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Interesting tidbit...for those who are interested

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I do not know if anyone in this group is interested in

what I would like to share. Therefore, I will leave it

up to the moderators to determine if they want to post

this to the group.


Because formaldehyde is a very significant carcinogen,

because I was exposed to low levels of formaldehyde

for over a year, and because my blood antigens to

formaldehyde are 350% over the acceptable safety

limits, I do not know how long I have to live. I do

not know if or when I will start exhibiting signs of

cancer or how many organs in my body will succumb to

it. I do not know if my lungs can rebound from the

exposure I have experienced. However, I do have a

wealth of knowledge about holisitic nutrition...having

obtained a Ph.D in holisitic nutrition, a degree in

Nutritional Science, and a degree in Naturopahy from

the Clayton School of Natural Healing. I also have a

degree in Nutritional Herbology (that required a

thesis) and a degree in Iridology (that included a 3

hour exam) from the AustalAsian School of Herbal

Medicine. Prior to being poisoned by formaldehyde, I

both taught classes in natural health and was a

Natural Health Consultant.


I would like to be able to share, incrementally, the

knowledge I gained with those who could benefit.

However, I do not wish to step on anyone's toes. If

the members of this group are not interested, I will

unsubscibe and not bother anyone again.


To give you a sample of what I can share, I will give

the following.


The first thing I would do in a private consultation

is get the answer to the following two questions.

One... How much fiber is in the current diet. Two...do

an iris evaluation.


All cooked diets (even vegetarianism/veganism)can be

low in fiber. This is reflected in the iris. In an

iris evaluation, I would first look at the status of

the eliminative channels: intestinal tract, skin,

kidneys, and lungs. 99% of all clients revealed

impaired elimination through the skin and intestines.

Such impairment ALWAYS impacts other organs of the

body. I could give numerous examples but do not wish

to make this longer than necessary.


I learned, not only through my studies, but also

through practical situations, that FIBER is VERY

important for the proper functioning of the body.

However, there is a difference between the eating

fruit for fiber and eating vegetables for fiber.


The fiber in both fruit and veggies will cause the

bowels to function more efficiently. However, only the

sap of fruit can soften hardened fecal matter on the

walls of the intestines. The sap of fruit does this

by sticking to this fecal matter and fermenting it

loose. This fermentation process can cause excessive

gas to build up in the body if there is not enough

insoluble fiber to push it out of the intestinal

tract. A good example of this would be prunes and

prune juice. Many people experience gas when eating

prunes. If the gas (from fruit sap)cannot be quickly

expelled from the body, it will displace oxygen in the

blood and cause a multitude of problems. It has even

caused death.


With just this little bit of information, it becomes

apparent that the first transition to a healthier diet

is the addition of both insoluble and soluble fiber in

the diet from veggies rather than fruit. Only after

the bowels are functioning with some degree of

normalcy can a person seriously consider adding lots

of fruit to the diet. Normalcy in stools is AT LEAST

least one very large stool per day. Ideally, you

should have a stool within one hour of eating any meal

and output should equal input!


Some in this group have transitioned from a SAD

(Standard American Diet) to a high fiber

vegetarian/vegan diet before beginning a transition to

a raw food diet. Such individuals are less apt to

experience problems with the transition as the

intestines are functioning more closely to normal.

Others, who are transitioning from a relatively

fiberless SAD/vegetarian/vegan diet will have more

difficulty transitioning to an all raw diet for two

reasons. First, the intestinal tract is not

accustomed to handling large amount of fiber. (An all

raw diet is extremely high in fiber!) Second, any

fruit consumed can trigger fermentation of hardened

fecal matter that cannot be easily removed (with the

loosened, slimey, fecal matter). Therefore,

transitioning to an all raw diet, while desirable, is

not a 'one shoe fits all' situation. While all

members in this group have the same goal, not all have

the same starting point. The starting point is not

just an interesting tidbit but a critical piece of









Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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Dear Mary,


You come to us with so much information and knowledge. I for one and I am

sure, many appreciate this. I do not know really anything about formaldehyde.

