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The homepage of this " Raw Foods " list serve states:


" Stop cooking your foods! Increasing the RAW FOOD in your diet can

greatly improve your health! Food ENZYMES are important to your

health. Let's share info, tips, sources, url's, recipes and personal

experiences with eating more RAW FOOD.


This group is here to support people wanting to learn how to eat a

Healthy Raw Food Diet. Just because something is raw doesn't

necessarily mean it is the best thing for us. This group supports a

Vegan Raw Food Diet. Please don't come here trying to promote other

diets. "


It is my decision to live on this type of diet and I greatly

appreciate the help and support from this list serve. Can we stick

to raw and vegan?

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Although only a new member here, I agree with Kathy. The website says this

group supports vegan raw.


There are other groups that support raw food, regardless of kingdom and






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If it is decided that no one wants to have discussions where cooked or

non-vegan issues come up, then is there another list that anyone knows of where

many of these discussions could continue? Even though I am a vegetarian (I am 36

and have been one since I was 18) and am not interested in eating salmon I am

learning a great deal from " listening in " to Mary's conversations with other

people. I feel strongly in " take what I need and leave the rest " . I also feel

strongly that I have my convictions that are solid and unswayable...its okay for

me to hear stuff that I dont fully agree with. One more thing!!! I cant

stop..help! Okay, another thing is that I am not 100% raw remember I do raw for

6 and off for 1 day, but I strive for 100% all the time. So... should I not

discuss my journey because I am not " all the way there " yet? It just seems not

as embracing as it could be to me.

love and happy Mothers Day to those that it applies to!




Although only a new member here, I agree with Kathy. The website says this

group supports vegan raw.


There are other groups that support raw food, regardless of kingdom and









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Angela LaMonte


Sunday, May 09, 2004 1:42 PM

I cant stop..help! Okay, another thing is that I am not 100% raw remember I do

raw for 6 and off for 1 day, but I strive for 100% all the time. So... should I

not discuss my journey because I am not " all the way there " yet? It just seems

not as embracing as it could be to me.

love and happy Mothers Day to those that it applies to!



I dont think it's a matter of 'embracing' it's a matter of what the initial

statement on the home page for this group states RAW VEGAN, it

doesn't matter if it's 1% or 100% but VEGAN and yes I could and have taken alot

of posts and just deleted them but that is something I should NOT have to do

since this group was supposed to be RAW VEGAN and I have strong convictions

about issues that pertain to that-- and then again I could just say " what's so

hard about following the rules and the original reason for this group " if people

want to discuss raw animals then go to a raw animal group but why should we

vegans have to partake of the discussions here where they're not supposed to be?






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There seemed to be an awful lot of posts dedicated to eating raw fish. That

tells me that the list is open to eating raw anything. And I restate that

there are other lists that are open to support the omnivorous raw diet.

This list supposedly is in support of the vegan raw diet. I would also

think - and maybe I'm wrong about this - but the emphasis seemed to be on

" vegan " raw.


To conclude that if someone isn't " all the way there yet " should not be on

the list is to misunderstand my comment.


Also, there's a matter of economy. I belong to other lists and although I

know it's easy to hit the delete key, why should I have to.


Another thing. If someone is going through all those machinations just to

eat raw fish, it wouldn't seem that they intend to ever be vegan anyway.



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rawfood , " Rose Lieberman " <pyrite@c...> wrote:

> There seemed to be an awful lot of posts dedicated to eating raw

fish. That

> tells me that the list is open to eating raw anything.


An incorrect assumption.


> Also, there's a matter of economy. I belong to other lists and

although I

> know it's easy to hit the delete key, why should I have to.


OH lighten up. NO list is ever 100% on topic, anyway.



> Another thing. If someone is going through all those machinations

just to

> eat raw fish, it wouldn't seem that they intend to ever be vegan



Oops. Another assumtion. YOu know what they say about assuming...

So what's really bugging you. What's your real beef?? (heh, two puns)-


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I does support it, but it doesn't say that it should throw stones at those that

don't follow it as you do.




Rose Lieberman [pyrite]

Sun 5/9/2004 12:30 PM



Re: [Raw Food] comment


Although only a new member here, I agree with Kathy. The website says this

group supports vegan raw.


