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The New World Order, programming the masses (Part 5)

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The New World Order, programming the masses (Part 5)



Deanna Spingola

Deanna Spingola

May 22, 2006



" To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds

of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national

patriotism, and religious dogmas. " " We have swallowed all manner of

poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school

teachers, our politicians, our priests....The reinterpretation and

eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been

the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and

rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these

are the belated objectives ...for charting the changes in human

behavior. " Brock Chisholm, 1959 Humanist of the Year and former head

of World Health Organization, in the February 1946 issue of Psychiatry


The manipulating maneuvers of The Order of Skull and Bones (hereafter

called The Order) have focused on specifically changing society with

an eye towards the globalist goal of a New World Order. In order to

drastically alter civilization, members of The Order infiltrate

society's institutions and use their influence, backed by the vast

wealth of the international bankers, to gain absolute control. The

societal elements as defined by Antony C. Sutton in An Introduction to

the Order of Skull & Bones:


* Education — how the population of the future will behave.

* Money — the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods.

* Law — the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world

law and a world court is needed for a world state.

* Politics — the direction of the state.

* Economy — the creation of wealth.

* History — what people believe happened in the past.

* Psychology — the means of controlling how people think.

* Philanthropy — so that the people think well of the controllers.

* Medicine — the power over health, life and death.

* Religion — people's spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many.

* Media — what people know and learn about current events.

* Continuity — the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps. [1]


I will briefly address, in this and forthcoming articles in this

current series, each of these fundamental facets of society and how

they have been controlled in order to devastate the American Republic

and enslave every average American in the bonds of satanic globalism.




Real education, as opposed to brainwashing, should be a lifelong

personal pursuit rather than a state scheduled mass indoctrination

limited to just what the state wants you to know or believe in order

to fulfill some stealthily crafted agenda for the dismal existence of

the masses. Ideally, people, as they are exposed to a growing body of

information and technology, should have the opportunity to exercise

their inherent abilities in order to expand their understanding.


At birth, our minds are empty vessels waiting to be stimulated. We

adapt to what we absorb. Perceptions about the world, about ourselves

and others are developed primarily by our parents and then by our

teachers, our relatives, friends, politicians and the media.

Discrimination and wisdom increase with age — we must choose exactly

what we wish to imbibe: facts which educate or fiction that merely

entertains. Most entertainment leaves us ignorant and vulnerable to

misinformation and deceptive propaganda. A dumbed-down, non reading

adult society is much easier to influence and control than an alert,

well educated principled population who have been schooled in history,

classical literature, a foreign language, grammar, and have an

understanding of their moral civic responsibilities. Education should

inspire us how to think, not what to think — we have not learned if we

merely regurgitate information on command. Our education should

motivate us to scrutinize data, evaluate evidence, make comparisons

and make appropriate application.


A principled population, not seeking government entitlements, would

also demand responsible, principled leaders. Independent personal

study after high school or college, beyond readily accessible

information, requires time and is not effortlessly available to

overtaxed individuals attempting to keep their heads above water in an

economically depressed society. Yes, despite official contradictory

claims, we are not merely depressed but bankrupt.


Obedience trained students read specific books, designed to produce

globalist convictions, introduce faith shattering alternative beliefs

and create distrust of traditionalism, but rarely read anything not

required. Many graduates never open a book after they leave school.

They are satisfied to read, if they are able, the newspaper headlines,

People magazine or catch a few " news " shows on television. After all,

why bother to read if one can tune into some familiar pleasant

personality disseminating the " news " ? People who do not read have no

advantage over those who cannot read. Thus, ignorance, definitely not

bliss but rather intellectually lethal, is unfortunately ubiquitous.


Current classrooms, as well as life in general, are chaotic.

Reasonable discipline and mutual respect are absent. Moral relativism

has replaced the moral compass of our Judeo-Christian foundation.

Anything related to that foundation has been legally altered and

unfortunately legalization gives credibility to decadence. Judges, who

have falsely sworn to protect and abide by the Constitution, have

verbally manipulated that foundational document into oblivion. They

are globalists, sympathizers, or fellow travelers who trade principles

for money, power or " just to get along. " It is not coincidental! The

evidence surrounds us: our drugged disrespectful children cannot read,

communicate without repetitive language laziness, write intelligibly,

calculate numbers without a calculator or spell without a spell

checker. It does not take a genius to acknowledge that there is

something horribly amiss with our children. A brief comparison with

previous generations provides justification for the obvious — the

onslaught against our youth carried out by the government's

educational system is deviously deliberate. A spurious curriculum has

been designed to inculcate America's children to function as the

submissive workers of the New World Order, compliments of the taxpayers.