How were you so greatly exposed to it? I pray that all the knowledge that you

carry can get you through this in nothing but wonderful health.

I cannot even begin to imagine what lies in my body as I have abused it to near

exhaustion. I continue to smoke even when I have been told damaging news. 32

years of my 44 of heavy smoking has surely toxicated me to the max along with

every other unhealthy aspect I followed.

After reading what you said on the greens, when I was in the store earlier I

just could not buy my salad..lol I strolled up and down the fruit aisles to only

walk away with a dozen lemons and a small bunch of bananas. I just do not know

what to eat anymore :)

I am going to start a fast on Monday as I have said in previous posts and I am

hoping that it will jumpstart my system in many ways. I just find it so bizarre

to gain weight when I am only eating small salads.

<To Wendy: I used to starve and was thin so I doubt not eating enough is causing

my gain...more like screwy hormones or better yet..payback? >

Mary, please stay with us. I am only one person but I have a lot to learn and

when I am blessed enough to have people share with other's what they know, each

day becomes much more brighter.


Thankyou so much

God Bless you







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I also want to say to you, Mary, please do stay with us. You have a good heart

and we can learn from you. You information is interesting, and, I'm sure I am

not alone, we are thinking of you. I also want to know how this happened to you,

as Tone also asked. Melissa

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mary <marymassung wrote:

I do not know if anyone in this group is interested in

what I would like to share. Therefore, I will leave it

up to the moderators to determine if they want to post

this to the group.


Keep the information comming. I like to hear it.


Nicholas Costanza










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Melissa and Tone,


In 2/2002, my hubby and I decided it was time to get

new carpeting as our children had finally 'flown the

coop'. We splurged and got DuPont's UltraLife

Stainmaster that was warranted again all animal stains

for 10 years (as we have animals). We started having

problems with the carpet immediately and complained to

DuPont. DuPont tested the carpet but did not replace

it or tell us it was defective. It was gassing off

low levels of formaldehyde continuously. I sleep in a

separate bedroom from my hubby because of his sleep

apnea and snoring. (He has a service dog for his

sleep apnea.) When I experienced bloody sinuses after

the house was 'closed down for the winter', I put a

humidifier in my room. It turns out that formaldehyde

gassing off increases in the presence of humidity! In

a matter of two months, the elasticity in my lungs was

all but destroyed.



--- Melissa Matthew <drmelmatthew wrote:

> I also want to say to you, Mary, please do stay with

> us. You have a good heart and we can learn from you.

> You information is interesting, and, I'm sure I am

> not alone, we are thinking of you. I also want to

> know how this happened to you, as Tone also asked.

> Melissa







Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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You might want to reconsider your decision to fast.


Fasting can be approached from one of two

perspectives. It can be seen as a 'trigger' for

cleansing or a 'litmus tester' of existing health.


In the former situation, a person fasts to cleanse the

body. This can be dangerous depending upon how much

toxic waste you have in your body and the nature of

that waste. The more toxic the waste, the more

dangerous it is to fast in this manner. People have

died from doing so even when under the care of

'experts'. Some side-effects of circulating toxins can

impact the brain and your ability to judge your

situation accurately. The healthier the body when

fasting, the more effective the fasting will be.

Unless you can be under the care of someone trained to

observe fasters, I would not do more than one 24hr

fast per week.


In the latter situation, the person fasts AFTER A

PERIOD OF FEELING WONDERFUL to test the level of

circulating toxins in the body. Because the body FEELS

wonderful, these toxins should be easily removed. If

the levels are low or the toxins non-poisonous waste,

or the eliminative channels fully functioning, only

hunger will be felt during a 24-72 hour fast. If the

toxins are poisonous or excessive, or if the

eliminative channels are not fully functioning, you

will have other side-effects.


