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How to be polite?

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Hi Tami,

You can explain you have become vegetarian and to you this means anything

containing non-vegetarian products as ingredients or any of your foods being

cooked with or next to non-vegetarian foods in the same pan or casserole dish or

on the same grill. I'm always prepared. If I go to a potluck or picnic I have

my veg burger in foil or pregrilled and I have no problem eating if cold with

all the fixings. I also take a nice pasta salad or cabbage slaw so there is

something else I can eat. If you explain to non-vegetarians in a kind manner

with a smile on your face they are understanding. I have rarely had a problem.

There is always someone who is going to pick at you but sometimes those are the

ones who end up becoming vegetarians a few years later. I have seen this so

many times.

DO NOT become defensive with them, you never get anywhere when this happens and

the next time they might sneak a non-veg ingredient into a dish and you don't

want that to happen. I find 75% of ther non-vegetarians are curious, ask

questionsd and are willing to try our food.



The seed is in bloom, will it meet an early doom

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Does it face an early end, will it find a real friend,should it be called


Will creation of man bring death by his hand or will life be his destiny?

The Seed - Rare earth


--- On Wed, 5/14/08, Tami <windswept.serenity.528 wrote:


Tami <windswept.serenity.528

Re: How to be polite?


Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 8:59 AM








Come Monday I will be taking all the meat out of my diet. Then in the next

three months I'll be taking things out of my diet that have meat products in

them. It's amazing how many there are!

Can you tell me how you explain to people that you don't eat anything that

had meat touching it.

I know I will be the same way but for some reason I cant wrap my own mind

around the reason why I am going to be like that. (I know that sounds goofy)

I figure if I hear others reasons something might click within me. :-)




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-- --


I have had to explain why I don't eat pizza with pepperoni pulled off or

meatballs removed from sauce, several times to meat eaters



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Hay Cassie, I wish you good luck. I think it will be a snap when you

explain nicely to her.

She seems to be very accepting to think of you both. You were on her

mind when she bought the veg-dogs.

Maybe you could take her a flower in a small vase for her desk. Just a




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I was guilty of offering vegetarians food by telling them they could

remove the non-veg ingredient and enjoy the dish, until I became

vegetarian myself and understood. I only wish someone would have given

me a little direction and told me that doesn't work. I think the

vegetarians felt they would hurt my feelings so they never said

anything to me. Cassie I think she will understand when you take a

moment and explain to her.



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" Can you tell me how you explain to people that you don't eat anything that

had meat touching it. " and another " How much intelligence does that take? "


This probably sounds strange, but I am more than curious as to why someone

can't eat a veggie burger cooked on a grill with meat. I'm a new vegetarian,

and it wouldn't bother me a bit if someone made spagetti and threw in meatballs.

I'd just pick out the meatballs. I cook meat for my family, so I'm still

" touching " it and will use the same pan to fry theirs and mine. I'm sure

everyone will probably be upset with my " un " intelligence, but I guess I'm just

one of those that doesn't have the intelligence that it takes to know better:).

So please no geting upset with me, I just really don't get it, unless it would

be an allergy thing and could cause serious health issues. Thanks in advance

for being gentle! kelly, FL





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I think it comes down to why you are vegetarian. If it's for health

reasons, then yes, maybe it's not a big deal to you. But I have been an

ethical vegetarian for over 30 years and having dead animal flesh in my

food is beyond repugnant to me. I would think that would be something a

meat eater could understand once it was explained to them.


Not only do I not cook meat, but I don't even want meat in my

pots/pans. :-)




Kelly Best wrote:

> This probably sounds strange, but I am more than curious as to why someone

can't eat a veggie burger cooked on a grill with meat. I'm a new vegetarian,

and it wouldn't bother me a bit if someone made spagetti and threw in meatballs.

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If I absolutely have to I will pick meat off of something. But for me

(I have been veg for a while and am an animal rights girl) I am

choosing to not eat meat, I don't want my food to be flavored like

meat or with meat juice. I also would rather get something completely

meat-free rather than have the meat go to waste-if that makes sense.

As in they didn't need to cook that much chicken, beef, whatever

because I am going to end up picking it off and throwing it away

anyhow, thus wasting the meat. If I could get my meat free en tree

it's one less chicken that has to be killed (sorry if that is too

graphic, can't think of how else to put it).


Now my husband still eats meat so our grill has a meat side and a

veg side, I can't swear that my veg side has never had meat on it !

However, we would never purposely put a veg burger and a meat burger

on the same plate to bring them in from the grill.