Chester M. Pierce, Harvard University psychiatrist said the following

at the 1973 International Education Seminar, as quoted in Educating

For The New World Order (June 1991), [2] an excellent book by Beverly

K. Eakman: " Every child in America who enters school with an

allegiance toward our elected officials, toward our founding fathers,

toward our institutions, toward the preservation of this form of

government... all of this proves the children are sick, because the

truly well individual is one who has rejected all of those things and

is what I would call the true international child of the future. " [3]


There is certainly not a dearth of books that express views about

America's dismal educational problems as well as the other associated

problems that affront our children. Another excellent, well researched

and documented book is the deliberate dumbing down of america

(September 1999) by educational whistle-blower Charlotte Thomson

Iserbyt. This book is available free as a PDF file. It remains Barnes

and Noble's #1 bestseller in their History of Education category.

Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was

co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine

(GEM) from 1978 to 2000. During the first Reagan administration

Iserbyt was the Senior Policy Advisor working in the U.S. Department

of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI).

She was instrumental in revealing a " major technology initiative which

would control curriculum in America's classrooms. [4]


A huge educational modification gradually occurred — America went from

an academic education (1880–1960) to a values education (1960–1980) to

a workforce training " education " (1980–2000). In Iserbyt's book " the

case is made that the values education period was critical to the

transformation of education. It succeeded in persuading (brainwashing?

duping?) Americans into accepting the belief that values were

transient, flexible and situational — subject to the evolution of

human society. Brave new values were integrated into curricula and

instruction. The mind of the average American became 'trained'

(conditioned) to accept the idea that education exists solely for the

purpose of getting a good paying job in the global workforce economy. " [5]


This isn't just about your own children. Everyone should thoroughly

read her comprehensive book as well as the other books available on

this important issue. See a list below.


The federal government should not be dictating curriculum. Local

property taxes pay for schools but they have been seduced into

accepting additional funds which always include federal regulations,

policies and programs including Bush's " No Child Left Behind. " This is

nothing but a disguised UNESCO school to work program, a detriment to

America's children, her greatest resource.


Following is a much abbreviated timeline from Iserbyt's must-read book

revealing tax-exempt financial backing and government compliance in

the collapse of America's educational system:




The General Education Board (GEB) was incorporated by an act of the

United States Congress. Approved January 12, 1902, the General

Education Board was endowed by Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., for the

purpose of establishing an educational laboratory to experiment with

early innovations in education. [6]




The Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) was founded in New York

City by Upton Sinclair, Jack London, Clarence Darrow and others. Its

permanent headquarters were established at the Rand School of Social

Studies in 1908 and ISS became the League for Industrial Democracy

(LID) in 1921. John Dewey became president of the League for

Industrial Democracy in 1939.


The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching was founded. [7]




National Education Association (NEA) became a federally chartered

association for teachers under the authority of H.R. 10501. [8]




Italian educator, the late Maria Montessori (1870–1952), developed a

method of teaching — relying on guidance and training of senses rather

than more rigid control of children's activities — which would be very

influential throughout the rest of the century.


The Montessori Method was published in 1912 and much of Montessori's

work was printed by the Theosophical Publishing House.


Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the cultic head of the Church Universal and

Triumphant, founded a group called Montessori International, and

previous U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Robert Muller, the celebrated

author of the New Age World Core Curriculum, claimed that the

Montessori Method was one of the educational programs which would

greatly benefit global children for the New Age. [9]




Frederick T. Gates, director of charity for the Rockefeller

foundation, set up the Southern Education Board (SEB), which was later

incorporated into the General Education Board (GEB), setting in motion

" the deliberate dumbing down of America. " Gates wrote The Country

School of Tomorrow: Occasional Papers No. 1 (General Education Board:

New York, 1913) [10]




In the January 13, 1918 issue of New York World William Boyce

Thompson, Federal Reserve Bank director and founding member of the

Council on Foreign Relations applauded Russia for their " sweeping

world changes. "


Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations planned the demise of traditional

academic education. Rockefeller's focus would be national education;

Carnegie would be in charge of international education. [11]




" The Institute of International Education (IIE) was founded through a

grant from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The

Institute's purpose was to operate a student exchange program. The

U.S.-Soviet Education Agreements were negotiated by the Carnegie

Endowment's parent organization, the Carnegie Corporation, fostering

exchanges of curriculum, pedagogy and materials as well as students. "


" The Progressive Education Association (P.E.A.) was founded and

organized by John Dewey, even though he would not become a member in

its early years. P.E.A.'s goals and aims were projected for the last

half of this century at a board meeting held November 15–17, 1943 in

Chicago, Illinois. " [12]




The league for Industrial Democracy changed its name from the

Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) and stated its purpose as:

" Education for a new social order based on production and not for

profit " ( " A Chronology of Education, " Dorothy Dawson, 1978).


Harold Rugg, writer of social studies textbook series entitled The

Frontier Thinkers (1921) published by the Progressive Education

Association became president of the National Association of Directors

of Education Research which would later become known as the American

Educational Research Association.


