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Rebecca, I mostly lurk in this group but I can surely tell you that if you

stick around you will find many good vegetarian crock pot recipes. Also

there are many in the archives I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong, someone.








02/29/04 09:49:57


I'm new here


My name is Rebecca.I am 56 years old.I live in northern NY near the

Canadian border.I'm afraid I don't have a favorite crock pot recipe

as yet.I just got my crock pot and haven't used it.I'm also new to

being vegetarian.






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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Carol,

What part of Long Island? I have family in central Long Island and we make a

trip there about once a year. My husband is lacto-ovo, I am mostly vegan and

our daughter is lacto-ovo though she appears to be lactose intolerant so we are

phasing out whatever remnants of dairy in her diet. My daughter loves boca

chick'n nuggets. And you can get organic boca from wholefoods. If you'd prefer

the organic kind to what they sell in your regular grocer's. My daughter has

been vegetarian all her life. It must be harder if you don't raise your kids

veg and then try to convince them to change later. She's always thought of what

we do as " normal " and eating dead animals as a gross thing that " some other "

people do. Sometimes I look at her as she is asking about ingredients in

something.. I think how much she is like me when I was that age. And of the

long road that she has ahead of her as a vegetarian kid. I know it is a lot

different today than it was 20+ years ago. I hope I am able to

make it easier for her than my meat-eating parents did for me. Oh and other

than fruit (which she loves pretty much all fruit) my daughter eats oatmeal,

cereal, waffles, soy sausage, smart dogs, boca vegan burgers, boca chick'n

nuggets, quorn, veat, soy yoghurt, french fries, broccoli, corn and peas. She's

a picky veggie kid and not real big on vegetables.




carol sobczak <cpsobczak wrote:

I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Carol and I live

on Long Island in NY. I am married and have 2 daughters and one on the way. I am

currently on bed rest as ordered by my doctor. I have been a vegetarian for give

or take 10 years. My husband is not veg nor are either of my kids. My little one

is the closest she is just stuck on chicken nuggets. I am working with the older

one to help her understand the health benefits of being vegetarian. She is a

preteen so she is interested in looking good and having clear skin and all that.

She seems to be beginning to understand but she has cravings for meat. My

husband is a hopeless cause. He will never switch but he does eat what I cook

most of the time. We also have 4 companion animals, a dog, a cat and 2 guinea

pigs. Ok, that's me in a nutshell. I really am looking forward to being a part

of the list. thanks for having me







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Hi Carol,


Welcome to the group. Where on LI are you? I grew up in Seaford. My

parents are still there, my 2 brothers live upstate. I'm in Virginia

Beach. I know how tough it is to be the only veg--my husband, 2 boys

and mother in law are meat eaters, although they do eat what I cook,

and mom-in-law cooks non meat dishes fairly often now, so I guess

they are making good progress.







> Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢



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Where on LI are you?


I'm in Westbury/Carle Place



mom-in-law cooks non meat dishes fairly often now,



my mother-in-law doesn't understand why I won't eat fish since she says it's not

meat. When she told me that I couldn't figure out what it was since it's not a

grain, or a fruit, or a vegetable or even a legume. I just laugh and eat the

side dishes. She does try to make the veggies without butter for me. It's only

been 10 years, they're getting used to it. Ha ha.


So, your children aren't veg either. I am trying to work with my children on

issues of compassion and health to bring them closer at least. I have been

doing a lot of reading on childrens health and meat eating. It is freighting.

I want to do everything possible to help them grow up healthy. The new baby

will not eat meat until she is old enough to rebel on her own. But my oldest is

a real meat eater. She is a preteen and starting to be interested in her

appearance. I explaining that meat eating can lead to prolems with weight, skin

and hair. I'm teaching her about her health and how to protect it. The little

one can't stand the thought that chicken is really a dead chicken. It is very

challenging. But I guess that that's parenthood. Of course, any suggestions from

anyone on this topic would be more than welcome.










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Renee Carroll <renecarol25 wrote:

It must be harder if you don't raise your kids veg and then try to convince

them to change later.


