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cellibate men

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My ex girlfriend asked me for a threesome and I told her no. She

also kept going on about giving me oral sex a lot, but I always

declined. The first is because I refuse to have sex with people I am

not in love with, the second was because I had only been dating her

for 4 months and I didn't want to take advantage, or do anything that

either of us would regret. She thought of sex being far more

important than I did / do. If I dated a woman who didn't want to

have sex, I would be happy to do this, more than happy in fact,

because it would show me that the woman sees more in the relationship

than sex, and I certainly want more than that. Sex isn't at all

important to me.

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It sounds like some lucky girl is in for a good relationship.





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First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. "

- Arthur Schopenhauer



" richard_19_m_uk " <iron_man_who_rules


Sunday, January 06, 2002 2:20 AM

cellibate men



> My ex girlfriend asked me for a threesome and I told her no. She

> also kept going on about giving me oral sex a lot, but I always

> declined. The first is because I refuse to have sex with people I am

> not in love with, the second was because I had only been dating her

> for 4 months and I didn't want to take advantage, or do anything that

> either of us would regret. She thought of sex being far more

> important than I did / do. If I dated a woman who didn't want to

> have sex, I would be happy to do this, more than happy in fact,

> because it would show me that the woman sees more in the relationship

> than sex, and I certainly want more than that. Sex isn't at all

> important to me.




> To send an email to -



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What a pity you are the age of one of my sons !!!!

It is so refreshing to learn that some young people value the genuine

emotion in a relationship rather than sex for the sake of the activity .I do

hope you find a nice partner one day who appreciates you




" richard_19_m_uk " <iron_man_who_rules


Sunday, January 06, 2002 2:20 AM

cellibate men



> My ex girlfriend asked me for a threesome and I told her no. She

> also kept going on about giving me oral sex a lot, but I always

> declined. The first is because I refuse to have sex with people I am

> not in love with, the second was because I had only been dating her

> for 4 months and I didn't want to take advantage, or do anything that

> either of us would regret. She thought of sex being far more

> important than I did / do. If I dated a woman who didn't want to

> have sex, I would be happy to do this, more than happy in fact,

> because it would show me that the woman sees more in the relationship

> than sex, and I certainly want more than that. Sex isn't at all

> important to me.




> To send an email to -



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sex isn't all important..but it tis fun


but..if you don't want to, then you shouldn't feel pressured..everyone at there

own pace..if ya want to be celibate, be celibtae, ya want to have sex 24 times

aday, go fer it..to each there own

wot i damn noticed..when i'm in arelationship, my urge fer sex goes down, and i

just want companionship and snuggleness..when i'm single..ummm...lets just say

stooopid other thigs come to the front of my cerebrum..

*looks down*

can we say bad fraggle??

ok..not bad..just horribly overly sexually active....


om..wot does this have to do with veganism?????????

*skips away*




" Angie Wright " <angiewright wrote:


>What a pity you are the age of one of my sons !!!!

> It is so refreshing to learn that some young people value the genuine

>emotion in a relationship rather than sex for the sake of the activity .I do

>hope you find a nice partner one day who appreciates you

> Angie



> " richard_19_m_uk " <iron_man_who_rules


>Sunday, January 06, 2002 2:20 AM

> cellibate men



>> My ex girlfriend asked me for a threesome and I told her no. She

>> also kept going on about giving me oral sex a lot, but I always

>> declined. The first is because I refuse to have sex with people I am

>> not in love with, the second was because I had only been dating her

>> for 4 months and I didn't want to take advantage, or do anything that

>> either of us would regret. She thought of sex being far more

>> important than I did / do. If I dated a woman who didn't want to

>> have sex, I would be happy to do this, more than happy in fact,

>> because it would show me that the woman sees more in the relationship

>> than sex, and I certainly want more than that. Sex isn't at all

>> important to me.




>> To send an email to -



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Fraggle - you always said you were frisky!





> sex isn't all important..but it tis fun

> *giggle*

> but..if you don't want to, then you shouldn't feel pressured..everyone at

there own pace..if ya want to be celibate, be celibtae, ya want to have sex

24 times aday, go fer it..to each there own

> wot i damn noticed..when i'm in arelationship, my urge fer sex goes down,

and i just want companionship and snuggleness..when i'm single..ummm...lets

just say stooopid other thigs come to the front of my cerebrum..

