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How To Make Homemade Ice Cream

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1. Mix 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 cup milk or half & half , and 1/2

teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla flavoring or cocoa in a bowl,

then put it in a quart-sized plastic bag.


2. Secure the plastic bag, making sure that it is sufficiently

sealed. A Ziploc© type bag that seals and unseals works best. It is

usually best to double-bag the quart-sized bag to prevent leakage.


3. Take roughly two quarts of ice (crushed if possible) and place

it into the gallon-sized bag. Ideally, the gallon bag will be roughly

half full with ice.


4. Add ½ to ¾ cup of salt/rock salt/sodium chloride into the

gallon-sized bag of ice. Most ice cream makers use rock salt, and it

can be purchased in nearly any grocery store. It may be labeled as

cubed sodium chloride, which is just a fancy way of saying rock salt.


5. Take the quart-sized bag that is filled with the sugar, milk,

cream, and vanilla and place it in the gallon-sized bag. MAKE SURE THE

BAG(S) IS(ARE) STILL SEALED! Do not empty the contents of the smaller

bag into the larger.


6. Gently agitate the bags for about five minutes. It is important

that you are mixing the contents of the inner bag, but you don't want

to be so aggressive that you burst the inner bag or cut it on the ice

(double-bagging should prevent this).


7. Use a towel or an old t-shirt to hold the bags as you agitate

them; they will be quite cold and might become slippery with

accumulated condensation. Consider using gloves or agitating while

holding onto the top seal if a towel or similar cloth is not available.


8. Agitate for about 10-15 minutes—in this amount of time the

contents of the quart (smaller) bag should start to turn into solid

ice cream.


9. Remove the smaller bag, open it up, and grab a couple of spoons!



[edit] Tips


* If you can, use larger salt crystals (e.g. rock salt). Larger

salt crystals take more time to dissolve in the water around the ice,

which allows for even cooling of the ice cream.

* Use duct tape to seal the top of both bags to ensure they don't

open during shaking.


* If you prefer a lower calorie ice cream that is not as rich, use

milk instead of heavy cream and artificial sweetener instead of sugar.


* The described method will make a small amount of ice cream,

about enough for two people to enjoy. Experimenting with other methods

can allow you to make a larger quantity. Try using two coffee cans of

different sizes instead of plastic bags.


* One can now buy a ball that doubles as an ice cream maker,

allowing you to make ice cream while playing catch.


* Flavor combinations are almost limitless. Chocolate syrup is a

basic option. Don't be afraid to add your favorite fruits or nuts!

Various flavor extracts that are available in your grocery store's

baking section can lead to more exotic variations. Try combining mint

extract with chocolate, or adding small chocolate chips.


* If you use blueberries, crush them first. Whole blueberries will

become little rocks rather than mixing nicely with the ice cream.


* This is a great activity to do with children of any age. For

large groups, mix several quarts of ice cream mix and divide it into

bags, rather than having each individual child mix their own (that

gets messy). This is also a great classroom activity when learning

about the states of matter - it shows a liquid changing to a solid by

freezing, and then while they're eating it, the solid changes back to

a liquid by melting. For older students, add an unbreakable

thermometer to the bag and have them record the temperature every

minute during the process of making the ice cream.


* You can use a bowl in place of the larger bag.



[edit] Warnings


* The reaction between the salt and the ice will cause the bag to

become extremely cold. Make sure not to handle the bag for extended

periods of time with bare skin.


* Homemade ice cream is so good and so fun to make that you might

find yourself eating sundae after sundae, and cone after cone.



[edit] Things You'll Need


* 1 cup milk or half and half

* 2 tablespoons sugar

* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla or vanilla flavoring or cocoa

* 1/2 to 3/4 cup sodium chloride (NaCl) as table salt or rock salt

* 2 quarts ice

* 1-quart plastic bag (A Ziploc© type bag with a sealable top

works best)

* 1-gallon plastic bag (A Ziploc© type bag with a sealable top

works best)

* duct tape

* Measuring cups and spoons

* Cups and spoons for eating your treat!



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