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Lower body temperature, metabolism, health

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rawfood , " ms4runr2 " <ms4runr2> wrote:

> Would you care to quote any kind of support for this statement??


> what I am able to surmise from my own body temperature being low,


> being SICK at the same time with chronic fatigue, a lowered body

> temperature is NOT a sign of health. Not necessarily.


I'm quite sure I did not say that a " lowered " body temperature is

necessarily a sign of optimal health. What someone else reads into

what I actually said, cannot be blamed on me, lol.


A low body temperature can accompany a sluggish thyroid, as well as

otherwise impaired metabolic function. There is a reason for that.

Obviously the body is conserving energy in that case, and saving its

resources in order to cleanse and heal itself. And the body is at

the same time, fatigued and without energy. That is a sign that the

body is demanding rest, and to be kept warm.


However, when health is fully recovered, the body temperature may be

lower than the average temperature of SAD eaters. Body temperature

appears to correlate with metabolic rate, and the lower the

metabolism, the lower the temperature seems to be, within a very

specific range. Additionally, body temperature varies in different

parts of the body, and it varies during the day, in response to

activity levels. So there are different factors involved with body

temperature, but overall, a healthy raw vegan body will have a lower

temperature. 70%-80% of the body's energy is consumed in digestion

on a SAD diet. When we eat a raw vegan diet, if we eat foods as

close as possible to the way they come in Nature, and we combine

properly, and give our digestion a rest between meals, we give our

bodies very little challenge in digestion compared to a SAD eater.

Therefore, the metabolic rate is lower, resulting in a lower body



> While it MAY

> depend on what is normal for each individual, if one has always

had a

> temp of 98.6 and then it lowers, then cause for concern is

> legitamate.


There would be cause for concern if one has hypothermia, if one is

in a very cold environment and the body cannot generate enough heat,

and the body therefore becomes very enervated. It is important to

keep the body warm and comfortable. We are, after all, primates, and

all primates live only in the tropics naturally. And we of all

primates need heat most of all, since we are the only naked apes.


> The reason is because there is a reason our body's have a

> certain temp- temp kills harmful bacteria. That's a good reason to

> let a temp run its course.


There is no such thing as " harmful bacteria " , but the " germ theory "

is religiously believed in by those who worship at the feet of the

medics and pseudo-science. There are not " good bacteria " and " bad

bacteria " , those are myths. All bacteria live in the body only with

the body's permission, and only because they perform important,

symbiotic functions in the body. Bacteria are the garbage collectors

in the body; without them we would die of our own wastes in seconds.

Killing bacteria is counter to health.


It is of course important to let a higher temperature " run its

course " . When the body has fever, it is part of the disease process,

which is completely endogenous, i.e., self-generated, and is for the

benefit and survival of the corpus. A higher temperature indicates a

sped up metabolic rate, the body doing extraordinary cleansing and



> Further, what makes you think you have a cooler running engine

> because you are vegan or a fruitarian?


Explained above.


> Is there any science data for

> that?


<Sigh.> The whole thing is axiomatic, i.e., self evident. But for

those who are impressed with " science " , here are some links and

relevant text. I really hate this sort of thing, because it is info

gathered from enslaving, torturing, murdering animals in labs. And

it is based upon caloric restriction (CR) alone, rather than on

sound nutrition. Of course, if one has a raw vegan diet, one is

usually consuming far fewer calories than someone on the SAD diet

anyway, so that fact, in addition to having a healthy diet, will

probably ensure longevity:


http://www.betternutrition.com/view.asp?issue=Dec02 & article=330


Okinawans have the world's longest average life span and eat 40

percent fewer calories than Americans and 17 percent fewer than the

average Japanese citizen. Recently, the National Institute of

Aging's George Roth, PhD, and colleagues concluded that the same

biological markers produced in CR animals are evident in the men who

are living longest in a continuing study in Baltimore on aging.

