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QOTW - Where are you from and what, when and why made you decide to consider or become a vegetarian?

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vegetarian_ group

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:58 PM

QOTW - Where are you from and what, when and why

made you decide to consider or become a vegetarian?



Our Question of the Week -


Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)? Alabama


What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


I am a 3rd generation vegetarian raising a 4th - Our church encourages it for

health and humane reasons.


What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


not having to kill an animal to eat, all the enormous variety of healthy food

to eat


I also know if I eat healthy vegetarian foods I improve my quality of life,

now and in the future. Exercise is important too.


What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


try the hundreds of tried and true recipes here in our organized files, eat a

variety of healthy food, try new things, and use the many meat substitutes to

make some of your favorite recipes.




or http://tinyurl.com/5uzf6w



We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


Thanks everyone,








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I am in Fl, Palm Coast.

I was in search for clarity and thought cleaning my body of toxins would be a

good start. I read " Diet for a New America " and it just confirmed what I had

been thinking.

My most favorite thing about being vegetarian is eating a huge variety of foods.

No chicken and broc every week, like I was raised. I really like researching a

variety if foods I had never had before, and finding the foods I really enjoy.

Oh, yeah... And I love love love eating ;)

Take it slow and don't take yourself too seriously :P. That is my advice. It

may happen in one day, one week, or even one year before you make a full change,

but it is ok.





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On Jul 23, 2008, at 8:58 PM, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


Our Question of the Week -


Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


Thanks everyone,











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I'm Terri :) I'm from Romeo, Michigan. I have never been much of a

meat eater. I didn't eat much if any, until I married my DH :) He

came, very literally, from a 'meat and potatoes' family. We each

compromised our diets and met somewhere in the middle.


Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, I began having digestion

problems. I already got plenty of fiber (I grind my own grain, grow

my own veggies, etc.) and drank plenty of water (50 to 100 oz. per

day). So the next step was to get rid of the meat. I never felt

better in my life!


Unfortunately, it was only temporary, because the digestive problems

came back. My doctor can't figure it out. He says that I probably

eat healthier than 90% of the population. So they keep doing more

tests to try to figure out what is wrong with me (I go in for a

colonoscopy tomorrow a.m.)


P.S. Even if they find something wrong that they can fix, I will

remain a veggie :)


¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:- Terri

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´




On Jul 23, 2008, at 8:58 PM, wwjd wrote:


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


> We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


> Thanks everyone,

> Judy








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, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?

East L.A.


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?

I got sick of tacos and hanbugers so I join this group when it was new

and been a vegetarian since that day. Only because all the members

gave me alot of help. I didnt know what to eat but vegi burgers at the

start and I can cook now.


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?

That I can cook and I feel better. I don't have heartburning no more.


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?

They need to join here and cook the recipes they see


> We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.

I been reading them tonight.


Thank you


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, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?

So Cal


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


I surf and at the time I smoked and ate junk food, I noticed it

affected my performace on the surfboard. First thing I did was give

up meat,. join this group, and then the group helped me focus on my

desire to quit smoking. So far it's almost 3 yrs as a veghead and a



> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


My health


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


Just take it one day at a time. if you can do it immediately that's

fine but if you have to taper off that's fine too. Don't rely on veg-

burgers. Try some of the recipes in here and get an easy vegetarian

cookbook to use also.



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> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


Myrtle Beach area, South Carolina



> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


I remember somehow years ago seeing the PETA sticker with a picture of

a skinned cows head hanging from a hook asking " Did your food have a

face? " Does anyone remember those?? Anyway it sickened me and I

started researching and visiting animal rights websites. I have always

LOVED animals so much and this disturbed me when I started seeing the

undercover slaughterhouse videos (Meet your Meat) and others. The more

I studied and learned the more I was sickened until I finally started

kicking the meat habit altogether. Now I'm vegan! :) I feel better

and know I am healthier but deep down I did it solely for the animals!



> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


Knowing that no animal was killed so that I could eat! I'd rather eat

dirt, lol.



> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


Reasearch vegetarian websites and cookbooks! You will learn

soooooooooo much about all the new and exciting foods and meat

substitutes that you probably had no clue were out there! Some I

looked at first were http://www.goveg.com , http://www.tryveg.com , and

http://www.veganoutreach.org Good Luck!




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Our Question of the Week -


Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?Currently, Burns



What helped you consider being a vegetarian?Nothing, I just decided one day in

H.S.. My mom was very supportive of my choice. I was not a big meat eater

anyways and was getting to a point in life I needed to cook for myself. That

really gave me a push because I hate to touch raw meat and slimy things.

Thankfully fruits and veggies in general are not slimy, lol, I might have

starved to death.


What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?The yummy food. I have some great

friends who love to cook, which I hate, and they even make sure there is

something vegetarian for me to eat. I have one friend who makes these incredible

tomatos. They originaly have meat in them but he always makes me a special one

with brown rice for my filling.


