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yeah, its from mr cohen

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even if the man sometimes goes off the deep end, he does have some interesting








This is the story of a nine-year-old boy

with cancer.


This is the story of a courageous whistle



This is the story of a chemical company that

has been caught in the act of poisoning our



This is the story of a pharmaceutical company

that violates the spirit of the law, and in doing

so, encourages dairy farmers to use a drug that

was never intended to be used on cows. That drug

leaves residues in milk, and compromises human



I first learned about LS-50 early this week after

receiving a letter from a man who has worked on

three dairy farms. I have given his true name and

EMAIL address to officials in the three states

in which this man has worked on dairy farms,

Wisconsin, South Carolina, and Colorodo. I have

left out the names of the dairy farms, owners, and

managers, but that information has been given to the

appropriate authorities. The WHISTLEBLOWER is not

shy about naming names.


The entire letter (with name changes in CAPS) appears

at the conslusion of this column.


In his letter, the whistleblower refers to

the illegal use of an antibiotic, LS-50.

I called a few dairy farmers who I've known

over the years, and learned that this drug is

commonly used. They all told me that it's powerful,

and traditionally used for chickens. In order

to confirm what the whistleblower had written, I

set out to perform my due diligence. My first stop

was the World Wide Web.


I learned that LS-50 is an antibiotic made up of

two other antibiotics, Lincomycin and Spectinomycin.

One website offered it for sale, marketing it

as the best treatment for bovine respiratory diseases.

Less than one teaspoon of this powder is added to

a gallon of water, and given to the infected cow each

day for 7-10 days.




A 2.65 oz. bag is offered for sale for just $33.50.


A second website discussed use of LS-50.




I learned that each year the Food Safety and

Inspection Service tests for drug residues. This

website suggested that pharmaceutical companies have

been known to sell " too much LS-50 to people with no

chickens, and truly baby chicks are quite different

from feedlot animals. "


Dairy farmers also use LS-50 to treat a condition called

footwarts. Very unpleasant. Very illegal. (Aside to

the dairymen reading this column. There is a salve

consisting of organic herbs that cures this condition

in 72 hours, and is guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Call 888-663-9727 for more information).


I've spent hours on the telephone with the Food and Drug

Administration. I must admit that I was extremely

surprised when my first call to FDA's Center for

Veterinary Medicine (CVM) connected me to a woman

who asked, " I know your voice. Is this Robert Cohen? "


Her name is Margaret Clark (301-827-2950) and she

was very helpful in giving me the appropriate persons

to speak to. I was told to speak with America's

expert, a veterinarian, Dr. Steven Vaughn.


I was sad to learn that Dr. Vaughn is taking an

indefinite leave of absense because his nine-year-old

son is being treated for a cancer. Nine-year-olds

are not supposed to get cancer. What a tragedy.

My prayers are with the young man. I curse a system in

which toxic chemicals are approved by FDA regulators,

and note the saddest irony that one of FDA's employees

now suffers the horror of having a child with cancer.


After speaking to two other verterinarians within

Dr. Vaughn's department, I began to learn more and

more about LS-50. This is a very powerful antibiotic.


The category of mycins that include LS-50 carry

serious warnings regarding their use.


FDA works with a manual called the " Green Book. "


Remembering that LS-50 is composed of Lincomycin

and Spectinomycin, I first looked up the files on

every single variation of Lincomycin approved by

the FDA. There are actually 49 different antibiotic

drugs permitted for animal use. Without exception,

each and every one of those drugs has been approved

for either chickens or swine weighing under 250 pounds.

None have been approved for cattle or dairy cows.

There are 21 different manufacturers listed for the

49 different drugs. One name stands out, owning 18

of those 49, Pharmacia-Upjohn. That is the new name

for Monsanto.


It seems that they changed the name, but the game

remained the same. I will reveal all shortly.


The second category of drugs were the Spectinomycins.

