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New member - Ivy

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Hello Ivy and welcome to the group. I am new here too, so I will leave the

detailed explanations to someone more experienced than me. But I will say this

is a very friendly, helpful bunch of people. And the recipes are great. J




Ivy Shrewsbury <ivys11 wrote:

I have been married to Frank for over 34 years. We have two grown children and

one grandson. We are raising our grandson. I am a big book reader, usually have

a book in process at all times. When not working or reading I enjoy crocheting,

scrapbooking, counted cross stitch.


We have been thinking about going to a more vegetarian kind of eating (doctor

says to get cholesterol down) and so I am on the look out for more information

about vegetarian style of eating. Don't know much about vegetarians or what is

considered vegetarian and what is not. Have got to do some more research....in

the mean time I thought that joining a group might give me some more














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I am also very new to the group this week. I have already printed off many of

the recipes and have actually cooked 2 of them. Both were very good and filling.

I am not one that eats much meat anyway, so this will be easy for me to give it



I believe that the main difference between a Vegan and Vegetarian, is that a

Vegan does not eat dairy products or meat and a vegetarian eats dairy products

and no meat..I have decided to still include dairy in my diet, so I am following

the vegetarian way of eating...


I also found. in the files, a list of fruits and vegetables, and what they do

for our health. I printed it and many of the foods listed are good for lowering

cholesterol among many other things...Diet is certainly important to staying and

being healthy..I have already felt better.


I think you will enjoy this list.



Ivy Shrewsbury <ivys11 wrote: I have been

married to Frank for over 34 years. We have two grown children and one

grandson. We are raising our grandson. I am a big book reader, usually have a

book in process at all times. When not working or reading I enjoy crocheting,

scrapbooking, counted cross stitch.


We have been thinking about going to a more vegetarian kind of eating (doctor

says to get cholesterol down) and so I am on the look out for more information

about vegetarian style of eating. Don't know much about vegetarians or what is

considered vegetarian and what is not. Have got to do some more research....in

the mean time I thought that joining a group might give me some more



I have heard the term vegan in regards to vegetarian eating but know even less

about it then I do about vegetarian so would like to know the differences.


I look forward to getting to know each of you and exchanging all kinds of info

and friendship.




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Hi Ivy, I'm sure there are members who can tell you more than I can about

being vegetarian. I can tell you that you still have to pay attention to

your fat intake to help your cholesterol. When I became an almost

vegetarian years ago, I did drop my cholesterol dramatically by being very

careful about fat intake. Since then I've developed other issues that make

that not as successful, but I still try.


Recently, my best friend's husband converted to vegetarianism also, after

teasing me for ages about it - he saw one of the documentaries about

slaughterhouses and that did it for him. He's been successful at the

elimination of meat, but he's not made changes to his fat intake so one of

his issues isn't getting resolved. When my friend asked for a

recommendation for a book to help him, I suggested " Vegetarianism for

Dummies " - I've seen it in the cookbook section at our local Hastings. It

gives a lot of good information about nutrition and I believe it even has

some recipes. She says that book has helped her husband change his eating

habits a lot. You might see if your local library has a copy of it and

check it out. Also, you can probably find a lot of good cookbooks at the

library too that will give you recipe ideas and you can find the ones you

might want to purchase that way.


There are several good websites out there too. I'll give you a list of my


Boca Burgers http://www.bocafoods.com/index.aspx - these are soy substitutes

for meats, mostly in the hamburger range and some sausages, at least in our

area. My son prefers them most of the time to a meat hamburger now.

Down to Earth, based in Hawaii, but they send out a neat newsletter once a

month with information and recipes: http://www.planetveggie.com/

In a Vegetarian Kitchen with Nava Atlas - http://vegkitchen.com/ She's got

some really good recipes and a link for nutrition help too.

Morningstar Farms http://www.seeveggiesdifferently.com/ is another pretty

popular and easy to find substitute. They've got a lot of good recipes on

their site and you can probably find ways to adapt your favorite old recipes

with some of the products on the market. My 19 month old granddaughter

actually prefers a soy substitute to an actual meat product - her parents

are still omnivores and I am strictly vegetarian so she's growing up with a

wide variety of tastes. Not too many kids her age will have a fit if they

don't get Brussels sprouts, asparagus or broccoli on their plates! Since I

am her one and only babysitter, she's learning to eat a lot of healthy

things that she might not otherwise be exposed to, especially since her

father fears anything green!

