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Fwd: Your Help Needed to Save Whales

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Dear friends,


I do a lot of my activism via the internet, but rarely if ever do I

contact others regarding issues because I know most people do not want

to be bothered. Because of the rapid reversal and threat to many laws

that were created to protect wildlife, I have a feeling you will be

receiving more emails like this one from me; the situation is just

getting a bit too scary and out-of-control. I figured I would give you

the option of addressing the issues or erasing the emails, rather than

assuming you would or would not be interested.


This issue below is a particular and serious threat to the survival of

a beautiful species. As I mentioned, many laws that were created to

protect wildlife are quickly being reversed and it is important that we

speak up its defense.


You do not need to write your own letter. Just visit the link below,

they have a form letter you can sign and send in.

If you would like the option of writing your own letter, that option is

available too and is actually more effective. But know that you can

still speak up and make a statement by simply sending in the form



> http://www.savebiogems.org/watchlist/

> takeaction.asp?camp=31 & step=2 & item=52240


Thanks for taking the time to read this.


peace & joy,




" The love for all living creatures is the noblest attribute of man. "

-Charles Darwin





> " John Adams, NRDC President " <earthaction

> Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:55:54 AM US/Pacific

> bbard4

> Your Help Needed to Save Whales


> Dear NRDC Earth Activist,


> I want you to be the first to know that NRDC is launching an urgently

> needed

> campaign to protect the world's whales against the Navy's use of

> dangerous mid-

> frequency sonar.


> New scientific evidence shows that intense blasts of mid-frequency

> sonar, at

> 235 decibels or more, can cause a whale's organs to fatally

> hemorrhage. And a

> growing number of whale strandings and die-offs -- from the Canary

> Islands to

> the Bahamas to Japan -- have coincided with the military's use of

> these high-

> intensity sonar systems.


> Please help put a stop to this senseless killing by going to the NRDC

> BioGems

> website at

> http://www.savebiogems.org/watchlist/

> takeaction.asp?camp=31 & step=2 & item=52240

> right now and sending the Secretary of the Navy a message urging him

> to take

> common-sense steps to protect whales.


> Last year we won a major victory for whales when a federal court

> blocked the

> Navy's global deployment of a different, long-range sonar system --

> called LFA -

> - because its ear-splitting noise could threaten the very survival of

> endangered populations of whales.


> Now we are taking aim at the Navy's mid-frequency sonar, which is a

> much more

> widely used class of systems for detecting submarines.


> Believe me, we understand and appreciate that the Navy's mission is

> defending

> our nation. But there are very simple ways for the Navy to protect

> whales that

> will not interfere with military readiness. Right now, the Navy is

> needlessly

> injuring and killing some of the ocean's most majestic creatures --

> and that is

> simply unacceptable.


> The International Whaling Commission recently declared that the

> evidence now

> appears " overwhelming " that military sonar is causing mass strandings

> of

> whales. And the scientific journal " Nature " reports that mid-frequency

> sonar

> can cause gas bubbles to form in the blood vessels of panicked whales,

> tearing

> holes in their internal organs. Such injuries no doubt cause intense

> pain.


> I want to stress again that such suffering is avoidable -- if the Navy

> would

> only take simple measures like avoiding areas where whales are known

> to migrate

> and raise their young. But the Navy is unlikely to take such steps

> unless it

> hears an outcry from millions of Americans.


> Please go to the NRDC BioGems website at

> http://www.savebiogems.org/watchlist/

> takeaction.asp?camp=31 & step=2 & item=52240

> right away and send a message telling the Navy to stop needlessly

> harming and

> killing whales. Then forward this message to as many of your friends

> and family

> as possible and ask them to speak out, too.


> Let's make sure that no more whales have to suffer and die from

> mid-frequency

> sonar.


> Sincerely,


> John H. Adams

> President

> Natural Resources Defense Council


> ==========


> BioGems: Saving Endangered Wild Places

> A project of the Natural Resources Defense Council

> http://www.savebiogems.org


> ==========


> To update your email address or other information, go to:

> http://www.nrdcaction.org/profileeditor. To from Earth

> Action, send

> an email message to earthaction with REMOVE in the

> subject line.


> Natural Resources Defense Council

> General email: nrdcinfo

> Earth Action email: nrdcaction

> http://www.nrdc.org


> ==========





" If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy,

if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you,

if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand,

rejoice, for your soul is alive. "

-Eleonora Duse, 1859-1924 Italian Actress





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