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Question of the Week - How long have you been a vegetarian

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I've been a vegetarian since I was 13 - that makes it seven, almost

eight years. I became vegan one year ago, and can't say I regret it.

Eating out is always a problem, but I rarely do so anyway, as I

prefer to invite friends over to my place, so it's okay. Also, I

just took all the health checks my doc could possibly think of and

the test results proved that I'm in perfect health. Amazing.

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Hi my name is Gemma and I'm new to this group I thought a good

introduction would be to answer this question so....... I have a been a

vegetarian for 10 years now and it is one of the best things I have

done and I don't regret a single moment.




, " chico_trucker "

<chico_trucker wrote:


> About 3-1/2 years now and loving every day of it too.


> Chico


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I'm not a vegetarian yet. I will be buying vegetarian foods through out the

month of May and hopefully make a somewhat smooth transition into it by the

end of the month.

I have thought about becoming a vegetarian for years but two things have

always stopped me;

1- I like meat

2- My hubby said NO WAY would he ever become a vegetarian since he hates

veggies. And I figured it would be too hard to cook for myself and something

else for him. Plus, I knew if I cook the meat, I'll eat it.


Last week I read a " diet " book. I could not believe the things I read about

the treatment of animals that are to be slaughtered. Most of the time I

would just close a book like that and walk away but I forced myself to read

it. I couldn't decided whether to cry or be sick so I decided it was time to

make a big change in my life so that I don't contribute to the pain of


I talked to my hubby about it and amazingly he said he is ready for a change

and is on board with me. BUT he still wont eat most veggies so this will be

tough. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of vegetables either but I know my taste

buds will adjust.


I ordered a vegetarian starter kit and re-d to Vegetarian Times and

have been reading all the posts in this group and collecting recipes. I have

also spent quite a bit of time looking things up online that I have no idea

what they are. Today I went to the store and bought a papaya and a kiwi. Not

much but I have never had either so I figured this weekend I would try them

for fun. I feel like I am starting a new adventure and am really excited

about it. I love to experiment when cooking so this will be a constant

experiment for awhile. So I'll actually enjoy cooking again. :-)


By the way, I just joined a few days ago so I have a ton of stuff in the

files area to go through and then I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions.



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Good for you, Tami.


I'll be cheering you on.







Last week I read a " diet " book. I could not believe the things I read about

the treatment of animals that are to be slaughtered. Most of the time I

would just close a book like that and walk away but I forced myself to read

it. I couldn't decided whether to cry or be sick so I decided it was time to

make a big change in my life so that I don't contribute to the pain of


I talked to my hubby about it and amazingly he said he is ready for a change

and is on board with me. BUT he still wont eat most veggies so this will be

tough. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of vegetables either but I know my taste

buds will adjust.








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I'm personally slowly shifting that way. At the present I eat more

vegatarian than not, but I do still have the occassional bit ot chicken or

some type of fish.


I have noticed that some of the Morning Star and also the Boca Burgers are

really good. The taste is very close to the original but much healthier as

they are vegetarian.


So I'm getting there slowly.



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Dennis, here's some things I had great luck with that you may like also: I've

had chik'n nuggets, and patties from Quorn, Gardenburger and Morning Star and

they were all delicious. The nuggets are good with BBQ sauce and the patties

are sometimes as a sandwich, or sometimes after frying in a slverstone skillet

with no grease, I put a couple of T of Ragu Lt on top of them and some soy

mozarreli shreds from Melissa of Veggie Patch and put a lid on a few minutes so

the topping get hot - and it is sooooo good. The GardenBurgers Chik'n are

actually vegan, the Quorn has a little egg white, and the Morning Star generally

have a little egg/cheese in them, not enough to see it, incase you wondered. :)



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I am new to the group too, so thought I would also introduce myself by

answering a question. I am 40 years old. My parents were vegetarian,

so I have been vegetarian from conception. That makes it easy for me

to stick to the vegetarian lifestyle. I really admire all of you who

have dealt with trying to switch. We had milk and eggs (not vegan) and

I am now finding myself having trouble with milk. Just trying to say

no to milk has been hard. It took me a couple of years of on and off

(with much pain during the on days) before I could say I am now pretty

much off of it (enough to not have pain now). So glad I found this

group. I love the great ideas and everything. Thanks for sharing.