I have tried both ways and found the 2nd to be far

more effective in the long run.


Always keep in mind that your goal is NOT just to be a

raw-fooder. To do this for its own sake is foolhardy.

No primitive society that has longevity without

degenerative disease lives on a 100% raw food diet.

Raw food is only a means to an end....and that end is

the OPTIMAL HEALTH allowed by your genetics (taking

into consideration any permanent damage your past diet

may have caused). Raw food is valuable ONLY IN SO FAR

as it cleanses (fiber/sap), heals (herbs), and

rebuilds (fruit) the body. If you focus on fasting

instead of increasing nutrients (for cleansing,

healing and re-building) and fiber (for elimination),

you will put yourself on a path that will be



If I could share anything from all my experiences, it

would be to accept yourself where you are, set a

realistic goal as to what your want to achieve

(health-wise), and then allow yourself time for the

journey! It took me 7 years to reach my first goal!

It took me 10 years to reach the second. That

patience is now paying off when I need it the most.

My body is now CRAVING those healthy foods!


While a support group is beneficial in that others can

encourage us on our journey when we run into

obstacles, we have to be careful not to try and

achieve what another has seemingly achieved with

seemingly few difficulties. Nothing is as it seems.

If you could go into that person's past, you would see

all the transitions and struggles that got them to

this point. We often forget all the minor transitions

that get us to our current point in time. We then try

to imitate what we think was the path of another

instead of what was reality.


Each of us began at a different starting point

(genetics). Each of us has had different experiences

(different dietary backgrounds) to the current moment.

Each of us has different limitations and

expectations. Again, the goal SHOULD NOT be a 100%

raw food diet for the rest of your life FOR ITS OWN

SAKE. It is the means to an end and may be your final

end...or it may not.





--- Tone <tone102 wrote:

> Dear Mary,


> You come to us with so much information and

> knowledge. I for one and I am sure, many appreciate

> this. I do not know really anything about

> formaldehyde. How were you so greatly exposed to it?

> I pray that all the knowledge that you carry can get

> you through this in nothing but wonderful health.

> I cannot even begin to imagine what lies in my body

> as I have abused it to near exhaustion. I continue

> to smoke even when I have been told damaging news.

> 32 years of my 44 of heavy smoking has surely

> toxicated me to the max along with every other

> unhealthy aspect I followed.

> After reading what you said on the greens, when I

> was in the store earlier I just could not buy my

> salad..lol I strolled up and down the fruit aisles

> to only walk away with a dozen lemons and a small

> bunch of bananas. I just do not know what to eat

> anymore :)

> I am going to start a fast on Monday as I have said

> in previous posts and I am hoping that it will

> jumpstart my system in many ways. I just find it so

> bizarre to gain weight when I am only eating small

> salads.

> <To Wendy: I used to starve and was thin so I doubt

> not eating enough is causing my gain...more like

> screwy hormones or better yet..payback? >

> Mary, please stay with us. I am only one person but

> I have a lot to learn and when I am blessed enough

> to have people share with other's what they know,

> each day becomes much more brighter.


> Thankyou so much

> God Bless you

> Hugs,

> Tone




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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<< No primitive society that has longevity without

degenerative disease lives on a 100% raw food diet>>

Hi Mary~

First off, let me just say that I am enjoying your posts very much, and am

thinking I may be the type you describe (dont lose weight, eat many greens,

crave salty, sour foods, sluggish metabolism etc). Secondly.. I am interested in

the above...so, there are no indiginous cultures that live 100% raw and are

disease free? That was the whole reason I was attempting this in the first

place. Well, that and after doing it for 40 days I felt like I did when I was

young (happy and not depressed). Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.








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Why is Mary thinking about leaving this forum??? I hope not........





Sunday, May 02, 2004 10:17 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Interesting tidbit...for those who are interested



Melissa and Tone,


It turns out that formaldehyde

gassing off increases in the presence of humidity! In

a matter of two months, the elasticity in my lungs was

all but destroyed.



