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To commemorate my daughter's first piano recital last spring, my mother

sent a package of old songbooks and sheet music that she had scooped

from the bench of my own childhood piano, where they had undoubtedly

sat for more than thirty years. Faith immediately seized on The Red

Book, one of my very first lesson books, and began to sight-read some

of the pieces. Her favorite was " Tune of the Tuna Fish " (copyright

1945), which introduces the key of F major. The cartoon drawing

accompanying the song depicts a yodeling fish. The lyrics are as




Tuna fish! Tuna fish! Sing a tune of tuna fish!

Tuna fish! Tuna fish! It's a favorite dish.

Everybody likes it so. From New York to Kokomo.

Tuna fish! Tuna fish! It's a favorite dish.




After we belted the song out a few times together, Faith asked, " Mama,

what is a tuna fish? Have I ever eaten one? " In fact, she hadn't.

Although tuna salad sandwiches were a mainstay of my own childhood

diet, tuna has, during the time period between my childhood and my

daughter's, become so contaminated with mercury that I choose not to

buy it.



A few weeks later, at a potluck picnic, an elderly woman offered Faith

a tuna salad sandwich. She loved it. On the ride home, she announced

that she would like tuna sandwiches for her school lunches. She wants

to eat one every day. I smiled that noncommittal motherly smile and

said, " We'll see. " She broke into song, " Everybody likes it so. From

New York to Kokomo. . . . "



A month after that, Faith walked up to me with an alarmed look. Is it

true, she wanted to know, that tuna fish have mercury in them? And

mercury poisons children? Will she die from eating that sandwich at the

picnic? I was able to reassure her that she was fine, but I was left

wondering where she'd heard all this. Then I noticed that I'd left out

on my office desk a copy of an article about the impact of mercury on

fetal brain growth and development. It was one that I myself had

authored. Could she have seen it? At age six, can she read well enough

to have figured it out?



Other than the twenty-three chromosomes that each of us parents

contributes to our offspring during the moment of conception, their

growing bodies are entirely made up of rearranged molecules of air,

food, and water. Our children are the jet stream, the food web, and the

water cycle. Whatever is in the environment is also in them. We know

that this now includes hundreds of industrial pollutants. A recent

study of umbilical cord blood, collected by the Red Cross from ten

newborns and analyzed in two different laboratories, revealed the

presence of pesticides, stain removers, wood preservatives, heavy

metals, and industrial lubricants, as well as the wastes from burning

coal, garbage, and gasoline. Of the 287 chemicals detected, 180 were

suspected carcinogens, 217 were toxic to the brain and nervous system,

and 208 have been linked to abnormal development and birth defects in

lab animals.



One of these chemicals was methylmercury, the form of mercury found in

fish. Its presence in umbilical cord blood is especially troubling

because methylmercury has been shown to paralyze migrating fetal brain

cells and halt their cell division. As a result, the architecture of

the brain is subtly altered in ways that can lead to learning

disabilities, delayed mental development, and shortened attention spans

in later childhood. Moreover, the placenta actively pumps methylmercury

into the umbilical cord, raising the concentration of mercury in fetal

blood above that of the mother's own blood. Most pregnant mothers

probably don't realize that when they eat tuna, the mercury within is

transferred to and concentrated in the blood of their unborn babies.


Recently, I've been talking with my children about why we buy

organically grown food. I've explained to Faith and her younger

brother, Elijah, that I like to give my food dollars to farmers who

sustain the soil, are kind to their animals, and don't use chemicals

that poison birds, fish, and toads. I add that I like to buy food that

is grown right here in our own county. It tastes better and doesn't

require lots of gasoline to get to our house. I haven't shared with

them the results of the 2003 Seattle study, which revealed that

children with conventional diets had, on average, nine times more

insecticide residues in their urine than those who ate organic produce.





More Information on

Mercury in Fish:

- 1 in 6 children born every year in the U.S. have been exposed to

mercury levels so high that they are potentially at risk for learning

disabilities and motor skill impairment.


- By eating 6 ounces (1 can) of chunk white tuna per week, a child

ingests almost 4 times the EPA's recommended weekly limit for mercury



- According to the FDA, longline-caught albacore tuna contains 3 times

as much mercury as chunk light and troll-caught tuna.


- Click here to calculate your or your child's mercury exposure from



- Find out more about the tuna industry's influence on the U.S. Food

and Drug Administration policies.


- Read the latest news from N.P.R. and MSNBC on the FDA's advisory

cautioning women of child bearing age, pregnant women, and young

children to limit their consumption of tuna and other fish.


- View the FDA's mercury advisory.


- For more information, visit the Mercury Policy Project.






