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David Icke and the Protocols !!!

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" Now, Edith - if you wish to state that David Icke is racist, please quote

something from him which gives that impression. "


The " Protocols of the Elders of Zion " were FAKED in pre-Revolutionary Russia

for the purpose of inciting Tsarist Black Hundreds pogroms against Jews and

have always been used to " prove " anti-semitic conspiracy theories! The

" Protocols " are as notoriously FALSE as the revisionist " history " which

denies the Holocaust! Shitbag Icke does not acknowledge that the " Protocols "

are a fraud of course because he uses this crap to " prove " the so-called

" illuminati " world conspiracy! Thus Icke claims that a " jewish elite "

conspired with other " sinister " forces to bring about the Great War,the

Russian Revolution and World War Two! Icke can deny being an anti-Semite as

much as he likes, but he is playing the fascists' dirty anti-Semetic game

and that is why this fucking nut is looked on so favourably by scum like

Combat 18, the BNP and the Australian " Nexus " crowd! Most New Agers who are

into " alternative " thinking about the World and Nature are against

everything the fascists stand for but they better beware: Hitler's Nazi's

were into Norse Gods and Nature in big way too!! You have been warned!!!



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First, let me get the " moderator " bit out the way. I have already stated

that I can not allow you to call people racist unless you can back it up.

This is part of the law of most civilised countries. If you persist in

making such statements, I will have little option but to moderate your

posts. As you know, I am also not keen on profanities. This list has

remained a very polite one to date, and I will not let anyone turn it into

another fiasco like I've seen on other lists.


OK, now to David Icke. You have completely failed to answer any of my

questions, or to quote - I therefore assume that you have read none of his

work. Why, then, do you feel able to comment on what he says?


> The " Protocols of the Elders of Zion " were FAKED in pre-Revolutionary


> for the purpose of inciting Tsarist Black Hundreds pogroms against Jews


> have always been used to " prove " anti-semitic conspiracy theories!


If the Protocols of Zion were " faked " , how do you explain the fact that they

accurately detail events which have taken place *after* they were written?

The only " fake " bit about them is that they were written by a Jewish

conspiracy. Anybody who has read anything about " Zion " will know that it has

little to do with Judaism. Rather, the " Protocols of Zion " have been used by

the conspirators to brand anyone who sees what is happening as anti-Semitic.


> The

> " Protocols " are as notoriously FALSE as the revisionist " history " which

> denies the Holocaust!


I have not read much of the works of people accused of holocaust denial, so

am unable to comment on their theories. However, both of the books I have

read that have been branded " holocaust denial " do not deny that millions of

Jews were tortured and killed - they merely point out that alongside them

were millions of homosexuals, gypsies and trade unionists!


> Shitbag Icke does not acknowledge that the " Protocols "

> are a fraud of course because he uses this crap to " prove " the so-called

> " illuminati " world conspiracy!


He states, very clearly (as you would see if you read the quote I posted)

that the protocols are clearly not written by anybody Jewish (for a start,

anybody with the most basic knowledge of Jewish religion would realise

within minutes that there are huge gaping errors which a Jew would never

have made about his own religion - nor would anybody trying to convince us

that a Jew had written them) - but he makes it clear that they accurately

convey a plan for the 20th century - which *has* happened. Therefore,

whoever did write them knew what the plan was! The reason that it is

publicised that they are a fake created to discredit Jews is to cover the

fact that they were actually created to brand anyone who looks at them as

anti-Semitic, and thereby somebody who should not be listened to. Great

reverse psychology.


> Thus Icke claims that a " jewish elite "


This is most definitely a libellous statement. Icke states in the most clear

terms that " The conspiracy I am exposing is not, repeat not, a conspiracy by

the Jewish people and few have suffered as much as the Jews in Germany and

elsewhere from Brotherhood-engineered events. "


> conspired with other " sinister " forces to bring about the Great War,the

> Russian Revolution and World War Two!


He does indeed claim that these are all part of a conspiracy. But not a

Jewish one!


