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My introduction

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Welcome aboard Keely, I believe you will find that you will be accepted

warmly here.


I think you may be referring to the hummus recipe that I posted last month.

Tahini is a sesame paste and resembles fresh peanut butter as far as texture

is concerned. I think it would be good with or without the garlic. I

started out making the stuff for my Mom who loves it and says it energizes

her (packs a punch). It actually took me a couple times making it for her

to actually enjoying the taste myself, LOL. Now I love the stuff (almost

addictive), it's such a refreshing cool spread, IMHO.


Keely, enjoy the group and if you have any recipe requests, I'm sure one of

us can help out. I've got a few Veg cookbooks so even if I haven't

personally made it myself, I can look a recipe up for you.







" If, at first, you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment. "






> " Keely :\) " <me


> " Quick Vegetarian "

> My Introduction

>Tue, 22 Oct 2002 23:25:58 +0100


>Hi. I am new to your group. I am actually not a vegetarian, and I hope that

>it is okay that I stay in the group. The reason I am here is that I truly

>can't stand the touch of raw meat on my hands *Yuck* and refuse to cook

>much meat at home. I am very interested in finding more vegetarian recipes.




>I am originally from Northern California, and have gotten accustom to

>eating very healthy sometimes vegetarian, sometimes not, meals daily. I've

>been studying in France for a little over a year now, and without taking

>into consideration that I am the worlds worst cook (I can't even cook a

>decent rice), I find that the vast difference in ingredients has left me

>with eating mainly soup and cold sandwiches or going out almost daily. This

>combination has also added to my gaining 10 pounds since the beginning of

>September (which I would gladly loose if I could eat healthier) I am very

>interested in joining some clubs were I can get some healthy (and easy)

>vegetarian recipes, as well as information on the nutrients of eating

>mainly vegetarian.




>I was delighted to find a health food store just down the block from my

>house last week, and have been eating tofu burgers all week, but even that

>can get quite old quite quickly.




>I've been reading through some of the older messages and already have a few





>1) About the Granola Bar Recipe - This recipe looks awesome. - Once you

>make this - I am assuming this is a large recipe. How does one store it,

>and how long does it stay eatable.




>2.) I was reading the Humus recipe posted on Sep 26 - and may I ask - What

>the heck tahini - and would this recipe be any good without the garlic. I

>fear I am allergic to garlic.




>Anywayz. I just spent the last hour reading through the old messages and

>files of recipes, and really need to do my homework before I fall asleep

>here on the couch.




>Thanks for allowing me to join your club, and I home I will be allowed to









> " My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling, but it Wobbles, and the letters

>get in the wrong places. " ~ Winnie the Pooh



>AIM Screenname - Lemoney Twists




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Hello Keely! Welcome to the group. You should find some recipies here that

interest you, and check the past messages and files also. One of our members has

done a ton of work on the files section.



About granola bars, we just put them in the cookie jar and they do fine for at

least a week, maybe two. Actually, we have a couple older than that and they

only seemed to dry out, not taste off or grow green fuzz or anything bad. I

suppose you could put them in the fridge if you wrap or package them so they

don't dry out, and I see no reason they couldn't be frozen also.




--- " Keely :) " <me wrote:

> <snip>

> 1) About the Granola Bar Recipe - This recipe looks awesome. - Once you make

> this - I am assuming this is a large recipe. How does one store it, and how

> long does it stay eatable.

> <snip>

> Hugz,

> Keely





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I'm pretty much the same way. The most I can do is to cook bacon because I don't touch it, just pick it up with a fork. The only meat that I can eat is fast food or those frozen entrees. But, they're not healthy, so that's why I'm here. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels that way about meat. I'll have to tell my hubby there are more out there. Thanks.

"Keely :)" wrote:



Hi… I am new to your group. I am actually not a vegetarian, and I hope that it is okay that I stay in the group. The reason I am here is that I truly can’t stand the touch of raw meat on my hands *Yuck* and refuse to cook much meat at home. I am very interested in finding more vegetarian recipes.


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, " Keely :\) " <me@k...> wrote:

> Hi. I am new to your group. I am actually not a vegetarian, and I hope that it

is okay that I stay in the group. The reason I am here is that I truly can't


the touch of raw meat on my hands *Yuck* and refuse to cook much meat at

home. I am very interested in finding more vegetarian recipes.



Hi Keely. I am very much the same in this regard. I loath touching raw meat!