The Vegetarian Resource Group http://www.vrg.org/ has a lot of links on the

different things you need to look for, plus they have recipes also.

VegCooking http://www.vegcooking.com/?c=126 is more vegan than vegetarian

(meaning no milk or egg products) but they have good reviews of different

products and recipes and information to help out too.

VegFamily http://www.vegfamily.com/ has a lot of different information too.

Including recipes aimed at families and specifically at children. I don't

know how old your grandson is, but it can be helpful to have recipes aimed

specifically at kids too. My 16 year old often forgets that what he's

eating isn't meat. He's not fully vegetarian, when he's not at home, he'll

eat what he pleases, but at home, he's pretty much stuck with only

vegetarian foods. It's okay though, because he seems to like it and

actually prefer it most of the time.

VegWeb http://vegweb.com/ has a lot of recipes. I believe this is the one

that sends me a newsletter with new recipes a couple times a week.

For information on a lot of things, I like Vegetarian Times (their recipes

not so much) but they do give a lot of health info in the magazine if you

can pick up a copy. Our stores carry it occasionally but in general, no.


This last link is to a seasoning company, called Benson's Gourmet

Seasonings. One of my friends was looking for vegetarian recipes to post on

my NASCAR board (he's a great cook and loves to post recipes he thinks we'll

be interested in). Anyway, there's a ton of recipes here and a little basic

info. http://www.bensonsgourmetseasonings.com/vegetarianveganrawfoodrecipes

Another place to go for information on the whole thing, plus recipes and all

is at About.com http://vegetarian.about.com/ They have a weekly newsletter

with recipes and news articles and a pretty basic course in vegetarianism.

Also there are a lot of recipes here in the files - you can get lost in



I hope all of this has helped and good luck!




On Behalf Of Ivy Shrewsbury

Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:26 AM


New member - Ivy


I have been married to Frank for over 34 years. We have two grown children

and one grandson. We are raising our grandson. I am a big book reader,

usually have a book in process at all times. When not working or reading I

enjoy crocheting, scrapbooking, counted cross stitch.


We have been thinking about going to a more vegetarian kind of eating

(doctor says to get cholesterol down) and so I am on the look out for more

information about vegetarian style of eating. Don't know much about

vegetarians or what is considered vegetarian and what is not. Have got to

do some more research....in the mean time I thought that joining a group

might give me some more information.


I have heard the term vegan in regards to vegetarian eating but know even

less about it then I do about vegetarian so would like to know the



I look forward to getting to know each of you and exchanging all kinds of

info and friendship.







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Thanks for the web sites....I will check them out and see what I can find. I am

not sure that I will ever get my hubby to go completely vegetarian but I am

hoping that I can introduce both him and myself to more meals with out red meat

in them....My grandson is 14 and even when he was a baby he didn't really care

for beef and if he had his way he would not eat it at all now. I don't think

that I will have much trouble getting him to try some of the vegetarian

recipes....the biggest problem will be me and my hubby....meat lovers. It is

more then likely going to take some time to get us into the habit of eating less

meat. I am going to take it one meal at a time.



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I made a taco soup tonight, I have always made it with chicken or ground beef,

but tonight I made it with a ground beef substitute and my husbands comment when

he saw it was, " there is a lot of meat in it " ..He liked it and ate 2 bowls of

it..My husband will eat what I cook, but I am sure if we are at a friend's house

or out to eat, he will eat meat..He has not made one complaint about my recent

week of vegetarian meals.



Ivy Shrewsbury <ivys11 wrote: Thanks for

the web sites....I will check them out and see what I can find. I am not sure

that I will ever get my hubby to go completely vegetarian but I am hoping that I

can introduce both him and myself to more meals with out red meat in them....My

grandson is 14 and even when he was a baby he didn't really care for beef and if

he had his way he would not eat it at all now. I don't think that I will have

much trouble getting him to try some of the vegetarian recipes....the biggest

problem will be me and my hubby....meat lovers. It is more then likely going to

take some time to get us into the habit of eating less meat. I am going to take

it one meal at a time.













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Haha, that is what I do with mine!




Ivy Shrewsbury <ivys11 wrote:

With hubby...if he doesn't see the packaging before he eats the meal

he will more then likely be okay.....












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