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mindless ranting!

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Your housemate is a liar . She is not a vegetarian ! I hope you put her straight




Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:13 PM

mindless ranting!


No particular reason for this but i must get this off my chest as i have been growling about it all day!

at uni today we started our nutrition topic and we started with protein. yeah you all know whats coming but please, please let me carrry on ranting as no-one has been listening to me about it.(even my 'vgetarian' housemate - but then as she says 'I am a vegetarian but I eat fish because my protein would be too low otherwise and I don't look for animal extracts in food because if I don't know it's there then I can eat it!')

obviously the lecturer was going on about how we

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No particular reason for this but i must get this off my chest as i have been growling about it all day!

at uni today we started our nutrition topic and we started with protein. yeah you all know whats coming but please, please let me carrry on ranting as no-one has been listening to me about it.(even my 'vgetarian' housemate - but then as she says 'I am a vegetarian but I eat fish because my protein would be too low otherwise and I don't look for animal extracts in food because if I don't know it's there then I can eat it!')

obviously the lecturer was going on about how we need a balanced diet to get all the essential amino acids and then started going on about the food they can be found in. and you got it 'meat is wonderful - eat lots of it!' or words to that effect came out of the lecturers mouth. when talking about veggie sources of protein 'veggies can't provide all the protiens you need' was spouted forth. Also there was rambling along the lines of you can't really get enough protein from plants as they are so low in it,so a vegetarian diet isn't as healthy (yes healthy!) as a normal (do you call eating carcasses normal!?!) diet.

Ok, so meat may have a wider variety of amino acids in than one type of veg (eg cereals lack lysine, beans and pulses lacking tryptophan- I think its that anyway) but hasn't anyone heard of a variety of food. Should we really aim to get all our protein intake from one source!?! Can't get enough proteins from plants? He even showed us tables where it stated that soya and some pulses were almost as high as meat in proteins. Dur! Veggie diet not as healthy as a normal one? NORMAL!?! What is that or am I thick from not kknowing that. As far as I was aware everyone is different. Also as I have syated before just because you are veggie or just because you eat meat doesn't automatically make your diet any more or less healthy. Again up to the individual. I am a prime example of this - because I'm vegan every one assumes I am a health freak - in theory I am. However in practice I can't be arsed being too healthy.......beer and chocolate mmmmmmmmm!

Must go and find chocolate.........

Sorry about my ranting - no-one would listen to me so I forced myself upon you ha ha ha!




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After being vegan for 35 years ,I must be at deaths door Perhaps Ive gone thro' it and not realised!!!!!

Your "lecturer " is very biased and not actually correct. Did you get the chance to ask how vegans managed to stay alive then for decades There are vegans who have been so for longer than me. There is a life vegan in her mid 30's that I know and my eldest son 21yrs is a life vegan----and no supplements




Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:13 PM

mindless ranting!


obviously the lecturer was going on about how we need a balanced diet to get all the essential amino acids and then started going on about the food they can be found in. and you got it 'meat is wonderful - eat lots of it!' or words to that effect came out of the lecturers mouth. when talking about veggie sources of protein 'veggies can't provide all the protiens you need' was spouted forth. Also there was rambling along the lines of you can't really get enough protein from plants as they are so low in it,so a vegetarian diet isn't as healthy (yes healthy!) as a normal (do you call eating carcasses normal!?!) diet.

Ok, so meat may have a wider variety of amino acids in than one type of veg (eg cereals lack lysine, beans and pulses lacking tryptophan- I think its that anyway) but hasn't anyone heard of a variety of food. Should we really aim to get all our protein intake from one source!?! Can't get enough proteins from plants? He even showed us tables where it stated that soya and some pulses were almost as high as meat in proteins. Dur! Veggie diet not as healthy as a normal one? NORMAL!?! What is that or am I thick from not kknowing that. As far as I was aware everyone is different. Also as I have syated before just because you are veggie or just because you eat meat doesn't automatically make your diet any more or less healthy. Again up to the individual. I am a prime example of this - because I'm vegan every one assumes I am a health freak - in theory I am. However in practice I can't be arsed being too healthy.......beer and chocolate mmmmmmmmm!

Must go and find chocolate.........

Sorry about my ranting - no-one would listen to me so I forced myself upon you ha ha ha!



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Its like when I saw Gaby Roslin on TV saying *I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish*. Yeah, right! Need a dictionary???







Angie Wright

Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:10 PM

Re: mindless ranting!


Your housemate is a liar . She is not a vegetarian ! I hope you put her straight




Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:13 PM

mindless ranting!