There are other groups that support raw food, regardless of kingdom and











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When I read your posts, I'm inclinded to hit the delet button. Yet, why should I

have to?





Rose Lieberman [pyrite]

Sun 5/9/2004 2:08 PM



Re: [Raw Food] comment


There seemed to be an awful lot of posts dedicated to eating raw fish. That

tells me that the list is open to eating raw anything. And I restate that

there are other lists that are open to support the omnivorous raw diet.

This list supposedly is in support of the vegan raw diet. I would also

think - and maybe I'm wrong about this - but the emphasis seemed to be on

" vegan " raw.


To conclude that if someone isn't " all the way there yet " should not be on

the list is to misunderstand my comment.


Also, there's a matter of economy. I belong to other lists and although I

know it's easy to hit the delete key, why should I have to.


Another thing. If someone is going through all those machinations just to

eat raw fish, it wouldn't seem that they intend to ever be vegan anyway.



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Yep there is another group



Angela LaMonte <amadera656 wrote:


If it is decided that no one wants to have discussions where cooked or

non-vegan issues come up, then is there another list that anyone knows of where

many of these discussions could continue?








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Oh, Ariana, I apologize profusely for having come across so badly. By all

means, we should talk about anything. Everything anyone says has value.

And to show you what a good sport I am, I'm going to go out and, oh, I don't

know, bludgeon a duck, and ask the group which is the best way to eat it.


Sorry. Really. How awful of me to voice my opinion on something so narrow.



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I really don't think that you should be in this group speaking about animals the

way you do. You might need to go find yourself another group.




Rose Lieberman [pyrite]

Tue 5/11/2004 1:02 AM



Re: [Raw Food] comment


Oh, Ariana, I apologize profusely for having come across so badly. By all

means, we should talk about anything. Everything anyone says has value.

And to show you what a good sport I am, I'm going to go out and, oh, I don't

know, bludgeon a duck, and ask the group which is the best way to eat it.


Sorry. Really. How awful of me to voice my opinion on something so narrow.







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Well..what you say makes sense to me on one level.. it really does, but then on

another level it just seems too controlling for lack of a better word.

Like..there is an ebb and a flow to conversations..they wind this way and that,

but it seems like if it approaches an area that is taboo for this list then

things get both very heated up and stiff at the same time. I think that this

woman had alot to offer, and she has lived a long time, and if her views didnt

completely match the rest of the list did she really need to be " spoken to " in

such an impolite way? But whatever. I am a newby here. I dont call the shots

(!), I have expressed my opinion and now I am done.



Tara <taburner wrote:



I dont think it's a matter of 'embracing' it's a matter of what the initial

statement on the home page for this group states RAW VEGAN, it

doesn't matter if it's 1% or 100% but VEGAN and yes I could and have taken alot

of posts and just deleted them but that is something I should NOT have to do

since this group was supposed to be RAW VEGAN and I have strong convictions

about issues that pertain to that-- and then again I could just say " what's so

hard about following the rules and the original reason for this group " if people

want to discuss raw animals then go to a raw animal group but why should we

vegans have to partake of the discussions here where they're not supposed to be?









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Lopez, Ariana


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:06 AM

RE: [Raw Food] comment



I really don't think that you should be in this group speaking about animals

the way you do. You might need to go find yourself another group.>>


helloooooooooooooooo their point was sarcastic showing you and a few select

others how your posts about salmon sounded...a living being is just that a

living being whether animal, fish, bird, etc...you justified all the talk about

eating salmon and called everyone else here narrow minded and now you post

saying this person needs to find another group when they were sarcastically

posting about your, mary's and a few others posts!!





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Rose Lieberman


Tuesday, May 11, 2004 9:31 AM

Re: [Raw Food] comment



Ariana, I was doin' it for you! Now you're not happy about this? Oh, how

will I ever please you?




ROFL I think I " m the only one who caught that!!! lol




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Personally, I'm in the camp that if you want to eat raw animal

products, go ahead. If I did I don't believe it would affect my

mental balance with my diet. But the thought of raw meat or a raw

animal product is just not appealing to me at all, so I don't eat

them. Also, I do see a spiritual, moral factor against eating raw

animal products.




