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Fw: 24 wolves killed this winter: sign our petition to save Alaska's wolves!

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-----Forwarded Message----- "Rebecca Y., Care2 Environment & Animals Alerts" Feb 7, 2006 10:06 AM ebbrewpunx 24 wolves killed this winter: sign our petition to save Alaska's wolves!
















Alaska's Board of Game has voted to resume aerial gunning of Alaska's wolves. Sign our petition today to stop aerial gunning - urge Secretary Norton to enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act to save Alaska's wolves!


Hi Fraggle, Alaska's wolves won a temporary reprieve from aerial gunning earlier in January, but unfortunately, the killing will soon resume. Your letter today can help - take action now! A state judge had recently ruled that Alaska's regulations, upon which their aerial gunning program is based, were illegal - and thus aerial gunning had to stop. But the Alaska Board of Game quickly managed to develop and approve new regulations, and have already reissued aerial gunning permits. But we can stop aerial gunning at the federal level, if Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton would enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act (FAHA) in Alaska - sign our petition to Secretary Norton today! FAHA was enacted in 1971 principally to curtail the airborne killing of wolves in Alaska. Defenders of Wildlife has demonstrated, in earlier petitions to the federal government, that Alaska's aerial wolf control programs are a gross mismanagement of wildlife resources and out-of-synch with the law. But so far, Secretary Norton has refused to enforce the Act. Under Alaska's barbaric aerial gunning policy, marksmen can shoot wolves from the air or use airplanes to chase them in deep snow to the point of exhaustion then land and execute them at point blank range. And now that the Alaska Board of Game has voted to reinstate aerial gunning, marksmen can once again take to the air to pursue and slaughter hundreds of wolves. That's why we need your voice today - please sign our petition to Secretary Norton now, and then please forward this message to your friends and family who love wildlife as much as you do. We need everyone's signature to succeed! Sign here: http://go.care2.com/e/IO3/hX/fDA. Thank you for acting today to save Alaska's wolves, Rebecca Young,Care2 and ThePetitionSite team Thank you for signing up to receive Environment & Animals Alerts via ThePetitionSite or Care2 website! Your email address has not been bought from other sources. If you learned something interesting from this newsletter, please forward it to your friends, family and colleagues.


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