vibe -- looking at the Lady of Orange, you thought feminist-green-Euro-lefty-libertarian -- and why pursue it further?

Miss Orange was gadding about, chatting up everybody, laughing her orange head off, and it was clear that, even in a red-state crowd, orangeness is not necessarily a social handicap.

It helped that she was young and smart and funny, no doubt about it. But the good Republicans of Mitchell are not above having fun, and this flamboyant oddball in their midst was Not A Problem. It was a pleasure. One shouldn't generalize, but that is what columnists do, so I will: People enjoy oddity and flamboyance, even if they won't say so (not wanting to encourage their own children), so long as it's amiable and not defensive.

There are plenty of old grumblers in Mitchell (and anywhere else) but deep down, we're all in favor of people living their lives as they choose and we are fond of true independents and adventurers and gypsy musicians. Red or blue, we agree that freedom is at the heart of American life and it's a big country and there's room for everybody. We all know that life is short and quickly ebbs to a close, so you should go ahead and take that ride down the rapids, fly to Australia, dye your hair, go in the Peace Corps, follow your star, so that when you must sit in the nursing home eating your corn mush and watching stupid TV shows, you have some vivid memories of big adventures. Everyone in this parking lot is in favor of this, even if they don't say so.

What we don't need is Too Much Information. There really is no need for a unit on Orangeness in the Mitchell public schools -- let's focus on math and English composition and American history and leave Orangism to be discovered later.

But Mitchell enjoys you, Mademoiselle L'Orange. It admires your spunk, your gumption, your sense of hilarity, the way you swan around us plain Midwesterners and throw your head back and laugh. You are right not to assume our disapproval. Too many Orangists do this. They tend to gravitate toward the coasts, which is perfectly understandable, but you shouldn't assume the hostility of the Great In-Between. Don't alienate people who aren't necessarily your enemy. The red/blue business is 78 percent B.S. There's a lot of purple going around, and mauve and magenta. Red or blue, we know that life can be unfair, and hard work is not necessarily rewarded. The world can be merciless. Time marches on. The precipice lies ahead. This is not a Democratic or Republican point of view -- it's common knowledge.

And knowing that, we love being around you, vegan L.A. lady at the Mitchell barbecue with your orange hair and 6-inch heels. I'm wearing a navy blue suit and white shirt and thank you for not drawing hard and fast conclusions about my politics and taste in companions. All of us here wish you well and want you to be happy, Miss Orange. And take my word for it, this is terrific barbecue, vinegary and savory and chewy and memorable and altogether worth the loss of life. Thank you, pig.

Garrison Keillor's "A Prairie Home Companion" can be heard Saturday nights on public radio stations across the country.

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail



Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05Version: 7.0.344 / Virus Database: 267.10.16/83 - Release 8/26/05

Peter H




Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

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fraggle wrote:


> yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you want to

> play that game...hmmm!!??? fine..i'm doublin yer wife's rent! so

> there! nyeah!


> i have been horribly and deeply wounded.... yuppie indeed...


Oh, no, I wounded a fraggle! I'm a vegan -- vegans aren't supposed to

wound fraggles, I don't think! Whatever shall I do to atone???


serene, eating a nectarine drizzled with poppyseed dressing (after

polishing off a BIG bowl of kettle corn)

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You could send a beer donation to the WFF (Wounded Fraggle Foundation)?


P.S. what is kettle corn?corn in the shape of a kettle?corn out of a kettle? the only thing we Welsh use a kettle for is tea.The nectarine sounds nice!


The Valley Vegan...............serene <serene wrote:

fraggle wrote:> yuppie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you want to> play that game...hmmm!!??? fine..i'm doublin yer wife's rent! so> there! nyeah!>> i have been horribly and deeply wounded.... yuppie indeed...Oh, no, I wounded a fraggle! I'm a vegan -- vegans aren't supposed to wound fraggles, I don't think! Whatever shall I do to atone???serene, eating a nectarine drizzled with poppyseed dressing (after polishing off a BIG bowl of kettle corn)

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Hi Peter


Kettle Corn is sweet popcorn. Quite yummy too!


Nikki :)


, peter hurd <swpgh01@t...> wrote:

> You could send a beer donation to the WFF (Wounded Fraggle



> P.S. what is kettle corn?

> corn in the shape of a kettle?corn out of a kettle? the only thing

we Welsh use a kettle for is tea.The nectarine sounds nice!


> The Valley Vegan...............