It is just all in what works for you. You mentioned you are a new

veggie. Over time you may dislike meat more and object to picking

meatballs out of your spaghetti or it may never bother you.


actually the longer you are veg, the more your system adapts and

stops making the enzymes that digest meat. So while maybe touching

meat may not be enough to make you sick, if some long time vegs got

some meat inadvertently it really might cause some discomfort-physical

and psychological : )



, Kelly Best <bests4him wrote:


> " Can you tell me how you explain to people that you don't eat

anything that

> had meat touching it. " and another " How much intelligence does

that take? "


> This probably sounds strange, but I am more than curious as to why

someone can't eat a veggie burger cooked on a grill with meat. I'm a

new vegetarian, and it wouldn't bother me a bit if someone made

spagetti and threw in meatballs. I'd just pick out the meatballs. I

cook meat for my family, so I'm still " touching " it and will use the

same pan to fry theirs and mine. I'm sure everyone will probably be

upset with my " un " intelligence, but I guess I'm just one of those that

doesn't have the intelligence that it takes to know better:). So

please no geting upset with me, I just really don't get it, unless it

would be an allergy thing and could cause serious health issues.

Thanks in advance for being gentle! kelly, FL





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I don't know how to explain it POLITELY, so there might be issues with

my intelligence as well....LOL


It is just....gross? disgusting? unappetizing? revolting? yucky?

(sorry if anyone finds this offensive, just trying to explain...) Was

it so when I just became interested in vegetarian food? No, it took a

while, maybe a few months, maybe a few years.


I can relate with the original poster. Here is someone that made a

special effort for me to eat, but I can't eat it, it grosses me out.

How do I say this politely? I don't know how to do these things

either, so I avoid BBQs with co-workers myself. I am socially inept





, Kelly Best <bests4him wrote:


> " Can you tell me how you explain to people that you don't eat

anything that

> had meat touching it. " and another " How much intelligence does

that take? "


> This probably sounds strange, but I am more than curious as to why

someone can't eat a veggie burger cooked on a grill with meat. I'm a

new vegetarian, and it wouldn't bother me a bit if someone made

spagetti and threw in meatballs. I'd just pick out the meatballs. I

cook meat for my family, so I'm still " touching " it and will use the

same pan to fry theirs and mine. I'm sure everyone will probably be

upset with my " un " intelligence, but I guess I'm just one of those that

doesn't have the intelligence that it takes to know better:). So

please no geting upset with me, I just really don't get it, unless it

would be an allergy thing and could cause serious health issues.

Thanks in advance for being gentle! kelly, FL





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I am just starting to understand this for myself.

I've only been a vegetarian for about 6 months. It's for health reasons only.

Last week someone in our area gave my husband a piece of wild turkey and he

asked if I'd cook it for him. I have always loved cooking all types of food.

Just touching the meat and looking at it, made me feel icky. I told him I didn't

even want the stuff in the house anymore and it made my kitchen feel

greasy.....that's such a change for me being a big meat eater and cooking it for

years now.

The thought of 'dead flesh' is repulsive to me now. It's DEAD. I just am amazed

at my change in such a short amount of time. For years, when I talked to

vegetarians , I just couldn't 'understand' they why/what/how they were

thinking....you just have to get away from it for a short time....it begins to

make sense!


even my 11 yod....says " gag! "




Sharon Zakhour

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:12 PM

Re: Re: How to be polite?





I think it comes down to why you are vegetarian. If it's for health

reasons, then yes, maybe it's not a big deal to you. But I have been an

ethical vegetarian for over 30 years and having dead animal flesh in my

food is beyond repugnant to me. I would think that would be something a

meat eater could understand once it was explained to them.


Not only do I not cook meat, but I don't even want meat in my

pots/pans. :-)




Kelly Best wrote:

> This probably sounds strange, but I am more than curious as to why someone

can't eat a veggie burger cooked on a grill with meat. I'm a new vegetarian, and

it wouldn't bother me a bit if someone made spagetti and threw in meatballs.






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I didnt eat one. The thoughtful woman placed cards on either side of the

machine: veg dogs, hot dogs. The dogs still had ends touching, and I am sure

that the oils and juices didnt read the signs before rolling to each other


I am going to get her a card for her thoughtfulness though.

As for socially inept... One major reason I didnt eat a veggie dog was b/c every

time I went to get some food there were 3+ people in there eating and

socializing. It scares me when I have to serve myself infront of others (very

judgmental upbringing). Totally get you point. I waited until I got home to




" life's a garden, dig it! "

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This whole thread about why people don't want meat products touching their

food and how they explain it to people has been interesting and eye opening.

I sure appreciate all of you taking the time to answer the questions us new

vegetarians have for you.


