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Question for the ladies....

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When transitioning to raw by adding in more fruits and vegs or going

raw completely has their been a change in ur montly cycle? have u

found it easier to get pregnant? etc...



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I sure hope it's not easier to get pregnant! I'll let you know in a few days

as my first truely raw period is due any day now lol


Something that has changed is I have become WAY more attuned to my body.

Around ovulation for the second month in a row I have noticed a rancid taste

in my mouth. On Feb 10th & 11th and this month on March 11th & 12th.


At first it freaked me out, I had not eaten anything that would have caused

the taste so I thought maybe I was pregnant in Feb.But then I had it again

the next month and the more I think of it the more I realize that in the

wild we would have needed several signals of fertility so that we would have

greater chance of producing offspring and this may have been one of them.


-Abbey =)


> " saphire_moon_2002 " <taz121798



>[Raw Food] Question for the ladies....

>Fri, 26 Mar 2004 15:55:29 -0000


>When transitioning to raw by adding in more fruits and vegs or going

>raw completely has their been a change in ur montly cycle? have u

>found it easier to get pregnant? etc...






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Since going raw I have missed two periods. I am not pregnant - for

certain. I am not sure if this is because of the diet change or for

other reasons, as I have a lot of health problems right now. I am

concerned though. Diet must play a role. To be honest, I really hope

my system " rights " itself soon and my cycle comes back.




rawfood , " saphire_moon_2002 " <taz121798>


> When transitioning to raw by adding in more fruits and vegs or


> raw completely has their been a change in ur montly cycle? have u

> found it easier to get pregnant? etc...


> tricia

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rawfood , " nyia12 " <eeyore_0_4> wrote:

> Since going raw I have missed two periods. I am not pregnant - for

> certain. I am not sure if this is because of the diet change or for

> other reasons, as I have a lot of health problems right now. I am

> concerned though. Diet must play a role. To be honest, I really


> my system " rights " itself soon and my cycle comes back.


> nyia



Hi Nyia,


Are you getting enough fat...like as found in avocados?



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(My apologies to all you Guys out there. This one's for the Ladies!)

Hi, Nyia.


I was at a Seminar earlier this week, about the Raw Life and the Empowerment


Roz Gruben was the speaker, and she said that much of the troubles we have

with our cycles are caused by the " Standard Diet " . She also said that

approximately 30% of women on a totally Raw Diet will not menstruate at all,

and that this is totally healthy. If I'd known that all my menstrual

troubles could have been solved by a Raw Food Diet, I might never have had

the surgery, which Roz calls " female castration. "


Hope that makes you feel a bit better about missing periods. I can't imagine

why you would want it back!


BTW, if any of you ever get a chance to hear Roz speak, by all means, jump

at it. I would go just about anywhere to attend one of her seminars! She's







> Since going raw I have missed two periods. I am not pregnant - for

> certain. I am not sure if this is because of the diet change or for

> other reasons, as I have a lot of health problems right now. I am

> concerned though. Diet must play a role. To be honest, I really hope

> my system " rights " itself soon and my cycle comes back.


> nyia

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Hmmm...I am not sure how missing periods is healthy. I want to have

children some day. Am I still ovulating without a period? I really

doubt it. I could see how raw food could help eleveate problems with

menstration, like cramps and pain etc.. and that would be great. :-)

But to not have periods at all or very rarely? I am not sure, I will

have to think about it and read some of her books. Does she talk

about this at all in any books in particular?


As for whether I am eating enough fat. I am not sure. I eat about

20 - 30 grams of fat a day. That seems like a lot? I definitely

don't eat enough Avocados though. :-)




rawfood , " Carol Mather Miles "

<mathermiles@h...> wrote:

> (My apologies to all you Guys out there. This one's for the


> Hi, Nyia.


> I was at a Seminar earlier this week, about the Raw Life and the


> Women.

> Roz Gruben was the speaker, and she said that much of the troubles

we have

> with our cycles are caused by the " Standard Diet " . She also said


> approximately 30% of women on a totally Raw Diet will not

menstruate at all,

> and that this is totally healthy. If I'd known that all my


> troubles could have been solved by a Raw Food Diet, I might never

have had

> the surgery, which Roz calls " female castration. "


> Hope that makes you feel a bit better about missing periods. I

can't imagine

> why you would want it back!


> BTW, if any of you ever get a chance to hear Roz speak, by all

means, jump

> at it. I would go just about anywhere to attend one of her

seminars! She's

> fantastic!


> Carol


> -


> > Since going raw I have missed two periods. I am not pregnant -


> > certain. I am not sure if this is because of the diet change or


> > other reasons, as I have a lot of health problems right now. I am

> > concerned though. Diet must play a role. To be honest, I really


> > my system " rights " itself soon and my cycle comes back.

> >

> > nyia

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rawfood , " nyia12 " <eeyore_0_4> wrote:

> Hmmm...I am not sure how missing periods is healthy. I want to have

> children some day. Am I still ovulating without a period? I really

> doubt it. I could see how raw food could help eleveate problems


> menstration, like cramps and pain etc.. and that would be great. :-


> But to not have periods at all or very rarely? I am not sure, I


> have to think about it and read some of her books. Does she talk

> about this at all in any books in particular?


