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Help, I'm sick!

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Mary Ellen wrote:

I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day number 3 of sniffles,

sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32 days in a row and I

just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I mean, I eat so good! Can

this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate sickness when we go raw? I

really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast? Should I just drink

water? ...What do you do to get over it?

~*~Mary Ellen~*~


Dear Mary Ellen,

Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay! It really is good

news. Very sick people do not detox because their body isn't strong

enough to do the work. What I do is give myself plenty of time to heal

and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning " and getting out all

that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try to get extra sleep,

relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat lightly of fresh fruit

(very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I enjoy hot baths to

keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating organ. Toxins come out

the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits are also breath,

through bowels and urination). A good soak in the tub is so healing! I

always feel a little panic come on with a detox like my mind is off

balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level of health and feel SO

terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is developing disease.) It

helps me to talk to someone familiar with the healing process or read a

bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on detoxing and it is

fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste up an article here

for your reading pleasure...

Happy detoxing!



Don't Fight The Healing Process

Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are adjustments made by the body to

purge waste material from within. The elimination of stored toxins,

sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the body's healing process.

During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the body tissues and

into circulation to be eliminated. Some uncomfortable symptoms may occur

during a healing crisis.


general fatigue

aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating and body odors

frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

fever or feeling of coldness

mental irritability, restless dreams

mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat, runny nose, watery



Normally a healing crisis will develop within three months of a positive

change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few

days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify more quickly than an

older person. A person may experience more than one healing crisis to

fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each healing crisis is

followed by increased vitality and greater physical well being. Perhaps

the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not to become

discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

The most common symptom my clients report is a temporary reduction in

energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer, perhaps as much as 12

hours a night. Some people also report aches and pains in various parts

of the body, digestive system disturbances such as gas, constipation, or

diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the substances

that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have

accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances

that have built up in the individual cells, interfering with their normal

functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues, they are

dumped into the system, making the body temporarily more toxic until they

can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the healing

reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing

apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or

infective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the


Drugs that block pain may also block healing

Experiencing such healing reactions can be very distressing for many

people, because we are taught in our society that symptoms are somehow

bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers, antihistamines, or

other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the course of healing,

it is very important to follow the prescribed program correctly and to do

nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in the past an

individual went through a period of pain, taking pain killers or other

drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually prolongs the


You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the prostaglandins -

chemical substances found throughout the body which regulate many bodily

functions and metabolic process. Generally the prostagiandins work in

opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflamation and swelling in

response to a specific stimulus, while another undoes these reactions.

When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to stop an uncomfortable

reaction, he may not experience the pain or inflamation, but he also does

not get the healing process that undoes the reason for the pain and

inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than a cure.

One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many years of pain, and is

now going through a lot of healing reactions, including " spasms " in her

digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice that she must go

back through her painful symptoms in order to be cured, she insists that

something must be wrong.

When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements and uses medication

to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her because she really is

in pain, and she believes that it is not good to experience pain.

Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication she

is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she is going back and

forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where she is bound to have

the pain.

It is difficult for people accustomed to having symptoms suppressed by

medications to understand that a healing crisis is a natural process,

which may cause some initial discomfort. It is important to understand

this natural process occurring inside the body instead of resorting to

drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of the body. Symptoms

represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the curative process. Minor

ailments are often compounded by the use of drug therapy, which

suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of defense.

Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to interpret and understand the

changes that arise from introducing higher quality foods, or

discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea or chocolate.

There are basically three phases the body goes through as it strives for

a new level of well being.

The first is catabolism, the elimination or breakdown of tissue Wastes

are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food.

This is evident in weight loss.

The second phase is stabilization. The amount of waste material being

discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed. Weight

remains more stable.

The third phase, a build up period called anabolism, occurs when weight

increases. At this point, new tissues are being formed faster. The body's

need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain

weight and increased energies with less food.

Remember: Good health will follow in the wake of a healthy lifestyle.

Cleansing Crisis

Happens at:


1-7 day mark


5-6 week mark


3 month mark


6 month mark


then further and further apart and the signs are milder as time goes on.

Handling Your Healing Crisis

The goal is to help the body function effectively in a healing crisis.

The use of medication that suppresses symptoms can compromise the healing

process and is therefore discouraged.

During this period of cleansing, foods heavy in protein or fat should be

avoided, because they are not easily digestible and place high demands on

the body. Meals should be kept simple, light and nutritious. Plenty of

pure water, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetable are recommended.

The skin is an important organ of elimination and toxins can be released

more easily if it is in proper condition. To aid this process, try the

detoxification bath described below.

Using a body brush, stimulate lymph and blood flow by dry brushing the

skin - from the ends of the limbs toward the heart, including the

abdomen, repeating daily until the crisis passes. (Many health

professionals suggest daily dry brushing of the skin to help keep the

lymphatic system in optimum condition.)

Reducing stress will help the healing crisis pass more quickly. Some

people may need to evaluate their daily stress level: poor diet, smoking,

caffeine, sugar, white flour and other lifestyle elements that have

contributed to their poor health over the years.


During a healing crisis toxins and waste will be eliminated through the

intestines. If the waste is trapped in the body, toxins will be absorbed

into the blood from the colon and recirculated throughout the body, thus

autointoxication (re-poisoning) the body. It is important to have regular


Exercise is Essential

Exercise will aid the detoxification process. Find or devise an exercise

program that is fun and not so ambitious as to be impossible to adhere

to. Many people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions,

only to find that it is either too difficult, or takes too much time.

Find something that is easy and then add to it, as you are able. A little

exercise is better than none.

One of the best exercises is walking. Toxins, which cause stiff and

aching muscles, are eliminated through the sweat glands and the distance

and pace, can be upgraded, as time will allow. Walking 20-30 minutes,

four to six times a week will help prevent the toxins from overloading

the system and being reabsorbed, and allowing the body to eliminate more


Detoxing Bath

Another way to eliminate toxins through the skin is a detoxing bath. Soak

in a hot bath for half an hour to which has been added 2 cups of either

Baking Soda (which will help neutralize the acids of the toxins), or

Epson Salts (giving the water a higher ion content than the body, which

will draw the fluids, therefore toxins, out of the body). Mote: It is

important to drink water while soaking to replace the fluids drawn from

the body. If one has an open rash, Epsom Salts should not be used, which

will cause the rash to sting. Oatmeal Powder is an excellent emollient

for dry skin. Make your own, cost effectively, by reducing 1 - 2 cups of

regular oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender (larger particles should be

sifted out) and add to the bath water.

Hering's law of cure

The healing crisis has been expressed over the years by the following

definition, which has gained widespread acceptance:

" All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse

order as the symptoms have appeared. "

Remember, your body is infinitely intelligent, and, if given the proper

tools (good nutrition, sufficient fresh air and water, adequate rest and

sleep and a positive mental attitude), will manage to work itself through

the healing crisis and " miraculously " heal itself.



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Thank-you Jenny! I am off to soak in the tub!

Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~




Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:57 PM

[Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



Mary Ellen wrote:

I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day number 3 of sniffles,

sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32 days in a row and I

just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I mean, I eat so good! Can

this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate sickness when we go raw? I

really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast? Should I just drink

water? ...What do you do to get over it?

~*~Mary Ellen~*~


Dear Mary Ellen,

Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay! It really is good

news. Very sick people do not detox because their body isn't strong

enough to do the work. What I do is give myself plenty of time to heal

and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning " and getting out all

that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try to get extra sleep,

relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat lightly of fresh fruit

(very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I enjoy hot baths to

keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating organ. Toxins come out

the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits are also breath,

through bowels and urination). A good soak in the tub is so healing! I

always feel a little panic come on with a detox like my mind is off

balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level of health and feel SO

terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is developing disease.) It

helps me to talk to someone familiar with the healing process or read a

bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on detoxing and it is

fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste up an article here

for your reading pleasure...

Happy detoxing!



Don't Fight The Healing Process

Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are adjustments made by the body to

purge waste material from within. The elimination of stored toxins,

sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the body's healing process.