> Icke can deny being an anti-Semite as

> much as he likes, but he is playing the fascists' dirty anti-Semetic game

> and that is why this fucking nut is looked on so favourably by scum like

> Combat 18, the BNP and the Australian " Nexus " crowd!


A basic human freedom is that of association. You can not prevent people

like Combat 18 citing anyone's work, but it does not mean that the person

supports Combat 18. Y'know - I'm sure that I have been quoted by meat

eaters - that doesn't make me a factory farmer, does it? The reason these

sort of people like Icke's work is because people like you convince them

that he is racist, and they therefore, somewhat stupidly believe he is a

potential ally. I very much doubt that any of them would be able to read his

work even if they wanted to!


> Most New Agers who are

> into " alternative " thinking about the World and Nature are against

> everything the fascists stand for but they better beware: Hitler's Nazi's

> were into Norse Gods and Nature in big way too!! You have been warned!!!


Hitler was also a vegetarian - aaargh - we'd better all start eating meat so

we don't get accused of being fascists.







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> Most New Agers who are

> into " alternative " thinking about the World and Nature are against

> everything the fascists stand for but they better beware: Hitler's Nazi's

> were into Norse Gods and Nature in big way too!! You have been warned!!!


I presume this to be a personal comment on my Paganism! Would you care to

explain your meaning?







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can someone please explain this Icke fellow, in laymans terms(besides he was a

football player)(soccer i assume?)...

i've read portions of the the so-called " protocals " ...ick!!!!

this sounds all very similar to the Ford " discussions " we just had on







" slg edith " <slgedith wrote:


> " Now, Edith - if you wish to state that David Icke is racist, please quote

>something from him which gives that impression. "


>The " Protocols of the Elders of Zion " were FAKED in pre-Revolutionary Russia

>for the purpose of inciting Tsarist Black Hundreds pogroms against Jews and

>have always been used to " prove " anti-semitic conspiracy theories! The

> " Protocols " are as notoriously FALSE as the revisionist " history " which

>denies the Holocaust! Shitbag Icke does not acknowledge that the " Protocols "

>are a fraud of course because he uses this crap to " prove " the so-called

> " illuminati " world conspiracy! Thus Icke claims that a " jewish elite "

>conspired with other " sinister " forces to bring about the Great War,the

>Russian Revolution and World War Two! Icke can deny being an anti-Semite as

>much as he likes, but he is playing the fascists' dirty anti-Semetic game

>and that is why this fucking nut is looked on so favourably by scum like

>Combat 18, the BNP and the Australian " Nexus " crowd! Most New Agers who are

>into " alternative " thinking about the World and Nature are against

>everything the fascists stand for but they better beware: Hitler's Nazi's

>were into Norse Gods and Nature in big way too!! You have been warned!!!



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no he wasn't!!!

sorry to interject!!! but this pernicious rumor must die!!!

hitler occassionally would go on veg " purification " diets...and he ranted about

vegetarianism, but he was never a vege....he ate meat all the time, as a maater

of fact, i've seen photos of him at beer halls with big ol platters of sausage

in front of him

hitler was not a veggie.....

thank you!!!

*bounds away*




>Hitler was also a vegetarian - aaargh - we'd better all start eating meat so

>we don't get accused of being fascists.







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Thus Icke claims that a " jewish elite "


>This is most definitely a libellous statement.



" I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the

mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War,

the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War.” -- David Icke, And the