No particular reason for this but i must get this off my chest as i have been growling about it all day!

at uni today we started our nutrition topic and we started with protein. yeah you all know whats coming but please, please let me carrry on ranting as no-one has been listening to me about it.(even my 'vgetarian' housemate - but then as she says 'I am a vegetarian but I eat fish because my protein would be too low otherwise and I don't look for animal extracts in food because if I don't know it's there then I can eat it!')

obviously the lecturer was going on about how we To send an email to -

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On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 11:19:04PM -0000, Janey wrote:

> Its like when I saw Gaby Roslin on TV saying *I'm a vegetarian but I eat

fish*. Yeah, right! Need a dictionary???



Yeah Marcia Hines the singer person wrote in our Sunday paper here

a little snippet about how she loves tuna and all fish and eats

lots of it and that she is a vegetarian. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR



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Hi all and Shelloid,


There was another article in this weeks Sunday paper mag here

and it was just as your lecture, made being veg out to be

unhealthy etc etc. In fact it was so bad I cannot even

repeat a lot of it I have been seething the entire week.


I sent some research to the author c/o the mag, I hope

it gets there. Here are the links to a couple of things

I printed and posted to her. Can you print stuff and give it

to this idiot lecturer?


OK in the article 3 EX- vegetarian women aged approx 30 had their little

say, each with their own headlines. One said " I couldn't get out

of bed in the morning " , and one said " I was harming myself "

and the last said " Everyone kept telling me I looked tired " !!!


Need I say..GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I have been exploding about it ever

since. All absolute idiots they are with no knowledge, done

no research and know nothing about protein requirements and

basically talking out of their arses as we all know! I wish I

could calm down....hopefully by next week. This paper has a

circulation around 2 MILLION!



North American Vegetarian Society answers the most commonly

asked questions:-



American Dietetic Association:-

Their position on vegetarian diets.



Why a vegetarian diet is better than a typical meat diet:-



Vegetarian and vegan diets for sports:-


this link does not work. Go to http://www.viva.org.uk/

and click on Guides, then on that page scroll

down and click on The Food of Champions. GOOD ARTICLE!



Excerpt from 'Very Vegetarian' by Jannequin Bennett with

introduction by Carl Lewis: -




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Its quite simple then ,we all go around saying how ill we were when kids

allergies /skin problems etc and as soon as we became veggie/vegan our

health improved completely.

Since most of us are veggie for the animals ,health probably doesn't occur

to us . But I think we need to make people think that we are healthier now

to counter these remarks that are bound to be lies put out by the meat/milk



" Persian " <persian


Friday, February 22, 2002 3:41 AM

Re: mindless ranting!



> Hi all and Shelloid,


> There was another article in this weeks Sunday paper mag here

> and it was just as your lecture, made being veg out to be

> unhealthy etc etc. In fact it was so bad I cannot even

> repeat a lot of it I have been seething the entire week.


> I sent some research to the author c/o the mag, I hope

> it gets there. Here are the links to a couple of things

> I printed and posted to her. Can you print stuff and give it

> to this idiot lecturer?


> OK in the article 3 EX- vegetarian women aged approx 30 had their little

> say, each with their own headlines. One said " I couldn't get out

> of bed in the morning " , and one said " I was harming myself "

> and the last said " Everyone kept telling me I looked tired " !!!


> Need I say..GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I have been exploding about it ever

> since. All absolute idiots they are with no knowledge, done

> no research and know nothing about protein requirements and

> basically talking out of their arses as we all know! I wish I

> could calm down....hopefully by next week. This paper has a

> circulation around 2 MILLION!

> ---------------


> North American Vegetarian Society answers the most commonly

> asked questions:-

> http://www.navs-online.org/questframes.html


> American Dietetic Association:-

> Their position on vegetarian diets.

> http://www.eatright.org/adap1197.html


> Why a vegetarian diet is better than a typical meat diet:-

> http://www.viva.org.uk/Viva!Guides/guide7b.htm


> Vegetarian and vegan diets for sports:-

> http://www.viva.org.uk/Viva!Guides/champs.htm

> this link does not work. Go to http://www.viva.org.uk/

> and click on Guides, then on that page scroll

> down and click on The Food of Champions. GOOD ARTICLE!



> Excerpt from 'Very Vegetarian' by Jannequin Bennett with

> introduction by Carl Lewis: -

> http://www.vegsource.com/articles/lewis_intro.htm


> Persian

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I'd like to be able to say that going vegan caused an improvement in my catarrh and my childhood tendency to get chest infections after colds (we all know dairy milk causes mucus), but in all honesty I know it was moving out of my parents' smoky home that made my health so much improved as a young adult, this was coincidentally close to the same time as I went vegan, so some people might try to say the veganism had some effect. I will never really know.


