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[psyllium powder

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What is psyllium powder and where do we get it? What is it used for?


Margie Roswell <mroswell wrote:Matt's Taco Recipe, on my web

page, at




On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, charlie_brush wrote:



> Hey y'all-


> Does anyone have recommendations for raw mexican food recipes? If

> so, please e-mail me charlie_brush at


> Thanks!


> Charlie


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Psyllium is a popular natural bulk laxative, used in many over the

counter brands, and is considered beneficial for constipation

stemming from either and over-relaxed or over tensed bowel. Clinical

trials conducted in Germany, Scandinavia, and the United States

during the late 1980s confirmed the psyllium acts as both an anti-

diarrheal and as a laxative, promoting the restoration of healthy

bowel functioning.


Psyllium hulls, also called husks, are the outer coverings of

psyllium seeds, containing the majority of the bulking mucilage-

complex carbohydrates which expand, becoming gelatinous when soaked

in water. Psyllium hulls are favored over the seed germ for use as a

bulk fiber laxative, since the hull swells in water to 8-14 times

their dry volume. Psyllium seeds are considered more appropriate for

spasic bowel problems.


Psyllium increases available water content within the large

intestine, thus increasing the bulk of the stool and making its

passage easier. This action also helps relieve hemorrhoids by

reducing irritation of the distended vein. Futhermore, the soothing,

healing effect produced by the mucilage-rich husks and seeds helps

relieve gastrointestinal inflammation associated with acid

indigestion and stomach and duodenal ulcers.


I have more info if needed.


You can goto my website @ : www.mynsp.com/newhope


I hope this information has helped you.





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Psyllium powder consists of powdered husks of the seed of the

psyllium plant. The husks are very starchy and indigestible. They

are ground up into powder, which turns the husks into tiny sharp

bits, like bits of broken glass. Same thing with oat bran, wheat

bran, etc., which are also ground up husks. All of these ground up

husks are irritating to our sensitive colons, and they are not food

for us, and do not belong in our bodies. The reason they seem to

have a " laxative " effect is that the body is trying to evacuate

these substances as quickly as possible because they are harmful to

the body. They do not " cleanse " the intestines, or do anything

beneficial for the body. Only the body can cleanse and heal itself,

and only our natural food belongs in our bodies--and our natural

food is beautiful and tasty and appealing. Psyllium powder, along

with so many other substances, is just another gimmick foisted on

unsuspecting raw fooders, along with myriad pills, potions,

powders, " cleanses " , " superfoods " , " supplements " , etc. Don't fall

for them, if you want health. Health is so simple--just put real

food into your body, nothing else.



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rawfood , Paul Ladendorf <paulldndrf>


> Health is not " so simple " .


Not understanding that health IS so simple, is Paul's first mistake.


> I agree that if one is healthy than good food is the best approach

to health maintenance.


Food is not an " approach to health maintenance " , it is one of the

requisites of life.


> But for those of us who are sick, Zsusza forgets to account for

the decades of abuse we put our body through.


" Forgets to account for " ? On the contrary.


> Also there are genetic and many other factors involved. Our bodies

work miracles but they have limitations and were not designed to

handle the onslaught of toxins that we have ingested for years and

years. For example, if one is poisoned by heavy metals such as

mercury, even the best possible diet probably won't give the body

the capacity to detoxify it, depending on the severity. This is

where " potions " have their application.


The fact that bodies are weakened and toxified from generations of

abuse makes it all the MORE imperative that the bodies NOT be

FURTHER toxified by harmful pills, potions, and other non-food

items. ONLY pure food and pure water, along with of course pure air

and sunshine belong in our bodies. All else is incompatible with our

bodies. You can't change our physiology with wishful thinking that

shards of cellulose such as is psyllium powder, will suddenly " have

their application " . NO substance has magical powers. NO substance

has the power to act on the body. Psyllium powder, and all the other

gimmicks, are toxic substance in the body, which only further WEAKEN


MAKE A SICK PERSON WELL--this is one of the principles of Nature.


> I could go on and on debunking Zsusza's post but don't have time

right now. Hopefully common sense will win out.


The only debunking that needs to be done is to shine the light on

the delusions of those who swallow wholesale the claims of all those

who peddle gimmicks to the unwary. The gimmicks are endless--pills,

potions, powders, absurd practices of all kinds. Common sense is to

run the other way. NO gimmick can ever make anyone one iota

healthier, but instead can only compromise their health further.

What needs to be debunked is the belief in the supposed magical

powers of toxins. People need to understand that the effects that we

are taught to consider positive and beneficial from consuming

substances, are purely palliative. NO substance can " detoxify " the

body, that is magical, wishful thinking, based upon effective

adverstising. Only the body can cleanse and heal itself. The body

CAN and DOES at ALL times work to cleanse and heal itself, the only

thing we need to do is to cooperate, by stopping the influx of

toxins, of which gimmicks are yet another part. When the body is

ready to do extraordinary cleansing, which only it can do, it lets

us know, by demanding a fast, which is NO nutrition, and total rest.


Strip away the propaganda of the pushing of gimmicks, the forcing of

substances on the body which are not our natural dietary, and then

common sense DOES prevail--one can then listen to the body. And the

body asks for fruit, maybe leafy greens, nuts. Or the body asks for

a fast. The body NEVER asks for psyllium powder or any other




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