*shudder* I am a vegetarian, but my husband and children are not. I make

him handle the meat. The other night I fixed chicken stir fry and they had real

chicken in theirs and I used Quorn brand chicken cutlets in mine. I couldn't

even touch the chicken to cut it up, so he had to do it. I was so grossed out;

bad enough I had to cook the stuff. Most days I don't and they eat vegetarian

with me.... but once in a while.... yuck. *lol*


Anyway, welcome to the group. The regular posters here are all nice and

welcoming to anyone interested in vegetarian cooking.*s*


~ P_T ~



In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first

of that which comes; so with present time.

-Leonardo da Vinci, painter, engineer, musician, and scientist (1452-1519)

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  • 3 months later...


My baby is vegetarian but my son is not. However, all

of the items you mentioned (bologna, hotdogs,

corndogs, chicken nuggets, etc) can easily be replaced

by veggie convenience foods like Morningstar and Boca.

Morningstar's chick'n nuggets taste so much like the

real thing it amazes me. I've substituted all of my

son's 'bad' foods like these with the veggie

alternatives. That way their meats can be chicken

breasts and fish, instead of processed junk meat.

Just a way to sneak in the good stuff without taking

away their junk food privilages;) We all need those.

Hubby will probably never be total veggie either (like

mine) but will eventually like the healthier (and

tastier) menu items you are sure to serve.

Good luck!



--- Shannon Jancius <shannonjancius wrote:


> Hi there. Thanks for inviting me to your group. I

> sort of just came out of the closet about being a

> vegetarian. As of New Year's Day, I've made a firm

> resolution to stick with a vegetarian diet and so

> far, it's working. All of my life, I've never been

> really big on eating meat. The sight of ground beef

> turned my stomach sour. I do love animals as well

> and having caught a small glimpse of what goes on in

> our country's agricultural society is saddening to

> say the least. I'd love some recipe ideas. I'm the

> only vegetarian in my family really. My kids eat

> hot dogs, bologna, and chicken nuggets, but since

> they're both toddlers, that's about it. I hope to

> convince them one day :o) Now, my hubby, that's a

> different story...lol. He's a meat and potatoes kind

> of man and he will always be like that. I'm hoping

> to turn him too though because he doesn't like

> certain types of meat (i.e. chicken on the bones,

> meats with veins and fat and stuff). Here's

> hoping.....Needless to say, it's very difficult

> around here when it comes to mealtime...lol. Maybe I

> can catch wind of a few recipes that we can all

> enjoy. I'm not into near meats and fake cheeses and

> tofu and stuff. I just really like fresh veggies and

> pastas and stuff.


> Well, hopefully, I'll make some new friends in the

> process too :o) Thanks again for the invitation to

> your group.


> Shannon








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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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Welcome to the group, Shannon. I am the only vegetarian in a

household of

4. It isn't all that difficult to manage at meal time. I am not a

tofu junkie

either, if truth be known. *lol*


My family actually enjoys the fake ground beef stuff from Yves in


baked pasta dishes etc. The fake meatballs (gardenburger brand) are


prefered by them now in our spaghetti. Most nights they will eat


and not notice the food is actually meatfree or different. Some

nights my

husband will fix a piece of meat like chicken or steak to go with the


sides I make. I manage just fine with my vegetarian dishes and a

salad or the

addition of a fakey chicken patty from morningstar farm etc.


Welcome to the group. Do check our files section. It is full of

wonderful tried

recipes from our members. :)


~ P_T ~


The future depends on what we do in the present.

- Mohandas Karamchand [Mahatma] Gandhi (1869-1948)


, Shannon Jancius <

shannonjancius> wrote:


> Hi there. Thanks for inviting me to your group. I sort of just came

out of the

closet about being a vegetarian. As of New Year's Day, I've made a


resolution to stick with a vegetarian diet and so far, it's working.

> Well, hopefully, I'll make some new friends in the process too :o)


again for the invitation to your group.


> Shannon

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In a message dated 01/25/2003 5:48:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

shannonjancius writes:



> . My kids eat hot dogs, bologna, and chicken nuggets, but since they're



I hope you'll persuade yourself not to feed these things to your kids even if

they aren't veggies. Do a little research on the ingred. in these things and

I think you'll see what I mean. The amount of preservatives to hotdogs and

bologna are incredible and the sodium content is awful. They just are not

good for kids (or adults for that matter) besides the fact of what they are

really made of.