Truth shall set you free


There you go, Peter: Icke states that a " small Jewish clique " are prime

movers in modern history! The faked " Protocols " is the supposed blueprint

for world domination by a conspiracy of Jews and Free Masons. Then it became

Jews and Communists. But only Icke knows the whole story:-


" It's funny that since I began writing and speaking about reptilian

bloodlines running the world, which, according to the mainstream and many

conspiracy " researchers " , is apparently ridiculous, you would have expected

the opposition to my work to subside.... BUT HOW FUNNY! THE OPPOSITE HAS






" Illuminati Onslaught Against David Icke In Canada! " , David Icke E-Magazine

Special Report, October 8, 1999, emphasis in original


" The following list has been compiled from the wealth of research I have put

together over the last ten years. I would suggest that all of these are

reptilian bloodline, but I only mention shapeshifting where it has been

witnessed. It is only an initial list and will be added to. If you can add

names, and give the supporting evidence, that would be most helpful in

exposing these horrors. By " Satanists " , of course, I mean those involved in

human sacrifice.... George Bush: U.S. President and Vice President, head of

the CIA, and a stream of other roles in the Illuminati. Satanist, mind

controller, torturer of children and adults, paedophile, shapeshifting

reptilian, and major drug runner. Serial killer. Nice man.... Queen

Elizabeth II of the U.K.: Satanist, child sacrificer, shapeshifting

reptilian. Major Illuminati figure. "

" List of Famous Satanists, Paedophiles And Mind Controllers " , David Icke web



But the Masters of the Universe made one fatal error: they thought that

David Icke was just another stupid football player!!!



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> " I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the

> mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War,

> the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War. " -- David Icke, And the

> Truth shall set you free


> There you go, Peter: Icke states that a " small Jewish clique " are prime

> movers in modern history! The faked " Protocols " is the supposed blueprint

> for world domination by a conspiracy of Jews and Free Masons. Then it


> Jews and Communists. But only Icke knows the whole story:-


I'm not quite sure how that makes him racist Edith.


The Channel 4 programme that I mentioned in my last mail, came to the

conclusion that when David Icke talks about reptilians, he actually means

reptilians, and not Jewish people, as some people have been trying to make

out. Now whether you or I believe in the reptilians is a different matter -

but it doesn't make him racist - he even says that there are some bad

reptilians and some good reptilians.


Hate can be a funny thing - and sometimes people swing too quickly and too

far in the opposite direction.







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> can someone please explain this Icke fellow, in laymans terms(besides he

was a football player)(soccer i assume?)...

> i've read portions of the the so-called " protocals " ...ick!!!!

> this sounds all very similar to the Ford " discussions " we just had on



He was a footballer, then tv commentator. He was suddenly in the news

accused of saying he was the second coming. So for years, I just assumed

that that was what he had said. Then I read two of his books, and found

them very interesting. He writes books on conspiracy theories (with lots of

information from loads of other conspiracy theorists(?)). The reason the

media said he was the second coming was because he found some spirituality -

had a kundalini experience - however you would describe it, and they did not

understand the concept.


Unfortunatly some racist people have latched on to his books, and used what

he says for their own ends. I hate racism, or any ism at all, and I really

cannot see that he is being racist. He says there is good and bad in all

races and religions. He even ends one books by saying that the world can

only be saved by love for everyone. Now no matter how 'yuck' you think that

is - it doesn't make him a bad person.


I have spoken to his wife, Linda, several times. She is a very kind, gentle

person. I cannot imagine that she would stay with him if he was racist.








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> sorry to interject!!! but this pernicious rumor must die!!!

> hitler occassionally would go on veg " purification " diets...and he ranted

about vegetarianism, but he was never a vege....he >ate meat all the time,

as a maater of fact, i've seen photos of him at beer halls with big ol

platters of sausage in front of him

> hitler was not a veggie.....

> thank you!!!


Some people also seem to think that because Hitler was interested in the

occult - Pagans are evil. There's no sense in the conclusions that some

people come to.







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Hi Fraggle


> can someone please explain this Icke fellow, in laymans terms(besides he

was a football player)(soccer i assume?)...


LOL - The old cultural divide appearing :-) Yep - soccer.


Basically he is now a conspiracy theorist - he highlights groups like

Bilderberg, Skull & Crossbones and a variety of others who control the

world. He concentrates quite a lot on mind control programmes, how wars are

created to divide people and keep people emotionally confused. He also

claims that quite a large number of high up politicians are paedophiles - he

has challenged any of them to sue him if he is lying, but so far none have

done so.








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Hi Edith


> " I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the

> mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War,

> the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War. " -- David Icke, And the

> Truth shall set you free

> There you go, Peter: Icke states that a " small Jewish clique " are prime

> movers in modern history!


