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Gee. All I can get is the " pretend chicken breast pieces " that I put

in my " Chikn 'n Chips " recipe to follow.


, " Laura

<child_of_the_80s@h...> " <child_of_the_80s@h...> wrote:

> Maybe we should start the Keep Quorn Campaign!

> Its been available in the UK for ages and i eat it quite alot at


> moment, especially while i'm still learning to cook " proper " veggie

> meals. It makes becoming a veggie alot easier! Especially as you

> can get all kinds over here... burgers, chops, fillets, pieces,

> mince, deli sliced for sandwiches (in 3 flavours), goujon type

> things, breadcrumb coated fillets, and ready meals like enchiladas,

> bolognaise and curry! Can you guys get hold of this much stuff?

> I avoid the ready meals and just get fillets and pieces really.

> Its so quick and easy to use.


> Save our Quorn!!!


> Laura (uk) x

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  • 4 months later...
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Yes, and we (in my house) all like Quorn breaded chick'n patties;

even my son who usually scowls at most veggie

unmeats. I don't really think they taste like I recall

chicken tasted. Once a person here on the list told

me that she and her husband eat them as one would

a fish sandwich, with tartar sauce, lettuce and tomato

on a hard roll. Ever since I tried them that way, that is

how I like them best.


~ PT ~


The plainest sign of wisdom is a continual

cheerfulness: her state is like that of things in

the regions above the moon, always clear and serene.

~ Michel de Montaigne


, rmeekster@r... wrote:

> Hi everyone!


> Have any of you ever tried the Quorn chick'n cutlets or

> patties? If you haven't they are out of this world!


> Rhonda

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I bet the grocery stores near you have them, Dave.

I know we have Quorn products here in Southern Oregon.

I have found them in the freezer sections of Fred Meyer,

Albertsons, and Price Chopper.


I have seen the Quorn Roast, chik'n nuggets, chik'n patties

and cutlets, but that is about it for here. I know they have

many other products that they make, and some frozen

entrees as well its just that the stores around me don't carry



~ feral ~


Like winds and sunsets, wild things were taken for granted

until progress began to do away with them.Ê Now we face the

question whether a still higher " standard of living " is

worth its cost in things natural, wild and free.Ê For us

of the minority, the opportunity to see geese is more

important than television.

~ Aldo Leopold, " A Sand County Almana


, " Dave " <2davidm@g...>


> do they have Quorn products out in so cal I never heard of that


> but then I haven't gone shopping in awhile? thanks stay cool Dave

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  • 9 months later...
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Yes, I enjoy quorn products.

I like the " chiken " patties are good but don't taste

a whole lot like I remember chicken tasted. I eat

them more now as a replacement for fish filet...

tartar sauce, lettuce, tomatoe on a whole wh.wheat

bun for those day I crave one.

I think the quorn tenders are versatile to use in stir-fry

when I don't want to consume soy; I try to avoid eating

a whole lot of soy, so using them helps to break up my

diet. I must state that they are a bit dry, but if eaten

with lots of crispy veggies and a nice sauce they are

quite delicious.

I like the quorn roasts and think it is a great turkey

alternative for the holidays when I want something

like that; the leftovers make nice turkey sandwiches.

I have never gotten sick or felt ill after eating this



~ feral ~


Our final bliss, perfectly passionate, perfectly kind:

It is our first love, long since left behind.

~ Ruth Pitter, " Good Enthroned "


replying to this post:

morgaana wrote:I remember reading about this maybe 2

years ago when it hit the market

in the US. I've only recently seen Quorn products in the stores here.

So far I've just tried the " chicken " patties and found them to be

pretty good. Kind of a spongy texture. Taste is almost slightly


No ill effects. Has anyone else tried Quorn? What was your


Personally, I figure it's had vigorous testing in the European market

for, what, 15+ years?



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  • 1 month later...
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I looked at Quorn products when they were first available in my market a couple

of years ago. Like you, I wasn't sure about them and did not buy them (maybe it

was the packaging). Someone recently recommended Quorn chicken nuggets to me

and I bought them. My son -- who is super picky and way underweight -- ate

three nuggets at dinner, which is about two and three-quarters more than he

usually will eat. They were pretty tasty, though I thought a bit too much like

chicken so people who avoid the analog stuff might not go for them. I have

bought them again and I am also trying the crumbles and a couple of their other



You know how the prune industry decided one day that prunes were going to be

known as " dried plums " ? I think the Quorn people should lose the fungus angle

and think up something that's a bit more appetizing!


N.B. The chicken nuggets are not vegan.