What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?Don't get discouraged and keep on

trying. I started my vegetarian road when I was 14. There were a couple years

when I wasn't a vegetarian any more but left the situation and came back to it.

I just prefer it.


We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


Thanks everyone,
















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I was born in Fairbanks Alaska and moved to Anchorage when I was 15.  My family

always ate meat, with the biggest and most prime pieces going to my

father.   About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with a vascular disease and  my

doctor told me to cut down my cholesterol, but couldn't tell me how.  I was

starving myself eating the same old stuff, just smaller bits of food untill I

put my brain in gear and started thinking about it. 

In the begining God made man and put Adam and Eve in the garden and told them to

eat the plants and take care of the animals.  I decided if it was good enough

for Adam and Eve, it was good enough for me. 

My cholesterol did go down for a short time, but started going up again because

my body manufactures it, so I have to take meds for it anyway, but I found so

many other heal benefits not eating meat that I can't imagine ever eating it.

It doesn't disgust me, and I don't think it is sinful to eat it, but it isn't

good for me!

I enjoy the health benefits and the awesome variety of foods there are.   I eat

things I never heard of before and find them to be deliscious. 

My tips to new vegetarians is to hang in there for at least the first month and

don't cheat; not at all. Meat eaters are physically, phychologically and em Most

meat eaters are addicted to the additives they put in meats to make us want it. 

In the first week our bodies are telling us that they NEED it and we get

cravings and want it so bad, but within about a week we get all of the chemicles

and additives out of our bodies and most people just stop wanting it.    If you

cheat at all, your body has to start all over getting it out of your system and

next time you try it will bring on even stronger cravings than the first time. 

A week to 10 days is enough, if you don't cheat, to beat the physical addiction,

but there is also the phychological addiction. 

I strongly advise people to stay away from the soy meat replacements, at least

until they learn to cook full meals without using them.  They can be a crutch

and keeps your mind in the meat replacement, rather than meat, thought

patterns.   After you learn to be satisfied without it and get over the

phychological addiction, you can eat it if you wish.   I don't, because I don't

really trust a lot of soy products, but that is a personal bias.  



--- On Wed, 7/23/08, wwjd <jtwigg wrote:


wwjd <jtwigg

QOTW - Where are you from and what, when and why

made you decide to consider or become a vegetarian?

" vegetarian_ group "

Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 4:58 PM







Our Question of the Week -


Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


Thanks everyone,





















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> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?

--i started getting active in animal rights and environmental issues,

and realised that you cant honestly love animals and eat them. i can

remember the moment i made my decision...i was eatting a pesto/chicken

salad at work...i was reading Peter Singer's " Animal Liberation " (an

amazing read)...i didnt finish my meal and havent eatten meat since...


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?

--knowing that i am doing what i can to help animals


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?

--its a tough change to make, and sometimes a tougher one to

keep...there are going to be obsticles (sp i know lol), most of mine

have been in my own family, giving up favorite foods, having to explain

and defend choices...but always remember its for the better of

EVERYONE...you, animals, and the planet

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where: I live in Southwest Indiana


Why: I Was told by Doctor to diet and lose weight. He told me no

beef no pork and no chicken . I could eat all the vegetables I want

he didn't say to be a total vegetarian.

I can have fish twice a week and mac and cheese once a week

I do like some of the veggie items but tried tofu once think it had

the taste and texture of egg whites fried

ooh yeah doctor said to only use olive oil to fry food in

my wife tells me she is surprised that I've stayed on this diet so

long Not to offend anyone here but my coworkers said they don't

understand how i can cook the meat items for the rest of my family

and not eat it myself

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I am from Indiana originally, now in Florida.

My son elected to go veg at age 15. We all just preferred the dishes he made,

and the cooking is a whole lot more fun. Also, seemes healthier and cleaner. I

am considered a very good cook, but meat was always my nemesis. I just was never

good at getting the meat right. Also, I feel healthier and look better too!

We are growing vegetables, and are less reliant on the grocery store. We have

had a lot of fun working with tofu and tempeh.

Tips: The fun of finding the vegetable and spice combos that we enjoy is SO FUN!

When you embrace tofu and tempeh, the possibilities and results are wonderful.


--- On Thu, 7/24/08, wwjd <jtwigg wrote:


wwjd <jtwigg

QOTW - Where are you from and what, when and why

made you decide to consider or become a vegetarian?

" vegetarian_ group "

Thursday, July 24, 2008, 12:58 AM







Our Question of the Week -


Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


Thanks everyone,





















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Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


Born in Liverpool England, moved around England a lot during my marriage

(from which I happily escaped many years ago :-)) and am now back in

Liverpool but may be moving to Germany sometime in the future.