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  • 1 year later...

Candace, there are other options for getting vegetarian supplies since

you are so far from a grocery store.


A lot of stuff can be ordered either online or by phone (800 numbers).


Check out:












from Maida


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Thanks for the links. I don't do much online shopping anymore....we no longer

have credit cards :) We operate on a cash basis. So basically we are debt free

except our mortgage.


I used to spend WAY to much shopping online. DH still has his debit card and

every so often we use that online. SO I will check out those links....I am sure

I will find something I cannot live without...LOL





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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Leslie and all, I solved this problem with smoothies. Years ago I went on a

30 day fast, under supervision and remained raw for a year and a half, or so as

best I can remember. I went off because I could not find enough to eat, nor

enough hours in the day to eat it. I do not have that problem now. I start each

day with a huge smoothie. You wouldn't think I could consume that much but I do.

It fills the whole blender right to the top, and it is thick, not all water. it

has nuts (almonds), dates bananas berries kale etc. I love it. If ever I can't

think what to eat for another meal, I go for more smoothies. I order dates by

the carton full, and keep five or six hands of bananas around at all times.

Good luck to you, and welcome. Lane




Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:46 PM

[Raw Food] My Introduction





I have been in this group for a couple months, but I have never introduced


I am pleased to have discovered this group because I am learning so much and

find the folks here to be very compassionate, understanding & helpful.

My name is Leslie, I am a widowed mother of four kids & I am forty-something.

I have been vegetarian for years, then became vegan macrobiotic. (I have seen

several folks use macrobiotics to recover from cancer, and I became quite

healthy, energetic, clear-minded & thin on macrobiotics.) But I noticed that I

really craved fresh food while involved in this lifestyle (all fruit/veggies are

cooked in macro). I also spent a LOT of time COOKING--argh!

I have been on the raw journey for about 3 yrs. & it has been a struggle for

me! In the beginning I loved it & felt successful with it (good energy/good

food/potlucks/raw festival, etc), but then I noticed less energy, cravings,

weight gain, etc. & began to wonder & explore more . . .

I discovered the work of Gabriel Cousens & began to suspect FRUIT!

But I have not been successful with his lifestyle suggestions & found myself

sneaking FRUIT!!!!!!!

So, this group (esp. Elchanan's suggestions) have been a sort of revelation

for me & I am just beginning to put these suggestions into practice. I am

noticing how MUCH FAT has been a part of my regular diet & the sluggishness that



I wonder how one manages to eat so much produce in a day? I think I ofen use

fat (nuts, etc) & dehydrated foods as a quick way to eat in a hurry. My life is

so busy, I wonder how I will manage to eat enough . . .

Anyone care to comment on this? Suggestions as to how you manage it in your


many thanks to all the thoughtful souls here--

I am grateful to you all!






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Lane Lynn


what does your smoothie consist of other than dates and bananas kale and

berries? Do you use water as the base and add meal replacement plus fruit?



lane lynn


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:49 AM

Re: [Raw Food] My Introduction



Dear Leslie and all, I solved this problem with smoothies. Years ago I went on

a 30 day fast, under supervision and remained raw for a year and a half, or so

as best I can remember. I went off because I could not find enough to eat, nor

enough hours in the day to eat it. I do not have that problem now. I start each

day with a huge smoothie. You wouldn't think I could consume that much but I do.

It fills the whole blender right to the top, and it is thick, not all water. it

has nuts (almonds), dates bananas berries kale etc. I love it. If ever I can't

think what to eat for another meal, I go for more smoothies. I order dates by

the carton full, and keep five or six hands of bananas around at all times.

Good luck to you, and welcome. Lane




Tuesday, April 26, 2005 12:46 PM

[Raw Food] My Introduction





I have been in this group for a couple months, but I have never introduced


I am pleased to have discovered this group because I am learning so much and

find the folks here to be very compassionate, understanding & helpful.

My name is Leslie, I am a widowed mother of four kids & I am

forty-something. I have been vegetarian for years, then became vegan

macrobiotic. (I have seen several folks use macrobiotics to recover from cancer,

and I became quite healthy, energetic, clear-minded & thin on macrobiotics.) But

I noticed that I really craved fresh food while involved in this lifestyle (all

fruit/veggies are cooked in macro). I also spent a LOT of time COOKING--argh!

