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Always starving

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I suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, CFS and Malabsorption to

name a few of my illnesses. I am a very sick person who is quite

socially isolated. As my illness progresses I am becoming more

sensitive to more foods so the list of what I can not eat grows. I

am also starving all the time and just can't satiate myself? I have

tried taking amino acid and enzyme supplements but this does nothing.

I have read a hard core Raw Food book called Raw Food Propagandist

and I am of the thought it is the way to go. I have just started

back to being a vegetarian. Does anyone have any advice for me? I

am worried I will be even more starving as a raw foodist. Any

thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.


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Dear Sheri

Sungazing might be your answer. Anyone with a health problem benifits from

sungazing. Read more at these websites below.




Nicholas Costanza


sheriljay <sheri wrote:


I suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, CFS and Malabsorption to

name a few of my illnesses. I am a very sick person who is quite

socially isolated. As my illness progresses I am



The sun can be used to heal the mind, body and spirit








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Consider going to a facility such as the Tree of Life for a few weeks.


I have links to facilities resources on my website at



On Sun, 1 Aug 2004, sheriljay wrote:


> Hello,

> I suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, CFS and Malabsorption to

> name a few of my illnesses. I am a very sick person who is quite

> socially isolated. As my illness progresses I am becoming more

> sensitive to more foods so the list of what I can not eat grows. I

> am also starving all the time and just can't satiate myself? I have

> tried taking amino acid and enzyme supplements but this does nothing.

> I have read a hard core Raw Food book called Raw Food Propagandist

> and I am of the thought it is the way to go. I have just started

> back to being a vegetarian. Does anyone have any advice for me? I

> am worried I will be even more starving as a raw foodist. Any

> thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.

> Sheri


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I have been into natural hygiene movement since 1.5 years. I am from

Calicut, Kerala, India. My guru is Dr.John Baby Ph.D, Head of the Dept of

Psychology, Calicut University, Kerala. He advises that any disease can be

cured if proper nourishment is given to the body. He says raw fruits that

tastes most as the best food of humans. Then comes nuts (like coconut) and

third comes raw vegetables. He advises to go on entire raw food diet for 41

days and allmost all diseases would be gone. Only pure raw water (unboiled)

preferably from well or rain water (in some cases) are to be taken. All

animal protiens are prohibited-including milk, honey taken from honey bees,

egg, fish or meat. No beverages, tea or coffee and no medicines allowed.


However those suffering serious diseases are advised to follow natural

hygine under a trained natural hygienist. Upavasa or dieting (water upavasa,

fruit upavasa or full upavasa) are considered best for many illness.

He has taught 23 yoga asanas (postures) that would bring rest (vishranti)

to the body to be performed everyday morning and evening).

I have personally benefitted from natural hygiene and I believe that it is

the best solution to our problems.






" sheriljay " <sheri

<rawfood >

Sunday, August 01, 2004 6:30 AM

[Raw Food] Always starving



> >




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hello, thank you for writing

I am recovering from same (started when became abruptly sick from

multiple protracted pesticide exposures, combined with lead poising, and

other stuff)


if you can afford it- go find yourself an energetic chiropractor or a

homeopathic physician

I found acupuncture alone really helped, but got same results using

Eden's book for a fraction $, & when I needed it for how often it was



in my experience (8-10 " conventional " doctors + hospital staffs, which

includes doctors, 3-5 alternativeish practitioners excluding myself and

their helpers) conventional does not know how to handle this. In fact,

conventional medicine was making matters worse!


the range depends on how you define a regular chiropractor, and an MD

who also will prescribe and prefers homeopathic medications.



In my own opinion conventional medicine is regressing, being largely

self shackled into a 10-15 minuet time block with little knowledge or

care outside of trying to sell " prescribe " some drug.

For some it is turning into just a business venture with waning

relevance to the Hippocratic ideal.

Interestingly rural veterinarians seem to know a lot more how to deal

with chemical exposures initially than MD's and the like. I think this

is because it is not uncommon for farm animals to get sick from

poisoning. There also is no danger that the injured cow or horse will

sue Dow or whoever and subpena the vet. The farmer is generally

dependent on the stuff so they will not rock to boat too much.





go get, read and do Energy Medicine by Danna Eden -it is very much worth

the money

ESPECIALLY use the kinesthetic testing for determining compatible foods

by your self:

find a heavy enough weight that you are not able to lift if thinking

negative thoughts, but able to lift if thinking positive

( an other person can help by placing hand on same shoulder & pushing on

opposite outstretched arm)

hold item in question up to your chest, think about eating or drinking

the item in question and try to lift weight.

for checking do it with rubbing alcohol- poison of course, and should be


and something else for strong- organic grapes etc...

you will notice that some items are between the 2 extremes

you can also use a right and left hand spirals on separate sheets of

paper. Ball point pen will leave an impression on the paper, which is




do the 5 Tibetan rites see: ancient secret of the fountain of youth, or

on the internet.