It is ver hard since my husband is not even close to vegetarian. He fights me

when I want to teach the kids about vegetarianism. I think it is threatening to

him. I am reading a great book right now called " Living Among Meat Eaters " by

Carol Adams. It is really good. It talks a lot about why meat eaters are

sometimes so hostile to vegetarians. Anyway, I just keep plugging along with

the kids. My children do eat a lot of vegetarian food. They like the Health is

Wealth chicken-free nuggets. I also make tacos with Yves Just Like Ground.

They also eat many different veggies and fruit. They still like meat items

though. I am trying to get them to eat those things less often.








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HI we're getting ready to move to Larchmont from CT. Grew up on LI, and are

very excited to be closer to home, and maybe more veg. My husband eats meat

outside the house, but lately says it's making him sick for a couple of days.

ds, 3 yrs and dd, 1 yr are both veg with me. Sometimes it's hard trying to

explain why Papa eats meat, and we are " veggietarians. " But I guess it's

something we are going to have to deal with for the rest of our lives, or until

the kids try to rebel. For now, I just remind my son that I don't like to eat

animals, and we have to be good to the animals and our bodies need healthy food

to grow big and strong. Then he likes to show me his big muscles, so I guess it

sinks in somehow. I do a lot with pictures and try to describe the different

systems. I've always been really honest with him, even if he didn't fully get

it, just to avoid the confusion and conflict later. When I was pregnant, I

showed him the miracle of life DVD, to see where the baby

comes from. May as well plant the seed now, so when they really want to

understand it, there is a base of reality. Most of the time people are somewhat

accomodating so I don't even worry about bringing food. I guess I'd gotten

spoiled so much so that when I went to an Uncle's for dinner, a big dinner too,

not a vegetable was on the table, I was in shock. I basically washed off the

pasta with meat sauce for the kids, and I ate bread and butter. I felt bad

because everyone was staring and it's rude to watch someone pick through their

food, but I couldn't believe the carnage on the table.


Thanks for letting me vent...




carol sobczak <cpsobczak wrote:


Where on LI are you?


I'm in Westbury/Carle Place



mom-in-law cooks non meat dishes fairly often now,



my mother-in-law doesn't understand why I won't eat fish since she says it's not

meat. When she told me that I couldn't figure out what it was since it's not a

grain, or a fruit, or a vegetable or even a legume. I just laugh and eat the

side dishes. She does try to make the veggies without butter for me. It's only

been 10 years, they're getting used to it. Ha ha.


So, your children aren't veg either. I am trying to work with my children on

issues of compassion and health to bring them closer at least. I have been

doing a lot of reading on childrens health and meat eating. It is freighting.

I want to do everything possible to help them grow up healthy. The new baby

will not eat meat until she is old enough to rebel on her own. But my oldest is

a real meat eater. She is a preteen and starting to be interested in her

appearance. I explaining that meat eating can lead to prolems with weight, skin

and hair. I'm teaching her about her health and how to protect it. The little

one can't stand the thought that chicken is really a dead chicken. It is very

challenging. But I guess that that's parenthood. Of course, any suggestions from

anyone on this topic would be more than welcome.










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  • 1 year later...
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> Hello all, I'm Rachel. I might end up being a lurker, but wanted

> you to know I'm here. I live with my husband and kids in rural

> south Alabama where I home school my three kids (John 9 and Hannah &

> Holly 7) and stay pretty busy with that.


Hi, Rachel! Welcome! My inlaws are in Birmingham, but have property

in ... oh shoot, I forget the name right now. It's out in the middle

of nowhere in Hale County.


> My family is in the middle of a food revolution. My twins have milk

> allergies, I have been battling fungal overgrowth after several

> rounds of antibiotics and steroids last year and my husband just

> " feels " fat. Topics I hope to see discussed include how to eat to

> optimize health, how soy really affects the body and how to

> eliminate meat from a diet without loosing nutrition. (before you

> say it--I know the risk of eating meat outweighs the 'benefit') My

> family cannot incorporate meat substitutes because of the use of

> milk proteins.


I'm sure there will be some discussion here, but I cannot stress

enough for you to read " The China Study " ... :-) Also, " Becoming

Vegan " by vesanto Melina and brenda davis would be useful...