--- Melissa Matthew <drmelmatthew wrote:

> I also want to say to you, Mary, please do stay with

> us.



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These 'wonderful' cultures (though few and far

between) are what we term 'primative' in that they

have not been impacted by our civilized food and

pollutants. Our bodies have been negatively impacted

by pollutants and the refining of our foods.


All the 'natural diets' that the health concious among

us eat, including raw foodism, were developed by

westerners with terminal illnesses. These illnesses

were either cured or put into a

semi-permanent/permanent remission by the specific

diet being promoted. They all had one thing in

common. They all contained at least 75% raw food.

Most had large amount of 'herbs'....even Natural



There are three parts to every plant....the stem,

leaves, flowers (herbs), the root/seed (starch), and

the ovary (fruit). The fruit part of the plant

cleanses and nourishes. The herb heals. The

roots/seeds are storage units of times of

famine/extreme cold when herbs and fruit are not



Because these diets were so effective either the

curing/causing remissions of terminal illness, people

with non-terminal illnesses jumped on the bandwagon.

After all, if a little of something (raw food) is

good, is not a lot (75%-100%)much better? The answer

to this question is not really currently known. Very

few non-terminally ill individuals have been on a 100%

raw food diet for more than 20 years. Nutrient

deficiencies are often slow in becoming apparent.


When an individual transitions to a raw

food/hygenic/fruitarian/vegan diet, s/he has done so

from the SAD. The change in diet immediately

precipitates an improvement in health for obvious

reasons. If the person transitioning to the 100% raw

food diet (for the sake of this group) has done so in

a manner that prevents nutrient deficiencies, we

should expect that person to obtain the age of at

least 120 and die from loss of will to live or an

accident...not a degenerative disease. This was the

case with Norman Walker (120), Arnold Ehret

(accident), Paul Bragg (accident) but not TCFry. I do

not know how Shelton died. However, all these men

were terminally ill when they started their diets.


Most people who begin such a diet (who are not

terminally ill) run into problems with deficiencies

after being on the diet for a period of time (often

years). This doesn't mean the diet can't work, it

means they have not made the best choice of food or

the best was simply not available. Therefore, at this

time, all we know for certain is that terminally ill

people whose bodies are extremely acidic can be cured

or have their health restored by eating a

predominately alkaline diet...preferrably and all raw

diet. This diet would contain some herbs...even if

only dark, leafy greens!


It is possible that, in time, we might learn that

those who have been exposed to so many pollutants and

refined/contaminated food NEED the same diet as those

who are terminally ill. Or we may find that an all

raw diet is wonderful for cleansing/healing the body

but not for after the body has been cleansed and

healed. We need far more scientific studies before we

can know the answer to this question.





--- Angela LaMonte <amadera656 wrote:

> << No primitive society that has longevity without

> degenerative disease lives on a 100% raw food diet>>

> Hi Mary~

> First off, let me just say that I am enjoying your

> posts very much, and am thinking I may be the type

> you describe (dont lose weight, eat many greens,

> crave salty, sour foods, sluggish metabolism etc).

> Secondly.. I am interested in the above...so, there

> are no indiginous cultures that live 100% raw and

> are disease free? That was the whole reason I was

> attempting this in the first place. Well, that and

> after doing it for 40 days I felt like I did when I

> was young (happy and not depressed). Anyway, thanks

> for your thoughts.

> ~Angela







> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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you are right- journey should be slow and gradual.it

took many years to human civilization to fall from

good to evil. same way to retrace journey back one

should take time, according to one`s mental as well as

physical condition.i saw one case in my village in

nepal, a person was forced not to take opium, who was

addicted for twelve years became unconscious for 3

days and eventully died. if a very clean healthy

person from mountain suddenly came to breath foul air,

he/she would be sick.when i walked to the path of

health and enlitenement i wanted result quickly, but

found i was moving from one extereme to another, now i

learned balance... ..









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