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- flax seed oil

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I need to get more flax oil. I have been using hemp oil. I add either to my

salad dressing. Makes the flax oil taste better. I like the taste of hemp oil

and its very rich in the omegas too.

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" Jenni Billings " <


Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:13:43


Re: Fish oil substitute that is KOSHER and no

shellfish - flax seed oil



i agree that the flax oil taste is awful. ALthough I've only tried Spectrum flax

oil with DHA.

I think it tastes like oil paint.... rancid oil paint. ICK. no way could I

" hide' this stuff in a

smoothy or anything, so i just take a spoonfull quick and follow it with some



I add flax meal to my brown rice and love that... as well as sprinkled on pbj

or a salad..


I have a great flax cook book I'll have to find the title, thought it may be in

our files



I've been told that there are some tastier flax oils. I only went wiht the DHA

this time and

with flax oil at all as an added umph to my diet... I've been super healthy,

but with all the

hooopla of DHA, and being super preggo and vegan.. I figured it wouldn't hurt.


next time I'll try plain flax oil (not dha flax) in a flavor like cinnamon or




good luck finding something that suits you. OTher people have told me that

other brands

have better flavors.


Jenni (still preggo this morning!)

but well fed too! hee hee


@ <%40>

, Steven Winter <swinter121 wrote:


> I think everyone may have misunderstood. I am looking for a substitute for

taste, not


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Flax Seed Oil goes rancid quickly and you must keep it in the refrigerator

and use it within a reasonable time. There is usually

an expiration date on the bottle, but that is dependent on keeping it

refrigerated. I wonder if the one that you had bought, had gone rancid?




> " Jenni Billings " <


> Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:13:43


> Re: Fish oil substitute that is KOSHER and no

> shellfish - flax seed oil



> i agree that the flax oil taste is awful. ALthough I've only tried

> Spectrum flax oil with DHA.

> I think it tastes like oil paint.... rancid oil paint. ICK. no way could I

> " hide' this stuff in a

> smoothy or anything, so i just take a spoonfull quick and follow it with

> some water.


> I add flax meal to my brown rice and love that... as well as sprinkled on

> pbj or a salad..


> I have a great flax cook book I'll have to find the title, thought it may

> be in our files

> already.


> I've been told that there are some tastier flax oils. I only went wiht the

> DHA this time and

> with flax oil at all as an added umph to my diet... I've been super

> healthy, but with all the

> hooopla of DHA, and being super preggo and vegan.. I figured it wouldn't

> hurt.


> next time I'll try plain flax oil (not dha flax) in a flavor like cinnamon

> or something.


> =)

> good luck finding something that suits you. OTher people have told me that

> other brands

> have better flavors.


> Jenni (still preggo this morning!)

> but well fed too! hee hee

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A question about flax oil. I've tried adding it to my protein drink and find

it causes almost immediate nausea lasting for almost 1 hour. Anyone else have





wwjd <jtwigg wrote: Flax Seed Oil goes rancid quickly and you

must keep it in the refrigerator

and use it within a reasonable time. There is usually

an expiration date on the bottle, but that is dependent on keeping it

refrigerated. I wonder if the one that you had bought, had gone rancid?




> " Jenni Billings "


> Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:13:43


> Re: Fish oil substitute that is KOSHER and no

> shellfish - flax seed oil



> i agree that the flax oil taste is awful. ALthough I've only tried

> Spectrum flax oil with DHA.

> I think it tastes like oil paint.... rancid oil paint. ICK. no way could I

> " hide' this stuff in a

> smoothy or anything, so i just take a spoonfull quick and follow it with

> some water.


> I add flax meal to my brown rice and love that... as well as sprinkled on

> pbj or a salad..


> I have a great flax cook book I'll have to find the title, thought it may

> be in our files

> already.


> I've been told that there are some tastier flax oils. I only went wiht the

> DHA this time and

> with flax oil at all as an added umph to my diet... I've been super

> healthy, but with all the

> hooopla of DHA, and being super preggo and vegan.. I figured it wouldn't

> hurt.


> next time I'll try plain flax oil (not dha flax) in a flavor like cinnamon

> or something.


> =)

> good luck finding something that suits you. OTher people have told me that

> other brands

> have better flavors.


> Jenni (still preggo this morning!)

> but well fed too! hee hee






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I prefer just taking a spoonful of it or a capsule of it and drinking some juice

after it.