New Forum: www.rawfoodeaters


rawfood , " Rose Lieberman " <pyrite@c...> wrote:

> Oh, Ariana, I apologize profusely for having come across so badly.

By all

> means, we should talk about anything. Everything anyone says has


> And to show you what a good sport I am, I'm going to go out and,

oh, I don't

> know, bludgeon a duck, and ask the group which is the best way to

eat it.


> Sorry. Really. How awful of me to voice my opinion on something

so narrow.


> Rose

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Exactly, there is an " ebb and a flow to conversations " and we may be

raw food eaters but that's just one aspect of our lives. And there

are many things that we would like to discuss. Confining our

discussion to raw food related ways seems silly to me.


And even if things get " heated up and stiff " , I find that enjoyable.

Brings some energy to my raw food life, which makes it more enjoyable

to stay raw.


I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Mary stay.


I'd find it hard to be the judge of what's polite or impolite.


I don't receive e-mails from the site, I just go to the site and read

what I want to.


Trying to dissect what should be talked about and what shouldn't be

talked about is silly in my view.


Strong convictions should be balanced by consideration for others,





New Forum: www.rawfoodeaters


rawfood , Angela LaMonte <amadera656>


> Well..what you say makes sense to me on one level.. it really does,

but then on another level it just seems too controlling for lack of a

better word. Like..there is an ebb and a flow to conversations..they

wind this way and that, but it seems like if it approaches an area

that is taboo for this list then things get both very heated up and

stiff at the same time. I think that this woman had alot to offer,

and she has lived a long time, and if her views didnt completely

match the rest of the list did she really need to be " spoken to " in

such an impolite way? But whatever. I am a newby here. I dont call

the shots (!), I have expressed my opinion and now I am done.

> Angela


> Tara <taburner@b...> wrote:



> I dont think it's a matter of 'embracing' it's a matter of what

the initial statement on the home page for this group

states RAW VEGAN, it doesn't matter if it's 1% or 100% but VEGAN and

yes I could and have taken alot of posts and just deleted them but

that is something I should NOT have to do since this group was

supposed to be RAW VEGAN and I have strong convictions about issues

that pertain to that-- and then again I could just say " what's so

hard about following the rules and the original reason for this

group " if people want to discuss raw animals then go to a raw animal

group but why should we vegans have to partake of the discussions

here where they're not supposed to be?


> tara

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This discussion reminds me of the story on today's cover of the

Baltimore Sun. The governor of Maryland calls multiculturalism 'bunk' and



I tend to want to hang out with people who think and talk exactly like me,

too, but I often get a lot out of speaking to people who aren't.


I don't support the governor by the way--tolerance doesn't mean agreement.

The whole issue covered by the Sun started when the Comptroller was served

(something not raw or vegan!) at McDonalds, by someone who didn't speak

English well. The Mcdonalds serving bag had every language but English on

it, which the comptroller found especially insulting...


Anyhow, I do see a parallel in the multiculturalism argunent that graces

our front pages.


I would love to see Rose stay here; she has a lot to offer this community!


Best Regards,




On Tue, 11 May 2004, Rose Lieberman wrote:


> Ariana, I was doin' it for you! Now you're not happy about this? Oh, how

> will I ever please you?


> Rose



Marjorie Roswell

3443 Guilford Terrace

Baltimore, MD 21218




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You are one hostile woman. Did it ever occur to you that while you

are loving all the animals, you are hurting your fellow humans? I

keep hearing that vegan and raw turned one more toward a loving and

accepting nature to others and not toward that of judgemental and

immature. Please try to find it in you to let this go so we can get

back to what this group is really about - raw foods!






> helloooooooooooooooo their point was sarcastic showing you and a

few select others how your posts about salmon sounded...a living

being is just that a living being whether animal, fish, bird,

etc...you justified all the talk about eating salmon and called

everyone else here narrow minded and now you post saying this person

needs to find another group when they were sarcastically posting

about your, mary's and a few others posts!!





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And the other problem is once you censure someone it is going to put

a damper on a significant amount of other people. I've seen this

before, I feel it now. Further, only about 10% of any group

partipates anyway. People who have a problem with content should

address the moderator. THe moderator should then email privately to

the " offender " . Censuring hurts us all.-- anne

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