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Introductions and Questions

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Have you tried Etsy.com? It's all handcrafted products, but there are lots

of creative kids' clothes and vegan goodies like desserts! Yummo! I've seen

hemp products there, soy candles, organic products, etc. I've sold my vegan dog

biscuits there. But, beware! It's addictive!

Jilly in PA





In a message dated 6/19/2008 4:43:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

fearandfearalone writes:





Hi Everyone,


My name is Jade and I am single mother of 2 children who are all

currently living the vegan lifestyle. While this may sound strange I

have already begun my back to school clothing hunt. For those of you

who are raising vegan children I'm sure you are familar with my plight.

Finding clothes now of days that are contain no animal biproducts and

are organic is difficult. I recently found a website called

_http://www.simpleshhttp://_ (http://www.simpleshoes.com/) that sells

childrens shoes made out of all

natural materials including hemp! I was truly excited. Does anyone else

know of other companies I can check out to find vegan friendly and

organic clothing products?









**************Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for

fuel-efficient used cars.





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Hi Everyone,


My name is Jade and I am single mother of 2 children who are all

currently living the vegan lifestyle. While this may sound strange I

have already begun my back to school clothing hunt. For those of you

who are raising vegan children I'm sure you are familar with my plight.

Finding clothes now of days that are contain no animal biproducts and

are organic is difficult. I recently found a website called

http://www.simpleshoes.com that sells childrens shoes made out of all

natural materials including hemp! I was truly excited. Does anyone else

know of other companies I can check out to find vegan friendly and

organic clothing products?

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Dear Newcastle members, You can actually purchase the eco friendly shoes made

from old car tyres, hemp, and other sustainable products at Kathmandu at 6

Northcott drive, KOTARA. Just in case you thought the Americans were the only

lucky ones with these goodies for sale!! Cheers from Rochelle P.S. Hi Bethany!





Thu, 19 Jun 2008 20:40:17 +0000

Introductions and Questions





















Hi Everyone,




My name is Jade and I am single mother of 2 children who are all


currently living the vegan lifestyle. While this may sound strange I


have already begun my back to school clothing hunt. For those of you


who are raising vegan children I'm sure you are familar with my plight.


Finding clothes now of days that are contain no animal biproducts and


are organic is difficult. I recently found a website called


http://www.simpleshoes.com that sells childrens shoes made out of all


natural materials including hemp! I was truly excited. Does anyone else


know of other companies I can check out to find vegan friendly and


organic clothing products?


























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I was at the Fancy Food Show here in Chicago in April.  There were

a lot of vendors selling organic clothing.  Check out

specialtyfood.com..  It has a listing of their vendors.




Not being vegan (or even vegetarian), I didn't understand the purpose.  Thank

you for clarifying that for me. 




I'm enjoying this group very much and appreciate all your recipes and tips!


















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We like to shop at consignment shops and thrift stores, since the

kiddies grow so fast! I can't remember where it is, but I'm pretty

sure there is an online swap type store...


however , if you are looking for an online shop.. Kidbean might be

what you are looking for. I have bought a few things from them. You

can sign up for a newsletter to get notice of sales and discount codes.







Earth-friendly, labor-friendly, vegan products for your family.





Who needs a hug???

Your screen does, obviously. =)

Check out these free downloadable screen huggers!

Enjoy and let David know if you actually use them, ok? Feel free to

pass them along, too!









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i love lve love hitting a local Goodwill store, I developed a bit of an attitude

when they build this store in my area,then one day I went in and was floored at

what people throw out.   let me just say that I have been converted and am now a

loyal customer.     We bought an older frame house and really didnt have that

much to put in it, and we have literally furnished it was great garage sale and

goodwill finds.   While everyone is buying digital tv's i am buying older

analogs and plan on just hooking them up to those little boxs at mere fraction

of the cost.   I havent had a large screen tv in years and now I do.   At the

age of 50 I grew up on first black and whites and then color analogs, and I am

jest fine with them.


And I also tried out the tofurky hot dogs and lunch meat and love them. 







We like to shop at consignment shops and thrift stores, since the

kiddies grow so fast! I can't remember where it is, but I'm pretty

sure there is an online swap type store...


however , if you are looking for an online shop.. Kidbean might be

what you are looking for. I have bought a few things from them. You

can sign up for a newsletter to get notice of sales and discount codes.





Earth-friendly, labor-friendly, vegan products for your family.

http://www.kidbean. com/


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Who needs a hug???

Your screen does, obviously. =)

Check out these free downloadable screen huggers!

Enjoy and let David know if you actually use them, ok? Feel free to

pass them along, too!


http://sparkyfirepa nts.com/screenhu ggers.html


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~



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Hello Jade!