During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the body tissues and

into circulation to be eliminated. Some uncomfortable symptoms may occur

during a healing crisis.


general fatigue

aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating and body odors

frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

fever or feeling of coldness

mental irritability, restless dreams

mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat, runny nose, watery



Normally a healing crisis will develop within three months of a positive

change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few

days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify more quickly than an

older person. A person may experience more than one healing crisis to

fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each healing crisis is

followed by increased vitality and greater physical well being. Perhaps

the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not to become

discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

The most common symptom my clients report is a temporary reduction in

energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer, perhaps as much as 12

hours a night. Some people also report aches and pains in various parts

of the body, digestive system disturbances such as gas, constipation, or

diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the substances

that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have

accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances

that have built up in the individual cells, interfering with their normal

functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues, they are

dumped into the system, making the body temporarily more toxic until they

can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the healing

reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing

apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or

infective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the


Drugs that block pain may also block healing

Experiencing such healing reactions can be very distressing for many

people, because we are taught in our society that symptoms are somehow

bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers, antihistamines, or

other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the course of healing,

it is very important to follow the prescribed program correctly and to do

nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in the past an

individual went through a period of pain, taking pain killers or other

drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually prolongs the


You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the prostaglandins -

chemical substances found throughout the body which regulate many bodily

functions and metabolic process. Generally the prostagiandins work in

opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflamation and swelling in

response to a specific stimulus, while another undoes these reactions.

When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to stop an uncomfortable

reaction, he may not experience the pain or inflamation, but he also does

not get the healing process that undoes the reason for the pain and

inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than a cure.

One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many years of pain, and is

now going through a lot of healing reactions, including " spasms " in her

digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice that she must go

back through her painful symptoms in order to be cured, she insists that

something must be wrong.

When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements and uses medication

to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her because she really is

in pain, and she believes that it is not good to experience pain.

Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication she

is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she is going back and

forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where she is bound to have

the pain.

It is difficult for people accustomed to having symptoms suppressed by

medications to understand that a healing crisis is a natural process,

which may cause some initial discomfort. It is important to understand

this natural process occurring inside the body instead of resorting to

drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of the body. Symptoms

represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the curative process. Minor

ailments are often compounded by the use of drug therapy, which

suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of defense.

Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to interpret and understand the

changes that arise from introducing higher quality foods, or

discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea or chocolate.

There are basically three phases the body goes through as it strives for

a new level of well being.

The first is catabolism, the elimination or breakdown of tissue Wastes

are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food.

This is evident in weight loss.

The second phase is stabilization. The amount of waste material being

discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed. Weight

remains more stable.

The third phase, a build up period called anabolism, occurs when weight

increases. At this point, new tissues are being formed faster. The body's

need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain

weight and increased energies with less food.

Remember: Good health will follow in the wake of a healthy lifestyle.

Cleansing Crisis

Happens at:


1-7 day mark


5-6 week mark


3 month mark


6 month mark


then further and further apart and the signs are milder as time goes on.

Handling Your Healing Crisis

The goal is to help the body function effectively in a healing crisis.

The use of medication that suppresses symptoms can compromise the healing

process and is therefore discouraged.

During this period of cleansing, foods heavy in protein or fat should be

avoided, because they are not easily digestible and place high demands on

the body. Meals should be kept simple, light and nutritious. Plenty of

pure water, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetable are recommended.

The skin is an important organ of elimination and toxins can be released

more easily if it is in proper condition. To aid this process, try the

detoxification bath described below.

Using a body brush, stimulate lymph and blood flow by dry brushing the

skin - from the ends of the limbs toward the heart, including the

abdomen, repeating daily until the crisis passes. (Many health

professionals suggest daily dry brushing of the skin to help keep the

lymphatic system in optimum condition.)

Reducing stress will help the healing crisis pass more quickly. Some

people may need to evaluate their daily stress level: poor diet, smoking,

caffeine, sugar, white flour and other lifestyle elements that have

contributed to their poor health over the years.


During a healing crisis toxins and waste will be eliminated through the

intestines. If the waste is trapped in the body, toxins will be absorbed

into the blood from the colon and recirculated throughout the body, thus

autointoxication (re-poisoning) the body. It is important to have regular


Exercise is Essential

Exercise will aid the detoxification process. Find or devise an exercise

program that is fun and not so ambitious as to be impossible to adhere

to. Many people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions,

only to find that it is either too difficult, or takes too much time.

Find something that is easy and then add to it, as you are able. A little

exercise is better than none.

One of the best exercises is walking. Toxins, which cause stiff and

aching muscles, are eliminated through the sweat glands and the distance

and pace, can be upgraded, as time will allow. Walking 20-30 minutes,

four to six times a week will help prevent the toxins from overloading

the system and being reabsorbed, and allowing the body to eliminate more


Detoxing Bath

Another way to eliminate toxins through the skin is a detoxing bath. Soak

in a hot bath for half an hour to which has been added 2 cups of either

Baking Soda (which will help neutralize the acids of the toxins), or

Epson Salts (giving the water a higher ion content than the body, which

will draw the fluids, therefore toxins, out of the body). Mote: It is

important to drink water while soaking to replace the fluids drawn from

the body. If one has an open rash, Epsom Salts should not be used, which

will cause the rash to sting. Oatmeal Powder is an excellent emollient

for dry skin. Make your own, cost effectively, by reducing 1 - 2 cups of

regular oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender (larger particles should be

sifted out) and add to the bath water.

Hering's law of cure

The healing crisis has been expressed over the years by the following

definition, which has gained widespread acceptance:

" All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse

order as the symptoms have appeared. "

Remember, your body is infinitely intelligent, and, if given the proper

tools (good nutrition, sufficient fresh air and water, adequate rest and

sleep and a positive mental attitude), will manage to work itself through

the healing crisis and " miraculously " heal itself.


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Guest guest

That was a very interesting read!

I was wondering,I've been 100% raw for several day's and my stomach is hurting

really bad and I'm very bloated.Is this normal?

Before when it started hurting I'd go back to cooked foods,this time I'm

determined to stick it out and see what happens,BUT,would like some advice on


Thank's so much,





Sunday, April 25, 2004 9:57 PM

[Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



Mary Ellen wrote:

I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day number 3 of sniffles,

sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32 days in a row and I

just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I mean, I eat so good! Can

this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate sickness when we go raw? I

really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast? Should I just drink

water? ...What do you do to get over it?

~*~Mary Ellen~*~


Dear Mary Ellen,

Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay! It really is good

news. Very sick people do not detox because their body isn't strong

enough to do the work. What I do is give myself plenty of time to heal

and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning " and getting out all

that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try to get extra sleep,

relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat lightly of fresh fruit

(very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I enjoy hot baths to

keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating organ. Toxins come out

the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits are also breath,

through bowels and urination). A good soak in the tub is so healing! I

always feel a little panic come on with a detox like my mind is off

balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level of health and feel SO

terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is developing disease.) It

helps me to talk to someone familiar with the healing process or read a

bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on detoxing and it is

fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste up an article here

for your reading pleasure...

Happy detoxing!



Don't Fight The Healing Process

Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are adjustments made by the body to

purge waste material from within. The elimination of stored toxins,

sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the body's healing process.

During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the body tissues and

into circulation to be eliminated. Some uncomfortable symptoms may occur

during a healing crisis.


general fatigue

aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating and body odors

frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

fever or feeling of coldness

mental irritability, restless dreams

mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat, runny nose, watery



Normally a healing crisis will develop within three months of a positive

change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few

days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify more quickly than an

older person. A person may experience more than one healing crisis to

fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each healing crisis is

followed by increased vitality and greater physical well being. Perhaps

the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not to become

discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

The most common symptom my clients report is a temporary reduction in

energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer, perhaps as much as 12

hours a night. Some people also report aches and pains in various parts

of the body, digestive system disturbances such as gas, constipation, or

diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the substances

that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have

accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances

that have built up in the individual cells, interfering with their normal

functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues, they are

dumped into the system, making the body temporarily more toxic until they

can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the healing

reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing

apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or

infective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the


Drugs that block pain may also block healing

Experiencing such healing reactions can be very distressing for many

people, because we are taught in our society that symptoms are somehow

bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers, antihistamines, or

other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the course of healing,

it is very important to follow the prescribed program correctly and to do

nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in the past an

individual went through a period of pain, taking pain killers or other

drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually prolongs the


You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the prostaglandins -

chemical substances found throughout the body which regulate many bodily

functions and metabolic process. Generally the prostagiandins work in

opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflamation and swelling in

response to a specific stimulus, while another undoes these reactions.

When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to stop an uncomfortable

reaction, he may not experience the pain or inflamation, but he also does

not get the healing process that undoes the reason for the pain and

inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than a cure.

One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many years of pain, and is

now going through a lot of healing reactions, including " spasms " in her

digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice that she must go

back through her painful symptoms in order to be cured, she insists that

something must be wrong.

