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OT Vegan Bullying

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Janey wrote:


> I don't like the word *dyke*.


That's okay; no one asked you to like it. However, you don't get to

decide how I refer to myself.


> Isn't there a better alternative?!



I don't know -- Are you attracted to women? We can brainstorm about

what you can call *youself* if you are, but I prefer " dyke " in

referring to myself.


serene, bipolyveganatheistpoetchick, or dyke for short


" I am a sexual moth, thank you very much. " - Mr. Cow

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Thanks Cathy. No I don't have anything against gays/lesbians at all. I

know some people who do and I'm always ready to speak out and defend gays.

I have very liberal views. I like to think that everyone is happy and if

that means choosing to be in a relationship with someone of your own sex,

then so be it. I have no problem with that whatsoever. I can understand

how Serene jumped at the chance to reply to my message to Richard, but the

debate has become all out of proportion! Richard was insinuating that

people are only considerate about discussing meat in front of me because

they want to have *sex* with me, and I was just pointing out that I work

with some lovely *considerate* ladies at work (all of them married) who are

just kind and respectful of my lifestyle. Phew!!!





> >

> In Jane's defence, I don't think she's homophobic, just homounaware. One


> my best friends came out near the end of last year, so lesbianism is quite


> large part of my life at the moment and I would not assume that anyone

> didn't fancy me just because of their gender. But if Jane doesn't know any

> gay people it would probably just never occur to her. Doesn't mean that


> had anything against gay people though.

> Cheers

> Cathy

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But this is hardly the *norm*. I can't think of anyone who I know who this

has happened to. So it is fair for me to assume that the married ladies at

work don't fancy me! We can all pick out extreme cases like the one you

mention, but this sort of thing hardly happens on a day to day basis. Not

like married couples having affairs, getting divorced and remarrying!!!





> My friend who came out last year has just ended a 23 year heterosexual

> marriage. The woman she has fallen in love with has 5 children. It never

> does to assume too much.......


> Cathy


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, " Janey " <jane.cuming@b...> wrote:

> But this is hardly the *norm*. I can't think of anyone who I know

who this

> has happened to


actually,my exgirlfriend's mom did something similar...married for 20

some years,3 kids...suddenly one day decides she's gay...ends up

moving out with another woman....can't imagine how her husband

handled THAT one...I know it threw the kids for a loop at first,but

all is well now...


Chris X

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Yes, I agree Angie.





> Most people eat animals I tend to assume when I meet new people that

> they will do this and of course they assume that I will too We just need

> to inform early on

> Angie


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Not taking sides but couldn't resist!

I assume no-one fancies me, of whatever sex, gender or bias, until they

prove otherwise. And by prove, I mean once we're in bed (car, sofa,

whatever) doing the biz!

Never could understand why homosexual/bi/gay teachers are assumed to have

designs on their charges while hetero's aren't...

And ONLY married couples can get divorced cos it's only opposite sex couples

that are allowed (at the mo) to get married. I used to share a house with

lesbians who had lots of lesbian friends. At one of their parties my partner

was the only male there. At one stage he was in trouble with one of the

women there for dancing with her partner. The couples seemed to behave

exactly the same as opposite sex couples with all the associated affairs,

" divorces " etc.






" You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "







Janey [jane.cuming]

Saturday, January 05, 2002 9:12 AM


Re: OT Vegan Bullying



But this is hardly the *norm*. I can't think of anyone who I know who this

has happened to. So it is fair for me to assume that the married ladies at

work don't fancy me! We can all pick out extreme cases like the one you

mention, but this sort of thing hardly happens on a day to day basis. Not

like married couples having affairs, getting divorced and remarrying!!!





> My friend who came out last year has just ended a 23 year heterosexual

> marriage. The woman she has fallen in love with has 5 children. It never

> does to assume too much.......


> Cathy


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I have to agree with you here. As I pointed out previously I do have gay

friends of both sexes (don't think I know any bi's), but they are a very

small proportion of the people I know. I can also understand Serene being a

bit prickly about the possibility being ignored, as we all are when our

'grouping' is ignored, but people speak from their own experience, and if

their experience does not include homosexuality then the response cannot be

described as an insult.




> But this is hardly the *norm*. I can't think of anyone who I know who


> has happened to. So it is fair for me to assume that the married ladies


> work don't fancy me! We can all pick out extreme cases like the one you

> mention, but this sort of thing hardly happens on a day to day basis. Not

> like married couples having affairs, getting divorced and remarrying!!!




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> I like to think that everyone is happy and if

> that means choosing to be in a relationship with someone of your own sex,

> then so be it. I have no problem with that whatsoever


That's the way I feel too - life is so short, and the pursuit of happiness

an important consideration.






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> actually,my exgirlfriend's mom did something similar...married for 20

> some years,3 kids...suddenly one day decides she's gay...ends up

> moving out with another woman....can't imagine how her husband

> handled THAT one...


same as anyone else who's been left, I would think :-(






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I definitely don't fancy you Viv ---so you are safe with me even in

Brighton !!


" Viv " <Viv


Saturday, January 05, 2002 1:03 PM

RE: OT Vegan Bullying



> Not taking sides but couldn't resist!

> I assume no-one fancies me, of whatever sex, gender or bias, until they

> prove otherwise. And by prove, I mean once we're in bed (car, sofa,

> whatever) doing the biz!

> >


> > To send an email to -



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