Of course the parental smoking link to poor child health is much more well established than the dairy link, but I'm sure that there is a link between dairy and mucus for many of those who were not brought up in very smoky air. In my case I honestly feel that diet would have made little difference, because there was so much smoke in the home. In fact I was fed lots of fresh fruit and veggies, but it did not offset the effect of my mother's chain-smoking, and I was always ill until leaving home. I finally knew what it was to feel I was in fairly normal health within weeks of leaving home. I still only trust my mum to babysit when dad (a reformed ex-smoker) is there as I trust her to respect our veganism, more than I trust her not to smoke near the kids, and I am very overprotective of them in this respect.


If I had been raised by non-smokers I might possibly have noticed a difference to my chest problems on going vegan.

There are so many factors, I don't personally want to claim physical health benefits from my veganism that I am not completely sure there is a link, but I feel a clearer conscience for it.


I certainly didn't get less healthy or more tired for going vegan. That only came after having lots of sleepless nights after having kids!

Maybe the tiredness contributed to me getting the recurrence of breathing problems since when I was pregnant with Lucy, but no way is it linked to being vegan as I was vegan so long without any problems. It bugs me when vegans and vegetarians who are not so committed blame it for tiredness or other miscellaneous health problems which are unlikely to be anything to do with it.


I've never had any food sensitivities or allergies that I know of, I am sensitive to nasty things which are smelled and inhaled much more than to anything eaten, and I always did gag on the smell of butcher's shops, even when I ate animals.






Angie Wright [angiewright]22 February 2002 22:12 Subject: Re: mindless ranting!Its quite simple then ,we all go around saying how ill we were when kidsallergies /skin problems etc and as soon as we became veggie/vegan ourhealth improved completely.Since most of us are veggie for the animals ,health probably doesn't occurto us . But I think we need to make people think that we are healthier nowto counter these remarks that are bound to be lies put out by the meat/milklotAngie-"Persian" <persianFriday, February 22, 2002 3:41 AMRe: mindless ranting!> Hi all and Shelloid,>> There was another article in this weeks Sunday paper mag here> and it was just as your lecture, made being veg out to be> unhealthy etc etc. In fact it was so bad I cannot even> repeat a lot of it I have been seething the entire week.>> I sent some research to the author c/o the mag, I hope> it gets there. Here are the links to a couple of things> I printed and posted to her. Can you print stuff and give it> to this idiot lecturer?>> OK in the article 3 EX- vegetarian women aged approx 30 had their little> say, each with their own headlines. One said " I couldn't get out> of bed in the morning", and one said " I was harming myself"> and the last said "Everyone kept telling me I looked tired" !!!>> Need I say..GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I have been exploding about it ever> since. All absolute idiots they are with no knowledge, done> no research and know nothing about protein requirements and> basically talking out of their arses as we all know! I wish I> could calm down....hopefully by next week. This paper has a> circulation around 2 MILLION!> --------------->> North American Vegetarian Society answers the most commonly> asked questions:-> http://www.navs-online.org/questframes.html>> American Dietetic Association:-> Their position on vegetarian diets.> http://www.eatright.org/adap1197.html>> Why a vegetarian diet is better than a typical meat diet:-> http://www.viva.org.uk/Viva!Guides/guide7b.htm>> Vegetarian and vegan diets for sports:-> http://www.viva.org.uk/Viva!Guides/champs.htm> this link does not work. Go to http://www.viva.org.uk/> and click on Guides, then on that page scroll> down and click on The Food of Champions. GOOD ARTICLE!>>> Excerpt from 'Very Vegetarian' by Jannequin Bennett with> introduction by Carl Lewis: -> http://www.vegsource.com/articles/lewis_intro.htm>> Persian>>>>>>> To send an email to - >>

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Have to say I am well pleased now as we did a dietary analysis today at uni. We had to keep a food diary for 4 days (ok so not the best food monitoring but better than none) and my diet was one of the lowest in the year for fats and cholesterol and, get this, a bit too high in protein and iron. The only thing I was really deficient in was vit B12, which I kinda expected.

So there to all the people that keep giving me crap about how 'a vegan diet is unhealthy, you'll never get enough protein' or 'you'll become anaemic you know'.

Ha ha ha


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What's uni?


In order to help get my vitamin B12- I've recently discovered a brand

of nutrition bars that are completely vegan - Luna Bars (made by Clif

Bar). They are marketed for women, but they are also good for men

too. They are really tasty and have lots of nice flavors - some with

chocolate (made from cocoa beans without slave labor). I especially

like the s'mores (no gelatin!), key lime, chai tea and the peanut

butter chocolate flavors. They contain 100% of many vitamins,

including B12. I buy mine at Whole Foods in the US, but I've also

seen them in health food stores. Anyone seen these carried in the UK?


website: http://www.lunabar.com


~ Dawn


, " shelloid " <shelloid@l...> wrote:

> Have to say I am well pleased now as we did a dietary analysis

today at uni. We had to keep a food diary for 4 days (ok so not the

best food monitoring but better than none) and my diet was one of the

lowest in the year for fats and cholesterol and, get this, a bit too

high in protein and iron. The only thing I was really deficient in

was vit B12, which I kinda expected.

