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Integration and Balanced Living

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UB, p. 67, The Hebrews based their religion on goodness; the Greeks

on beauty; both religions sought truth. Jesus revealed a God of love,

and love is all-embracing of truth, beauty, and goodness.


Isn't love grand? I want to live like Jesus. Eating raw is where it

all starts for me. I have no hope of an integrated, peaceful mind

and lifestyle without being esconced in a raw food diet.



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Rich Sachs <seconaphim> wrote:

> UB, p. 67, The Hebrews based their religion on goodness; the

> Greeks on beauty; both religions sought truth. Jesus revealed

> a God of love, and love is all-embracing of truth, beauty, and

> goodness.

> Isn't love grand? I want to live like Jesus. Eating raw is where

> it all starts for me.




Jesus said that nothing we eat makes us unclean (Mark 7:14-23).

He gave hungry people fish and bread (Mark 6:30-44). He didn't

mind the eating of eggs (Luke 11:11-13). After his resurrection

he helped his disciples to catch fish and offered them cooked

fish (John 21:9-13). Once Jesus told about the heaven using a

parable about a king who had killed oxen and fatted calves for

a wedding (Matthew 22:1-14). In telling the story he never

condemned the killing. In another parabel he told about a lost

son returning home and how the event was celebrated by killing

a fatted calf (Luke 15:11-32). No condemnation there either.

Jesus was a hebrew. Hewbrews celebrated Passover, and still

do. It was custom to sacrifice and eat lamb on Passover. God

had ordered it (Exodus 12:1-14). The disciples arranged a

Passover meal for Jesus and they ate it together (Mark 14:12-25).




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You make some excellent points, which are a whole lot more in line with

scripture than the book Rich quotes from. However, in my opinion, just

because Jesus ate and provided meat does not mean that meat is beneficial to

our bodies. It is not sin for someone to eat meat, but I think it is

healthier not to.

One thing I definitely would like to comment on is when Jesus said

nothing we eat makes us unclean. He was talking about behavior, not about

diet. Scripture makes it very clear that there ARE unclean foods: pork,

shellfish, etc. Eating them isn't going to keep anyone out of heaven, but

it may cause them to get their sooner.

I am not totally raw, but hope to be soon. However, I observe the

biblical feasts and will probably always have (cooked) lamb on Passover

(although I don't think the Jews do that anymore.)


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Wendy <ky_wendylynn@h...> wrote:

> You make some excellent points, which are a whole lot more in

> line with scripture than the book Rich quotes from. However,

> in my opinion, just because Jesus ate and provided meat does

> not mean that meat is beneficial to our bodies.


Thank you for your balanced reply, Wendy. The purpose of me

telling about my interpretation of the dietary attitude of

Jesus, wasn't at all to advertize meat eating or the practice

of cooking. I told it because someone appeared to have the

misconception of Jesus not tolerating the killing of animals

for food, and of Jesus being a rawist.


> It is not sin for someone to eat meat, but I think it is

> healthier not to.


Glad we agree on the sin aspect of the meat eating, and glad

you're expressing the health aspect as an opinion rather than a

fact. Personally I don't want to generalize. I think there are

people of various kinds. Some seem to thrive on a lot of meat.

Some seem to get sick if they eat so much, but appear to need a

bit to stay healthy. Some seem to be better off healthwise not

touching meat at all. For instance, several years ago I read an

interview in a magazine with a woman who reportedly was hundred

years or older. I don't remember the exact figure. They even had

a picture of her and she looked great for her age in my opinion.

She said that her parents had tried to feed her meet when she was

young but she didn't like it. I think she said she threw it up.

If I remember correctly, then one of the things she said she had

eaten each morning for most of her life, was soaked oats with

almonds, raisins and fruit. Too bad I don't remember what else

she had eaten, but she definitely had avoided meat.


> One thing I definitely would like to comment on is when Jesus

> said nothing we eat makes us unclean. He was talking about

> behavior, not about diet. Scripture makes it very clear that

> there ARE unclean foods: pork, shellfish, etc.


Yes, Leviticus 11 clearly defines what animals are clean and

what are not according to God. I based my statement about

Jesus apparently redefining it on a quote from my copy of the

Bible: " Thus he declared all foods clean. " (Mark 7:19).

However, there's a lot of debate about this part. I shouldn't

have mentioned it.



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> However, there's a lot of debate about this part. I shouldn't

> have mentioned it.


;) Yes there is. I could probably argue on both sides.


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