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That might have been me.. my daughter loves some quorn. It is made out of

genetically engineered fungus. Think fake mushrooms or something. A lot people

have a problem with quorn. But it tastes very good. And has a very meaty

texture that IMO soy just doesn't have. It also contains egg whites so it is

not suitable for vegans. My husband has not been too receptive to my trying to

go vegan so I still cook a lot of quorn and veat (which contains a small amount

of whey) for them. I absolutely don't eat eggs or milk.. but some of these

products like quorn and veat that had become such a staple of our diets are

harder to weed out. Sometimes they eat that stuff and I fix something vegan

friendly for myself and sometimes I figure its a small enough amount in that it

doesn't matter. I might not be able to stomach drinking milk or eating eggs but

if it just a tiny amount well hidden in something.. it doesn't bother me so

much. I don't really see veal = milk.. its just not the same

thing. I may never make that connection. But I do understand about the veal

comes from baby male calves that are taken from dairy cows. I get that by

consuming any dairy I indirectly support the veal industry. So that's why I am

mostly vegan. I'm still working thru making the connection and I keep getting

closer and closer to vegan.



progressive7862 <allens717 wrote:



Someone mentioned that a child likes quorn. Who's tried it? I picked

up a package in the supermarket one day, but put it down because it

seemed so foreign to me. Can't remember right now what

seemed " funny " about it; maybe I read an article about it.



Laura in VA





For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health









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Quorn is actually pretty good. I've had it, but it does have eggs in it.

I've e-mailed Quorn about battery caged hens,

and they have some pretty solid implementation that does not use battery



You can e-mail them privately for info. http://www.quorn.com






progressive7862 wrote:


> Hey,


> Someone mentioned that a child likes quorn. Who's tried it? I picked

> up a package in the supermarket one day, but put it down because it

> seemed so foreign to me. Can't remember right now what

> seemed " funny " about it; maybe I read an article about it.


> Peace,

> Laura in VA





> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website

> at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families

> go to http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not

> intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be

> obtained from a qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified

> health professional.





> ------

> *

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I loved Quorn when I was vegetarian, but I'm vegan now and it

contains egg whites. I think there was a study done that indicated

some people got diarrhea or stomach upset from it. It never bothered

me, though, and people have been eating it in the UK for ages with

no problem. Every food in existence could potentially cause

digestion problems in some people.



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You probably did read something about it a year or so ago regarding making

people sick. I have been eating the products for three years now. Even during

the time of making " people sick " . I think they are wonderful. It is a really

good product to give to family members or friends who eat chicken. My mother

who is a meat-eater but is willing to always try what my daughter and I eat had

a " chicken " sandwich and wondered how they made this. She liked them very much.

They are more expensive than others but I think they are worth every penny!




wife to Seth (2/97)

mom to Mackenzie (5/01)

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I'm not precisely sure what you mean by " genetically engineered fungus " ,

but on the box it states " We do not use ingredients that were produced

using modern biotechnology " .


Jodi :-)




Renee Carroll wrote:


> That might have been me.. my daughter loves some quorn. It is made

> out of genetically engineered fungus. Think fake mushrooms or

> something. A lot people have a problem with quorn. But it tastes

> very good. And has a very meaty texture that IMO soy just doesn't

> have. It also contains egg whites so it is not suitable for vegans.

> My husband has not been too receptive to my trying to go vegan so I

> still cook a lot of quorn and veat (which contains a small amount of

> whey) for them. I absolutely don't eat eggs or milk.. but some of

> these products like quorn and veat that had become such a staple of

> our diets are harder to weed out. Sometimes they eat that stuff and I

> fix something vegan friendly for myself and sometimes I figure its a

> small enough amount in that it doesn't matter. I might not be able to

> stomach drinking milk or eating eggs but if it just a tiny amount well

> hidden in something.. it doesn't bother me so much. I don't really

> see veal = milk.. its just not the same

> thing. I may never make that connection. But I do understand about

> the veal comes from baby male calves that are taken from dairy cows.

> I get that by consuming any dairy I indirectly support the veal

> industry. So that's why I am mostly vegan. I'm still working thru

> making the connection and I keep getting closer and closer to vegan.

> Renee


> progressive7862 <allens717 wrote:

> Hey,


> Someone mentioned that a child likes quorn. Who's tried it? I picked

> up a package in the supermarket one day, but put it down because it

> seemed so foreign to me. Can't remember right now what

> seemed " funny " about it; maybe I read an article about it.


> Peace,

> Laura in VA





> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website

> at http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families

> go to http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not

> intended to provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be

> obtained from a qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified

> health professional.








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From my understanding, the people who were getting sick were those who were

allergic to mushrooms and other fungi.


I love the Quorn products! My husband especially loves the naked cutlets,

they are like chicken breasts and are really yummy baked with Goddess

dressing on top.








Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:18 PM

Re: Quorn



> You probably did read something about it a year or so ago regarding making

people sick. I have been eating the products for three years now. Even

during the time of making " people sick " . I think they are wonderful. It is

a really good product to give to family members or friends who eat chicken.

My mother who is a meat-eater but is willing to always try what my daughter

and I eat had a " chicken " sandwich and wondered how they made this. She

liked them very much. They are more expensive than others but I think they

are worth every penny!