> serene <serene@s...> wrote:

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assuming the sugar used in it is vegan


i know nikki..i'm always tossin bits of deconstruction in the way....




earthstrm <nikkimack

Aug 31, 2005 4:38 PM


Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


Hi Peter


Kettle Corn is sweet popcorn. Quite yummy too!


Nikki :)


, peter hurd <swpgh01@t...> wrote:

> You could send a beer donation to the WFF (Wounded Fraggle



> P.S. what is kettle corn?

> corn in the shape of a kettle?corn out of a kettle? the only thing

we Welsh use a kettle for is tea.The nectarine sounds nice!


> The Valley Vegan...............

> serene <serene@s...> wrote:







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The Kettle Corn we have here is both sweet and salty. It is cooked in a large kettle. Where we work on weekends they make kettle corn. It smells so wonderful, but the salt messes it up in my mind, but I still get it every once in a while to be sure. You can practically get it by the 30 gallon trashcan bag.earthstrm <nikkimack wrote:

Hi PeterKettle Corn is sweet popcorn. Quite yummy too!Nikki :) , peter hurd <swpgh01@t...> wrote:> You could send a beer donation to the WFF (Wounded Fraggle Foundation)?> > P.S. what is kettle corn?> corn in the shape of a kettle?corn out of a kettle? the only thing we Welsh use a kettle for is tea.The nectarine sounds nice!> > The Valley Vegan...............> serene <serene@s...> wrote:Jonnie

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30 gallon trashcan bag?, not like you Americans to have large portions!


The Valley Vegan...........Jonnie Hellens <jonnie_hellens wrote:


The Kettle Corn we have here is both sweet and salty. It is cooked in a large kettle. Where we work on weekends they make kettle corn. It smells so wonderful, but the salt messes it up in my mind, but I still get it every once in a while to be sure. You can practically get it by the 30 gallon trashcan bag.earthstrm <nikkimack wrote: Hi PeterKettle Corn is sweet popcorn. Quite yummy too!Nikki :) , peter hurd <swpgh01@t...> wrote:> You could send a beer donation to the WFF (Wounded Fraggle Foundation)?> > P.S. what is kettle corn?> corn in the shape of a kettle?corn out of a kettle? the only thing we Welsh use a kettle for is tea.The nectarine sounds nice!> > The Valley Vegan...............> serene <serene@s...> wrote:Jonnie

Peter H


How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Photos. Get Photos

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Nah, not you!


Besides, who else will keep me on my toes? Well, except for Peter.

And Jo. And Peter. And Lynda. And... the list goes on.


I usually make my own tho.


Nikki :)


, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:

> assuming the sugar used in it is vegan


> i know nikki..i'm always tossin bits of deconstruction in the


> :)



> earthstrm <nikkimack@m...>

> Aug 31, 2005 4:38 PM


> Re: An L.A. vegan at an S.D. BBQ


> Hi Peter


> Kettle Corn is sweet popcorn. Quite yummy too!


> Nikki :)


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What do u mean? It goes great with fraggle's keggers!peter hurd <swpgh01 wrote:


30 gallon trashcan bag?, not like you Americans to have large portions!


The Valley Vegan...........Jonnie Hellens <jonnie_hellens wrote:


The Kettle Corn we have here is both sweet and salty. It is cooked in a large kettle. Where we work on weekends they make kettle corn. It smells so wonderful, but the salt messes it up in my mind, but I still get it every once in a while to be sure. You can practically get it by the 30 gallon trashcan bag.earthstrm <nikkimack wrote: Hi PeterKettle Corn is sweet popcorn. Quite yummy too!Nikki :) , peter hurd <swpgh01@t...> wrote:> You could send a beer donation to the WFF (Wounded Fraggle Foundation)?> > P.S. what is kettle corn?> corn in the shape of a kettle?corn out of a kettle? the only thing we Welsh use a kettle for is tea.The nectarine sounds nice!> > The Valley Vegan...............> serene <serene@s...> wrote:Jonnie

Peter H




How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Photos. Get Photos Jonnie

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peter hurd wrote:


> You could send a beer donation to the WFF (Wounded Fraggle

> Foundation)?


What a great idea!



> P.S. what is kettle corn? corn in the shape of a kettle?corn out of a

> kettle? the only thing we Welsh use a kettle for is tea.The nectarine

> sounds nice!


Here, kettle corn is popcorn with a little sugar added to the popping,

so it's slightly sweet and salty.



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