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April 27, 2002 (Last Saturday of every month)

Time: 6:00 p.m.


Host: Ann


Site: The BayLeaf Café

520 Ramona Street

Palo Alto, CA

(650) 321 7466


Type: vegetarian (almost all vegan) restaurant

Cost: Preset vegan menu

$15 per person (including tax+tip) - 24 people max


RSVP to [ *82 (925) 944-4743 ] by Tuesday, Apr 23.

BAVRT is NOT a drop-in dinner event.


As always, you come under your own liability for all events. Pass

the word to your friends. This is not an exclusive net-folks only

event. This is not an activist group or singles event. Note that

if you plan to attend this dinner, you can order only vegetarian

dishes, even if the restaurant serves other stuff.


If you have suggestions for future sites, please e-mail them to

. If you want to volunteer host a BAVRT dinner,

please let me know!!




#1) EarthDay

#2) This month's trek

#3) Hosting a BAVRT dinner

#4) Last month's trek

#5) News Section

#6) NON-BAVRT related stuff (feel free to skip)



#1) EarthDay



For many vegetarians and vegans, environment and its conservation

is a big issue. Earthday that falls on Apr 22, is the day that

all people pay homage to our mother, the earth.


This year, the biggest earthday celebration in Northern California

that is normally held in Concord, will not be happen. Apparently

lack of funds is the main issue. Look out out for other events in

the bay area and in other places at the above website.



#2) This month's trek


Ann agreed to host this month's restaurant trek. We are headed to

the all vegetarian Bayleaf Café in Palo Alto. In fact, it is

supposed to be all vegan, except for the diary ice cream stuff,

according to the owner. This is a brand new restaurant and it is

very nice that we get to go there right in their start-up stage.


The preset vegan menu for our group is given below.

Appetizer - one potato puff

Soup - small curried carrot or spicy spinach soup

Salad - half baby green salad with lemon tahini dressing

Entree - one slice of zucchini bruschetta

- half mighty carrot roll


The restaurant's web site ( http://www.thebayleafcafe.com/ )

describes in detail these items. In some cases, there are

even photos of the items on their website. That is a very

nice touch!


The cost for this dinner will be $15 per person ($12 plus

tax and tip). If you order other things above and beyond the

above preset menu (like drinks, desserts etc), it will be extra.

The size of the restaurant limits the number of RSVPs this

month to 24. Please remember to RSVP early.



#3) Hosting a BAVRT dinner

Folks, BAVRT is looking for volunteers all around the bay area.

See " What is involved in hosting a dinner? " at

http://www.veginfo.com/bavrt/hosting.html for details.

I have started putting pictures of some previous hosts (with

their permission) at http://www.veginfo.com/bavrt/hosts.html

If you hosted a BAVRT dinner and want to have your picture

along with these illustrious BAVRT members, contact me.

If you never hosted a BAVRT dinner, what are you waiting for? ;-)



#4) Last month's trek



Joyce, our host for last month arranged the monthly BAVRT dinner

at Sawa restaurant in San Francisco. Was it popular or what?

At one point, we had something like 27 people on the waiting list!

To start off, received more than 20 RSVPs within 10 hours of the

mailing, essentially filling all available spots. The rest of

folks were put on a waiting list and allocated spots on a first-in,

first-out basis, if any cancellation happened.


One person decided to be a no-show :-( This not only prevented

somebody from the waiting list who could have attended, but also

caused everybody to pay more as last month was a prix fix dinner.

Thank goodness for the super majority of BAVRT members who

thoughtfully take time to cancel, if they cannot attend a dinner.


Things got off to a slightly rocky start as we found that the

restaurant had " specially " made all food using butter :-(

Since this was clearly not acceptable, they set aside all

that food and made new food from the scratch. This meant

that we had to wait for a while to get our food. Most people

gave very high marks for the food when it arrived. After

dinner, we sauntered over to the new Herbivore restaurant

for desserts, which was only a few doors away. Turned out

to be yet another fun BAVRT dinner.


[ Coming back to my car after desserts, found that somebody had

smashed the passenger side window of my car :-( Nothing was

stolen from the car. It was parked on Fell street, less than

half a block from Divisadero. Checked with other folks who

attended and nobody reported any acts of vandalism against

their cars. I tried to call-in and report this act of vandalism

to SF police [they have a special number for that]. After being

on hold for more than half-hour on multiple days, gave up this

attempt. I mentioned this to the owner and he said his car

was broken into three times (different parts of SF) in the last

two months. There must be a lot of vandalism in SF these days. ]



#5) News Section

( If you come across news items, veg or otherwise, in the

mainstream media that may be of potential interest to

BAVRT members, please forward me the URL. )


a) Lion Defies Nature by Adopting Oryx - Again

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & u=/nm/20020401/od_nm/lion_dc_2

" A lioness who has already defied nature twice this year by

adopting a baby oryx -- an antelope that Africa's

top predator usually likes to eat -- has done it again,

adopting a third oryx. "

[ The first step to be a vegan lion? :-) ]


b) Navy wants to use deadly whale sonar


angtr\fpg\20020409\1451684_t1as509.txt & source=www%2Eoaklandtribune%2Ecom & puid=55\

7 & paper=Oakland+Tribune+Online


c) Human Version of 'Mad Cow' on Rise


" The number of British cases of the rare and fatal human

equivalent of " mad cow disease " is doubling every three years, "


d) Disease of deer and elk spreads


" The nightmare scenario feared by state officials came true

Friday with news that a fatal brain disease of deer and elk

has jumped the Continental Divide to the game-rich

Western Slope. "


e) Burger King Introduces a Veggie Burger



f) " Terminate Terminator, " Farmers Groups Demand

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=655 & ncid=655 & e=3 & u=/oneworld/200\



g) Group Makes Cheap Plastic Solar Energy Cells

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=585 & u=/nm/20020328/sc_nm/science\


" Cheap, plastic solar cells that can be painted onto just about

any surface could provide power for a range of portable and

even wearable electronic devices, scientists said "


h) Government Study: Alaska Drilling Harmful

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=585 & u=/nm/20020329/sc_nm/energy_\


" Opening Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil

drilling could harm caribou, snow geese and other wildlife,

a new U.S. government study said on Friday, despite the

Bush administration's assurances that oil exploration

would have little impact. "


i) Global Warming Shatters Giant Antarctic Ice Shelf

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=585 & u=/nm/20020319/sc_nm/environ\


" An Antarctic ice shelf the size of a small country has

disintegrated under the impact of global warming,

scientists said Tuesday. "


j) Navy report shows polar cap is shrinking fast


" The polar ice cap has been shrinking so fast that regular ships

may be steaming through the Northwest Passage each summer

by 2015, and along northern Russia even sooner, according

to a new U.S. Navy report. "



#6) NON-BAVRT related stuff (feel free to skip)


a) The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act


[ Sent to me by a BAVRT member. ]

In case you think this is an urban legend, see



b) Implantable Spy Chip Gets Green Light from U.S.

http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=75 & ncid=738 & e=8 & u=/nf/20020405/t\


" A Florida company Thursday said that it will begin marketing

and selling a microchip that can be implanted under the skin,

after receiving the go-ahead from the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration (FDA). "

[ One day, we will surf the web just by thinking about it! ]


c) I'm having my wings done


" It's the stuff of science fantasy, but a respected American

surgeon says that, within five years, he will be able to graft

wings and tails on to human beings. "


d) Monsanto vs Schmeiser


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