> As for whether I am eating enough fat. I am not sure. I eat about

> 20 - 30 grams of fat a day. That seems like a lot? I definitely

> don't eat enough Avocados though. :-)


> nyia


From my understanding, women can miss periods if they are not getting

enough calories. We also need " good fat " to make

hormones ...especially as we get older...


Donna DM

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nyia, i found this as i had the same question about ovulation without a

period. . . http://www.waldorfhomeschoolers.com/menstruation.htm





nyia12 [eeyore_0_4]


Hmmm...I am not sure how missing periods is healthy. I want to have

children some day. Am I still ovulating without a period? I really

doubt it. I could see how raw food could help eleveate problems with

menstration, like cramps and pain etc.. and that would be great. :-)

But to not have periods at all or very rarely? I am not sure, I will

have to think about it and read some of her books. Does she talk

about this at all in any books in particular?


As for whether I am eating enough fat. I am not sure. I eat about

20 - 30 grams of fat a day. That seems like a lot? I definitely

don't eat enough Avocados though. :-)




rawfood , " Carol Mather Miles "

<mathermiles@h...> wrote:

> (My apologies to all you Guys out there. This one's for the


> Hi, Nyia.


> I was at a Seminar earlier this week, about the Raw Life and the


> Women.

> Roz Gruben was the speaker, and she said that much of the troubles

we have

> with our cycles are caused by the " Standard Diet " . She also said


> approximately 30% of women on a totally Raw Diet will not

menstruate at all,

> and that this is totally healthy. If I'd known that all my


> troubles could have been solved by a Raw Food Diet, I might never

have had

> the surgery, which Roz calls " female castration. "


> Hope that makes you feel a bit better about missing periods. I

can't imagine

> why you would want it back!


> BTW, if any of you ever get a chance to hear Roz speak, by all

means, jump

> at it. I would go just about anywhere to attend one of her

seminars! She's

> fantastic!


> Carol


> -


> > Since going raw I have missed two periods. I am not pregnant -


> > certain. I am not sure if this is because of the diet change or


> > other reasons, as I have a lot of health problems right now. I am

> > concerned though. Diet must play a role. To be honest, I really


> > my system " rights " itself soon and my cycle comes back.

> >

> > nyia





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My understanding from what Roz said is that healthy raw women still ovulate,

even though they may not menstruate.



" nyia12 " <eeyore_0_4


> children some day. Am I still ovulating without a period? I really

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A lot of female athletes do not menstruate because they have so little fat

on their bodies.


This is my first 100% raw period and it is pretty late. I am pretty damn

emotional as well, not like normal at all. It is so much not like normal

that I went and did a test and not pregnant. I have irregular cycles to

begin with and I think raw might be extending my cycle...all these hormones

are building up waiting to come out and I don't care if it is the curse or

not I need that damn thing to come so that I can act normal again lol


-Abbey =)





>My understanding from what Roz said is that healthy raw women still


>even though they may not menstruate.




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rawfood , " Birte M. Haakansson " <birte1@c...>


> nyia, i found this as i had the same question about ovulation

without a

> period. . . http://www.waldorfhomeschoolers.com/menstruation.htm


> -birte



Thanks for sharing that website...some great info...hmmm...not sure

about this menstruation thing...but for me seeing is believing....


Thanks again,


Donna DM

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Hi, my name is Valerie,

I usually just lurk here and don't say much but this topic got me cause

this is one that is near and dear to my heart. I used to have terrible

cycles with very heavy bleeding, long cycles of up to 10 days at a time,

very irregular, terrible debilitating cramps. I was diagnosed with

endometriosis and the doctor wanted to do surgery to supposedly clean me

out but then they say that they will have to keep doing that

periodically cause it just grows back - or something like that. My gut

instinct told me no - do let anyone do that to me. That was about 4

years ago when I was totally eating a SAD diet. Since then I have been

100% raw for about 6 months but then fell off that. Now I am back to a

very comfortable place with my diet. My husband, 2 kids and myself are

vegetarian. I also do not eat dairy. We do eat one cooked vegetable

every night but all raw during the day. I like this now because this is

something that my family is doing with me and that is much better than

me being raw all by myself. Now, in the last 3 months my menstrual

cycles are astronomically better. They are MUCH lighter, last only

about 4-5 days and my cramps are only mild and last only for about 2

days of the short cycle. This I can live with. I do feel that they

will get better and better over time now.

Another interesting thing. My daughter is 10 years old. Around

Thanksgiving time, much to my regret, she started her period. It lasted

a full 7 days and she did bleed quite a bit. She was devastated and I

was so sad for her. At the time she was still eating SAD. I did a lot of

research on this and what I discovered is the reason these girls are

starting into puberty so soon is because of the growth hormones in the

meats and dairy products. I sat down and talked with her at length

about it and showed her some articles that I had collected. At that

time she, on her own, decided to try eating vegetarian and ALL water, no

more sodas. Miracle of all miracles happened, she has only had that one

episode of a cyle back in November and hasn't had one more sign of

having her period since then. I can only believe that this is because

of her changing her diet. I am SO pleased for her. She is also very

happy to not have to deal with this just yet.

I have never felt better and will continue to eat mostly raw and then

just that one small cooked veggie dish with my family at night. It

works for me.


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