> Also, part of the 'elimination diet' I have been on for the candida

> issue requires strict avoidance of processed foods. I'm looking

> forward to 'whole foods' and milk elimination recipes.


Good luck, Rachel!!! Have you checked our files yet? Also, if tehre

is a particular ingredient you'd like recipes for, give a holler.

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Sandy, go to the site for this group, click on files, and click on

recipes!!! There are millions, I think. All sorts of things to make that

are healthy for you. Caution: there are lots of delicious desserts, too.

These are fattening!!! giggle!!


Marilyn Daub


Vanceburg, KY

My Cats Knead Me!!

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Hi Sandy! We're in the same medication induced weight gain boat but I love

to cook, come on down! I suspect the more you find of foods and recipes you

like, the more you will come to like cooking. I'm with you on tofu..just

have never found a way to appreciate it, lol. What kinds of foods do you

like? Mexican. Italian, Thai, Oriental? Cheese and eggs or veg only? I know

I have hundreds of veg recipes and surely can find something for you to test

drive in your kitchen. If I can turn a daughter in love into a cook, I KNOW

we can find something you will want to make and eat! *grins* Hi again,

Jeanne in GA



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Hi Sandy

Welcome to the group. I don't much care for the texture of most tofu

either but I have found it to be much more acceptable if I freeze it

first and then defrost by putting it into boiling water - it takes on

more of a spongy texture and soaks up flavours of whatever sauce I put

it in. Even so I don't eat much tofu, but I do like lentils and split

peas and chick peas and get most of my protein from those.


I'm sure you will find some inspiration in the files here and in the

members' posts. I've not been much of a cook either but have been far

more inspired to cook since joining up here.

Best wishes

Christie in Scotland (fond memories of Ontario - I spent one summer

many years ago hitch-hiking throughout Ontario and ended up hanging

out at a youth hostel in Sudbury before going up to NW Quebec to work

as a music teacher - happy days!)


, " Sandy " <iamcrazy wrote:


> Hi, My name is Sandy, and I've been wanting to adapt to the


> lifestyle, but find it very diffucult.

> I don't like red meat anyway, never have, I am sick of chicken and

> haven't had any in about a year. I do love pork but I know it's not

> good for me.

> I love veggies, just not peas or beans. I can't stand the texture of

> tofu.

> I rarely eat, and have gained quite a bit of weight from medications

> over the years. Now that I'm off all medication, I'm hoping to find

> EASY healthy meals to make. I also hate to cook. <G>


> Sandy (in Ontario Canada)


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Thanks Marilyn. I'm not a dessert person, so the temptation will not

be a problem. I've never been one who likes candy, cakes, pastry etc.

However, that may not apply to Strawberries (cheese cake, shortcake,

plain with whipped cream, etc.)

I also do not like Chocolate. Anyone interested in my portion? LOL


Sandy (I could probably live on Fruit & Veggies )


Marilyn Daub wrote:


>Sandy, go to the site for this group, click on files, and click on

>recipes!!! There are millions, I think. All sorts of things to make that

>are healthy for you. Caution: there are lots of delicious desserts, too.

>These are fattening!!! giggle!!


>Marilyn Daub


>Vanceburg, KY

>My Cats Knead Me!!








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It's so nice to find someone who understands the med induced weight

gain... now how do we reverse the effects once we stop the meds?


I spent 21 yrs cooking for a family of 5 (hubby & son were in


Now I'm on my own (kids gone, got rid of hubby) and find cooking to be

very difficult for ONE not to mention boring.


I like most veggies cauliflower, Broccoli, carrots, asparagus, spinach,


do not like Brussel Sprouts, peas or beans

I love all fruit.


I stopped eating all things white (rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, etc)

to loose 30 lbs in 3 months. I had to do it for a friend. I donated 65%

of my liver (January 19, 2004) so she could live. It gave her the

potential for 10 more years. Unfortunately she developed Breast cancer

in July 2005. She had a mastectomy and they included a triple bypass in

a 14 hour surgery. (Heart attack during pre-op tests). She was fine

till this past March 2006 when they found bone cancer near her collar

bone. She passed away on May 11th.