> *looks down*

> can we say bad fraggle??

> ok..not bad..just horribly overly sexually active....

> eeeeep!!

> om..wot does this have to do with veganism?????????

> *skips away*

> fraggle



> " Angie Wright " <angiewright wrote:


> >What a pity you are the age of one of my sons !!!!

> > It is so refreshing to learn that some young people value the genuine

> >emotion in a relationship rather than sex for the sake of the activity .I


> >hope you find a nice partner one day who appreciates you

> > Angie

> >

> >-

> > " richard_19_m_uk " <iron_man_who_rules

> >

> >Sunday, January 06, 2002 2:20 AM

> > cellibate men

> >

> >

> >> My ex girlfriend asked me for a threesome and I told her no. She

> >> also kept going on about giving me oral sex a lot, but I always

> >> declined. The first is because I refuse to have sex with people I am

> >> not in love with, the second was because I had only been dating her

> >> for 4 months and I didn't want to take advantage, or do anything that

> >> either of us would regret. She thought of sex being far more

> >> important than I did / do. If I dated a woman who didn't want to

> >> have sex, I would be happy to do this, more than happy in fact,

> >> because it would show me that the woman sees more in the relationship

> >> than sex, and I certainly want more than that. Sex isn't at all

> >> important to me.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> To send an email to -

> >>

> >>

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I'm a celibate woman - but it ain't of my choosing. Unless I'm just too

fussy! And I'll always be celibate - until the next time anyway...







" You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "







EBbrewpunx [EBbrewpunx]

Tuesday, January 08, 2002 12:53 AM


RE: Re: cellibate men



sex isn't all important..but it tis fun


but..if you don't want to, then you shouldn't feel pressured..everyone at

there own pace..if ya want to be celibate, be celibtae, ya want to have sex

24 times aday, go fer it..to each there own

wot i damn noticed..when i'm in arelationship, my urge fer sex goes down,

and i just want companionship and snuggleness..when i'm single..ummm...lets

just say stooopid other thigs come to the front of my cerebrum..

*looks down*

can we say bad fraggle??

ok..not bad..just horribly overly sexually active....


om..wot does this have to do with veganism?????????

*skips away*


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well I don't know. I find it kind of refreshing that there are guys out there

who are celibate. I'm celibate until I (If i ever lol) get married, tho I'm

beginning to wonder if I can go any longer w/o physical contact w/ a guy. (been

2 years!)

I am personally a very snuggly girl and I Love to hold hands and kiss and

snuggle, like all the time. but... well... it ain't happening so I really try to

stay away from any and all temptation, shack myself up w/ a good book and study

a lot.


Anyway there's my 2 cents



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charlotte gilliam wrote:


> well I don't know. I find it kind of refreshing that there are guys out there

who are celibate.


Richard isn't celibate. He's willing to get involved in a celibate



> I'm celibate until I (If i ever lol) get married, tho I'm beginning to wonder

if I can go any longer w/o

> physical contact w/ a guy. (been 2 years!)


The classic counter-argument to that is that you could find out you're

sexually incompatible with someone after you've promised to stick with

them forever. I'm sure you've heard it. Probably ad nauseam :). But if

sex isn't that important to you, presumably the risk of never enjoying

it isn't too burdensome either.


May I ask, what *do* you think of that argument?


> I am personally a very snuggly girl and I Love to hold hands and kiss and

snuggle, like all the time.


Ah, the battle of the sexes. To generalise obscenely, women like to

snuggle all the time, and sometimes have sex. Men like to have sex

often, and sometimes snuggle :). Which puts Richard ahead of the field.


> but... well... it ain't happening so I really try to stay away from any and

all temptation, shack myself up > w/ a good book and study a lot.


If it's tempting, that implies that you don't really want your celibacy.

Or is it a snuggle-temptation.


> Anyway there's my 2 cents


> charlotte



Ian McDonald



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Aye, I am not cellibate. However, I would not have sex with someone

until I knew that we would be life partners / married. Some call

this cellibacy, others don't. At the moment I am 'cellibate', but

surely if i have the intention of sex after marriage, then i am not

cellibate. I don't know, I am but a lowly moron. However, kissing,

holding hands, hugging and what-not, I am all too happy to engage in,

and I would do these things ceaselessly given the chance.