I called Barlean's

http://www.barleans.com/literature/flax/88-lower-blood-pressure.html that makes

Flax Oil and the lady that answered the phone said they now have lemon flavored

and cinnamon flavored Flax Oil. She likes to stir a Tablespoon of the Cinnamon

Flax Oil into a bowl of oatmeal and puts a Tablespoon of the Lemon flavored Flax

Oil onto an orange that has been sliced up. I'll have to be on the lookout for

the flavored ones.

I usually just grind up the seeds usually and put over salad or in a smoothie

and it doesn't have a noticeable flavor at all. Use a dedicated coffee grinder

for things like this. It is good to put with your pet's foods too. It improves

their health.




Pamela Brehm

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 12:59 PM

Re: - flax seed oil



A question about flax oil. I've tried adding it to my protein drink and find

it causes almost immediate nausea lasting for almost 1 hour. Anyone else have





wwjd <jtwigg wrote: Flax Seed Oil goes rancid quickly and you

must keep it in the refrigerator

and use it within a reasonable time. There is usually

an expiration date on the bottle, but that is dependent on keeping it

refrigerated. I wonder if the one that you had bought, had gone rancid?




> " Jenni Billings "


> Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:13:43


> Re: Fish oil substitute that is KOSHER and no

> shellfish - flax seed oil



> i agree that the flax oil taste is awful. ALthough I've only tried

> Spectrum flax oil with DHA.

> I think it tastes like oil paint.... rancid oil paint. ICK. no way could I

> " hide' this stuff in a

> smoothy or anything, so i just take a spoonfull quick and follow it with

> some water.


> I add flax meal to my brown rice and love that... as well as sprinkled on

> pbj or a salad..


> I have a great flax cook book I'll have to find the title, thought it may

> be in our files

> already.


> I've been told that there are some tastier flax oils. I only went wiht the

> DHA this time and

> with flax oil at all as an added umph to my diet... I've been super

> healthy, but with all the

> hooopla of DHA, and being super preggo and vegan.. I figured it wouldn't

> hurt.


> next time I'll try plain flax oil (not dha flax) in a flavor like cinnamon

> or something.


> =)

> good luck finding something that suits you. OTher people have told me that

> other brands

> have better flavors.


> Jenni (still preggo this morning!)

> but well fed too! hee hee


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> ... and find it causes almost immediate

> nausea lasting for almost 1 hour


Not me. I take a tablespoon straight,

no chaser, in the morning. No problems.

Also mine doesn't taste rancid. It is

the Whole Foods flax seed oil and I keep

it refrigerated. tbsp/day per Dr's orders.

Well, I take it back on the no chaser.

This morning I had


1) 1/2 slice of toast with Earth

Balance and some strawberry jam.

2) 2 hot peppers (hm, maybe chiltepin)*

3) 2 cherry tomatoes*

4) about 1/2 cup of orange juice


* fresh from the garden as I walked

through and did a little watering.


Breakfast of champions, eh?




--- Pamela Brehm <revopal wrote:


> A question about flax oil. I've tried adding it to

> my protein drink and find it causes almost immediate

> nausea lasting for almost 1 hour. Anyone else have

> this?


> Pamela

> ogroups.com

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Did you know that 1 T. of Flax Oil has 14,000 mg? That is the same as taking 14

1,000 mg capsules......... Wow what a difference.




http://www.barleans.com/recipes.asp Here are lots of recipes. Lots of tasty

ways to use Flax Oil to make it even more appealing.


Because flax oil contains both of the essential fats, Omega 3 & 6 needed for

optimal health, virtually everyone can benefit from taking flax oil. Essential

fats are directly connected with many life-sustaining biological functions. A

lack of essential fats in the diet has been associated with numerous diseases

and health complications.



What are early signs of EFA deficiency?


a.. Fatigue and lack of endurance


a.. Dry skin, cracked nails, dry hair


a.. Dry mucus membranes


a.. Maldigestion


a.. Constipation


a.. Weak immunity


a.. Depression


a.. Forgetfulness


a.. Hypertension


a.. Chronic arthritis


a.. History of cardiovascular disease






Gary Mattingly

Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:43 PM

Re: - flax seed oil





> ... and find it causes almost immediate

> nausea lasting for almost 1 hour


Not me. I take a tablespoon straight,

no chaser, in the morning. No problems.

Also mine doesn't taste rancid. It is

the Whole Foods flax seed oil and I keep

it refrigerated. tbsp/day per Dr's orders.


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