> --

> Courtney

> wife to Seth (2/97)

> mom to Mackenzie (5/01)






> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health





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Regarding Quorn making people sick--the advocacy group

Center for Science in the Public Interest HATES Quorn

(they refer to it as " vat-grown mold " !). They claim

that it causes allergic reactions (some severe) in

many people. They also say that reactions may not be

immediate, but may be triggered after building up a

sensitivity. They are trying to convince the FDA to

take it off the market.


I haven't spent a lot of time evaluating their

campaign (I prefer other fake chicken products, such

as the vegan Gardenburger chicken griller--so yummy!),

but for those who are interested, here's a link for

more information: http://www.cspinet.org/quorn









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Is there anyone on the list who knows if you can get Quorn in Canada?? I am

located in Southwestern Ontario. I asked at a small local health food store

and the owner had never even heard of it.




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try www.quorn.com they have an international website


Lisa Tigani <kwcanine wrote:



Is there anyone on the list who knows if you can get Quorn in Canada?? I am

located in Southwestern Ontario. I asked at a small local health food store

and the owner had never even heard of it.




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For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

qualified health professional.


edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health







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I'm in Michigan (I can actually see Canada from my house!), so I'm not sure. But

you might check with someone at the Toronto Vegetarian Association






Lisa Tigani

Monday, May 03, 2004 8:17 PM


RE: Quorn




Is there anyone on the list who knows if you can get Quorn in Canada?? I am

located in Southwestern Ontario. I asked at a small local health food store

and the owner had never even heard of it.






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  • 1 year later...
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Unfortunately, I do not like quorn - I don't like the taste or

texture...however, I also do not like mushrooms...hmm...


As far as the best in " fake meats " I like Veat " chicken " & so does the

gang. It is getting hard to find though. I also like the fake smoked

deli " turkey " that comes in a brown box - I don't know where I get it,

but when I spot it I grab a few - it is really yummy. I don't know if

either of these is vegan...I'm pretty sure Veat is.



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  • 1 month later...
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I love Quorn but for some reason here in my area of So. Calif it's not as

popular. We have Boca, MorningStar, Gardenburger, Whole Foods 365 brand is

wonderful (it's new), Trader Joe's carries one (can't remember the name but I

only see it there), and now the LightLife or Smart Life has one I've been using

, it's been out in the frozen section for a month now. .........Donna


budgiegirl2003 <budgiegirl2003 wrote:So I was looking at the websites

of the brands provided (some seemed

still overprocessed or microwave focused but found many neat things

to try and many of the 'fake food' brands also offer pastas and

lasangas num) and I knew I had heard of Quorn before...I read this

website regularly and they had an article on it awhile back...




....has anyone had problems with Quorn before? Just wondering.








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  • 5 months later...

Yes, they use egg whites as a binding agent, so it is not a vegan food.


, denise rounds

<deniserounds> wrote:


> They are made with egg whites?


> organic_homestead <organic_homestead> wrote: Quorn is a

product made in England from egg whites and mycoprotein

> (fermented fungi). Here is their website, you can choose which country

> you want to look at. I explore all of them because the recipes are

> different.


> http://www.quorn.com/


> I submitted a couple of recipes once and was surprised to receive a

> packet from them of a lovely canvas bag and some coupons.


> I really like their naked cutlets, roast, nuggets and patties. I can't

> eat their grounds as they upset my stomach.


> Denise


> , denise rounds

> <deniserounds> wrote:

> >

> > Ok I feel silly for asking. What is quorn?

> >

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  • 3 months later...
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i like Quorn. i am going to eat it tomorrow with my

St. Patrick's Day dinner of cabbage, potatoes, onions

and corn.

i have never had trouble digesting the Quorn products

i have tried thus far. But i do know one lady on this list

that can't eat the Quorn crumbles but can eat all the

other stuff just fine.

i guess my take on it is, give it a try [that is if it fits your

veg path choice and you do eat eggs]. But if you are allergic

to mushrooms and deathly allergic to most fungi i think

you should never try it!


~ pt ~


What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.

~ Jewish proverb


, " linda " <lindai81 wrote:


> I don't eat Quorn as it isn't vegan, but someone sent these links to me about

Quorn and allergy problems with it and just thought I would send it along as

just a point of information since it comes up in here often and appears to be

well liked. I am neither pro nor con on Quorn since I can't eat it anyway. LOL

Also, I can't attest to the validity of these articles.


> http://cspinet.org/quorn/


> http://cspinet.org/new/200309231.html


> http://www.cspinet.org/new/200505031.html


> http://cspinet.org/quorn/victims.html


> http://cspinet.org/quorn/medical_research.html


> And then of course the Quorn site: http://www.quorn.us/



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  • 2 years later...
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With all of this talk about Quorn, I decided to try it. We tried the

Southwestern Chik'n Wings. " We " being, my daughter (a vegetarian in

process) and I – very good! My daughter told me I had to buy a lot

more. My very carnivorous son decided he wanted to try one, and then

asked for another :), but my sceptical husband would only try one

bite. He didn't comment on taste, only wanted to know what it really

was *LOL*.


It is a slow process,


¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:- Terri

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´







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