When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements and uses medication

to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her because she really is

in pain, and she believes that it is not good to experience pain.

Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication she

is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she is going back and

forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where she is bound to have

the pain.

It is difficult for people accustomed to having symptoms suppressed by

medications to understand that a healing crisis is a natural process,

which may cause some initial discomfort. It is important to understand

this natural process occurring inside the body instead of resorting to

drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of the body. Symptoms

represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the curative process. Minor

ailments are often compounded by the use of drug therapy, which

suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of defense.

Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to interpret and understand the

changes that arise from introducing higher quality foods, or

discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea or chocolate.

There are basically three phases the body goes through as it strives for

a new level of well being.

The first is catabolism, the elimination or breakdown of tissue Wastes

are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food.

This is evident in weight loss.

The second phase is stabilization. The amount of waste material being

discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed. Weight

remains more stable.

The third phase, a build up period called anabolism, occurs when weight

increases. At this point, new tissues are being formed faster. The body's

need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain

weight and increased energies with less food.

Remember: Good health will follow in the wake of a healthy lifestyle.

Cleansing Crisis

Happens at:


1-7 day mark


5-6 week mark


3 month mark


6 month mark


then further and further apart and the signs are milder as time goes on.

Handling Your Healing Crisis

The goal is to help the body function effectively in a healing crisis.

The use of medication that suppresses symptoms can compromise the healing

process and is therefore discouraged.

During this period of cleansing, foods heavy in protein or fat should be

avoided, because they are not easily digestible and place high demands on

the body. Meals should be kept simple, light and nutritious. Plenty of

pure water, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetable are recommended.

The skin is an important organ of elimination and toxins can be released

more easily if it is in proper condition. To aid this process, try the

detoxification bath described below.

Using a body brush, stimulate lymph and blood flow by dry brushing the

skin - from the ends of the limbs toward the heart, including the

abdomen, repeating daily until the crisis passes. (Many health

professionals suggest daily dry brushing of the skin to help keep the

lymphatic system in optimum condition.)

Reducing stress will help the healing crisis pass more quickly. Some

people may need to evaluate their daily stress level: poor diet, smoking,

caffeine, sugar, white flour and other lifestyle elements that have

contributed to their poor health over the years.


During a healing crisis toxins and waste will be eliminated through the

intestines. If the waste is trapped in the body, toxins will be absorbed

into the blood from the colon and recirculated throughout the body, thus

autointoxication (re-poisoning) the body. It is important to have regular


Exercise is Essential

Exercise will aid the detoxification process. Find or devise an exercise

program that is fun and not so ambitious as to be impossible to adhere

to. Many people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions,

only to find that it is either too difficult, or takes too much time.

Find something that is easy and then add to it, as you are able. A little

exercise is better than none.

One of the best exercises is walking. Toxins, which cause stiff and

aching muscles, are eliminated through the sweat glands and the distance

and pace, can be upgraded, as time will allow. Walking 20-30 minutes,

four to six times a week will help prevent the toxins from overloading

the system and being reabsorbed, and allowing the body to eliminate more


Detoxing Bath

Another way to eliminate toxins through the skin is a detoxing bath. Soak

in a hot bath for half an hour to which has been added 2 cups of either

Baking Soda (which will help neutralize the acids of the toxins), or

Epson Salts (giving the water a higher ion content than the body, which

will draw the fluids, therefore toxins, out of the body). Mote: It is

important to drink water while soaking to replace the fluids drawn from

the body. If one has an open rash, Epsom Salts should not be used, which

will cause the rash to sting. Oatmeal Powder is an excellent emollient

for dry skin. Make your own, cost effectively, by reducing 1 - 2 cups of

regular oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender (larger particles should be

sifted out) and add to the bath water.

Hering's law of cure

The healing crisis has been expressed over the years by the following

definition, which has gained widespread acceptance:

" All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse

order as the symptoms have appeared. "

Remember, your body is infinitely intelligent, and, if given the proper

tools (good nutrition, sufficient fresh air and water, adequate rest and

sleep and a positive mental attitude), will manage to work itself through

the healing crisis and " miraculously " heal itself.


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I got that as well when I went raw. Not as bad now, but I started taking

Mega vege-dophilus and it works well for me. It's like acidolphilus, but no

dairy involved. I got it at Wild Oats. Er, you might want to start thinking

about trimming your posts for the guys who get this in a digest mode.




" Shirley " <docwhite

<rawfood >

Monday, April 26, 2004 3:51 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



> That was a very interesting read!

> I was wondering,I've been 100% raw for several day's and my stomach is

hurting really bad and I'm very bloated.Is this normal?

> Before when it started hurting I'd go back to cooked foods,this time I'm

determined to stick it out and see what happens,BUT,would like some advice

on this.

> Thank's so much,

> Shirley

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Thank you Jenny for your Posts, they are ALWAYS so




--- jennysilliman wrote:

> Mary Ellen wrote:

> I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day

> number 3 of sniffles,

> sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32

> days in a row and I

> just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I

> mean, I eat so good! Can

> this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate

> sickness when we go raw? I

> really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast?

> Should I just drink

> water? ...What do you do to get over it?

> ~*~Mary Ellen~*~


> Dear Mary Ellen,

> Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay!

> It really is good

> news. Very sick people do not detox because their

> body isn't strong

> enough to do the work. What I do is give myself

> plenty of time to heal

> and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning "

> and getting out all

> that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try

> to get extra sleep,

> relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat

> lightly of fresh fruit

> (very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I

> enjoy hot baths to

> keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating

> organ. Toxins come out

> the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits

> are also breath,

> through bowels and urination). A good soak in the

> tub is so healing! I

> always feel a little panic come on with a detox like

> my mind is off

> balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level

> of health and feel SO

> terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is

> developing disease.) It

> helps me to talk to someone familiar with the

> healing process or read a

> bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on

> detoxing and it is

> fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste

> up an article here

> for your reading pleasure...

> Happy detoxing!

> Jenny


> Don't Fight The Healing Process

> Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

> Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are

> adjustments made by the body to

> purge waste material from within. The elimination of

> stored toxins,

> sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the

> body's healing process.

> During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the

> body tissues and

> into circulation to be eliminated. Some

> uncomfortable symptoms may occur

> during a healing crisis.


> general fatigue

> aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

> skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating

> and body odors

> frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

> fever or feeling of coldness

> mental irritability, restless dreams

> mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat,

> runny nose, watery

> eyes


> Normally a healing crisis will develop within three

> months of a positive

> change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from

> a few hours to a few

> days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify

> more quickly than an

> older person. A person may experience more than one

> healing crisis to

> fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each

> healing crisis is

> followed by increased vitality and greater physical

> well being. Perhaps

> the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not

> to become

> discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

> The most common symptom my clients report is a

> temporary reduction in

> energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer,

> perhaps as much as 12

> hours a night. Some people also report aches and

> pains in various parts

> of the body, digestive system disturbances such as

> gas, constipation, or

> diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

> These symptoms occur because the body is ridding

> itself of the substances

> that have been making it toxic - not only the

> materials that have

> accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies

> and other substances

> that have built up in the individual cells,

> interfering with their normal

> functioning. As these substances are ejected out of

> the tissues, they are

> dumped into the system, making the body temporarily

> more toxic until they

> can be excreted. This is partly what produces the

> symptoms of the healing

> reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's

> process of tearing

> apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells,

> destroying parasites or

> infective agents, and otherwise producing debris

> from the

> re-construction...

> Drugs that block pain may also block healing

> Experiencing such healing reactions can be very

> distressing for many

> people, because we are taught in our society that

> symptoms are somehow

> bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers,

> antihistamines, or

> other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the

> course of healing,

> it is very important to follow the prescribed

> program correctly and to do

> nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in

> the past an

> individual went through a period of pain, taking

> pain killers or other

> drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually

> prolongs the

> discomfort.

> You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking

> the prostaglandins -

> chemical substances found throughout the body which

> regulate many bodily

> functions and metabolic process. Generally the

> prostagiandins work in

> opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce

> inflamation and swelling in

> response to a specific stimulus, while another

> undoes these reactions.

> When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to

> stop an uncomfortable

> reaction, he may not experience the pain or

> inflamation, but he also does

> not get the healing process that undoes the reason

> for the pain and

> inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than

> a cure.