> So there to all the people that keep giving me crap about how 'a

vegan diet is unhealthy, you'll never get enough protein' or 'you'll

become anaemic you know'.

> Ha ha ha

> Shelloid

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Short for university.




dmressel [dmressel]28 February 2002 15:34 Subject: Re: mindless ranting!What's uni?In order to help get my vitamin B12- I've recently discovered a brand of nutrition bars that are completely vegan - Luna Bars (made by Clif Bar). They are marketed for women, but they are also good for men too. They are really tasty and have lots of nice flavors - some with chocolate (made from cocoa beans without slave labor). I especially like the s'mores (no gelatin!), key lime, chai tea and the peanut butter chocolate flavors. They contain 100% of many vitamins, including B12. I buy mine at Whole Foods in the US, but I've also seen them in health food stores. Anyone seen these carried in the UK?website: http://www.lunabar.com~ Dawn, "shelloid" <shelloid@l...> wrote:> Have to say I am well pleased now as we did a dietary analysis today at uni. We had to keep a food diary for 4 days (ok so not the best food monitoring but better than none) and my diet was one of the lowest in the year for fats and cholesterol and, get this, a bit too high in protein and iron. The only thing I was really deficient in was vit B12, which I kinda expected.> So there to all the people that keep giving me crap about how 'a vegan diet is unhealthy, you'll never get enough protein' or 'you'll become anaemic you know'.> Ha ha ha> ShelloidTo send an email to -

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Guest guest

just watch the clif bars..not all of em are vegan anymore..ya have to read the

ingredients again carefully

and, recently, our local grocery outlet had luna bars on sale for 3 fer a

buck...woohoo!!! much cheaper then wholefoods!


oh, and uni is university....



" dmressel " <dmressel wrote:


>What's uni?


>In order to help get my vitamin B12- I've recently discovered a brand

>of nutrition bars that are completely vegan - Luna Bars (made by Clif

>Bar). They are marketed for women, but they are also good for men

>too. They are really tasty and have lots of nice flavors - some with

>chocolate (made from cocoa beans without slave labor). I especially

>like the s'mores (no gelatin!), key lime, chai tea and the peanut

>butter chocolate flavors. They contain 100% of many vitamins,

>including B12. I buy mine at Whole Foods in the US, but I've also

>seen them in health food stores. Anyone seen these carried in the UK?


>website: http://www.lunabar.com


>~ Dawn


>, " shelloid " <shelloid@l...> wrote:

>> Have to say I am well pleased now as we did a dietary analysis

>today at uni. We had to keep a food diary for 4 days (ok so not the

>best food monitoring but better than none) and my diet was one of the

>lowest in the year for fats and cholesterol and, get this, a bit too

>high in protein and iron. The only thing I was really deficient in

>was vit B12, which I kinda expected.

>> So there to all the people that keep giving me crap about how 'a

>vegan diet is unhealthy, you'll never get enough protein' or 'you'll

>become anaemic you know'.

>> Ha ha ha

>> Shelloid




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Guest guest

, EBbrewpunx@c... wrote:


> just watch the clif bars..not all of em are vegan anymore..



*cries* WHAT? like what?



> and, recently, our local grocery outlet had luna bars on sale for 3

fer a buck...woohoo!!!



jebus! they're normally like $1.59 each!!!!!


Chris X

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i believe it was the peanut butter chocolate one...i can't remember..i was just

reading the label last year, and it had whey in it...and i went " huh??!!, they

never use to have that crap! "


you can find some real cheap things at grocery outlet(use to be called canned

foods)..then again, you can find easter candy in feb...soooo..and some of the

weirdest products i have ever seen....(chocolate covered lard balls...cool mint

flavored malt liquor....)

i just use it fer pasta mostly, and the occasional fluke(have found vegan

meatballs there, vegan ravoili, tofutti soy cream...)




" xxx_suicidal_vegan_xxx " <XBobaFettX wrote:


>, EBbrewpunx@c... wrote:


>> just watch the clif bars..not all of em are vegan anymore..



>*cries* WHAT? like what?



>> and, recently, our local grocery outlet had luna bars on sale for 3

>fer a buck...woohoo!!!



> jebus! they're normally like $1.59 each!!!!!


>Chris X





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