These predictive " bio-markers " include lower levels of blood glucose

and insulin, reduced body temperature, less fat in the blood, more

high-density lipoprotein—HDL, the good cholesterol—and a steady

level of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a steroid hormone. " This

means that the biological characteristics of animals on CR diets

seem to apply to longevity in people, " says Roth, who co-authored

the study in the August 2, 2002 issue of Science.




Another metabolic alteration during CR in rodents, as well as in

nonhuman primates, is a reduction in body temperature (Weindruch and

Walford 1988 ; Duffy et al. 1990 ; Lane et al. 1996 ). This change

may be due to an increase in the coupling of oxidative

phosphorylation to ATP synthesis, perhaps by a reduction in levels

of uncoupling proteins. These proteins span the inner membrane of

the mitochondria and may allow proton leakage and thus hijack a

fraction of the energy of electron transport to generate heat rather

than ATP (Weindruch et al. 2001 ).


Lane, M.A., Baer, D.J., Rumpler, W.V., Weindruch, R., Ingram, D.K.,

Tilmont, E.M., Cutler, R.G., and Roth, G.S. 1996. Calorie

restriction lowers body temperature in rhesus monkeys, consistent

with a postulated anti-aging mechanism in rodents. Proc. Natl. Acad.

Sci. 93: 4159-4164




One of the most consistent observations in aging is the link between

metabolic rate and the pace of aging (Weindruch et al. 1986 ). Thus,

if the metabolic rate of an organism is slowed down, for example, by

lowering caloric intake or by lowering ambient temperature for cold-

blooded animals, life span is significantly extended (Finch 1990 ).

Interestingly, this link breaks down in comparisons between

organisms. For example, rodents and bats have comparable metabolic

rates, yet bats live up to 10-fold longer. Thus, each species

appears to have a predetermined rate of aging that is further

regulated by the rate of metabolism integrated over the life time.


> What would it mean if a person is consistently hot with a low

> threshold for heat yet runs a low body temp??


This is just a guess: It seems to me that would be indicative of

parts of the body being called upon to work hard by activity,

indicated by the sense of feeling hot, while the body is trying to

conserve energy. What is clear is that if someone has chronic

fatigue, the body is making its demand for rest known. Dr. Herbert

Shelton said that most, if not all, healing occurs during sleep, the

remainder during rest. Symptoms are evidence of the body attempting

to heal, cleanse, repair. Most people's bodies have a long-term

sleep/rest deficit. A body demanding rest is actually showing

vitality by its insistence on resting, which is what it needs to

accomplish its work. Often, when someone goes raw vegan, one can

feel worse, and can develop intense symptoms. One has stopped

whipping the tired horse, and the body is recovering. The recovery

can be short or long, it can have sudden acute crises with long

periods of milder symptoms as well as plateaus in between, all kinds

of different phenomena and symptomatology can occur. The body knows

best, and always does what it needs to in order to regain and

maintain as optimal health as is possible.


> There are many factors

> here and I've not found a lot of info on it and I've been looking.


> if you have good data please share it.


Rather than trying to dissect and analyze symptoms, which is an

activity engaged in by adherents to the medical paradigm, for

purposes of suppression of symptoms, it is much more constructive to

treat the body as a gestalt, and to cooperate with the body. The

best data is in the literature of Natural Hygiene. I would encourage

you and everyone else to read the classic works of Hygiene, books by

Dr. Herbert Shelton, by Dr. Hereward Carrington, among others. And

articles on Dr. Bernarr's site. Here are some links which will give

you a bit of an intro:
















> OTherwise, I think you are

> pulling this out of thin air.-- anne


Lol, you are welcome to think what you wish.





> > rawfood , " southladogs " <southladogs>

> > wrote:


> Raw vegans on a fruitarian diet can expect to have

> > > lower temperatures, since we have cooler running engines. We

> > > generate less heat, since most of the extreme heat generated


> the

> > > body of the average person is a result of the body frantically

> > > trying to digest the indigestibles they consume, and the body

> > > whipping itself into a frenzy, frantically trying to eliminate

> > > poisons.

> > >

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