> One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many

> years of pain, and is

> now going through a lot of healing reactions,

> including " spasms " in her

> digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice

> that she must go

> back through her painful symptoms in order to be

> cured, she insists that

> something must be wrong.

> When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements

> and uses medication

> to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her

> because she really is

> in pain, and she believes that it is not good to

> experience pain.

> Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an

> inappropriate medication she

> is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she

> is going back and

> forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where

> she is bound to have

> the pain.

> It is difficult for people accustomed to having

> symptoms suppressed by

> medications to understand that a healing crisis is a

> natural process,

> which may cause some initial discomfort. It is

> important to understand

> this natural process occurring inside the body

> instead of resorting to

> drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of

> the body. Symptoms

> represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

> Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the

> curative process. Minor

> ailments are often compounded by the use of drug

> therapy, which

> suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of

> defense.

> Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to

> interpret and understand the

> changes that arise from introducing higher quality

> foods, or

> discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee,

> tea

=== message truncated ===








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Thank's Jesse! Gotcha.........I forgot.



Er, you might want to start thinking

about trimming your posts for the guys who get this in a digest mode.






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Guest guest

This is such a wonderful post and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for

sending it. Today is day number 34 of being 100% raw and day number 5 of my

healing crisis. Today is the worst day yet with my head feeling like it is going

to explode and spew forth blood, guts, and brains all over the place. Of course,

I realize that this is not really going to happen, but being the drama queen

that I am, I felt it necessary to be graphic. You have really helped me alot

with all these suggestions. I am going to look for a " body brush " and try to

exercise even though moving causes me unbelievable pain. Someone had mentioned

that their detox was so bad that they ended up in the hospital. What symptoms do

I look for that are so horrible that I should seek medical intervention? Has

anyone ever died from detox? I mean, I seriously doubt it, but you never know...

Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~




Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:57 PM

[Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



Mary Ellen wrote:

I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day number 3 of sniffles,

sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32 days in a row and I

just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I mean, I eat so good! Can

this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate sickness when we go raw? I

really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast? Should I just drink

water? ...What do you do to get over it?

~*~Mary Ellen~*~


Dear Mary Ellen,

Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay! It really is good

news. Very sick people do not detox because their body isn't strong

enough to do the work. What I do is give myself plenty of time to heal

and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning " and getting out all

that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try to get extra sleep,

relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat lightly of fresh fruit

(very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I enjoy hot baths to

keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating organ. Toxins come out

the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits are also breath,

through bowels and urination). A good soak in the tub is so healing! I

always feel a little panic come on with a detox like my mind is off

balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level of health and feel SO

terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is developing disease.) It

helps me to talk to someone familiar with the healing process or read a

bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on detoxing and it is

fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste up an article here

for your reading pleasure...

Happy detoxing!



Don't Fight The Healing Process

Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are adjustments made by the body to

purge waste material from within. The elimination of stored toxins,

sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the body's healing process.

During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the body tissues and

into circulation to be eliminated. Some uncomfortable symptoms may occur

during a healing crisis.


general fatigue

aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating and body odors

frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

fever or feeling of coldness

mental irritability, restless dreams

mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat, runny nose, watery



Normally a healing crisis will develop within three months of a positive

change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few

days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify more quickly than an

older person. A person may experience more than one healing crisis to

fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each healing crisis is

followed by increased vitality and greater physical well being. Perhaps

the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not to become

discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

The most common symptom my clients report is a temporary reduction in

energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer, perhaps as much as 12

hours a night. Some people also report aches and pains in various parts

of the body, digestive system disturbances such as gas, constipation, or

diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the substances

that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have

accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances

that have built up in the individual cells, interfering with their normal

functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues, they are

dumped into the system, making the body temporarily more toxic until they

can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the healing

reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing

apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or

infective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the


Drugs that block pain may also block healing

Experiencing such healing reactions can be very distressing for many

people, because we are taught in our society that symptoms are somehow

bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers, antihistamines, or

other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the course of healing,

it is very important to follow the prescribed program correctly and to do

nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in the past an

individual went through a period of pain, taking pain killers or other

drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually prolongs the


You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the prostaglandins -

chemical substances found throughout the body which regulate many bodily

functions and metabolic process. Generally the prostagiandins work in

opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflamation and swelling in

response to a specific stimulus, while another undoes these reactions.

When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to stop an uncomfortable

reaction, he may not experience the pain or inflamation, but he also does

not get the healing process that undoes the reason for the pain and

inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than a cure.

One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many years of pain, and is

now going through a lot of healing reactions, including " spasms " in her

digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice that she must go

back through her painful symptoms in order to be cured, she insists that

something must be wrong.

When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements and uses medication

to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her because she really is

in pain, and she believes that it is not good to experience pain.

Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication she

is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she is going back and

forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where she is bound to have

the pain.

It is difficult for people accustomed to having symptoms suppressed by

medications to understand that a healing crisis is a natural process,

which may cause some initial discomfort. It is important to understand

this natural process occurring inside the body instead of resorting to

drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of the body. Symptoms

represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the curative process. Minor

ailments are often compounded by the use of drug therapy, which

suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of defense.

Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to interpret and understand the

changes that arise from introducing higher quality foods, or

discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea or chocolate.

There are basically three phases the body goes through as it strives for

a new level of well being.

The first is catabolism, the elimination or breakdown of tissue Wastes

are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food.

This is evident in weight loss.

The second phase is stabilization. The amount of waste material being

discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed. Weight

remains more stable.

The third phase, a build up period called anabolism, occurs when weight

increases. At this point, new tissues are being formed faster. The body's

need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain

weight and increased energies with less food.

Remember: Good health will follow in the wake of a healthy lifestyle.

Cleansing Crisis

Happens at:


1-7 day mark


5-6 week mark


3 month mark


6 month mark


then further and further apart and the signs are milder as time goes on.

Handling Your Healing Crisis

The goal is to help the body function effectively in a healing crisis.

The use of medication that suppresses symptoms can compromise the healing

process and is therefore discouraged.

During this period of cleansing, foods heavy in protein or fat should be

avoided, because they are not easily digestible and place high demands on

the body. Meals should be kept simple, light and nutritious. Plenty of

pure water, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetable are recommended.

The skin is an important organ of elimination and toxins can be released

more easily if it is in proper condition. To aid this process, try the

detoxification bath described below.

Using a body brush, stimulate lymph and blood flow by dry brushing the

skin - from the ends of the limbs toward the heart, including the

abdomen, repeating daily until the crisis passes. (Many health

professionals suggest daily dry brushing of the skin to help keep the

lymphatic system in optimum condition.)

Reducing stress will help the healing crisis pass more quickly. Some

people may need to evaluate their daily stress level: poor diet, smoking,

caffeine, sugar, white flour and other lifestyle elements that have

contributed to their poor health over the years.


During a healing crisis toxins and waste will be eliminated through the

intestines. If the waste is trapped in the body, toxins will be absorbed

into the blood from the colon and recirculated throughout the body, thus

autointoxication (re-poisoning) the body. It is important to have regular


Exercise is Essential

Exercise will aid the detoxification process. Find or devise an exercise

program that is fun and not so ambitious as to be impossible to adhere

to. Many people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions,

only to find that it is either too difficult, or takes too much time.

Find something that is easy and then add to it, as you are able. A little

exercise is better than none.

One of the best exercises is walking. Toxins, which cause stiff and

aching muscles, are eliminated through the sweat glands and the distance

and pace, can be upgraded, as time will allow. Walking 20-30 minutes,

four to six times a week will help prevent the toxins from overloading

the system and being reabsorbed, and allowing the body to eliminate more


Detoxing Bath

Another way to eliminate toxins through the skin is a detoxing bath. Soak

in a hot bath for half an hour to which has been added 2 cups of either

Baking Soda (which will help neutralize the acids of the toxins), or

Epson Salts (giving the water a higher ion content than the body, which

will draw the fluids, therefore toxins, out of the body). Mote: It is

important to drink water while soaking to replace the fluids drawn from

the body. If one has an open rash, Epsom Salts should not be used, which

will cause the rash to sting. Oatmeal Powder is an excellent emollient

for dry skin. Make your own, cost effectively, by reducing 1 - 2 cups of

regular oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender (larger particles should be

sifted out) and add to the bath water.

Hering's law of cure

The healing crisis has been expressed over the years by the following

definition, which has gained widespread acceptance:

" All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse

order as the symptoms have appeared. "

Remember, your body is infinitely intelligent, and, if given the proper

tools (good nutrition, sufficient fresh air and water, adequate rest and

sleep and a positive mental attitude), will manage to work itself through

the healing crisis and " miraculously " heal itself.


