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Medical mythology versus health

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rawfood , Paul Ladendorf <paulldndrf>


> Zsuzsa, it sounds to me as though you believe that alternative

medicine is completely worthless. Is this correct? Yes or No, please.


Paul and all,


It would be great if the only problem with medicine were simply that

it's useless or worthless—I wouldn't concern myself with it then.

But the problem is that it's far worse than useless or worthless.

Substances put into the body are not neutral, they are either food,

which is raw material for the body; or they are toxins, which are

harmful to the body. Of course, there is a range, a continuum, with

all natural foods having nutritional properties as well as toxins.

What makes them food for us or not, depends on the ratio of

nutrition to the toxins. Ripe fruit contains the most perfect

nutrients, and contains minimal amounts of toxins, and is easy to

digest—that's the stuff of life. Vegetables, or the plants

themselves which produce the fruits/nuts/seeds, contain more toxins,

and are more difficult to digest, as they are not designed to be

eaten, but they are the next best food for us.


Animal flesh and other animal products are incompatible with human

physiology, and are therefore much more problematic—they are

difficult to eat, to digest, and are full of toxins, and our bodies

have therefore a natural revulsion toward them. However, humanity at

one time had to eat them, as they were all that was available to

humans during the ice age. Humans are primates, and primates lived

in health, in the rainforests, for 22 million years or more, as



Symptom suppression


When primates began eating animal corpses, they naturally began to

lose the pristine health in which they'd lived for so long. Humans,

being completely unadapted to eating corpses, began to become toxic,

and developed symptoms. Symptoms are evidence of the body's

elimination of toxins, but of course people did not know this—they

still don't know it. All sorts of external forces were assigned as

causes for symptoms—evil spirits, bad karma, hexes, etc., just as

symptoms are today attributed to unseen beasties; poor little

innocent microorganisms are demonized into armies of invaders and

killers, prompting an endless war and holocaust by humans upon these

poor tiny creatures, and of course the hysteria over their

supposedly causing disease, an absurdity.


The fear and misunderstanding of symptoms allowed the rise of the

power brokers known as shamans. With their discovery of plants and

other substances which had protective toxins in them, they were able

to make symptoms " miraculously " vanish, and they became the most

powerful influence among primitive ice age humans thereby. Medics

today are simply the same shamans, administering poisons to the

public who deifies them, in order to banish symptoms. In fact, the

formulae for the synthesis of many drugs today are still the same as

the herbal preparations from which they originated.


Of course, symptoms are simply evidence of the healing process in

the body, and are autogenic. The contagion theory, which was

thoroughly disproved by Antoine Bechamp in the 1800's, was

nevertheless promoted by Louis Pasteur to catapult him into wealth

and fame, though Pasteur recanted on his deathbed his transgression

and denounced the contagion theory. Sadly, the contagion theory, and

the drugs and surgery that it engenders, is the religion of today's

medical paradigm, based as it is on a long tradition of shamanic

brutality against the body. The great doctor Hans Ruesch, M.D. tells

us that this tradition comes down from Galen, not from Hippocrates.

Hippocrates apparently advocated raw food, mostly fruitarian,

rationality, and peace toward the animals and the Earth. It was

Galen who sought causes extrinsically, and Galen encouraged

vivisection. This is the model used today, in our materialistic,

immoral and unspiritual society, cycled through Descartes'

horrendous torture of animals and existentialist paradigm. How

pathetic that the medics pretend to follow Hippocrates, and take the

Hippocratic oath, vowing to do no harm, when in fact medics do

little else except harm. As my long-term raw vegan friend Wally

Straton says, the medical profession is the " symptom suppression

profession " .




We begin to get symptoms when our bodies get cleaner. Symptoms are

NOT a manifestation of a deficiency! Symptoms are manifestations of

the body healing, cleansing, repairing, including fixing absorption.

Any toxins will give a stimulant effect, symptom suppression effect—

a palliative effect. You can get the same effect from cigarettes,

coffee, prozac, you name it. In one dose, a toxin will have a

stimulant effect, in another dose it will have a soporific effect.

But putting toxins into the body is just the body whipping itself

into a frenzy to hurriedly get rid of the toxin. It's just whipping

the tired horse, that is the stimulating effect. Or soporific

effect, or " tonic " effect. These are the types of effects that

people think is fixing a " deficiency " . But it's just palliation, the

effect that toxins in " supplement " form have on the body which is

frantically working to get rid of them. That is how medicine " works " —

the body stops generating the dramatic cleansing/healing/repairing

actions it has been doing, so that it can devote its energies to the

emergency at hand, which is to eliminate the palliative, which is a

toxin threatening the life of the body. That is how " curing " works,

and it is a great mistake to consider it something desirable, or to

mistake it for " healing " . Palliation, the banishing of symptoms by

means of ingesting toxic substances, means that not only do we add

to the toxic load of the body by ingesting the palliative, but also

that the toxins that the body was originally trying to eliminate and

the healing and repairing it was trying to do, by means of the

symptoms, remain unfinished and shorten life.