What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


I have wanted to be a vegetarian all my life because I am such an animal

lover and it just felt wrong to eat living sentient beings. However I was a

quiet, shy child who just did as she was told and did not make a fuss so I

ate what I was given, and then I married the world’s biggest carnivore (ok,

omnivore, but most of his meals consisted of meat meat and more meat with

maybe a token vegetable) and again did not rock the boat – though I did try

slipping in some veggie meals now and again, but was always sussed out :-(.

When I left him and came back “home” I again fell into the “eating what I

was given” routine till one day I received my PeTA mag and there was an

article about the “downed cow” and from that moment on I have not eaten

meat/ Around that time there was also an article about a truckload of hens

that had upturned, and PeTA staff cradled the dying hens in their arms, and

both of these articles were what changed my life and gave me the strength to

stand up for my convictions.




What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


Knowing that I am not causing the torture and death of innocent creatures.



What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


Get out of the “meat and two veg” idea of a meal as soon as possible – don’t

just look for something to replace the meat on a “normal” plate of food that

you have probably eaten until now. Think outside the box and you will find

food so much more interesting and exciting with boundless possibilities.

Every lunchtime at work my omnivore colleagues look at what I am eating and

say “oh that looks/smells so good” – they are eating the normal boring meat

sandwiches, sausages and chips, whatever, whereas I have fantastic salads,

couscous, wraps, homemade soups etc etc etc.







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> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


Originally I am from Nottingham in England but now live on the sunny

Isle of Wight off the south coast of England (got here via 10 years

in London!)


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


When I was 13 I had to do a project in English at school, I chose

about where your food comes from and found out all about factory

farming and slaughter houses - I turned veggie on Boxing day 1988!!


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


I like the knowledge that no animal was harmed in making my food and

the variety of food. Meat eaters tend to stick to the basics and

don't really bask in the colours and flavours of REAl food!


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


Make sure you get all your nutrients and vitamins, plan your meals

well and don't go over the top on fatty dairy just because everyone

tells you you need it for your calcium - it's just not true!

Above all enjoy being meat free and feeling healthier and truely


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I have found this facinating, reading everyones replies - they are

all so different. It is such a great idea.


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?

> - I am from Canada, but have lived in the UK mostly for the past 20



> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?

- I watched a movie as a teenager where the survivers of a crashed

airplane ate the unlucky ones who didn't survive. Ever since then

when ever I ate meat this image popped into my mind. Also, after

being a veggie for 3 years, my husband didn't want to cook my meat

for me anymore as I wouldn't touch it myself.


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?

- not having to think of eating something that was once living and

breathing. Enjoying food which is of greater variety than it was

when I ate meat.


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?

I have raised my three children to be veggie, although they are now

old enough to chose for themselves, they seem to think they have to

make a decision that will last for the rest of their lives, rather

than just taking it day by day. People assume that if we are all

veggies then I have done a lot of research into important

vitamins/minirals/protin etc. But to be honest I have done no more

research than i did when I was a meat eater - that means none at

all!! I know many different vegetarians, who have found their own

level - some (like my husband) are very stricked - no non-veggie e

numbers, no non-veggie whey, cheese, nothing with gelitine etc. The

trick is to find the level which you are comfortable living and

cooking at.




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, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


Hello I am in Delaware


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


I began to consider going meatless when I was doing some reaserch on

factory farming. I was appalled at the way our society treated

these animals as comodities, and the attrocities I saw at

the " farms " and at slaughter houses. I currently keep chickens-

they are happy and free range all day- they provide me with eggs

which I have no problem consuming. I will sometimes eat meat that

my husband and son hunt- and I will sometimes eat meat that comes

from a neighbors farm because I know where its coming from and I

know how he feeds and treats his animals. I do not however eat any

commercially prepared meat. I learned that most of the time it has

hormones, antibiotics, etc in it. I guess I am not strictly veggie

but I like the lifestyle and don't much crave meat at all anymore.


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


I enjoy growing my own veggies and trying new recipes. My 11 year

old son is even going meatless (if he is not too hungry :) )


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


I suggest doing what your comfortable with. Don't feel pressured by

extremes either way. You can be healthy and do what is comfortable

for you.


Its a great question and I am enjoying reading everyones relies.


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, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


> We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


> Thanks everyone,

> Judy



I became a vegetarian five years ago. I wanted to lose weight and

took a " Don't Diet, Live It " course. Had weekly meetings with a

nurse-nutritionist. It was wonderful. During that time I had a

severe intestinal blockage after doing a fast. My nutritionist

thought that it was from the meat I had eaten. Yuck! I definitely

did not want to go throught that again and became a vegetarian with

her help and encouragement. I have not had any problems since!