That is, as you so elegantly pointed out " a small Jewish clique which has

contempt for the mass of Jewish people " - it would only be racist if he

accused all Jewish people of being part of the conspiracy. B'nai Brith could

easily be classified as a " small Jewish clique " - and they are one of the

most racist organisations I've ever heard of - I've got a transcript of a

speech given at one of their conferences - they believe that Jews are

superior to Gentiles, and that Gentiles should be subservient. I don't for a

second think that this constitutes anything more than a " small Jewish

clique " , and certainly doesn't represent Jews. Racism is defined as hatred

for a whole race. In the comment you quote, this is quite clearly not the



> The faked " Protocols " is the supposed blueprint

> for world domination by a conspiracy of Jews and Free Masons.


But Jews weren't even able to become Freemasons until the 19th century - it

began as a purely Christian organisation - it was only when the Duke of

Sussex began to remove the overtly Christian parts in 1813 that it opened up

to other monotheists. As for Freemasons, anybody who has studied Freemasonry

will tell you that there is a group at the top of Freemasonry who are most

definitely sinister - of course, the ordinary Freemasons are, at worst, men

playing " garden shed clubs " - but the select few who get to the top are

quite different.


> " It's funny that since I began writing and speaking about reptilian

> bloodlines running the world, which, according to the mainstream and many

> conspiracy " researchers " , is apparently ridiculous, you would have


> the opposition to my work to subside.... BUT HOW FUNNY! THE OPPOSITE HAS







> " Illuminati Onslaught Against David Icke In Canada! " , David Icke


> Special Report, October 8, 1999, emphasis in original


And what does this have to do with Jews? Or are you saying that you think

Jews are reptiles?


> " The following list has been compiled from the wealth of research I have


> together over the last ten years. I would suggest that all of these are

> reptilian bloodline, but I only mention shapeshifting where it has been

> witnessed. It is only an initial list and will be added to. If you can add

> names, and give the supporting evidence, that would be most helpful in

> exposing these horrors. By " Satanists " , of course, I mean those involved


> human sacrifice.... George Bush: U.S. President and Vice President, head


> the CIA, and a stream of other roles in the Illuminati. Satanist, mind

> controller, torturer of children and adults, paedophile, shapeshifting

> reptilian, and major drug runner. Serial killer. Nice man.... Queen

> Elizabeth II of the U.K.: Satanist, child sacrificer, shapeshifting

> reptilian. Major Illuminati figure. "

> " List of Famous Satanists, Paedophiles And Mind Controllers " , David Icke


> site


OK. Point one - George Bush and Queen Elizabeth are not Jewish - ergo, this

is not anti-Semitism. Point two - neither has denied the claims, nor

attempted to sue David Icke. Point three - there is a book called " Trance

Formations of America " written by somebody who claims to have been ritually

sexually abused by Bush et al for the first 30+ years of their life - kept

as a slave. Nobody has sued her, either. Until somebody decides to take

David Icke up on his offer of a court battle to prove it one way or the

other, it seems that we must all make our own decisions on whether or not it

is truthful. But this is moving away from the topic of racism in David

Icke's work.







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Peter wrote:


> I have spoken to his wife, Linda, several times. She is a very kind,


> person. I cannot imagine that she would stay with him if he was racist.




Why not? What makes you think that?

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.. B'nai Brith could

> easily be classified as a " small Jewish clique " - and they are one

of the

> most racist organisations I've ever heard of - I've got a

transcript of a

> speech given at one of their conferences - they believe that Jews


> superior to Gentiles, and that Gentiles should be subservient.


Peter...could you forward me that transcript? Thanks!


Chris X

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Isn't he the chap who loved the colour purple? Or was it blue ........?!

And claimed he was Jesus or the second coming? What a crank pot! Very

peculiar man. I much preferred him as a commentator!






" Chris X " <XBobaFettX


Wednesday, November 14, 2001 8:40 PM

Re: David Icke and the " Protocols " !!!