But there is no " organic " option for buying tuna. No mercury-free tuna

exists. When mercury from coal-burning power plants rains down from the

atmosphere into the world's oceans, ancient anaerobic bacteria found in

marine sediments transform this heavy metal into methylmercury, which

is quickly siphoned up the food chain. Because tuna is a

top-of-the-food-chain predator, methylmercury inexorably concentrates

in the flesh of its muscle tissue. There is no special way of cleaning

or cooking tuna that would lower its body burden. Nor is there any way

of keeping mercury from trespassing into a child's brain, once he or

she consumes the tuna. Nor is there a way of preventing those molecules

of mercury from interfering with brain-cell functioning. In that sense,

the problem of tuna fish is more akin to the problem of air and water

pollution: it is not a problem we can shop our way out of.


Recognizing the potential for methylmercury to create neurological

problems in children, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has now

promulgated advisories and guidelines on how much tuna is safe for

pregnant women and children-as well as nursing mothers and women who

might become pregnant-to eat in a month's time. There is debate about

whether these current restrictions are protective enough. But even if

they are sufficient, I find them highly impractical. Children do not

want to eat a food they like once a month, or even once a week. In my

experience, when children discover a new food item to their liking,

they want it all the time. They want it for breakfast, lunch, and

dinner from here to Sunday. Children's dining habits are, for

mysterious reasons, highly ritualized. Elijah, for example, consumed

two avocados a day for the better part of his second year. I vaguely

recall one summer when I, at about age seven, ate liver sausage on

Saltines as part of every meal.



How, then, do you explain to a young child with a tuna jones that

she'll have to wait until next month before she can have her favorite

dish again? Do you tell her that she's already consumed her monthly

quota of a known brain poison, as determined by the federal government?

Or do you make up some other excuse?




I eventually sat down with Faith and showed her the article I had

written. I said that I was working hard to stop the mercury

contamination of seafood so that she could someday enjoy tuna without

needing to worry. I said that keeping mercury out of tuna required

generating electricity in some way other than burning coal, which is

why her father and I support solar energy and wind power.



Soon after, we went hiking in the woods near the day camp she had

attended earlier in the summer. Faith summarized for me the history of

the old stone building where snakes and turtles are housed in one wing

and bunk beds fill the other. It was originally built, she explained,

as a pre-ven-tor-i-um. Children whose parents were sick with

tuberculosis were brought there to live so they wouldn't get sick, too.

In fact, I already knew the history of the Cayuga Nature Center but

was, nonetheless, amazed at my daughter's ability to recount this

information. I tried to gauge whether she was worried about the idea of

children being separated from their families because of disease. " You

know, " I said, " we don't have to worry about tuberculosis anymore. We

fixed that problem. " She said she knew that. That's why the building

had been turned into a camp for everyone.



The top of the hill offered a view across Cayuga Lake. On the far bank

floated the vaporous emissions from New York State Electric and Gas

Corporation's Cayuga Plant, whose coal-burning stacks were plainly

visible against an otherwise cloudless sky.



It's one of the state's biggest emitters of mercury. In the year my

daughter was born, the Cayuga facility released 323 pounds of mercury

into the environment. Pointing it out to Faith, I said that's where the

mercury comes from that gets inside the fish.



I said that I hoped one day we could fix that problem, too. She thought

about it a minute and said, then they can do something else with the









Sandra Steingraber is a contributing editor of Orion magazine. Her

books include Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the

Environment and Having Faith: An Ecologist's Journey to Motherhood.This

article is adapted from the forthcoming anthology Child-Honoring: How

to Turn this World Around, due out from Praeger Press in June.



" NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may

have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this

without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor

protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President. "

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Are you trying to give me a heart attack Fraggle?


Next time you forward a story that starts with " my daughter " please

put a note in front of it. I couldn't even read the whole story

because I had to quickly scan to the bottom to insure it was a

forward! LOL


Nikki :)



, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


> To commemorate my daughter's first piano recital last spring, my


> sent a package of old songbooks and sheet music that she had scooped

> from the bench of my own childhood piano, where they had undoubtedly

> sat for more than thirty years. Faith immediately seized on The Red

> Book, one of my very first lesson books, and began to sight-read some

> of the pieces. Her favorite was " Tune of the Tuna Fish " (copyright

> 1945), which introduces the key of F major. The cartoon drawing

> accompanying the song depicts a yodeling fish. The lyrics are as

> follows:




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hey, keeps yer heart pumping don't it?!




>earthstrm <earthstorm

>Feb 22, 2006 11:26 AM


> Re: heavy metal


>Are you trying to give me a heart attack Fraggle?


>Next time you forward a story that starts with " my daughter " please

>put a note in front of it. I couldn't even read the whole story

>because I had to quickly scan to the bottom to insure it was a

>forward! LOL


>Nikki :)





" NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may

have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this

without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor

protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President. "

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