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>Today is day number 34 of being 100% raw and day number 5 of my healing



Mary Ellen: keep us posted, because suddenly one day you'll wake up detoxed

and feel wonderful.

We want to hear when this happens.

In the meantime drink lots of water to keep those toxins washed out and you

might want to try a sauna every now and then to accelerate the removal of

the toxins throught the skin.

Try ginger tea for a soothing effect. Chop up a teaspoonful of fresh raw

Ginger and steep in hot water for 4 minutes and sip on it for a while.

A Greens juice will help absorb and remove some toxins; parsley/celery

/kale/beet tops.

Here's a couple of links regarding the retracing process.





" Mary Ellen Wolfe " <Wolfegang

<rawfood >

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:13 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



> This is such a wonderful post and I thank you from the bottom of my heart

for sending it. Today is day number 34 of being 100% raw and day number 5 of

my healing crisis. Today is the worst day yet with my head feeling like it

is going to explode and spew forth blood, guts, and brains all over the

place. Of course, I realize that this is not really going to happen, but

being the drama queen that I am, I felt it necessary to be graphic. You have

really helped me alot with all these suggestions. I am going to look for a

" body brush " and try to exercise even though moving causes me unbelievable

pain. Someone had mentioned that their detox was so bad that they ended up

in the hospital. What symptoms do I look for that are so horrible that I

should seek medical intervention? Has anyone ever died from detox? I mean, I

seriously doubt it, but you never know...

> Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~

> -

> jennysilliman

> rawfood

> Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:57 PM

> [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



> Mary Ellen wrote:

> I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day number 3 of


> sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32 days in a row and I

> just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I mean, I eat so good!


> this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate sickness when we go raw?


> really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast? Should I just drink

> water? ...What do you do to get over it?

> ~*~Mary Ellen~*~


> Dear Mary Ellen,

> Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay! It really is good

> news. Very sick people do not detox because their body isn't strong

> enough to do the work. What I do is give myself plenty of time to heal

> and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning " and getting out all

> that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try to get extra sleep,

> relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat lightly of fresh fruit

> (very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I enjoy hot baths to

> keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating organ. Toxins come out

> the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits are also breath,

> through bowels and urination). A good soak in the tub is so healing! I

> always feel a little panic come on with a detox like my mind is off

> balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level of health and feel SO

> terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is developing disease.) It

> helps me to talk to someone familiar with the healing process or read a

> bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on detoxing and it is

> fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste up an article here

> for your reading pleasure...

> Happy detoxing!

> Jenny


> Don't Fight The Healing Process

> Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

> Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are adjustments made by the body


> purge waste material from within. The elimination of stored toxins,

> sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the body's healing


> During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the body tissues and

> into circulation to be eliminated. Some uncomfortable symptoms may occur

> during a healing crisis.


> general fatigue

> aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

> skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating and body odors

> frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

> fever or feeling of coldness

> mental irritability, restless dreams

> mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat, runny nose, watery

> eyes


> Normally a healing crisis will develop within three months of a positive

> change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few

> days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify more quickly than an

> older person. A person may experience more than one healing crisis to

> fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each healing crisis is

> followed by increased vitality and greater physical well being. Perhaps

> the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not to become

> discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

> The most common symptom my clients report is a temporary reduction in

> energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer, perhaps as much as 12

> hours a night. Some people also report aches and pains in various parts

> of the body, digestive system disturbances such as gas, constipation, or

> diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

> These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the


> that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have

> accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances

> that have built up in the individual cells, interfering with their


> functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues, they


> dumped into the system, making the body temporarily more toxic until


> can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the


> reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing

> apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or

> infective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the

> re-construction...

> Drugs that block pain may also block healing

> Experiencing such healing reactions can be very distressing for many

> people, because we are taught in our society that symptoms are somehow

> bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers, antihistamines, or

> other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the course of healing,

> it is very important to follow the prescribed program correctly and to


> nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in the past an

> individual went through a period of pain, taking pain killers or other

> drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually prolongs the

> discomfort.

> You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the

prostaglandins -

> chemical substances found throughout the body which regulate many bodily

> functions and metabolic process. Generally the prostagiandins work in

> opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflamation and swelling


> response to a specific stimulus, while another undoes these reactions.

> When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to stop an uncomfortable

> reaction, he may not experience the pain or inflamation, but he also


> not get the healing process that undoes the reason for the pain and

> inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than a cure.

> One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many years of pain, and


> now going through a lot of healing reactions, including " spasms " in her

> digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice that she must go

> back through her painful symptoms in order to be cured, she insists that

> something must be wrong.

> When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements and uses medication

> to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her because she really is

> in pain, and she believes that it is not good to experience pain.

> Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication she

> is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she is going back and

> forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where she is bound to have

> the pain.

> It is difficult for people accustomed to having symptoms suppressed by

> medications to understand that a healing crisis is a natural process,

> which may cause some initial discomfort. It is important to understand

> this natural process occurring inside the body instead of resorting to

> drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of the body. Symptoms

> represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

> Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the curative process. Minor

> ailments are often compounded by the use of drug therapy, which

> suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of defense.

> Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to interpret and understand the

> changes that arise from introducing higher quality foods, or

> discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea or chocolate.

> There are basically three phases the body goes through as it strives for

> a new level of well being.

> The first is catabolism, the elimination or breakdown of tissue Wastes

> are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food.

> This is evident in weight loss.

> The second phase is stabilization. The amount of waste material being

> discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed. Weight

> remains more stable.

> The third phase, a build up period called anabolism, occurs when weight

> increases. At this point, new tissues are being formed faster. The


> need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain

> weight and increased energies with less food.

> Remember: Good health will follow in the wake of a healthy lifestyle.

> Cleansing Crisis

> Happens at:


> 1-7 day mark


> 5-6 week mark


> 3 month mark


> 6 month mark


> then further and further apart and the signs are milder as time goes on.

> Handling Your Healing Crisis

> The goal is to help the body function effectively in a healing crisis.

> The use of medication that suppresses symptoms can compromise the


> process and is therefore discouraged.

> During this period of cleansing, foods heavy in protein or fat should be

> avoided, because they are not easily digestible and place high demands


> the body. Meals should be kept simple, light and nutritious. Plenty of

> pure water, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetable are recommended.

> The skin is an important organ of elimination and toxins can be released

> more easily if it is in proper condition. To aid this process, try the

> detoxification bath described below.

> Using a body brush, stimulate lymph and blood flow by dry brushing the

> skin - from the ends of the limbs toward the heart, including the

> abdomen, repeating daily until the crisis passes. (Many health

> professionals suggest daily dry brushing of the skin to help keep the

> lymphatic system in optimum condition.)

> Reducing stress will help the healing crisis pass more quickly. Some

> people may need to evaluate their daily stress level: poor diet,


> caffeine, sugar, white flour and other lifestyle elements that have

> contributed to their poor health over the years.

> Elimination

> During a healing crisis toxins and waste will be eliminated through the

> intestines. If the waste is trapped in the body, toxins will be absorbed

> into the blood from the colon and recirculated throughout the body, thus

> autointoxication (re-poisoning) the body. It is important to have


> eliminations...

> Exercise is Essential

> Exercise will aid the detoxification process. Find or devise an exercise

> program that is fun and not so ambitious as to be impossible to adhere

> to. Many people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions,

> only to find that it is either too difficult, or takes too much time.

> Find something that is easy and then add to it, as you are able. A


> exercise is better than none.

> One of the best exercises is walking. Toxins, which cause stiff and

> aching muscles, are eliminated through the sweat glands and the distance

> and pace, can be upgraded, as time will allow. Walking 20-30 minutes,

> four to six times a week will help prevent the toxins from overloading

> the system and being reabsorbed, and allowing the body to eliminate more

> toxins.

> Detoxing Bath

> Another way to eliminate toxins through the skin is a detoxing bath.


> in a hot bath for half an hour to which has been added 2 cups of either

> Baking Soda (which will help neutralize the acids of the toxins), or

> Epson Salts (giving the water a higher ion content than the body, which

> will draw the fluids, therefore toxins, out of the body). Mote: It is

> important to drink water while soaking to replace the fluids drawn from

> the body. If one has an open rash, Epsom Salts should not be used, which

> will cause the rash to sting. Oatmeal Powder is an excellent emollient

> for dry skin. Make your own, cost effectively, by reducing 1 - 2 cups of

> regular oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender (larger particles should


> sifted out) and add to the bath water.

