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a question about amalgams - LONG!

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Hi Mary Ellen. I was a dental assistant for almost 10 years, and yes, if the

fillings in your mouth are silver (or gray) colored, then they have mercury

in them.


All is not lost however! You can find good caring dentists all over (they

usually advertise in the local health food stores) who will use proper

procedures for removing the amalgam with the least amount of exposure to

you - and themselves (see the bottom of this e-mail for the proper

procedures).Take it slow though, and only replace once quadrant at a time so

your body is not overwhelmed. Fresh cilantro is one of the best natural

chelating substances, and will help your body get rid of the excess mercury.

Look on this site http://www.oasistv.com/archives.html and type chelation

in the search box. The document you want is titled " The Poor Man's Chelation

Therapy From Alternatives " Friday, March 17, 2000.


The fillings can be replaced with either a plastic composite, or the newer

filling materials have glass beads in them to make them stronger. The life

expectance of plastic (or white) fillings is around 10 years. Don't be

surprised if there is decay under the silver fillings, as they have a nasty

habit of shrinking and leaking.


One other note. If you have any old crowns, you might want to have them

replaced also. I did a hair analysis, and found very high levels of nickel

in my body due to the metal content of crowns I had placed in the 70's.


Here is another link you might find interesting:


This site talks about the dangers of Fluoride, Alternatives to

mercury-amalgam fillings, how to find a dentist etc.


Hope this helps. Good luck!




International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology


Protocol for Mercury/Silver Filling Removal[1]


Patient protection:


First in every concerned doctor's mind is the protection of the

patient from additional exposure to mercury. This is especially true of

the mercury toxic patient. The mercury toxic patient may have been exposed

to varying amounts of mercury from diet, environment, employment or from

mercury/silver dental fillings. All forms are cumulative and can

contribute to the body burden. The goal of this preferred procedure is to

minimize any additional exposure of the patient, ourselves, or staff to



During chewing the patient is exposed to intraoral levels which are

several times the EPA allowable air concentration.[2] During the removal or

placement of amalgam the patient can be exposed to amounts which are a

thousand times greater than the EPA allowable concentration.[3] Once the

drill touches the filling temperature increases immediately vaporizing the

mercury component of the alloy. There are 8 steps to greatly reducing

everyone's exposure.


Step one Keep the fillings cool


1) All removal must be done under cold water spray with copious

amounts of water. Once the removal has begun, the mercury

vapor will be continuously released from the tooth.


2) Therefore, A high volume evacuator tip should be kept near the

tooth (1/2 inch) at all times to evacuate this vapor from the

area of the patient. Polishing amalgam can create very dangerous

levels of mercury and should be avoided especially for the

mercury toxic patient.


3) All patients having amalgam removed or placed should be provided

with an alternative air source and instructed to not breathe

through their mouth during treatment. A nasal hood such as is

used with the nitrous oxide analgesia equipment is excellent.

Air is best and oxygen is acceptable although not required. If

just air is used it should be clean and free of mercury vapor

preferably from outside the dental office.


4) Particles of mercury alloy should be washed and vacuumed away as

soon as they are generated. The filling should be sectioned and

removed in large pieces to reduce exposure.


At present the International Academy of Oral Medicine and

Toxicology (IAOMT) has approved removal both with and without

the use of a rubber dam. Some evidence exist to support both

views since high levels of mercury and amalgam particles can

be found under the dam. All members are agreed that whether or

not a rubber dam is used the patient should be instructed to

not breathe through their mouth or swallow the particles.

Some experts feel that it is better to remove the amalgam first

and then apply the dam if needed for restorative procedures.


5) After the fillings have been removed, take off the rubber dam

if one was used and lavage the patients mouth for at least 30

seconds with cold water and vacuum. Remove your gloves and

replace them with a new pair. If a restorative procedure is

next then reapply a new dam and proceed.


6) Immediately change patients protective wear and clean their face.


7) Consider appropriate nutritional support before, during and

after removal.


8) Install room air purifiers or ionizers and fans for everyone's

well being.



Staff protection


OSHA [4,5] requires that employees be given written informed consent

before the use of any toxic chemicals of which mercury is one. Elemental

mercury vapor is one of the most toxic forms of mercury and should not

breathed. Women of child bearing age should be exposed to no more than 10%

of the OSHA MAC [6]. Women who are pregnant should be exposed to no

mercury.[7] If you use mercury or remove mercury in any form the National

Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended that

your employees be medically monitored annually.


9) Any mercury exposure requires that the employee wear an approved

mercury filter mask. An approved mask is appropriate for

wearing during all dental procedures which will expose you or

your staff to mercury.[8]


The manner in which dentists operate their equipment dramatically

affects the amount of mercury released. Never drill on mercury high dry.

It is hazardous to you, your staff, and your patient. Levels as high as

4000 mg/M3 have been measured 18 " from the drill when used high dry. Levels

over 1000 mg/M3 are measurable upon opening an amalgam mixing capsule.


One out of 7 California dental offices tested over the OSHA TWA of

50 mg/M3. 100% of the vacuum cleaner exhaust tested over 100 mg/M3. Any

office where mercury is used should be tested regularly and staff should be

monitored for exposure. Testing services are available and a mercury sensor

badge is available for personnel monitoring. They should test inside

storage areas and along baseboards where mercury might have dropped. Office

spills can go undetected for years and are extremely hazardous.

The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology protocol

committee seeking submissions to the Standards of Care Protocol/Preferred

Procedures. We are particularly concerned and interested in detoxification.

A one page self explanatory form is in the meeting packet.



1 IAOMT Standards of Care Preferred Procedure Approved 9/27/92


2 EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Health

and Environment Assessment Mercury health effects update Final

Report EPA-600/8-84-019F 1971 EPA


3 Cooley RL, Barkmeier WW: Mercury vapor emitted during ultraspeed

cutting of amalgam. J Indiana Dent Assoc 57:28-31, 1978


4 OSHA Job Health Series: Mercury.(2234)8/1975


5 Hazard Communication Program Federal Register/ Vol. 52. No. 163 /

Monday, August 24, 1987


6 OSHA MAC is Threshold Limit Value of 100 micrograms/ cubic meter or

100 PPM This is a never to be exceeded standard.


7 Koos BJ and Lango LD , Mercury Toxicity in the pregnant woman,

fetus, and newborn infant. A review Am J Obstetrics and Gynecology

126(3):390-409, 1976


8 Mine Safety Association high levels and 3M mercury dust mask lower


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