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Why the nation's largest community garden must become a Wal-Mart

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Why the nation's largest community garden must become a Wal-Mart


Posted by Tom Philpott at 2:56 PM on 07 Mar 2006

The fate of LA's South Central Community Garden, the largest of its

kind in the United States, looks fairly straightforward: It sits on

private property, and its owner wants to sell it for development. The

300 or so families who garden there, most of whom by all accounts live

under the poverty line, will have to find a new source of food. If the

owner/developer, one Ralph Horowitz, has decided to erect a massive

Wal-Mart warehouse there, well, that's just the way it goes.


However, an excellent article in Los Angeles CityBeat by Dean Kuipers

shines an interesting light on this unhappy deal.


(Note: The gardeners, who recently received an eviction notice, have

won a stay until March 13. I assume all L.A. greens -- including movie

producers, Baldwin brothers, etc. -- will hop in their hybrids, rush

over to the garden, and rally to its defense in the meantime.)


Like most urban community gardens, this one sprang up on land that no

one much wanted originally. In the late 1980s, the city seized the land

under eminent domain from an investment group led by Horowitz, Kuipers

reports. Horowitz's investment company ended up receiving $4.7 million

in compensation. The city's plan (alternative-energy fans take note):

to build an incinerator to generate electricity by burning trash.


Most people don't like to live amid the stench of garbage, so the

neighborhood successfully organized to stop that project. By the time

of the Rodney King rebellion in 1992, the lot had become trash-strewn

and abandoned. The city agreed to allow a soup kitchen to turn it into

a community-garden plot. By all accounts, neighborhood residents

rallied around the asset, turning it into a vital source of fresh food

in an area with few grocery stores.


Here is how Kuipers describes it today, in an account that jibes with

others I've read:



The contrast with community gardens elsewhere in the city is shocking.

These aren't tiny weekend projects with a few tomatoes and California

poppies. The 330 spaces here are large, 20 X 30 feet, many of them

doubled- and tripled-up into larger plots, crammed with a tropical

density of native Mesoamerican plants -- full-grown guava trees,

avocados, tamarinds, and palms draped in vines bearing huge pumpkins

and chayotes, leaf vegetables, corn, seeds like chipilin grown for

spice, and rank upon rank of cactus cut for nopales. The families who

work these plots are all chosen to receive one because they are

impoverished by USDA standards, and use them to augment their household

food supply. These are survival gardens.

But the birth of a thriving, productive community garden wasn't the

only thing that changed in the area after the King riots. In the 1990s,

the city of Los Angeles dropped a cool $2 billion building out the

Alameda Corridor, " a modern rail and big-truck super-pipeline from the

Port of Los Angeles straight through the warehouses of South L.A. and

Vernon, " Kuipers writes. And that made the once-depressed warehouse

district an important hub for big-box retailers to organize the booming

influx of goods from points west, including China. In turn, South

Central land suddenly became very valuable.


In his dealings with the city in the 1980s, Horowitz had retained right

of first refusal if the city ever decided to sell the land. In 2003, he

successfully sued to force the city to sell it back to him for $5

million --a figure many observers find extremely low, given the city

had a few years earlier valued it at $13 million. Since then, he's been

wrangling to evict the farmers from the land, a goal he looks set to

reach on March 13.


Let's think about this. The city of Los Angeles dropped $2 billion to

beef up its port infrastructure, a move that brings undeniable benefits

to import-minded big-box retailers and the consumers throughout the

southwest who buy their gear. The great bulk of the jobs it creates,

though, are of the low-wage, unskilled variety.


And what does South Central get? Some low-wage jobs, and the loss of a

garden that neighborhood residents cleaned up and turned into a vital

place when no one wanted it. In place of a food source, they get a

warehouse that will distribute food (among other things) to other

localities. Here we have another example of public policy -- and cash

-- subsidizing global commerce and smashing local production, under a

false " free-market " banner.


If the city has $2 billion to hand over to make things easier for big

boxes, why can't it buy out Horowitz and turn the site into a permanent

public farm?



" NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may

have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this

without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor

protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President. "

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hi fralgle


i just signed a petition to stop a walmart from being built

here in florida in a Tortoise habitat,

theres controversy, but they are going ahead with the project and

relocation of turtles. There are

plans to build 1,500 new Walmarts all across the usa.. weeeee




, fraggle <EBbrewpunx wrote:


> http://gristmill.grist.org/story/2006/3/7/145627/2798?source=daily


> Why the nation's largest community garden must become a Wal-Mart

> warehouse

> Posted by Tom Philpott at 2:56 PM on 07 Mar 2006

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