My weight bounced back up after our liver surgery. I pigged out on

Potatoes right away.. Like an addiction. I had them mashed, boiled,

baked, etc for lunch and dinner almost every day for about a month. I

just couldn't get enough, then the craving stopped. But it's too

late.... the 30 + lbs were back within 6 months.





Jeanne NunyaNoname wrote:


>Hi Sandy! We're in the same medication induced weight gain boat but I love

>to cook, come on down! I suspect the more you find of foods and recipes you

>like, the more you will come to like cooking. I'm with you on tofu..just

>have never found a way to appreciate it, lol. What kinds of foods do you

>like? Mexican. Italian, Thai, Oriental? Cheese and eggs or veg only? I know

>I have hundreds of veg recipes and surely can find something for you to test

>drive in your kitchen. If I can turn a daughter in love into a cook, I KNOW

>we can find something you will want to make and eat! *grins* Hi again,

>Jeanne in GA








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Thanks for that Christie. I'm checking the files. Not so sure I'll

attempt tofu again. :)


I've been to Edinburgh (Dad was born there), and Newcastle England ( Mom

was born there)

LOVE Liverpool and Manchester.




christie_0131 wrote:


>Hi Sandy

>Welcome to the group. I don't much care for the texture of most tofu

>either but I have found it to be much more acceptable if I freeze it

>first and then defrost by putting it into boiling water - it takes on

>more of a spongy texture and soaks up flavours of whatever sauce I put

>it in. Even so I don't eat much tofu, but I do like lentils and split

>peas and chick peas and get most of my protein from those.


>I'm sure you will find some inspiration in the files here and in the

>members' posts. I've not been much of a cook either but have been far

>more inspired to cook since joining up here.

>Best wishes

>Christie in Scotland (fond memories of Ontario - I spent one summer

>many years ago hitch-hiking throughout Ontario and ended up hanging

>out at a youth hostel in Sudbury before going up to NW Quebec to work

>as a music teacher - happy days!)







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  • 1 year later...



I'm Michelle, single mother of three girls ages 12 and 8 (twins). We live in

New England (It's COLD today) and I am a preschool teacher. After my first

daughter was born we ate healthy (although not vegetarian), after my twins were

born that continued....they had many food allergies and a lot of processed and

packaged foods were out of the question. I made everything from scratch, always

at least two veggies and a fruit with every meal, etc. When my twins were not

quite two I went back to work full time....and even though I tried to keep

everything up, it slowly went downhill.....we started getting take out once or

twice a week, I started taking shortcuts in cooking (a lot of packaged things

started appearing), and it has only gotten worse now that my kids are older, we

are busier, sports, etc. Before I started turning things around we were eatting

at least one take out meal a day...sometimes two. We were all gaining weight,

had no energy, etc. One weekend I realized that

I hadn't gone grocery shopping in almost a month....and had spent almost $200

in eatting out in one week. I'm a single parent, so I definitely am not in the

financial position to be doing that on a regular basis.


So, we began the reversal process and are now eatting out about two times a

week, I am cooking again.....grocery shopping regularly, and cutting out meat. I

make two meals a week with meat.....down from every single meal, including

breakfast. My goal is to be no meat by New Years. I think the teaching job I

have right now was meant to be, I work with a woman who has been a vegetarian

for about fifteen years, and she has been really supportive and has endless

suggestions and ideas to help me out.









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You have come to the 'Right' place. You cannot imagine the support,

ideas and wonderful recipes in this group. I know what it is to be a

single working mother . Thank goodness I survied those years and am

now retired. Get those kids in the kitchen and let them help preapare

meals. They will love it. On your days off try to cook enough for at

least two meals. Freeze some. The time it takes you to order or eat

out you could be fixing a nutritious soup and salad , pizza,

spaghetti all those things kids love. My kids favorite was tomato

soup, and grilled peanut butter sandwiches. Sometimes grilled cheese.

Breakfast is a cinch if you make granola . When the children were

young I would make enough granola to last the week. Put in all their

favorite nuts, rasins, etc. and they will love their quick healthy

breakfast. School lunches can be expensive and well not so healthy.