On the other hand, when we stop whipping the tired horse, stop

taking in toxins of all kinds, including " supplements " , animal

products, etc., what are we left with? A tired horse! And the tired

horse needs rest, to recharge, not more toxins to whip the horse

into action again. Chronic fatigue is very common--it is the body

trying to force us to rest so that it can heal and recharge. And

real food does not have the " miraculous " effects on the body that

the toxic " supplements " do. Real food, the food to which we are

naturally biologically adapted, does not result in our feeling any

different after we've eaten, except that we don't feel hungry

anymore. None of our problems are going to be improved by adding in

toxic foods and other palliatives to our diets. That just compounds

the problem, adding to assimilation problems. We can

find " researchers " to support any theory we can think up.




What is medicine? The very word " medicine " is drugs. What are drugs?

They are palliation, they are poisons administered in order to

banish symptoms. Because the absence of symptoms is what is

considered health in our society. Therefore any substance, no matter

how toxic, that banishes symptoms, is hailed as " miraculous " . And

anything that banishes symptoms must inherently be toxic, since

nothing non-toxic has the effect of banishing symptoms. No healthy

substance can or does affect symptoms in any way, only the ingestion

of poisons results in the disappearance of symptoms. The type of

medicine, whether " alternative " or conventional, varies only in the

types and/or quantities of toxins used in order to banish symptoms.

Homeopathic medicine, for example, uses minute quantities of potent

toxins in order to banish symptoms. Herbology uses

toxic, " medicinal " herbs. All medicine, and in fact probably all

other modalities of " healing " , which in fact are curing, NOT

healing, have in common the goal of banishing symptoms. In truth,

only the body can heal, all else is curing.


Sadly, the medical mythology is so pervasive in our society, people

cannot see it for what it is, so steeped are they in the mythology,

and so religiously do they believe in it. I can understand why

people adhere to these false concepts so tenaciously, despite being

exposed to the truth--if one piece of the mythology most people

believe in were to be removed, the whole house of cards could come

tumbling down, and that is a very uncomfortable position to be in,

to have to re-evaluate all that one thinks one knows. The medical

mythology, and all that goes along with it, the entire curing

mentality, is so persistently defended by most people, as though

their life depended on it, when actually of course their life

depends on their doing the opposite. YOU CANNOT POISON SOMEONE INTO



Addition versus subtraction


One thing I've noticed, that is one of the very basic reasons why

people cling so much to the medical mythology, is that it welcomes

the addition of anything and everything. Drugs and surgery? Sure,

bring it on. They don't fix the problem? Okay, let's do some herbs,

and colonics, and supplements. Still looking for help? Bring on the

acupuncture, the wheatgrass, animal products, algae,

iridology, " juice fasts " , clay eating, oil drinking, urine drinking,

high protein diets, low carb diets, non-fat diets, etc.,

etc., " remedies " , palliatives, fixes, ad infinitum. The medical

mythology welcomes it all, the more the merrier! Anything goes! The

more unnatural practices and substances, the healthier we are, that

is the philosophy!


Hygiene flies in the face of this philosophy. Hygiene says, stop,

and reverse vector, go 180 degrees in the opposite direction. All

the artifice, " remedies " , palliatives, non-foods which are peddled

as food, as " nutrition " , as " necessary " , all the manipulative and

invasive practices—they are all unhealthy, they lead in the opposite

direction from health, and toward death. Stop them, and go the other

way. Return to Nature, to the way we were designed to live, and to

eat. Do not put into the body anything else, nor do to the body

anything else. This is the simple message of Hygiene. But most

people fight it with all their might, because they have been so

steeped in the opposite, in the untruths and unhealthy artificial

habits and substances, and they can't let go of them. They can't

investigate any information that does not fit with their cherished

medical paradigm, they can't possibly even consider the idea that

all that they've been taught could be wrong. They are totally stuck.


Subtraction is much more important than addition. We are taught from

birth to eat a " balanced diet " , which means to eat some of

everything, because " science " doesn't have a clue what we should be

eating, so that if we eat some of everything then we'll have it

covered somehow. The medics then measure levels of individual

nutrients, decide upon what is " average " and call that " normal " , and

encourages constant " testing " by everyone of these levels, and

artificial manipulation of these levels of individual nutrients in

order to get the effects that the medics seek. There is actually

nothing scientific about it, it's just crude attempts at

manipulating the body biochemically and it just screws up the body

by ingesting more toxins that the body cannot use and that further

poison the body. The most important thing for our health is not what

we eat, but what we DON'T eat. We benefit our health the most by NOT

ingesting ANYTHING but our naturally compatible food and water (and

the best water is found in fruits).