Now it is hard to even see raw meat in the grocery store. I find it

very disgusting! My husband pretty much eats what I do, but very

occasionally will cook his own meat. It's okay as long as he cooks



Love this group and all the recipes.

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, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


I'm from all over, can't seem to settle down! :-) Right now, I'm

living full time in an RV (yeah!) and in Columbia Falls, Montana while

I work at Glacier National Park for the season.


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


I love animals but grew up in a meat eating family. After a round of

E coli in hamburger meat in 1996, I decided I would quit eating red

meat, which came easily enough. Giving up poultry was harder a few

years later, but after following a truck literally stuffed with live

chickens down the road for one minute too many, I knew I had to give

that up as well. I'd love to move to veganism, but am struggling with

finding the right vegan cheese. I do live with a meat eater, and that

can be difficult. Of course, I don't buy or cook his food. I miss

the taste of meat, and wish it grew on trees! But I'd never go back

to eating animals...never.


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


Saving the life of an animal...in my small way.


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


The one thing I see my meat-eating significant other struggle with,

and most restaurants, is that every meal must contain meat. I can't

believe it when I see potatoes and vegetables laced with bacon bits or

pork. I don't think I realized how indoctrinated most humans are into

believing meat is some form of healthy food which must be had at every

meal. It's best to stop thinking that way. Gotta figure our early

ancestors managed to pull down an animal once a month, maybe less, and

subsisted on gathering for the rest of the time...


Like smoking, I discovered that if I quit something, I have to make an

agreement with myself never to ever even try it again, not even a

small taste. That's how I gave up cigarettes, coffee, colas, beef,

pork, fish, chicken, turkey, etc.


Thanks for letting me post! :-)


> We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


> Thanks everyone,

> Judy


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Hi friends,


i am sushil raj living in las vegas basically from India .i m pure vegetarian

(means i dont eat cake because egg is used there).i gave all credit of being a

pure vegetarain to my frnd who is a JAIN ()


--- On Thu, 24/7/08, bessmcbride <bessmcbride wrote:


bessmcbride <bessmcbride

Re: QOTW - Where are you from and what, when and why

made you decide to consider or become a vegetarian?


Thursday, 24 July, 2008, 9:55 PM







, " wwjd " <jtwigg wrote:


> Our Question of the Week -


> Where are you from(be as vague or specific as you choose)?


I'm from all over, can't seem to settle down! :-) Right now, I'm

living full time in an RV (yeah!) and in Columbia Falls, Montana while

I work at Glacier National Park for the season.


> What helped you consider being a vegetarian?


I love animals but grew up in a meat eating family. After a round of

E coli in hamburger meat in 1996, I decided I would quit eating red

meat, which came easily enough. Giving up poultry was harder a few

years later, but after following a truck literally stuffed with live

chickens down the road for one minute too many, I knew I had to give

that up as well. I'd love to move to veganism, but am struggling with

finding the right vegan cheese. I do live with a meat eater, and that

can be difficult. Of course, I don't buy or cook his food. I miss

the taste of meat, and wish it grew on trees! But I'd never go back

to eating animals...never.


> What do you enjoy about being a vegetarian?


Saving the life of an animal...in my small way.


> What tips do you suggest to new vegetarians?


The one thing I see my meat-eating significant other struggle with,

and most restaurants, is that every meal must contain meat. I can't

believe it when I see potatoes and vegetables laced with bacon bits or

pork. I don't think I realized how indoctrinated most humans are into

believing meat is some form of healthy food which must be had at every

meal. It's best to stop thinking that way. Gotta figure our early

ancestors managed to pull down an animal once a month, maybe less, and

subsisted on gathering for the rest of the time...


Like smoking, I discovered that if I quit something, I have to make an

agreement with myself never to ever even try it again, not even a

small taste. That's how I gave up cigarettes, coffee, colas, beef,

pork, fish, chicken, turkey, etc.


Thanks for letting me post! :-)


> We all enjoy reading everyone's replies and are inspired by them.


> Thanks everyone,

> Judy


















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I am from Akron, Ohio


A few things helped in my decision to become a vegetarian. First and foremost,

I never really liked the texture or flavor of most meats. Second, for health

reasons, not just because it is so much better for you but also because I didn't

like the idea of all the antibiotics, steroids, radiation etc that are added to

meat. And third for the animals health! :)


I enjoy everything about it, but mostly probably the health benefits!


I always suggest to people who are interested in becoming vegetarians (and those

who ask) to research it thoroughly before just diving right in. Mostly because

it is very easy to not eat the right things and just fill up on empty calories

which does nothing for you health or weight for that matter! Then I usually

suggest that they slowly stop different kinds of meat in their diet, like start

with eliminating their least favorite and then a few weeks later eliminate

something else and so on until it's all gone! Most recently I've started

recommending this group, because it is so great (the recipes and members)!


That's about it!

Thanks for a good topic,







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