Packing lunch now is the " in " thing to do. Veggies/fruit and dips are


Congratulations on a job well done

Sending smiles and hugs your way

Make a rewarding , peaceful day

Deanna in Colorado

-- In , Michelle Mendoza

<twinglemomi wrote:


> Hello,


> I'm Michelle, single mother of three girls ages 12 and 8 (twins).

We live in New England (It's COLD today) and I am a preschool

teacher. After my first daughter was born we ate healthy (although

not vegetarian), after my twins were born that continued....they had

many food allergies and a lot of processed and packaged foods were

out of the question. I made everything from scratch, always at least

two veggies and a fruit with every meal, etc. When my twins were not

quite two I went back to work full time....and even though I tried to

keep everything up, it slowly went downhill.....we started getting

take out once or twice a week, I started taking shortcuts in cooking

(a lot of packaged things started appearing), and it has only gotten

worse now that my kids are older, we are busier, sports, etc. Before

I started turning things around we were eatting at least one take out

meal a day...sometimes two. We were all gaining weight, had no

energy, etc. One weekend I realized that

> I hadn't gone grocery shopping in almost a month....and had spent

almost $200 in eatting out in one week. I'm a single parent, so I

definitely am not in the financial position to be doing that on a

regular basis.


> So, we began the reversal process and are now eatting out about

two times a week, I am cooking again.....grocery shopping regularly,

and cutting out meat. I make two meals a week with meat.....down from

every single meal, including breakfast. My goal is to be no meat by

New Years. I think the teaching job I have right now was meant to be,

I work with a woman who has been a vegetarian for about fifteen

years, and she has been really supportive and has endless suggestions

and ideas to help me out.


> Michelle








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Hi Michelle, welcome to the garden of earthly delights! I am so proud of you

for your choice of going more veg, less meat (and hopefully NO take-out poison)

for your family. You will love the folks here and the recipes in the files.


Once you get into the no take-out habit you will be astounded how well you can

eat (veggie). Do you have a crock pot? When I was teaching it made all the

difference between garbage dinners or good food. I did a lot of bulk cooking on

the weekends and froze it for quick meals. I was in the hospital for a month

then it took several more months to learn how to feed myself then walk, use a

fork (LOL!), chef's knife, etc. BUT the veggie pot pies I had made one weekend

(about 4 dozen) and crock pot meals made it easy for my kitchen challenged

husband to feed us.


Crock pot suggestion: Put a large, gallon or two gallon size freezer bag in

the crock pot, fill it with the ingredients for your crock pot dinners and

freeze, taking them out of the pot after the dinner is good and frozen. That

way before heading out to work, all you have to do is slit the plastic, pop the

frozen iceberg of dinner into the crock pot and know dinner will be just about

ready when you get home. Toss a salad and whip up some biscuits or something

and there's dinner.


Anywho, welcome to the group. Jeanne in GA

Michelle Mendoza <twinglemomi wrote:



I'm Michelle, single mother of three girls ages 12 and 8 (twins). We live in New

England (It's COLD today) and I am a preschool teacher. After my first daughter

was born we ate healthy (although not vegetarian), after my twins were born that

continued....they had many food allergies and a lot of processed and packaged

foods were out of the question. I made everything from scratch, always at least

two veggies and a fruit with every meal, etc. When my twins were not quite two I

went back to work full time....and even though I tried to keep everything up, it

slowly went downhill.....we started getting take out once or twice a week, I

started taking shortcuts in cooking (a lot of packaged things started

appearing), and it has only gotten worse now that my kids are older, we are

busier, sports, etc. Before I started turning things around we were eatting at

least one take out meal a day...sometimes two. We were all gaining weight, had

no energy, etc. One weekend I realized that

I hadn't gone grocery shopping in almost a month....and had spent almost $200 in

eatting out in one week. I'm a single parent, so I definitely am not in the

financial position to be doing that on a regular basis.


So, we began the reversal process and are now eatting out about two times a

week, I am cooking again.....grocery shopping regularly, and cutting out meat. I

make two meals a week with meat.....down from every single meal, including

breakfast. My goal is to be no meat by New Years. I think the teaching job I

have right now was meant to be, I work with a woman who has been a vegetarian

for about fifteen years, and she has been really supportive and has endless

suggestions and ideas to help me out.