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> Ah, the battle of the sexes. To generalise obscenely, women like to

> snuggle all the time, and sometimes have sex. Men like to have sex

> often, and sometimes snuggle :). Which puts Richard ahead of the field.


I disagree with you. I hear loads of women complaining about not having

enough sex. I don't think you can split people into two groups - men and

women - and say that something applies to either group. Also most people's

sexual appetites vary from time to time - sometimes very interested,

sometimes not. I don't think it matters what sex they are.






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Hi Ian


> The classic counter-argument to that is that you could find out you're

> sexually incompatible with someone after you've promised to stick with

> them forever.


Of course, some might argue that if you are willing to give up a

relationship because the sex doesn't meet your expectations, there probably

wasn't much holding the relationship together in the first place! In which

case, it would probably be better to be honest from the start and admit that

you're only in the relationship for the sex.








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Peter wrote:


> Hi Ian


> > The classic counter-argument to that is that you could find out you're

> > sexually incompatible with someone after you've promised to stick with

> > them forever.


> Of course, some might argue that if you are willing to give up a

> relationship because the sex doesn't meet your expectations, there probably

> wasn't much holding the relationship together in the first place! In which

> case, it would probably be better to be honest from the start and admit that

> you're only in the relationship for the sex.


> BB

> Peter


You seem to be equating " sex is an important part of a loving

relationship " with " sex is the only thing that matters " . Please don't.

You might disagree with both of them, but please don't pretend that the

one that's being proposed is somehow the one that's easier to dispute.



Ian McDonald



http://travel.to/startrekcolony - Star Trek: Colony site & .mov

http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~type40/who-rpg.html - Dr. Who RPGs

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Hi Ian


> You seem to be equating " sex is an important part of a loving

> relationship " with " sex is the only thing that matters " . Please don't.

> You might disagree with both of them, but please don't pretend that the

> one that's being proposed is somehow the one that's easier to dispute.


I can only speak from the way that I view love and sex - I view it in this

way - there are two general reasons for sex (depending largely on the people



1. Sex purely for fun - in this sort of relationship, sex is obviously all

important - if it's not very good, the relationship isn't going to work.


2. Sex in a loving relationship - if you love someone, the relationship is

based on enjoyment of spending time with that person - that means that you

are willing to work through difficulties in order to continue being with

them. In a genuinely loving relationship there is absolutely no reason why

it should fail due to sex not meeting the required standard. Unless sex is

such an important part of that relationship that enjoying each others'

company is negligible - in which case you're back to scenario 1.


But then perhaps I view it like this because I tend to take a more romantic

view of life than most.







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sex isn't necessary in a loving relationship. it's just that, relationships are

different w/ different people.


But you're right, sex is not a necessity of a loving relationship.



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Peter wrote:


> Hi Ian


> > You seem to be equating " sex is an important part of a loving

> > relationship " with " sex is the only thing that matters " . Please don't.

> > You might disagree with both of them, but please don't pretend that the

> > one that's being proposed is somehow the one that's easier to dispute.


> I can only speak from the way that I view love and sex - I view it in this

> way - there are two general reasons for sex (depending largely on the people

> involved):


Well, since we're talking in generalities it's a good idea to talk about

how other people view love and sex as well. Just because we can only

speak authoratatively from our own experience doesn't stop us from

speaking and speculating :).


> 1. Sex purely for fun - in this sort of relationship, sex is obviously all

> important - if it's not very good, the relationship isn't going to work.


Although the two correlate (sex purely for fun / sex all important) that

doesn't make sex " obviously all important " . But if the sex is purely for

fun, then that does rather imply that there isn't much love in the

relationship, and the partners are obviously just using each other for

*something*. IMHO, that " something " will probably turn out to involve

sex, but you can't just that it is sex and only sex.


> 2. Sex in a loving relationship - if you love someone, the relationship is

> based on enjoyment of spending time with that person - that means that you

> are willing to work through difficulties in order to continue being with

> them.