I decided to become a vegetarian for ethical reasons. Then once I started

reading more about it health played a big roll in the decision.

I tried to explain my confusion to my hubby last night and this is how I

explained it.....

If I was a vegetarian for health reasons only I see no problem picking the

meat off of something or allowing my food to touch meat foods.

But it's the ethical reasons where it started to get wobbly on me....

If someone hands me a piece of chicken, I will not eat it. That's simple


Now if my MIL called me and said, what do you want for dinner and I told her

spaghetti, then she makes a big pot of spaghetti and meat balls I would feel

like I personally had something to do with that animal suffering and I

couldn't see me eating it.

But if I went to her house and she had made the spaghetti and meatballs

because it was what she wanted and had nothing to do with me, then I did not

have anything personal to do with what happened to that cow. So I could see

myself then taking the meatballs out and eating the sauce.

So it's more like I don't want to be the one responsible for the animal


Does this make any sense to anyone other then me. And really, it doesn't

make that much sense to me at the moment. I'm still trying to wrap my brains

around all of it.

But like what has been mentioned here, after awhile of being a vegetarian I

m sure I will get to the point that it isn't a wobbly area at all and I wont

want my food touching meat or cooked with meat.

As it stands right now, my plan is to become vegan eventually. Then watch

the fun begin at my MILs house. LOL

Thanks again to all of you who answered our questions.



Your life is an occasion. Rise to it!

210.8\185\135 = 25.8 pounds gone forever





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Because we live in an apartment building and we tend to share everything, I have

even labeled my grill " VEGETARIAN " so that no one think they can borrow it and

put meat on it, because it would disturb me greatly to know that our " virgin "

grill had meat on it!


Like others, if I " had " to, I would pick meat off things, but it just makes life

nicer to go the extra mile and not have veg food touching meat. That's why veg

potlucks are soooo wonderful!

(Check out vegetarian.meetup.com to see if there is a group near you!)



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I just wanted to thank everyone for responding both privately and on group to my

question. This is such a terrific group -- everyone is polite, and they educate

without making me feeling stupid or bad. I have gotten some great recipes here,

and love the conversations -- it is truly my favorite group of the many I belong

to. Thanks for being so informative and just a great bunch of people! Kelly,





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  • 4 weeks later...
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100thanks 4 giveing this msg & I give thanks to all because

i dont now about every ones e-mail adress. rose's to all the members from me


--- On Thu, 15/5/08, Tami <windswept.serenity.528 wrote:


Tami <windswept.serenity.528

Re: How to be polite?


Thursday, 15 May, 2008, 1:57 PM







This whole thread about why people don't want meat products touching their

food and how they explain it to people has been interesting and eye opening..

I sure appreciate all of you taking the time to answer the questions us new

vegetarians have for you.


I decided to become a vegetarian for ethical reasons. Then once I started

reading more about it health played a big roll in the decision.

I tried to explain my confusion to my hubby last night and this is how I

explained it.....

If I was a vegetarian for health reasons only I see no problem picking the

meat off of something or allowing my food to touch meat foods.

But it's the ethical reasons where it started to get wobbly on me....

If someone hands me a piece of chicken, I will not eat it. That's simple


Now if my MIL called me and said, what do you want for dinner and I told her

spaghetti, then she makes a big pot of spaghetti and meat balls I would feel

like I personally had something to do with that animal suffering and I

couldn't see me eating it.

But if I went to her house and she had made the spaghetti and meatballs

because it was what she wanted and had nothing to do with me, then I did not

have anything personal to do with what happened to that cow. So I could see

myself then taking the meatballs out and eating the sauce.

So it's more like I don't want to be the one responsible for the animal


Does this make any sense to anyone other then me. And really, it doesn't

make that much sense to me at the moment. I'm still trying to wrap my brains

around all of it.

But like what has been mentioned here, after awhile of being a vegetarian I

m sure I will get to the point that it isn't a wobbly area at all and I wont

want my food touching meat or cooked with meat.

As it stands right now, my plan is to become vegan eventually. Then watch

the fun begin at my MILs house. LOL

Thanks again to all of you who answered our questions.



Your life is an occasion. Rise to it!

210.8\185\135 = 25.8 pounds gone forever





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I'm going to be very polite tomorrow. We are invited to a Father's Day BBQ at

our granddaughters and they are BBQing chicken. I said that I would bring my

veggie chicken and was told that they would just pop it on the BBQ with the

others. NOT. I am going to prepare it at home and my favourite way to eat it

with salads is cold. When I was a meat eater, I much preferred my chicken to be








c\_/ Audrey



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How did it go at the BBQ? I hope you had a great time. Hopefully you have

not already answered this. I am sort of behind.









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