I think the original book was published almost a century ago. That

means it is public domain.


Another possibility are some easy yoga, I would not recommend power and

its eastern trunk, as in my case it was too draining energy wise (mostly

liver damage & don-chi (sp?) problems) also kundalini problems were

happening partly through this- they are not fun.



if you can, try to safely sun bathe nude. For some reason, in my case

there are not as many healing qualities when wearing shorts. The theory

is a disruption of chi flow that clothing causes. However sun bathing

with shorts is better than no sun bathing.


the benefits are negated by sunburn of course, go with the bodie's

feeling on this


On that topic in my experience when doing the exercises in Eden's book,

being nude significantly reduced the needed time (3-5 meridian tracings

as opposed to ~7-21+ clothed, you may feel it when done)



Not sure about blood type, but for me going vegan greatly improved

things, AVOID gator aid, that stuff is deadly, try to stick with the

muscle testing.


Again in my case, partly through the energetic chiropractor we are

correcting or have corrected many of the various problems. If you are

really strapped for cash, let me know.


An other lady had this at a younger age & is doing better. She HAS to

exercise at least once a day, preferably swimming or it will come out of



any questions?


yea then there is the water...emotional issues....etc.. etc.. if you can

just ask away with further questions if you have them.



>I suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, CFS and Malabsorption to

>name a few of my illnesses. I am a very sick person who is quite

>socially isolated. As my illness progresses I am becoming more

>sensitive to more foods so the list of what I can not eat grows. I

>am also starving all the time and just can't satiate myself? I have

>tried taking amino acid and enzyme supplements but this does nothing.

> I have read a hard core Raw Food book called Raw Food Propagandist

>and I am of the thought it is the way to go. I have just started

>back to being a vegetarian. Does anyone have any advice for me? I

>am worried I will be even more starving as a raw foodist. Any

>thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.






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Sheri? me too! LOL have we met on another list?


<<< I have read a hard core Raw Food book called Raw Food Propagandist

> and I am of the thought it is the way to go. >>>


Debbie S. dlsherman at webtv dot net

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I don't think we have met on another list. I still have not resolved

my problem of always being hungry and am gaining 1.5 pounds a week as

a result? My enviro doc is puzzeled.


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hi sheri - thought i may have seen you on a cfs list.


i read raw food propaganda, like you, and think it's

the best chance we have for feeling as " normal " as

possible. i was unable to find The Raw Secrets at any

library, so i bought that and am working on it...


i end up feelin starved later in the day... but i

don't think i'm gaining weight... i think my problem

is problem not eating enough fruits and veggies during

the day i think you can eat an incredible amount of

raw produce on this diet... very labor intensive diet

lol and like " waco " , i'm

having trouble going all raw... at night, i end up

eating a baked potato with a little butter, a peanut

butter sandwich, some cooked pasta....


i'm also hoping to get rid of some meds with this

diet... blood pressure - which became a problem a

couple years ago, a low dose ssri, maybe even the anti



i saw somebody suggested to you one of the " retreats "

or something like that they call it... maybe

residential supervised fasting to detox and jump start

- does anyone have links to these in the US - any in

the midwest?


debbie s. in kcmo


<<< I don't think we have met on another list. I

still have not resolved my problem of always being

hungry and am gaining 1.5 pounds a week as a result?

My enviro doc is puzzeled. >>>










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I find when I am always hungry and nothing satisfies me.

I drink some water and for some reason that helps.

Would not hurt to try.



San Antonio TX


----Original Message Follows----

" sheriljay " <sheri



[Raw Food] Re: Always starving

Thu, 12 Aug 2004 02:47:10 -0000



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i think i need to quit watching food network lol


creating our own raw food retreat is a great idea!


this sounds really interesting:


" Do you crave unhealthy foods?

Do you have trouble sticking to your diet?

Do you find yourself overeating?

Do you ever go through cycles of bingeing and then,

later, stricter diet?

Do you find it hard to get the results you desire on

your diet?

Discover how you can get rid of cravings, binges,

constant hunger and food obsession in less than 72

hours, guaranteed!

Do you have trouble sticking to your diet?Do you find

yourself overeating?Do you ever go through cycles of

bingeing and then, later,

stricter di

et?Do you find it hard

to get the results yo

u des "









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