There were just ten of these, and Pharmacia-Upjohn/Monsanto

owned three of them.


There on the list was LS-50, and here is the warning for

use of LS-50, as written in FDA's Green Book:


" Species: chicken up to seven days old. Limitations:

can be used in cattle, calves excluding veal calves,

dairy cows excluding female breeding age animals.

Do not use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age

or older. Use in this class of cattle may cause

residues in milk. Federal law restricts this drug to

use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. "


I was now outraged.


It is clear that dairy cows should not be

treated with this drug that ends up in the

body of little boys, like Mr. Vaughn's son,

but we have a system that is not working to

protect our children, and Monsatan, er, sorry,

Monsanto is illegally encouraging the use of

this dangerous drug.


I've left a message with the Director of the

Division of Compliance at CVM, Gloria Dunnavan

(301-827-1168). I hope that she takes this bull

by the horns, and begins an immediate investigation

into the industry-wide use of this inappropropriate

and illegal drug.




(NOTE: Changed named are in CAPS)


" Dear Not Milk Man,


Let me tell you a little story about my experiences

as a dairyman in the USA -- You decide what you'd

like to do with this 'insider' information:


In October 1999 I was asked to leave South Africa

and come to work on the ALPHA dairy farm, in

Newberry, South Carolina. Well, what I saw taking

place on that dairy and on several other dairy farms

in the USA has convinced me that you are onto

something that everybody needs to urgently know about:




On the farm in South Carolina, the manager, ADAM VIOLET

-- a ranking member of DFA (Dairy Farmers of America) --

to avoid being penalized for having a too high bacterial

count in his milk upon collection would regularly add

pure chlorine into the milk chill/bulk tank prior to it

being picked-up for delivery -- the milk is collected by

his son. The theory is that the pure chlorine would kill

or at least lower the bacterial count in this milk

intended for human consumption.


Then, on another dairy I worked on, BRAVO FARM in Merrill,

Wisconsin, the late NOAH INDIGO, and now his son SETH

and the Manager, ABEL BLUE, daily use an antibiotic with

the trade name of LS50 -- this is intended and cleared for

use in the poultry industry only. By using LS-50 antibiotic

on their sick animals they are still able to 'ship/sell'

the milk for public use knowing that there is no test being

used to determine if this particular antibiotic is present

in the milk for human consumption. This farm also forces

South African workers to labour for up to 16-hours a day,

and at one point housed 14 illegal Mexican milkers in a

bunk house with just 4 double-bunk beds: You do the Math.


At CHARLIE FARM, in La Salle, Colorado, the Vice

President, MOSES GREEN -- who is a Director of Dairy

Farmers of America -- has repeatedly been in violation

of Weld County Health Dept. standards for having raw

manure sewage leak out of his overflowing manure

lagoons and onto a public road and into a fragile

wetland used by migratory waterfowl. In addition he

was investigated for storing lead batteries in a

haphazard pile outdoors near a dwelling-house well

water supply. The CHARLIE FARM also simply dumped oil,

fuel and transmission fluids directly onto the ground

and then scraped it into a pile next to a cattle pen --

BELOW THE PILE -- leaching and run-off is inevitable.


The Dairy Operations Manager of CHARLIE FARM, GOLIATH

YELLOW, has dismissed one female EMPLOYEE, SARAH ORANGE,

because she was injured at work and had to receive medical

treatment. Also, another female employee, EVE RED, was

dismissed for going to Texas while on industrial leave

due to an injury received while milking cows at the

DELTA FARM -- this despite getting approval from the

Vice President, MOSES GREEN.


This dairy keeps cows milking despite their having

severe cancer, lameness and a host of other dire

illnesses. Illegals are knowingly employed, paid poor

wages and physically, mentally and emotionally

'challenged' by the Dairy Operations Manager, HAMEN



Well, Not Milk Man -- that's my story for now.