I have been on the raw journey for about 3 yrs. & it has been a struggle for

me! In the beginning I loved it & felt successful with it (good energy/good

food/potlucks/raw festival, etc), but then I noticed less energy, cravings,

weight gain, etc. & began to wonder & explore more . . .

I discovered the work of Gabriel Cousens & began to suspect FRUIT!

But I have not been successful with his lifestyle suggestions & found myself

sneaking FRUIT!!!!!!!

So, this group (esp. Elchanan's suggestions) have been a sort of revelation

for me & I am just beginning to put these suggestions into practice. I am

noticing how MUCH FAT has been a part of my regular diet & the sluggishness that



I wonder how one manages to eat so much produce in a day? I think I ofen use

fat (nuts, etc) & dehydrated foods as a quick way to eat in a hurry. My life is

so busy, I wonder how I will manage to eat enough . . .

Anyone care to comment on this? Suggestions as to how you manage it in your


many thanks to all the thoughtful souls here--

I am grateful to you all!





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Welcome Leslie....




I think it would be a great idea for those that are following raw lifestyle to

give a daily menu of what you eat and how much of each?? to give those of us

struggling some idea of what we are doing wrong... I jsut recently got into

using Nutridiary and it has helped me a bunch... but it would be great to see

others dailies.. Please?





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  • 6 months later...


Welcome aboard! It's wonderful that your family is taking this journey with


Questions are always welcome.


Laura in MD


lhfontaine writes:


It's great to be here; I'm glad this is such an active list. I have

a few questions,







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Congratulation Heather! I'm still working on the veganism myself. If you happen

to come across any super recipes, please do share! Good luck on your new journey

and I'm sure we'll be chatting much more in the future!




< >

Thursday, November 03, 2005 5:45 PM

My introduction



Hello! I've just climbed aboard the vegan train! My name is

Heather, I'm 36 and I homeschool my four children. I've studied and

read about veg'ism for years...read Ornish, Barnard, McDougall, etc.

several times. My dh and ds #1 are big meat eaters and I always

loved cheese so I never transferred head knowledge to life



And then I read The China Study. I was 'in like Flynn'! I realized

the time was now to make the changes. I shared bits and pieces of

my reading with dh and shock of all shocks---he was onboard.


We started Oct. 17. We've had a few slip ups (eating at a friend's

house; haven't told them yet) and we've been very slowly using up

the remaining dairy in the house. (nonfat milk, egg whites). I'm

trying lots of new recipes and loving it! I am truly humbled by how

well it is going. After every meal I ask dh " was this Ok? Would you

like me to make it again? " *Every meal* he's liked except one (a

tasteless broccoli soup). Even my meat loving ds#1 (age 10) hasn't

said anything about missing meat, except once.


I've gotten rid of the junk food (pop tarts, etc.) It's amazing what

my kids will eat now. They're asking for grapefruit, oatmeal,

carrots, etc. It's literally jaw dropping for both dh and myself.

Since I've taken away the junk and only provide healthy

alternatives, I find I'm much more relaxed about what they're eating.


Can you tell I'm a hyper newbie? LOL

It's great to be here; I'm glad this is such an active list. I have

a few questions, but I'll save those for another post.



Heather in MN









For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org<http://www.vrg.org/> and for materials especially useful for

families go to http://www.vrg.org/family.This<http://www.vrg.org/family.This> is

a discussion list and is not intended to provide personal medical advice.

Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health




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Welcome Heather,

It is funny how suddenly things click and veganism suddenly becomes such an

obviously appropriate choice. For us it was attending a talk by Gary Yourofsky

that referenced the acceptable levels of pus in milk. We were already

vegetarian but that did it for us as far as dairy went and so our vegan journey









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Peaceable Kingdom did it for us. Whenever I even think about eating eggs or

dairy I flash back to the scenes from that.



Katie Mangan <kmangan33 wrote:

Welcome Heather,

It is funny how suddenly things click and veganism suddenly becomes such an

obviously appropriate choice. For us it was attending a talk by Gary Yourofsky

that referenced the acceptable levels of pus in milk. We were already

vegetarian but that did it for us as far as dairy went and so our vegan journey









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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Dear Group,

Thank you for accepting me in your group.Let me introduce myself to

you.I am settled in Delhi.We got two loving children.Both are college

going.My husband, a journalist.


I am working as the Nursing Superintendent in a 550 beded Hospital.One

of my hobbies is cooking.

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