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Hi Myrna,


I know it was a question for Rich, however I would like to write you

my opinion and experience.


The more simply and natural is my food, the more simply and natural

becomes my personality. I feel more and more free.


This Monday and Tuesday I had my breatharian days.


Yesterday I ate my fruit all the day till the evening when I did the

exception within the frontiers of vegetarianism. Surely not because

of cravings. It was just because I was with my friend and there was

no fresh fruit so I preferred not to be hungry and to choose



Today I have a breatharian day, too.


I feel very well in this way, I am not hungry nor thirsty and I have

no cravings.


As soon as I begin to feel hunger or thirst, I will eat my fruit







rawfood , esred sez myrna <notes4mld>


> Rich,

> I have a problem with breathanarianism. How can it be God's will

for anyone? Didn't he give us all a digestive system, an appetite

for food, teeth to chew it with and a need for nutrients at the

cellular level. We can't live withoiut oxygen but energy for our

daily functioning comes from food.


> Myrna






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I think there is another energy besides food that can be activated

for the human body. It's just my belief, but surely, if God wills

it, it can be done. I have no interest in being a breatharian and

probably never will, but it is probably a truth that some people out

there are true breatharians, so if that's the case, then it does





rawfood , esred sez myrna <notes4mld>


> Rich,

> I have a problem with breathanarianism. How can it be God's will

for anyone? Didn't he give us all a digestive system, an appetite

for food, teeth to chew it with and a need for nutrients at the

cellular level. We can't live withoiut oxygen but energy for our

daily functioning comes from food.


> Myrna

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Is there any difference between being a breatharian and fasting?




rawfood , Katarína Hviezdarková

<katarinahviezdarkova> wrote:

> This Monday and Tuesday I had my breatharian days.


> Yesterday I ate my fruit all the day till the evening when I did


> exception within the frontiers of vegetarianism. Surely not because

> of cravings. It was just because I was with my friend and there was

> no fresh fruit so I preferred not to be hungry and to choose

> something.


> Today I have a breatharian day, too.


> I feel very well in this way, I am not hungry nor thirsty and I


> no cravings.


> As soon as I begin to feel hunger or thirst, I will eat my fruit

> again.


> Katarína

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Katarina, I appreciate getting your experience with breatharianism. I

thought it meant just not eating for months at a time. I see no harm in missing

a meal and from what you say it looks like not eating for a day or two at a

time could be a good thing, giving your body a break in between days of

eating--sort of like fasting.















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Hi Rich,


These words are usually used in the following meaning:


Fasting: No eating, just drinking liquids.


Hunger strike: No eating,drinking just pure water.


Bretharianism: No eating nor drinking.


There are some people who use to drink pure water and their urine,

too. Others drink just their urine. So I don´t know whether these

cases seem to you more fasting or hunger strike.


It is not important, these are just words, the important is to know

what we are speking about.


Since yesterday I haven´t eaten nor drunk anything. As soon as I

begin to feel hungry or thirsty, I will begin to eat the fruits



However, this evening I will be with my aunt that I haven´t seen for

2 months and she always prepares me fruits with love, so I will

surely take them.


During the weekend I will be with my parents with whom I prefer to

act in the same way.


It is all just about the freedom, love and well-being.






rawfood , " Rich Sachs " <seconaphim> wrote:

> Is there any difference between being a breatharian and fasting?


> Rich

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Yes, Myrna, I feel it as a great relax for my body.


However, I can´t share my experiences with beeing breatharian for

months because I don´t have them.


This all is something new for me.


I think it was last year when I tried to fast one day (full moon)in

a months. I drank just water and it was very difficult for me. I

felt very hungry and weak. Sometimes it wasn´t so bad in the

evening, however when I woke up in the next morning I felt really

bad and I vomited even the salivas.


I tried to do it more months but it was always the same, so I didn´t

continue with it.


Now I have a friend that practises yoga and he told me he uses to

fast the days of full moon, then that opposite one (sorry, I

couldn´t find this word in my dictionary) and 11 days after those

two days.


So I told him I would try to join him but I would stop it if I would

feel bad. I drank just water. It was just slightly unpleasent and in

the next morning I didn´t have any problems. I was just very hungry,

so I began to eat fruits again.


Then he told me he doesn´t drink anything during these 4 days, so I

wanted to try it, too. I supposed I would be too thirsty and weak

but it didn´t happen and I felt very well.


That´s why I have begun to practice my breatharian days.








rawfood , esred sez myrna <notes4mld>


> Katarina, I appreciate getting your experience with

breatharianism. I thought it meant just not eating for months at a

time. I see no harm in missing a meal and from what you say it

looks like not eating for a day or two at a time could be a good

thing, giving your body a break in between days of eating--sort of

like fasting.


> Myrna



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New moon.


rawfood , Katarína Hviezdarková

<katarinahviezdarkova> wrote:

> Now I have a friend that practises yoga and he told me he uses to

> fast the days of full moon, then that opposite one (sorry, I

> couldn´t find this word in my dictionary) and 11 days after those

> two days.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Well that is interesting, I was about 43 days raw and going very strong when I

ate cooked one meal and then the next day I picked at something else and it just

rollercoasted from there, a little each day (larger portions) and before I knew

it I was cooked again. It has taken me just over two weeks to get myself

together again to go raw. I am very cold at the moment from eating raw but

after going cooked for a while, my skin is rough again and I don't feel as good.

It is hard and I know it is an addiction but I know it is the right thing for me

as I suffer from psoriasis and need to be rid of it. It would be nice to be

able to just have one meal occassionally cooked and then be raw again and I did

that for a while, but I just rollercoasted and the worse thing was I ate worse

than before I actually went raw. I increased my raw over the past few days and

am now raw again but very cold.


Angela LaMonte <amadera656 wrote:I am such an excessive personality

type usually. I find it interesting that I can give myself a day of cooked and

then go back to raw too! It is uncharacteristic of me. I used to like everything

bad for me and would do that in excess as well. Now raw feels like what I want

and what feels good. But on my family reunion I want to eat with everyone

(cooked vegetarian), and use food in that bonding way,and be easy on myself, and

relax. But I do realize that I wont be being truly " easy " on myself bc I am

giving my body unhealthy food, so I am in essence being " hard " on my self! Every

week I eat cooked on Sunday, and getting back to normal on Mondays is no

sweat/no problem. I usually feel good again by Tues. It is going to be an

interesting experiment to see what happens when I have two or three days of

cooked food in my body. I hope I feel so atrocious that I wont do it again!

Take care



Rich Sachs <seconaphim wrote:

I find it fascinating that someone can do this diet as they choose.

How could you " plan " on not " being raw the entire time " at your

annual family reunion? If I was to make such a plan, I wouldn't be

raw for half an hour following my decision. I've failed at being raw

countless times, but I always go into eating raw planning that I'll

be that way for the rest of my life.








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