We are NOT meant to ingest everything under the sun. We are

frugivores, and as such we are attracted to and equipped to eat only

fruits, veggies (plants, mostly leafy, less starchy ones), and

nuts/edible seeds. If we can divest ourselves of the mania to

continually add things to what we eat, despite being bombarded by

ads in both the conventional and the raw food media imploring us to

do so, we will be much healthier. We cannot benefit from consuming

pills, powders, animal corpses and other animal products, cooked

foods, or any other palliatives—these have a negative net effect on

our health and our lifespan, and consumption of them can only serve

to toxify us. We need to eat only our naturally compatible foods,

enough to satisfy us, as our body directs us. A body that is clean

on the inside, not toxified, and well rested, as well as meeting the

other requisites of life, is what ensures health and longevity. We

have health by DEFAULT, when we don't screw it up. The movement that

is now called Natural Hygiene invented the word hygiene, in the

1800's—it was taken from the name of the Greek goddess Hygeia, who

stood for cleanliness and purity. That is what we need to strive

for, above all. And cleanliness cannot be achieved by imposing fasts

upon the body when the body is not demanding it. And cleanliness

cannot be achieved by " juice fasts " , or " cleanses " , powders,

potions, pills, or enemas, colonics, psyllium, maple syrup and lemon

water, etc., no gimmicks. You can't clean the body, only the body

can cleanse itself on the inside. And the body is ALWAYS cleansing

and healing itself, and its ability to do so depends upon NOT

toxifying it with gimmicks, with animal products, with cooked food,

with medicines of any sort. We need to leave the body alone. Again,





Health is simple, in the sense that our job is simple. The body of

course is incredibly complex. The body is so complex that the

primitive medical industry can't possibly comprehend even the

tiniest fraction of it, yet the medics presume to know better than

the body, and get us to impose all kinds of nonsense on it. The body

is phenomenally complex, coordinating 30 or so TRILLION cells

simultaneously, myriad functions, ultra-sophisticated communications

systems, bio-chemical abilities we can't possibly fathom. We're not

SUPPOSED to try to figure it out, or to interfere with any of it.

The body makes it completely simple for us, idiot-proof simple. The

body TELLS us exactly what it needs from us, at any given time. If

we don't heed the body, the body does its best to FORCE us to listen

and give the body the conditions it needs so that the body can carry

on the work it needs to ensure our survival and optimal health. It

is NOT prudent to go against the body's mandates, in order to obey

instead the " authorities " , the gurus, the medical profession,

society, one's beliefs and indoctrination, etc. Of course one may do

precisely as one pleases, but one's health will pay the price.

Health is not something difficult or complicated for us. Health is

what we have when we don't screw things up. Health is our DEFAULT

mode, we have health NATURALLY. And our bodies ALWAYS and

CONTINUALLY throughout our lives seek to restore us to as perfect

health as possible, as only our bodies can do.



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I have to disagree with this. Let me ask what you would do in this



Your husband is working in the yard and sees a spider on his hand. The next

morning, he wakes up with a red, ulcerous bite and his hand swollen so much

that his knuckles cannot be seen. Is this a case where you also would not

try something " medicinal " ?? This actually just happened to me and my

husband on Wednesday morning. We did some research and the symptoms sounded

like it was that of a Brown Recluse Spider.


In reading about these bites, we read that some people have been

hospitalized for days on I.V.'s, had skin grafts and in some cases, people

have had amputations! The skin and surrounding tissue dies from the venom.


My Mom is a nurse (she also uses essential oils, so she practices both

traditional and alternative medicine) and she suggested that he soak his

hand in Hydrogen Peroxide - he did a that a couple of times. He also

applied Neosporin and doused it pretty heavily all day with Purification (a

particular blend) oil. We also soaked a cotton ball in the oil and taped it

over the bite. Purification, according to my essential oils reference book,

neutralizes the venom from a Brown Recluse spider. We also applied Aroma

Siez (another blend) and Lavender, but mainly used the Purification.


The next day, his swelling was almost all gone and the ulcerous bite was

nearly healed. It's still a bit swollen, but I don't think he'll have a

reaction like the ones we looked up on the internet. They were so scary

that i couldn't even look at some of the photos! I am very thankful we had

the Purification on hand. I'm afraid to think what it would have turned

into without it.


There are times when there is no alternative, but to use " medicine. "

Linda :-)








" southladogs " <southladogs

<rawfood >

Tuesday, September 07, 2004 10:02 PM

[Raw Food] Medical mythology versus health




Herbology uses

toxic, " medicinal " herbs. All medicine, and in fact probably all

other modalities of " healing " , which in fact are curing, NOT

healing, have in common the goal of banishing symptoms. In truth,

only the body can heal, all else is curing.

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