The American dairy industry seems full of abuse,

mistreatment, deceit, disinformation and illegal

behaviour -- a lot of it being perpetrated by members

of the Dairy Farmers of America -- after-all MOSES

GREEN is actually a director if that organization.

Hope this is useful -- How do I know all this? I

worked at all these farms, and have proof that I

worked there as well.





That's the column. I told you that this would be

interesting. Can you do anything? Sure! FDA should

hear your comments. Please send your EMAILS

to Gloria Dunnavan at:


gdunnavan (301-827-1168)


There's another man who also deserves your letters.

He seems like a good guy, Len Valenti. Mr. Valenti

is the team leader for enforcement and regulatory

policy. We have a drug that is being illegally used,

and it's time for more than just enforcement. Can they

build a jail large enough for Monsanto's crimes against

humanity? Please ask Mr. Valenti to proceed with

extreme prejudice against those who would poison

our children:


lvalenti (301-827-1027)

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Lots of people go off the deep end . Hunters /vivisectors etc .At least

Mr Cohen is harmless and we'd be worse off without his useful information






Thursday, February 28, 2002 12:56 AM

yeah, its from mr cohen



> even if the man sometimes goes off the deep end, he does have some

interesting information







> This is the story of a nine-year-old boy

> with cancer.



> .


> ---~->


> To send an email to -



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he isn't that harmless....

nothing worse then having your organization, movement, etc, brought down from

the inside...




" Angie Wright " <angiewright wrote:


>Lots of people go off the deep end . Hunters /vivisectors etc .At least

>Mr Cohen is harmless and we'd be worse off without his useful information








>Thursday, February 28, 2002 12:56 AM

> yeah, its from mr cohen



>> even if the man sometimes goes off the deep end, he does have some

>interesting information







>> This is the story of a nine-year-old boy

>> with cancer.



>> .


>> ---~->


>> To send an email to -



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Why is it being brought down ? Who is doing that ?Vegans or others ? I just

read his page and assume he is telling the truth . As you are both in the US

you would get to know more. We hear nothing about him in the UK






Friday, March 01, 2002 12:29 AM

RE: Re: yeah, its from mr cohen



> he isn't that harmless....

> nothing worse then having your organization, movement, etc, brought down

from the inside...




>> >Angie

> >

>> >>

> >> To send an email to -

> >>

> >>

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What does he do wrong ?




Friday, March 01, 2002 12:30 AM

Re: yeah, its from mr cohen

yeah that definitely helps with stability.. not To send an email to -

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, " Lesley Dove " <Lesley@v...> wrote:

> The Vegsource message boards are not at all fairly run, the Nelsons


> certain people get away with bullying again and again, but they are

> perfectly happy to ban people they don't like for the slightest

> misdemeanour, and demand apologies before allowing them back.

> I don't go there any more. I saw lots of good people treated

unfairly on the

> boards and lots of nasty ones allowed to get away with being rude.

> Most of the people are nice there but you either have to have no


> or fair and unbiased moderation for it to work, so I'm not sure

that I like

> or trust the Nelsons to be fair and honest in dealing with a

dispute with

> Cohen either.

> Peter has a different style of moderating from Michael on

but they

> are both fair to people and treat everyone equally within their own


> this is so unlike the way they run Vegsource, with their

cliqueyness and

> favouritism. I don't like the atmosphere there, I used to go to a

few of the

> boards but haven't been back for ages.

> I don't know if Cohen is always right, but darn sure Jeff Nelson

can be

> pretty mean too.


> Lesley



amen to that. Been subject to it firsthand. Fraggle knows what I'm

talking about.


Chris X

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Thanks Ian



" Dr Ian McDonald " <ian


Sunday, March 03, 2002 12:51 PM

Re: yeah, its from mr cohen



> He's been spreading appalling lies about people in the Vegan Society.

> You could search for 'Cohen' on vegansociety.com.


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