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Garlic and Candida

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I read in a garlic book recently, that eating three raw cloves of

garlic will result after 30 minutes in blood composition such that Candida in


body will be destroyed. Also, garlic in the bloodstream reduces bloodsugar,

and Boosts the body's insulin production.







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not to mention garlic is good for bringing down cholesterol.


Megan Milligan

Desert Rose Musings (www.desertrosemusings.com) (parts still under construction)

Cal-Neva Animal Rescue (www.desertrosemusings.com/calnevarescue/index.htm)




Friday, July 23, 2004 7:48 AM

[Raw Food] Garlic and Candida



I read in a garlic book recently, that eating three raw cloves of

garlic will result after 30 minutes in blood composition such that Candida in


body will be destroyed. Also, garlic in the bloodstream reduces bloodsugar,

and Boosts the body's insulin production.







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I have read raw garlic can burn our skin and our stomach lining. not true?


I read in a garlic book recently, that eating three raw cloves of

garlic will result after 30 minutes in blood composition such that Candida in


body will be destroyed. Also, garlic in the bloodstream reduces bloodsugar,

and Boosts the body's insulin production.




What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.

Richard Bach



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And should be eaten Raw for maximum benefit. If it is used in cooking, ad it

at the last minute, after your turn the heat off the dish. Otherwise the

medicinal properties will be lost -- evaporated away with the steam.


I recently found out it's good to pickle garlic in apple cider vinegar.

Apparently this brings out some of the special compound that is anti-tumor

properties. Garlic can be left in vinegar for up to 5 yrs and will only get


in this medicinal anti-tumor property the longer it sets in the vinegar.

AFter a period of 60 days, the garlic and the vinegar have the same content of

this substance the name of which I can't remember but if somebody want's to know

I can go pull out the article and look it up.




In a message dated 7/24/2004 1:08:05 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

yasminduran writes:


> not to mention garlic is good for bringing down cholesterol.


> Megan Milligan

> Desert Rose Musings (www.desertrosemusings.com) (parts still under

> construction)

> Cal-Neva Animal Rescue (www.desertrosemusings.com/calnevarescue/index.htm)






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In a message dated 7/24/2004 9:09:38 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

cerulean_1 writes:


> I have read raw garlic can burn our skin and our stomach lining. not

> true?




I read in " The Garlic Book " by Fullerton that this is a myth. That a person

would have to eat like 500 cloves in one sitting before experiencing anything

like that. Of course some may get indigestion if they have poor digestion.

I've been eating LOTS of raw garlic and do not get indigestion, only smell like

garlic everywhere I go. Sometimes if I swallow whole tablespoon raw and chase

it down with lemon juice, I feel a feeling like indigestion for about five

minutes, but it passes. Keep in mind the stomach acids inthe stomach are

probably far more powerful than most things you can put in your stomach, garlic


A lot of wrong information is generated by the Fear Mongering Medical

establishment. They'd rather pump a person full of blood thinners which

actually CAN

cause serious internal bleeding if you take too much, and generate a fear of

garlic. Fear Monguering. Please realize this is a form of brain washing.

I was told by the Medical Establishment once that vitamin E could cause brain

hemoraghing. FEAR MONGUERING. Coumadin can cause brain hemoraghing,

internal bleeding and death. I've taken lots of vitamin E and only had positive



Fear Monguering Medical Establishment doesn't like it when you have too much

information. It wreaks havoc with their fear monguering brain washing

techniques. But you can't blame them completely. They've been brainwashed

themselves and think they are trying to help.


Of course they have a certain body of knowledge. But what they learn about

foods, vitamins, herbs and nutrition in medical school is distorted

brainwashing from the drug lords of the pharmaceutical industry; mentality.






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just don't do what my dad did (though he liked his garlic roasted sted. raw).

when he was working, he would take a bulb of garlic to work with him in his

lunch. needless to say it wasn't long before he was smelling like gilroy

california at the peak of harvest time. lolol





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rawfood , " Megan Milligan " <yasminduran@c...>


> not to mention garlic is good for bringing down cholesterol.