Welcome to the group. I am also a mom of 2 DD's. I went straight from

being an omni to being vegan about a month ago. I am also replacing

non-vegan items with vegan items as they wear out and need to be replaced.

I read the book " Vegan Freak " and it was a very resourceful and practical

book for anyone that is vegan or considering it. Here is a link from their

website that has lots of places to shop for vegan clothing, shoes, and

various other items.




I have also been using Aubrey Organics, Jason, and Giovanni hair products

with my hair and my DD's. You can find them at any HFS. My personal

favorites are the ones by Aubrey Organics.




Here is a link for a condensed list..















AM2NzE2NgRzZWMDZG1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMjEzOTcxOTQ5> Introductions and



Posted by: " Jade Harper "


uestions> fearandfearalone

<http://profiles./harper_jade> harper_jade


Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:43 pm (PDT)


Hi Everyone,


My name is Jade and I am single mother of 2 children who are all currently

living the vegan lifestyle. While this may sound strange I have already

begun my back to school clothing hunt. For those of you who are raising

vegan children I'm sure you are familiar with my plight.







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On Behalf Of Jenni

Friday, June 20, 2008 9:25 AM


Re: Introductions and Questions




We like to shop at consignment shops and thrift stores, since the

kiddies grow so fast! I can't remember where it is, but I'm pretty

sure there is an online swap type store...


however , if you are looking for an online shop.. Kidbean might be

what you are looking for. I have bought a few things from them. You

can sign up for a newsletter to get notice of sales and discount codes.





Earth-friendly, labor-friendly, vegan products for your family.




Who needs a hug???

Your screen does, obviously. =)

Check out these free downloadable screen huggers!

Enjoy and let David know if you actually use them, ok? Feel free to

pass them along, too!







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That is awesome! Thanks for the link I will definitely check it out.

Being Green now of days is a very big trend and I'm starting to

really get caught up in it. You should check out Stop Global

Warming.org. Being Organic is another movement as people are

realizing how the use of chemicals can be causing so many problems

within our body. So buyign products that are treated with no or less

chemicals which is always nice!


, Chef Kathy <chefkathy



> Jade,




> I was at the Fancy Food Show here in Chicago in April.  There were

> a lot of vendors selling organic clothing.  Check out

> specialtyfood.com..  It has a listing of their vendors.




> Not being vegan (or even vegetarian), I didn't understand the

purpose.  Thank you for clarifying that for me. 




> I'm enjoying this group very much and appreciate all your recipes

and tips!




> Best,




> Kathy




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" Being Green " has been a big part of my life since 1976.....it is just that a

lot of

celebrities have gotten on the band wagon and made it popular just like they did

in the 80's for world hunger. John Denver, whom I first met when

I was 14 and he 18, started the Windstar Foundation in 1976....one of the

" greenest " not for profit organizations around. And received awards for his

humanitarian efforts

to end world hunger, to reforest the earth from old growth trees that have been

cut down, and to

explore more efficient technology for energy way before the " We Are The World "

group. John was

instrumental in organic thinking years and years ago. I am glad to see the

younger people in our

world come to the realization that we all have to work together to save our

Spaceship Earth.


Unfortunately, the earth goes thru periods of global warming and ice ages as

well, regardless of us puny humans. Everyone needs to conserve energy, water

and work on not polluting in any way possible so we can all share a sustainable

Spaceship Earth.....as Buckminster Fuller started calling our earth in the 50's,

and keep it sustainable for

our children, grandchildren and all future generations to come. You can do

something as simple

as picking up trash along the roads near you (and walk doing that not driving a

car).....turn off the water, don't let it run, when you brush your teeth,

double up on as many errands as possible, share a ride when possible, and just

think before you act. The Earth Mother News magazine is always full of ideas

to help us keep our world in the best shape possible.


Peace, (as John always added to his closures in letters and on autographs)

Nancy C.

" You do not inherit the earth, you borrow it from your children " ..... " If not

me, who? If not now, when " .






That is awesome! Thanks for the link I will definitely check it out.

Being Green now of days is a very big trend and I'm starting to

really get caught up in it. You should check out Stop Global

Warming.org. Being Organic is another movement as people are

realizing how the use of chemicals can be causing so many problems

within our body. So buyign products that are treated with no or less

chemicals which is always nice!


, Chef Kathy <chefkathy



> Jade,




> I was at the Fancy Food Show here in Chicago in April. There were

> a lot of vendors selling organic clothing. Check out

> specialtyfood.com.. It has a listing of their vendors.




> Not being vegan (or even vegetarian), I didn't understand the

purpose. Thank you for clarifying that for me.




> I'm enjoying this group very much and appreciate all your recipes

and tips!




> Best,




> Kathy










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