> Hering's law of cure

> The healing crisis has been expressed over the years by the following

> definition, which has gained widespread acceptance:

> " All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse

> order as the symptoms have appeared. "

> Remember, your body is infinitely intelligent, and, if given the proper

> tools (good nutrition, sufficient fresh air and water, adequate rest and

> sleep and a positive mental attitude), will manage to work itself


> the healing crisis and " miraculously " heal itself.

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In detoxification context Mary Ellen asks:,

" What symptoms do I look for that are so horrible that I should seek medical

intervention? Has anyone ever died from detox? "


It seems dizziness is a symptom to watch and go for a slow down. People no

doubt have died from detoxification but I doubt that the medical profession

would pick it up. More likely they would write " cause unknown " . People

have died from the common cold and going to hospital is outright risky in

itself. On detoxification you are in a fast type situation and there are

some responsible medics who counsel medical counselling during a fast.

There are many possible things that can go astray. I have never had any

bother but I have taken my fasting gently and have always thought that if

anything bad started to happen, I would fling myself on the medical

profession way before life threatening symptoms appeared.


Nearly all those who advise fasting advise a slow down in physical activity.

You seem to have an active dynamic life. Might be an idea to take life a

bit easy!



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There might be a case for the hydrotherapy. I found that on a long fast it

made me feel like a new man!.

It washes away all the toxins that might otherwise recycle to cause all the

symptoms you are getting





L.Win [rustym]

27 April 2004 23:53


Re: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!




>Today is day number 34 of being 100% raw and day number 5 of my healing



Mary Ellen: keep us posted, because suddenly one day you'll wake up detoxed

and feel wonderful. We want to hear when this happens. In the meantime drink

lots of water to keep those toxins washed out and you might want to try a

sauna every now and then to accelerate the removal of the toxins throught

the skin. Try ginger tea for a soothing effect. Chop up a teaspoonful of

fresh raw Ginger and steep in hot water for 4 minutes and sip on it for a

while. A Greens juice will help absorb and remove some toxins;

parsley/celery /kale/beet tops. Here's a couple of links regarding the

retracing process. http://www.oz.net/~csrh/crisheal.htm




" Mary Ellen Wolfe " <Wolfegang

<rawfood >

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:13 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



> This is such a wonderful post and I thank you from the bottom of my

> heart

for sending it. Today is day number 34 of being 100% raw and day number 5 of

my healing crisis. Today is the worst day yet with my head feeling like it

is going to explode and spew forth blood, guts, and brains all over the

place. Of course, I realize that this is not really going to happen, but

being the drama queen that I am, I felt it necessary to be graphic. You have

really helped me alot with all these suggestions. I am going to look for a

" body brush " and try to exercise even though moving causes me unbelievable

pain. Someone had mentioned that their detox was so bad that they ended up

in the hospital. What symptoms do I look for that are so horrible that I

should seek medical intervention? Has anyone ever died from detox? I mean, I

seriously doubt it, but you never know...

> Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~

> -

> jennysilliman

> rawfood

> Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:57 PM

> [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



> Mary Ellen wrote:

> I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day number 3 of


> sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32 days in a row and I

> just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I mean, I eat so

> good!


> this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate sickness when we go

> raw?


> really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast? Should I just drink

> water? ...What do you do to get over it?

> ~*~Mary Ellen~*~


> Dear Mary Ellen,

> Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay! It really is good

> news. Very sick people do not detox because their body isn't strong

> enough to do the work. What I do is give myself plenty of time to heal

> and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning " and getting out all

> that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try to get extra sleep,

> relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat lightly of fresh fruit

> (very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I enjoy hot baths to

> keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating organ. Toxins come out

> the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits are also breath,

> through bowels and urination). A good soak in the tub is so healing! I

> always feel a little panic come on with a detox like my mind is off

> balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level of health and feel SO

> terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is developing disease.) It

> helps me to talk to someone familiar with the healing process or read a

> bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on detoxing and it is

> fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste up an article here

> for your reading pleasure...

> Happy detoxing!

> Jenny


> Don't Fight The Healing Process

> Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

> Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are adjustments made by the

> body


> purge waste material from within. The elimination of stored toxins,

> sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the body's healing


> During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the body tissues and

> into circulation to be eliminated. Some uncomfortable symptoms may occur

> during a healing crisis.


> general fatigue

> aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

> skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating and body odors

> frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

> fever or feeling of coldness

> mental irritability, restless dreams

> mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat, runny nose, watery

> eyes


> Normally a healing crisis will develop within three months of a positive

> change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few

> days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify more quickly than an

> older person. A person may experience more than one healing crisis to

> fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each healing crisis is

> followed by increased vitality and greater physical well being. Perhaps

> the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not to become

> discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

> The most common symptom my clients report is a temporary reduction in

> energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer, perhaps as much as 12

> hours a night. Some people also report aches and pains in various parts

> of the body, digestive system disturbances such as gas, constipation, or

> diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

> These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the


> that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have

> accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances

> that have built up in the individual cells, interfering with their


> functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues,

> they


> dumped into the system, making the body temporarily more toxic until


> can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the


> reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing

> apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or

> infective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the

> re-construction...

> Drugs that block pain may also block healing

> Experiencing such healing reactions can be very distressing for many

> people, because we are taught in our society that symptoms are somehow

> bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers, antihistamines, or

> other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the course of healing,

> it is very important to follow the prescribed program correctly and

> to


> nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in the past an

> individual went through a period of pain, taking pain killers or other

> drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually prolongs the

> discomfort.

> You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the

prostaglandins -

> chemical substances found throughout the body which regulate many bodily

> functions and metabolic process. Generally the prostagiandins work in

> opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflamation and

> swelling


> response to a specific stimulus, while another undoes these reactions.

> When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to stop an uncomfortable

> reaction, he may not experience the pain or inflamation, but he also


> not get the healing process that undoes the reason for the pain and

> inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than a cure.

> One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many years of pain,

> and


> now going through a lot of healing reactions, including " spasms " in her

> digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice that she must go

> back through her painful symptoms in order to be cured, she insists that

> something must be wrong.

> When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements and uses medication

> to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her because she really is

> in pain, and she believes that it is not good to experience pain.

> Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication she

> is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she is going back and

> forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where she is bound to have

> the pain.

> It is difficult for people accustomed to having symptoms suppressed by

> medications to understand that a healing crisis is a natural process,

> which may cause some initial discomfort. It is important to understand

> this natural process occurring inside the body instead of resorting to

> drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of the body. Symptoms

> represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

> Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the curative process. Minor

> ailments are often compounded by the use of drug therapy, which

> suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of defense.

> Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to interpret and understand the

> changes that arise from introducing higher quality foods, or

> discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea or chocolate.

> There are basically three phases the body goes through as it strives for

> a new level of well being.

> The first is catabolism, the elimination or breakdown of tissue Wastes

> are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food.

> This is evident in weight loss.

> The second phase is stabilization. The amount of waste material being

> discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed. Weight

> remains more stable.

> The third phase, a build up period called anabolism, occurs when weight

> increases. At this point, new tissues are being formed faster. The


> need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain

> weight and increased energies with less food.

> Remember: Good health will follow in the wake of a healthy lifestyle.

> Cleansing Crisis

> Happens at:


> 1-7 day mark


> 5-6 week mark


> 3 month mark


> 6 month mark


> then further and further apart and the signs are milder as time goes on.

> Handling Your Healing Crisis

> The goal is to help the body function effectively in a healing crisis.

> The use of medication that suppresses symptoms can compromise the


> process and is therefore discouraged.

> During this period of cleansing, foods heavy in protein or fat should be

> avoided, because they are not easily digestible and place high

> demands


> the body. Meals should be kept simple, light and nutritious. Plenty of

> pure water, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetable are recommended.

> The skin is an important organ of elimination and toxins can be released

> more easily if it is in proper condition. To aid this process, try the

> detoxification bath described below.

> Using a body brush, stimulate lymph and blood flow by dry brushing the

> skin - from the ends of the limbs toward the heart, including the

> abdomen, repeating daily until the crisis passes. (Many health

> professionals suggest daily dry brushing of the skin to help keep the

> lymphatic system in optimum condition.)

> Reducing stress will help the healing crisis pass more quickly. Some

> people may need to evaluate their daily stress level: poor diet,


> caffeine, sugar, white flour and other lifestyle elements that have

> contributed to their poor health over the years.