Bear in mind that some cholesterol is good - the brain is 20%

cholesterol.... but if you don't cook the cholesterol, no problem!



Graeme xx

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If I ate 500 cloves of raw garlic at one sitting, I'd be dead. I

think many others as well would be in a similar predicament. I dare

anyone to eat 25 cloves of garlic in one sitting with no other fatty

food to block the effects of the garlic. Just eat it by itself. It

would be very hard to do and you could die.


Garlic, and onions give me a headache. But this only happened after I

stopped eating them for a while. The body builds up toleration of

poisons in small amounts, but they are still poisons. Once you stop

taking in the poisons and then you start again, you can immediately

feel the negative effects.


Would you feed a baby garlic? It is very powerful and not necessary,

nor do I believe recommended as a daily staple in the diet.


Our stomach linings are very thin and even one clove of raw garlic

can puncture it. I'd be very careful with garlic as there are

negative side effects on the brain by eating it. This is something

we've discussed in detail in the past. You can look up the posts with

the search function on the forum.


It may have many so-called positive effects, but there are many

negative effects as well. Would you take an antibiotic every day?

Well garlic is an antibiotic. So be very careful.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Are you having trouble staying 100% raw? Are you sick of the time

consuming effort of having to sprout, dehydrate and ferment your

foods? Are you afraid of eating fruit? Discover the simple secrets to

raw food success from Radiant Health and Peak Performance Coach,

Roger Haeske. http://www.SuperbeingDiet.com for more info.

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Garlic can cause candida. I met a raw foodist who was really into

garlic, and because he wanted to cleanse, he decided to eat a lot of

raw garlic. At the time, he did not have any issues with candida.

After eating a lot of raw garlic (probably many cloves per day), he

came down with a bad case of candida and had to quit the raw food

diet, and started eating cooked food and meat again. To this day he

cannot eat any sweet or carbohydrates because of his advanced

candida condition.


After that incident, his desire for garlic totally left him.

However, he still has candida. Because his internal flora was so

messed up, he needed to use primal defense to digest his cooked

foods. But he noticed that when he ate garlic, the probiotics were

completely useless. It was as if the garlic was killing the



Anyway, just some food for thought. This was his experience. Your

experience may differ.

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Can you really eat and enjoy a whole garlic. No. It doesn't taste

good. It's not meant to be eaten by the human animal. I'm going to

try to become a fruitarian. It's the only food that really tastes

good raw.



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>It was as if the garlic was killing the



You got it. Any thing that has anti microbe properties can do that. That's

why you very seldom take Oil of Oregano or Tea Tree internally. A bit of

garlic will stimulate pro biotics but overdoing it will kill them.

Your friend is simply an over indulger. It was too much refined carbs that

started the candida and too much garlic that killed the pro biotics. Too

much, too much.



" bryan_yamamoto " <no_reply >

<rawfood >

Monday, July 26, 2004 11:14 PM

[Raw Food] Re: Garlic and Candida



> Garlic can cause candida. I met a raw foodist who was really into

> garlic, and because he wanted to cleanse, he decided to eat a lot of

> raw garlic. At the time, he did not have any issues with candida.

> After eating a lot of raw garlic (probably many cloves per day), he

> came down with a bad case of candida and had to quit the raw food

> diet, and started eating cooked food and meat again. To this day he

> cannot eat any sweet or carbohydrates because of his advanced

> candida condition.


> After that incident, his desire for garlic totally left him.

> However, he still has candida. Because his internal flora was so

> messed up, he needed to use primal defense to digest his cooked

> foods. But he noticed that when he ate garlic, the probiotics were

> completely useless. It was as if the garlic was killing the

> probiotics.


> Anyway, just some food for thought. This was his experience. Your

> experience may differ.

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