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Thank you! I am very glad I found all of you here. One of our struggles is that

one of my twins has a severe allergy to peanuts, and because of the way nuts are

processed (the whole cross contamination issue), we have never had any peanut or

nut containing products in my house.......for the past seven and a half years my

house has been peanut/nut free. I love granola, but I don't know how to make it

and haven't found a store bought that doesn't contain nuts or have the cross

contamination warning. I love peanut butter though.....it's just more of a

hassle if I want to eat it because I can't eat it at home or in the car, I have

to wash my hands and brush my teeth after I eat it, etc, etc.





genny_y2k <genny_y2k wrote:


You have come to the 'Right' place. You cannot imagine the support,

ideas and wonderful recipes in this group. I know what it is to be a

single working mother . Thank goodness I survied those years and am

now retired. Get those kids in the kitchen and let them help preapare

meals. They will love it. On your days off try to cook enough for at

least two meals. Freeze some. The time it takes you to order or eat

out you could be fixing a nutritious soup and salad , pizza,

spaghetti all those things kids love. My kids favorite was tomato

soup, and grilled peanut butter sandwiches. Sometimes grilled cheese.

Breakfast is a cinch if you make granola . When the children were

young I would make enough granola to last the week. Put in all their

favorite nuts, rasins, etc. and they will love their quick healthy

breakfast. School lunches can be expensive and well not so healthy.

Packing lunch now is the " in " thing to do. Veggies/fruit and dips are


Congratulations on a job well done

Sending smiles and hugs your way

Make a rewarding , peaceful day

Deanna in Colorado

-- In , Michelle Mendoza

<twinglemomi wrote:


> Hello,


> I'm Michelle, single mother of three girls ages 12 and 8 (twins).

We live in New England (It's COLD today) and I am a preschool

teacher. After my first daughter was born we ate healthy (although

not vegetarian), after my twins were born that continued....they had

many food allergies and a lot of processed and packaged foods were

out of the question. I made everything from scratch, always at least

two veggies and a fruit with every meal, etc. When my twins were not

quite two I went back to work full time....and even though I tried to

keep everything up, it slowly went downhill.....we started getting

take out once or twice a week, I started taking shortcuts in cooking

(a lot of packaged things started appearing), and it has only gotten

worse now that my kids are older, we are busier, sports, etc. Before

I started turning things around we were eatting at least one take out

meal a day...sometimes two. We were all gaining weight, had no

energy, etc. One weekend I realized that

> I hadn't gone grocery shopping in almost a month....and had spent

almost $200 in eatting out in one week. I'm a single parent, so I

definitely am not in the financial position to be doing that on a

regular basis.


> So, we began the reversal process and are now eatting out about

two times a week, I am cooking again.....grocery shopping regularly,

and cutting out meat. I make two meals a week with meat.....down from

every single meal, including breakfast. My goal is to be no meat by

New Years. I think the teaching job I have right now was meant to be,

I work with a woman who has been a vegetarian for about fifteen

years, and she has been really supportive and has endless suggestions

and ideas to help me out.


> Michelle








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Hi, Michelle, I'm Lori, living in Texas but from Maine. Welcome to the

group. I'm relatively new myself and trying to make the transfer to no

meat. My oldest son has multiple food allergies, etc..., so I know how

that can be. I also know what it is like to not have time to take care

of yourself as you probably feel sometimes. Hope we can help support

you. Blessings, Lori P.S. I think your job was meant to be, too!


, Michelle Mendoza

<twinglemomi wrote:


> Hello,


> I'm Michelle, single mother of three girls ages 12 and 8 (twins).

We live in New England (It's COLD today) and I am a preschool teacher.

After my first daughter was born we ate healthy (although not

vegetarian), after my twins were born that continued....they had many

food allergies and a lot of processed and packaged foods were out of

the question. I made everything from scratch, always at least two

veggies and a fruit with every meal, etc. When my twins were not quite

two I went back to work full time....and even though I tried to keep

everything up, it slowly went downhill...

> Michelle








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