> Elimination

> During a healing crisis toxins and waste will be eliminated through the

> intestines. If the waste is trapped in the body, toxins will be absorbed

> into the blood from the colon and recirculated throughout the body, thus

> autointoxication (re-poisoning) the body. It is important to have


> eliminations...

> Exercise is Essential

> Exercise will aid the detoxification process. Find or devise an exercise

> program that is fun and not so ambitious as to be impossible to adhere

> to. Many people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions,

> only to find that it is either too difficult, or takes too much time.

> Find something that is easy and then add to it, as you are able. A


> exercise is better than none.

> One of the best exercises is walking. Toxins, which cause stiff and

> aching muscles, are eliminated through the sweat glands and the distance

> and pace, can be upgraded, as time will allow. Walking 20-30 minutes,

> four to six times a week will help prevent the toxins from overloading

> the system and being reabsorbed, and allowing the body to eliminate more

> toxins.

> Detoxing Bath

> Another way to eliminate toxins through the skin is a detoxing bath.


> in a hot bath for half an hour to which has been added 2 cups of either

> Baking Soda (which will help neutralize the acids of the toxins), or

> Epson Salts (giving the water a higher ion content than the body, which

> will draw the fluids, therefore toxins, out of the body). Mote: It is

> important to drink water while soaking to replace the fluids drawn from

> the body. If one has an open rash, Epsom Salts should not be used, which

> will cause the rash to sting. Oatmeal Powder is an excellent emollient

> for dry skin. Make your own, cost effectively, by reducing 1 - 2 cups of

> regular oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender (larger particles

> should


> sifted out) and add to the bath water.

> Hering's law of cure

> The healing crisis has been expressed over the years by the following

> definition, which has gained widespread acceptance:

> " All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse

> order as the symptoms have appeared. "

> Remember, your body is infinitely intelligent, and, if given the proper

> tools (good nutrition, sufficient fresh air and water, adequate rest and

> sleep and a positive mental attitude), will manage to work itself


> the healing crisis and " miraculously " heal itself.





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Tuesday, April 27, 2004 5:53 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



>Today is day number 34 of being 100% raw and day number 5 of my healing



Mary Ellen: keep us posted, because suddenly one day you'll wake up detoxed

and feel wonderful.


Oh gosh, I can't wait!


We want to hear when this happens.


Believe me, this group will be the first to know!


In the meantime drink lots of water to keep those toxins washed out and you

might want to try a sauna every now and then to accelerate the removal of

the toxins throught the skin.


Well, I have been trying to drink lots of water, I've been squeezing fresh

lemon into it and I think I took 3 very hot baths yesterday because I was

" freezing " . I don't have access to a sauna, though I wish I did!


Try ginger tea for a soothing effect. Chop up a teaspoonful of fresh raw

Ginger and steep in hot water for 4 minutes and sip on it for a while.


I can do this! I actually have fresh ginger. Thanks for the suggestion!


A Greens juice will help absorb and remove some toxins; parsley/celery

/kale/beet tops.


Okay! I can do this too! Right now it is a little after 4 in the morn and my

pounding/exploding headache seems to have diminished in its severity. I just ate

a small banana. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks for the links, I'm going to

read them now.

Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~



Here's a couple of links regarding the retracing process.





" Mary Ellen Wolfe " <Wolfegang

<rawfood >

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 2:13 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



> This is such a wonderful post and I thank you from the bottom of my heart

for sending it. Today is day number 34 of being 100% raw and day number 5 of

my healing crisis. Today is the worst day yet with my head feeling like it

is going to explode and spew forth blood, guts, and brains all over the

place. Of course, I realize that this is not really going to happen, but

being the drama queen that I am, I felt it necessary to be graphic. You have

really helped me alot with all these suggestions. I am going to look for a

" body brush " and try to exercise even though moving causes me unbelievable

pain. Someone had mentioned that their detox was so bad that they ended up

in the hospital. What symptoms do I look for that are so horrible that I

should seek medical intervention? Has anyone ever died from detox? I mean, I

seriously doubt it, but you never know...

> Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~

> -

> jennysilliman

> rawfood

> Sunday, April 25, 2004 11:57 PM

> [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



> Mary Ellen wrote:

> I have the head cold from hell. I think this is day number 3 of


> sneezing, coughing, etc. I have been 100% raw for 32 days in a row and I

> just cannot understand how I can be this sick. I mean, I eat so good!


> this be detox? Aren't we supposed to eliminate sickness when we go raw?


> really feel like " death warmed over. " Should I fast? Should I just drink

> water? ...What do you do to get over it?

> ~*~Mary Ellen~*~


> Dear Mary Ellen,

> Colds and flus are detoxing or a healing event. Yay! It really is good

> news. Very sick people do not detox because their body isn't strong

> enough to do the work. What I do is give myself plenty of time to heal

> and just realize my body is doing " spring cleaning " and getting out all

> that mucous and acidic waste from the tissues. I try to get extra sleep,

> relaxation, water, sunshine, and IF hungry eat lightly of fresh fruit

> (very cleansing, with high water content). Also, I enjoy hot baths to

> keep the skin clean. Skin is largest eliminating organ. Toxins come out

> the pores of our skin and the perspiration, (exits are also breath,

> through bowels and urination). A good soak in the tub is so healing! I

> always feel a little panic come on with a detox like my mind is off

> balance. However, afterwards I move to a new level of health and feel SO

> terrific. It is worth it! (The alternative is developing disease.) It

> helps me to talk to someone familiar with the healing process or read a

> bit online or in a book. There's a lot out there on detoxing and it is

> fascinating reading to us raw food folks. I'll paste up an article here

> for your reading pleasure...

> Happy detoxing!

> Jenny


> Don't Fight The Healing Process

> Dr. Jimmy Scott, Ph.D.

> Cleansing Reactions or detoxification are adjustments made by the body


> purge waste material from within. The elimination of stored toxins,

> sometimes called a healing crisis, is part of the body's healing


> During a Healing crisis toxins are pulled out of the body tissues and

> into circulation to be eliminated. Some uncomfortable symptoms may occur

> during a healing crisis.


> general fatigue

> aches and pains; such as headaches, low back pain

> skin discharges; rashes, pimples, unusual sweating and body odors

> frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation

> fever or feeling of coldness

> mental irritability, restless dreams

> mucous discharge; signs of a cold, clearing throat, runny nose, watery

> eyes


> Normally a healing crisis will develop within three months of a positive

> change in lifestyle. A healing crisis may last from a few hours to a few

> days, rarely longer. A young person will detoxify more quickly than an

> older person. A person may experience more than one healing crisis to

> fully discharge toxins from the body tissues. Each healing crisis is

> followed by increased vitality and greater physical well being. Perhaps

> the greatest challenge of the healing crisis is not to become

> discouraged, but to learn from the experience.

> The most common symptom my clients report is a temporary reduction in

> energy. They may find themselves sleeping longer, perhaps as much as 12

> hours a night. Some people also report aches and pains in various parts

> of the body, digestive system disturbances such as gas, constipation, or

> diarrhea, or other miscellaneous complaints.

> These symptoms occur because the body is ridding itself of the


> that have been making it toxic - not only the materials that have

> accumulated in the colon, but also the antibodies and other substances

> that have built up in the individual cells, interfering with their


> functioning. As these substances are ejected out of the tissues, they


> dumped into the system, making the body temporarily more toxic until


> can be excreted. This is partly what produces the symptoms of the


> reaction. This effect is accentuated by the body's process of tearing

> apart defective tissue, repairing damaged cells, destroying parasites or

> infective agents, and otherwise producing debris from the

> re-construction...

> Drugs that block pain may also block healing

> Experiencing such healing reactions can be very distressing for many

> people, because we are taught in our society that symptoms are somehow

> bad. Although it is tempting to take pain killers, antihistamines, or

> other drugs when uncomfortable symptoms occur in the course of healing,

> it is very important to follow the prescribed program correctly and to


> nothing to interfere with the healing process. If in the past an

> individual went through a period of pain, taking pain killers or other

> drugs at this point to relieve the symptoms actually prolongs the

> discomfort.

> You see, aspirin and antihistamines work by blocking the

prostaglandins -

> chemical substances found throughout the body which regulate many bodily

> functions and metabolic process. Generally the prostagiandins work in

> opposing pairs. One, for example, may produce inflamation and swelling


> response to a specific stimulus, while another undoes these reactions.