" The Council on Foreign Relations was established through the efforts

of Col. Edwin Mandell House. He was the initiator of the effort to

establish this American branch of the English Royal Institute of

International Affairs " . ... " The late Professor Carroll Quigley of

Georgetown University described the CFR as " a front for J.P. Morgan

and Company in association with the very small American Round Table

Group. " [13]




On December 15 the Council on Foreign Relations endorsed world

government. [14]




The International Bureau of Education, formerly known as The Institute

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, was established with a grant from the

Rockefeller Foundation. The Bureau became part of the United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). [15]


The following books, among many others, were published urging a New

World Order facilitated, in large part, by the American educational



" Toward Soviet America " by William Z. Foster, Head of the Communist

Party USA, Foster indicates that a National Department of Education

would be one of the means used to develop a new socialist society in

the U.S. [16]


" The New World Order " by F. S. Marvin, describing the League of

Nations as the first attempt at a New World Order. Marvin says,

" Nationality must rank below the claims of mankind as a whole. " [17]


" Dare the School Build a New Social Order? " by educator-author George

Counts who asserts that " the teachers should deliberately reach for

power and then make the most of their conquest " in order to " influence

the social attitudes, ideals and behavior of the coming generation.

The growth of science and technology has carried us into a new age

where ignorance must be replaced by knowledge, competition by

cooperation, and trust in Providence by careful planning and private

capitalism by some form of social economy. " [18]


" Humanist Manifesto " (1933) co-author John Dewey, the noted

philosopher and educator, calls for a synthesizing of all religions

and " a socialized and cooperative economic order. " Co-signer C. F.

Potter said in 1930, " Education is thus a most powerful ally of

humanism, and every American public school is a school of humanism.

What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week;

teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a

five-day program of humanistic teaching? " [19]


" The Teacher and World Government " (1946) written by former editor of

the " NEA Journal " (National Education Association) Joy Elmer Morgan.

He says: " In the struggle to establish an adequate world government,

the teacher can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children

for global understanding and cooperation. At the very heart of all the

agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand

the school, the teacher, and the organized profession. " [20]


" In 1940, teachers were asked what they regarded as the three major

problems in American schools. They identified the three major problems

as: Littering, noise, and chewing gum. Teachers last year were asked

what the three major problems in American schools were, and they

defined them as: Rape, assault, and suicide. "

William Bennett (1993) [21]


Suggested Books:


America's Schools: The Battleground for Freedom by Allen Quist


Brave New Schools by Berit Kjos


Children No More: How We Lost a Generation by Brenda Scott


Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality through Education

by B. K. Eakman


History of American Education: From Harvard Scholars to Worker Bees of

the New World Order by Vaughn Shatzer


Mental Health Screening: How Will it Affect Your Children? by Dennis

L. Cuddy, Ph.D.


NEA Grab for Power by Dennis Cuddy, Ph. D.


Outcome-Based Education: The State's Assault on Our Children's Values

by Peg Luksik and Pamela Hobbs Hoffecker


Pokemon & Harry Potter: A Fatal Attraction by Phil Arms


Public Schools, Public Menace, How Public Schools Lie to Parents and

Betray Our Children by Joel Turtel


The Myth of ADHD and Other Learning Disabilities by Dr. Jan Strydom

and Susan duPlessis


Who's Watching The Playpen? by David Benoit




[1] America's Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of

Skull & Bones by Antony c. Sutton, 2002, pg. 31


[2] Educating for the " New World Order, " A Summary


[3] They Told The Truth! ...About The New World Order


[4] the deliberate dumbing down of america


[5] the deliberate dumbing down of america, Introduction


[6] Ibid, Chapter 2


[7] Ibid, Chapter 2


[8] Ibid, Chapter 2


[9] Ibid, Chapter 2


[10] Ibid, Chapter 2


[11] Ibid, Chapter 2


[12] Ibid, Chapter 2


[13] Ibid, Chapter 2


[14] Ibid, Chapter 2


[15] Ibid, Chapter 2


[16] An Expose of the New World Order


[17] Ibid


[18] Ibid


[19] Ibid


[20] Ibid


[21] World News Stand, Education


Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two

books. She has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her

unique methods. She has always been an avid reader of non-fiction

works designed to educate rather than entertain. She is active in

family history research and lectures on that topic. Currently she is

the director of the local Family History Center. She has a great

interest in politics and the direction of current government policies,

particularly as they relate to the Constitution.


© Copyright 2006 by Deanna Spingola





The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do

not necessarily reflect the position of Alan Keyes, RenewAmerica, or

its affiliates.



Previous articles by Deanna Spingola:


* The New World Order, Bush, the best of the worst (Part 4)


* The New World Order, it's their party! (Part 3)


* The New World Order, the secrets of their success (Part 2)


* The New World Order, by conquest or consent?


* Are you a good American?


* Business as usual


* Killing several birds with one stone


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