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I am vegn for last 38 years. I am 57 but due to veg. looks like 40-45. Being

vegn. keeps you more attractive, charming, healthy, and intellegent.


medecine_bonne <medecine_bonne wrote: I am new to the group

too, so thought I would also introduce myself by

answering a question. I am 40 years old. My parents were vegetarian,

so I have been vegetarian from conception. That makes it easy for me

to stick to the vegetarian lifestyle. I really admire all of you who

have dealt with trying to switch. We had milk and eggs (not vegan) and

I am now finding myself having trouble with milk. Just trying to say

no to milk has been hard. It took me a couple of years of on and off

(with much pain during the on days) before I could say I am now pretty

much off of it (enough to not have pain now). So glad I found this

group. I love the great ideas and everything. Thanks for sharing.








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I am 53 and have been very health/eating conscience for over 30 years. I've

tried to eat organic and make and grow much of my own food.


I never could get a grip on not eating meat. It just seemed to me that 'balance'

was key. While I didn't each much meat, I tried to eat from 'organic' sources,

etc etc.....


In 1999, I had a massive brain tumor. It was benign, yet my health was still

good. I had a holistic doctor tell me that I should never eat animal products. I

didn't listen, again, thinking that balance was key and since I use the Bible as

my guide, I would read where meat was eaten....


but my thinking as changed. As I read the Bible I see that eating meat was not

God's original design and I won't bore you with the details of my convictions.


Last year I started feeling HORRIBLE...I knew something was wrong so I started

researching on the internet.... " how would I change my diet, if I found out that

something was seriously wrong with me "


Over and over and over again, the absence of animals products was key to good

health. So only since this past December have I been totally meat/animal free

and I can't believe how much better I feel, I much energy I have. My entire

family has adopted this new lifestyle. My husband as lost weight (well I have

too!) and he says, " there is not turning back " I have no refined foods in the

house either.


While I do eat a lot of raw foods, I also cook. My email addy of rawkaw....so

that someone doesn't label us...are simply our initials to our names!!!







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I know how hard it is when you are in a situation like that. I said

earlier that I had gone vegetarian and then slowly " cheated " until I was

no more. I was living with my mom at the time... I would come home from

work dead tired, with intentions of cooking my own vegan food. But many

times when I got home dinner would be on the table. So at first I would

think what the heck, I'll just eat the green beans, but then there would

be a big ham-hock floating in them so whats the difference I may as well

have a slice of ham, etc., etc. Anyway, has anyone else ever had these

issues?? I have finally learned to just say no thanks, and prepare my own

food and make sure I ALWAYS have some on hand for myself. I find it easy

now especially since I have tried all the wonderful mock meats and soy

cheeses... soy ice-cream, yogurt, sour cream, even soy cream cheese!

Yummm. Good Luck to you and remember to search the web for quick and easy

recipes. There are so many out there. Here is a good one where I get a

lot of mine... http://www.fatfree.com Does anyone else know of any

recipe sites that are specifically " quick & easy " ???








>>> I'm not a vegetarian yet. I will be buying vegetarian foods through

out the

month of May and hopefully make a somewhat smooth transition into it by


end of the month.

I have thought about becoming a vegetarian for years but two things have

always stopped me;

1- I like meat

2- My hubby said NO WAY would he ever become a vegetarian since he hates

veggies. And I figured it would be too hard to cook for myself and


else for him. Plus, I knew if I cook the meat, I'll eat it. >>>







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