> When a person takes aspirin or an antihistamine to stop an uncomfortable

> reaction, he may not experience the pain or inflamation, but he also


> not get the healing process that undoes the reason for the pain and

> inflamation. He has achieved a stalemate rather than a cure.

> One of my clients, Alice, has had a history of many years of pain, and


> now going through a lot of healing reactions, including " spasms " in her

> digestive system. Although I have explained to Alice that she must go

> back through her painful symptoms in order to be cured, she insists that

> something must be wrong.

> When she has pain, she stops taking her supplements and uses medication

> to reduce her spasm. It is a real dilemma for her because she really is

> in pain, and she believes that it is not good to experience pain.

> Unfortunately, by blocking the pain with an inappropriate medication she

> is keeping herself from getting healed. And so she is going back and

> forth, keeping herself at precisely the level where she is bound to have

> the pain.

> It is difficult for people accustomed to having symptoms suppressed by

> medications to understand that a healing crisis is a natural process,

> which may cause some initial discomfort. It is important to understand

> this natural process occurring inside the body instead of resorting to

> drugs, which may defeat the regenerative intent of the body. Symptoms

> represent the body's efforts to heal itself.

> Therefore, they are stimulated to complete the curative process. Minor

> ailments are often compounded by the use of drug therapy, which

> suppresses symptoms and weakens the body's line of defense.

> Rather than suppressing symptoms we need to interpret and understand the

> changes that arise from introducing higher quality foods, or

> discontinuing the use of stimulants such as coffee, tea or chocolate.

> There are basically three phases the body goes through as it strives for

> a new level of well being.

> The first is catabolism, the elimination or breakdown of tissue Wastes

> are discarded more rapidly than new tissue is made from the new food.

> This is evident in weight loss.

> The second phase is stabilization. The amount of waste material being

> discarded daily is equal to the amount of tissue being formed. Weight

> remains more stable.

> The third phase, a build up period called anabolism, occurs when weight

> increases. At this point, new tissues are being formed faster. The


> need for the usual amounts of food decreases and we are able to maintain

> weight and increased energies with less food.

> Remember: Good health will follow in the wake of a healthy lifestyle.

> Cleansing Crisis

> Happens at:


> 1-7 day mark


> 5-6 week mark


> 3 month mark


> 6 month mark


> then further and further apart and the signs are milder as time goes on.

> Handling Your Healing Crisis

> The goal is to help the body function effectively in a healing crisis.

> The use of medication that suppresses symptoms can compromise the


> process and is therefore discouraged.

> During this period of cleansing, foods heavy in protein or fat should be

> avoided, because they are not easily digestible and place high demands


> the body. Meals should be kept simple, light and nutritious. Plenty of

> pure water, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetable are recommended.

> The skin is an important organ of elimination and toxins can be released

> more easily if it is in proper condition. To aid this process, try the

> detoxification bath described below.

> Using a body brush, stimulate lymph and blood flow by dry brushing the

> skin - from the ends of the limbs toward the heart, including the

> abdomen, repeating daily until the crisis passes. (Many health

> professionals suggest daily dry brushing of the skin to help keep the

> lymphatic system in optimum condition.)

> Reducing stress will help the healing crisis pass more quickly. Some

> people may need to evaluate their daily stress level: poor diet,


> caffeine, sugar, white flour and other lifestyle elements that have

> contributed to their poor health over the years.

> Elimination

> During a healing crisis toxins and waste will be eliminated through the

> intestines. If the waste is trapped in the body, toxins will be absorbed

> into the blood from the colon and recirculated throughout the body, thus

> autointoxication (re-poisoning) the body. It is important to have


> eliminations...

> Exercise is Essential

> Exercise will aid the detoxification process. Find or devise an exercise

> program that is fun and not so ambitious as to be impossible to adhere

> to. Many people begin an exercise program with the best of intentions,

> only to find that it is either too difficult, or takes too much time.

> Find something that is easy and then add to it, as you are able. A


> exercise is better than none.

> One of the best exercises is walking. Toxins, which cause stiff and

> aching muscles, are eliminated through the sweat glands and the distance

> and pace, can be upgraded, as time will allow. Walking 20-30 minutes,

> four to six times a week will help prevent the toxins from overloading

> the system and being reabsorbed, and allowing the body to eliminate more

> toxins.

> Detoxing Bath

> Another way to eliminate toxins through the skin is a detoxing bath.


> in a hot bath for half an hour to which has been added 2 cups of either

> Baking Soda (which will help neutralize the acids of the toxins), or

> Epson Salts (giving the water a higher ion content than the body, which

> will draw the fluids, therefore toxins, out of the body). Mote: It is

> important to drink water while soaking to replace the fluids drawn from

> the body. If one has an open rash, Epsom Salts should not be used, which

> will cause the rash to sting. Oatmeal Powder is an excellent emollient

> for dry skin. Make your own, cost effectively, by reducing 1 - 2 cups of

> regular oatmeal to a fine powder in a blender (larger particles should


> sifted out) and add to the bath water.

> Hering's law of cure

> The healing crisis has been expressed over the years by the following

> definition, which has gained widespread acceptance:

> " All cure starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse

> order as the symptoms have appeared. "

> Remember, your body is infinitely intelligent, and, if given the proper

> tools (good nutrition, sufficient fresh air and water, adequate rest and

> sleep and a positive mental attitude), will manage to work itself


> the healing crisis and " miraculously " heal itself.







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Well, I haven't experienced dizziness...yet. I did lie down and rest ALOT

yesterday because of my pounding head. I guess it is kind of scary knowing that

people have died from the common cold (I never knew that). btw, what is

" hydrotherapy " ?

Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~


Peter Gardiner


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:46 AM

RE: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!




In detoxification context Mary Ellen asks:,

" What symptoms do I look for that are so horrible that I should seek medical

intervention? Has anyone ever died from detox? "


It seems dizziness is a symptom to watch and go for a slow down. People no

doubt have died from detoxification but I doubt that the medical profession

would pick it up. More likely they would write " cause unknown " . People

have died from the common cold and going to hospital is outright risky in

itself. On detoxification you are in a fast type situation and there are

some responsible medics who counsel medical counselling during a fast.

There are many possible things that can go astray. I have never had any

bother but I have taken my fasting gently and have always thought that if

anything bad started to happen, I would fling myself on the medical

profession way before life threatening symptoms appeared.


Nearly all those who advise fasting advise a slow down in physical activity.

You seem to have an active dynamic life. Might be an idea to take life a

bit easy!









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" hydrotherapy " is know as colonic washing except that it seems to me to go

further back than that.


Circumstances have to be special for the common cold to kill, I think.

Detoxification is something that goes on for years. Usually the worst is

over in a couple of weeks. An arbitrary rule of thumb that David Wolfe

used, was to count one month of detoxification for every year of wicked






Mary Ellen Wolfe [Wolfegang]

28 April 2004 11:25


Re: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!




Well, I haven't experienced dizziness...yet. I did lie down and rest ALOT

yesterday because of my pounding head. I guess it is kind of scary knowing

that people have died from the common cold (I never knew that). btw, what is

" hydrotherapy " ? Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~


Peter Gardiner


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:46 AM

RE: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!




In detoxification context Mary Ellen asks:,

" What symptoms do I look for that are so horrible that I should seek


intervention? Has anyone ever died from detox? "


It seems dizziness is a symptom to watch and go for a slow down. People


doubt have died from detoxification but I doubt that the medical


would pick it up. More likely they would write " cause unknown " . People

have died from the common cold and going to hospital is outright risky in

itself. On detoxification you are in a fast type situation and there are

some responsible medics who counsel medical counselling during a fast.

There are many possible things that can go astray. I have never had any

bother but I have taken my fasting gently and have always thought that if

anything bad started to happen, I would fling myself on the medical

profession way before life threatening symptoms appeared.


Nearly all those who advise fasting advise a slow down in physical


You seem to have an active dynamic life. Might be an idea to take life a

bit easy!










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Peter Gardiner


Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:43 AM

RE: [Raw Food] Help, I'm sick!



" hydrotherapy " is know as colonic washing except that it seems to me to go

further back than that.

Okay, thanks.



Circumstances have to be special for the common cold to kill, I think.


Okay, that's good to know. Maybe I won't die after all.




Detoxification is something that goes on for years. Usually the worst is

over in a couple of weeks. An arbitrary rule of thumb that David Wolfe

used, was to count one month of detoxification for every year of wicked




YIKES! I ate wickedly for 43 years!!!! Oh well... I'm not backing down now.

Thanks Peter.


Peace, ~*~Mary Ellen~*~





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