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1. Happy Fourth of July

2. Citizen Works, Ralph Nader on C-SPAN July 5th.

3. Ralph Nader’s latest column


1. Happy Fourth of July

On this Fourth of July, a holiday to celebrate our independence from monarchical

rule, we would like to remind you of a timeless quote from the 1930s from

legendary Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis: “'We can either have a

democratic society, or we can have the concentration of great wealth in the

hands of a few. We can't have both.”


With concentration of wealth at levels not seen since the late 1920s – the top

1% controlling almost 40% of the nation’s wealth, the top 5% controlling almost

60% of the wealth, and the bottom 40% controlling less than 0.2% of the wealth –

today is a good day to think about what kind of democracy we truly have and how

we can rebuild citizen participation in power.


Please visit http://www.citizenworks.org for ideas.



2. Citizen Works, Ralph Nader on C-SPAN

C-SPAN will be featuring a Citizen Works press conference live at 10 a.m. EST

tomorrow (Friday, July 5).


Please tune in as Citizen Works founder Ralph Nader and other advocates,

including Travis Plunkett from the Consumer Federation of America, Tom Devine

from the Government Accountability Program, and Prof. Cynthia Williams, outline

an agenda for real reforms to protect workers, taxpayers, shareholders,

pensions, and restore confidence in our economy.


Please let your elected federal officials know what you think about the reforms

that need to be enacted in the wake of this corporate crime wave. The

Congressional switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Or, if your elected official is

home in his or her district for the Fourth of July, try to reach him or her

there. Please act now, because members of Congress will be tackling important

reforms when they return on Monday from the July 4th recess.


3. Ralph Nader’s latest column



For decades, the American Automobile Association -- better known as Triple A --

has grown up with the American automobile. Millions of travelers have joined to

ensure themselves of roadside service in emergencies and to gain access to

triptickets (maps), travelers checks, insurance and other travel offerings.


Beneath its benign image as a " travel club " AAA has become a big time lobbyist

that mimics the agenda of the nation's giant automobile manufacturers. Travelers

who pay dues to AAA find themselves supporting lobbyists who fight the " Clean

Air Act, " public transportation, stronger safety standards and even bike paths.


" What they [AAA members] don't know is that AAA is a lobbyist for more roads,

more pollution and more gas guzzling, " says Daniel Becker, director of Sierra

Club's Global Warming/Energy program.


Now, a couple of entrepreneurs from Portland, Oregon-Mitch Rofsky and Todd

Silberman-- are challenging Triple A's comfortable perch at the top of the

travel club business. Rofsky and Silberman have formed " The Better World

Travelers Club " which not only competes head-to-head on basic travel services,

but actively supports programs for a clean environment.


Rofsky was a consumer activist in Washington who later became president of

Working Assets Capital Management where with us he managed a widely-acclaimed

socially responsible mutual fund and was the first chairman of Business for

Social Responsibility. Silberman headed Lifeco which became the nation’s third

largest travel company before its sale to American Express in 1993.


As starters the Rofsky-Silberman team is donating one percent of its annual

travel agency and club revenues to environmental clean up efforts. They are also

promoting big discounts on what they have dubbed as " eco-travel services "

including such things as green lodging and eco tours. The club also offers a 20

percent discount on electric and hybrid car rentals and discounts on bicycles

and electric car purchases.


In its promotional material, the Better World Travelers Club reminds its

customers that each time a passenger takes a domestic airline flight that he or

she represents more than a ton of harmful greenhouse gas emissions that are

released into the atmosphere. Rofsky and Silberman trumpet the fact that their

club is the only U. S. travel agency to offer a " clean air” program- " Travel

Cool " -- certified by the Climate Neutral Network for its efforts to offset

greenhouse gasses generated by air travel. A portion of each airline ticket

purchased through the Better World Travel Club will be earmarked for programs to

save energy and reduce CO2 pollution. The club also offers " Travel Cool "

automobile insurance that supports programs to help offset carbon produced by



The pro-environmental stance of this new travel club is throwing down the

gauntlet to other travel services, not only AAA, but to the multitude of other

travel clubs promoted through new car warranties and credit card companies. It

is a highly competitive field, but consumers and the environment can only gain

if the competition turns into a battle for cleaner air.


The news about healthy new competition in the travel business is welcome in the

overall business community which has been clearly stung by the sleaze revealed

by the investigations of Enron, Tyco, WorldCom and other corporations. Lawyers

and public relations operatives are working overtime in efforts to restore badly

tattered corporate images.


But, it is going to take tangible action--not just slick public relations

campaigns-to convince the American public that real change and real reform are

being undertaken. The newspaper headlines and the television news programs are

leaving the public the impression that con artists have invaded boardrooms and

executive suites en masse.


The Rofsky-Silberman effort in blazing a new trail in the travel business should

be a reminder to American business that profit-making enterprises can operate

with a conscience and with an authentic concern about the environment and

health. The Better World Travelers Club’s business plan is based on the concept

that profit and the public interest can be compatible goals in our enterprise



For more information on The Better World Travel Club:


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