> . B'nai Brith could

> > easily be classified as a " small Jewish clique " - and they are one

> of the

> > most racist organisations I've ever heard of - I've got a

> transcript of a

> > speech given at one of their conferences - they believe that Jews

> are

> > superior to Gentiles, and that Gentiles should be subservient.


> Peter...could you forward me that transcript? Thanks!


> Chris X




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as conspiracy theories go, imo i think the whole freemason et al is a bunch of

hooey...i think a lot of high falutin' folks with a lot of power belong to such

groups(freemasons, skulls and bones, etc.), but, they meet there, form bonds,

and use those skills throughout there lives...sorta like a bunch of rich

bastards hanging out a yatch club and talking " shop "

, as opposed to some secret group which manipulates the world thru puppet

strings and templars

and on that note...fnord!!!




" Peter " <Snowbow wrote:


>Hi Fraggle


>> can someone please explain this Icke fellow, in laymans terms(besides he

>was a football player)(soccer i assume?)...


>LOL - The old cultural divide appearing :-) Yep - soccer.


>Basically he is now a conspiracy theorist - he highlights groups like

>Bilderberg, Skull & Crossbones and a variety of others who control the

>world. He concentrates quite a lot on mind control programmes, how wars are

>created to divide people and keep people emotionally confused. He also

>claims that quite a large number of high up politicians are paedophiles - he

>has challenged any of them to sue him if he is lying, but so far none have

>done so.








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Hi Edith


> " I strongly believe that a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the

> mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War,

> the Russian Revolution, and the Second World War. " -- David Icke, And the

> Truth shall set you free


OK - I've now found this quote on page 129-130, and think it needs

finishing! The rest of the paragraph talks of how this " Jewish clique " was

involved with the holocaust, and finishes by stating:


" So what could possibly motivate this manipulating Jewish clique to treat

their fellow Jews in such a subhuman way? Quite simply, the manipulators are

not really Jews " .


So, how could this possibly be construed as anti-Semitic?







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Hi Jane


> Isn't he the chap who loved the colour purple? Or was it blue ........?!


Can't say I recall that!


> And claimed he was Jesus or the second coming?


Nope - he's the guy who thinks " Jesus " is a completely fictional character

invented to help justify persecution of Jews (y'know - the old myth of Jews

being responsible for Jesus' death).


> What a crank pot! Very

> peculiar man.


Maybe so - but I have yet to see any journalist put as much research and

evidence into any article as David Icke does.







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Hi Peter


Yes, he definitely had a *thing* about colour in that wearing certain

colours created certain moods. I think he was purple/blue man. I

especially remember all those horrid shell suits! ;-) 'Tis true!






> > Isn't he the chap who loved the colour purple? Or was it blue



> Can't say I recall that!


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Peter wrote:


> Hi Jane


> > Isn't he the chap who loved the colour purple? Or was it blue ........?!


> Can't say I recall that!


I do. Turquoise. I'm pretty sure it was turquoise.


> > And claimed he was Jesus or the second coming?


> Nope - he's the guy who thinks " Jesus " is a completely fictional character

> invented to help justify persecution of Jews (y'know - the old myth of Jews

> being responsible for Jesus' death).


> > What a crank pot! Very

> > peculiar man.


> Maybe so - but I have yet to see any journalist put as much research and

> evidence into any article as David Icke does.




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> Why not? What makes you think that?


The same way that you would judge other people if you spoke to them. What

else can I say.







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It was me - and I have just answered your first mail.





> Peter wrote:


> > I have spoken to his wife, Linda, several times. She is a very kind,

> gentle

> > person. I cannot imagine that she would stay with him if he was racist.




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> Yes, he definitely had a *thing* about colour in that wearing certain

> colours created certain moods. I think he was purple/blue man. I

> especially remember all those horrid shell suits! ;-) 'Tis true!


I believe that colours do create moods - along with loads of other people.

I hope that doesn't mean I'm a nut-case.


Shell suits were very fasionable back then, weren't they. I never did like








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Maybe (???), but there was never one in my wardrobe. Thank goodness! LOL!




> Shell suits were very fasionable back then, weren't they. I never did


> them.


> Jo




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