Real relationships (past the first few months) tend to involve some

things that work, and some things that don't. Sometimes, the things that

don't work are showstoppers. Sometimes, several things that don't work

taken together are showstoppers. Sometimes, they work.


> In a genuinely loving relationship there is absolutely no reason why

> it should fail due to sex not meeting the required standard.


Is this something you'd say about any single aspect of a relationship?

Or just sex?


> Unless sex is

> such an important part of that relationship that enjoying each others'

> company is negligible - in which case you're back to scenario 1.


If I understand you correctly, you are saying that if you enjoy

someone's company a little (not much, but more than negligible), then

you should stay in the relationship despite another element (namely the

lovemaking) being awful?


Personally, I would want to enjoy someone's company more than a little

to stick in the relationship anyway :).


It does sound like you're drawing a false dichotomy ... between " Using

each other for sex " and " The one! " .


> But then perhaps I view it like this because I tend to take a more romantic

> view of life than most.


> BB

> Peter





Ian McDonald



http://travel.to/startrekcolony - Star Trek: Colony site & .mov

http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~type40/who-rpg.html - Dr. Who RPGs

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I think the generalisation isn't right about blokes wanting to snuggle less than women............or have I got the only bloke that always wants to snuggle and have his back/chin stroked? (I do sometimes wonder!?!)



Ian> Ah, the battle of the sexes. To generalise obscenely, women like to> snuggle all the time, and sometimes have sex. Men like to have sex> often, and sometimes snuggle :). Which puts Richard ahead of the field.

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What a nice man

Why don't I find men with this attitude ?

Why don't I find any men


" Peter " <Snowbow


Friday, January 11, 2002 6:40 PM

Re: cellibate men



> Hi Ian


> > You seem to be equating " sex is an important part of a loving

> > relationship " with " sex is the only thing that matters " . Please don't.

> > You might disagree with both of them, but please don't pretend that the

> > one that's being proposed is somehow the one that's easier to dispute.


> I can only speak from the way that I view love and sex - I view it in this

> way - there are two general reasons for sex (depending largely on the


> involved):


> 1. Sex purely for fun - in this sort of relationship, sex is obviously all

> important - if it's not very good, the relationship isn't going to work.


> 2. Sex in a loving relationship - if you love someone, the relationship is

> based on enjoyment of spending time with that person - that means that you

> are willing to work through difficulties in order to continue being with

> them. In a genuinely loving relationship there is absolutely no reason why

> it should fail due to sex not meeting the required standard. Unless sex is

> such an important part of that relationship that enjoying each others'

> company is negligible - in which case you're back to scenario 1.


> But then perhaps I view it like this because I tend to take a more


> view of life than most.


> BB

> Peter



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*raises paw8

nah..snugglin be fun..this is one " bloke " who enjoys a good cuddle..more so then

sex most of the time

sorry..do i have to hand in my male membership card now??




" shelloid " <shelloid wrote:


>I think the generalisation isn't right about blokes wanting to snuggle less

than women............or have I got the only bloke that always wants to snuggle

and have his back/chin stroked? (I do sometimes wonder!?!)



> Ian


> > Ah, the battle of the sexes. To generalise obscenely, women like to

> > snuggle all the time, and sometimes have sex. Men like to have sex

> > often, and sometimes snuggle :). Which puts Richard ahead of the field.




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Hi Ian


> Is this something you'd say about any single aspect of a relationship?

> Or just sex?


Any aspect.


> If I understand you correctly, you are saying that if you enjoy

> someone's company a little (not much, but more than negligible), then

> you should stay in the relationship despite another element (namely the

> lovemaking) being awful?


I'd say, if you enjoy someone's company only a little (not much more than

negligible), then I would classify it as a poor basis for a friendship, let

alone a romantic relationship.


> Personally, I would want to enjoy someone's company more than a little

> to stick in the relationship anyway :).


Definitely - but for me, poor sex wouldn't be an issue in such a

relationship because it wouldn't get that far in the first place!







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>I think the generalisation isn't right about blokes wanting to snuggle less than >women............or have I got the only bloke that always wants to snuggle and >have his back/chin stroked? (I do sometimes wonder!?!)


I'm sure you're not alone.







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> sorry..do i have to hand in my male membership card now??


Definitely not - you have attained full membership now.




ah yes, but ...






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