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juicer - Digest Number 895

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I beg to differ with you. You stated, " This is why Ann Wigmore insisted on

100% raw organic foods for healing. Only the physical forces of blending, or

juicing with a low rpm juicer like the Samson, are permissible. "


On page 35, of her book " The Blender Book " , by Ann Wigmore & Lee Pattinson

states, " At the Ann Wigmore Foundation, we use a Vita-Mix blender: I have

found that this is the best blender to use in the long run. " , so your

statement that, " only the physical forces of blending, or juicing with a low

rpm juicer like the Samson, are permissible " basing it on Dr. Ann's

teachings is not true.


By the way I do own a Dimension 2000 One Gear Juicer . Here is a picture of

one http://www.everythingkitchens.com/dimension2000juicer.html


God bless you and yours,








Message: 10

Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:52:59 -0700 (PDT)

Alex Malinsky <alexmalinsky

Re: juicer


Hey Chris, why the 3000 model?

The only difference between the 1000 and 3000 is that the 3000 comes with

all those attachments that raw foodists don't even use. Don't waste your

money on a 3000, if you really want a greenstar juicer, get the 1000 model.

I sell them for $347.99 plus free shipping.

In my experience the greenstar gears are tough to clean after something oily

like when making nut butter and also the machine is too bulky.... Read the

below article why a Samson or SoloStar is just as good or even better than a

Greenstar juicer.


Samson Is Superior to Green Star and Costs LessPlease beware of Juicer

Comparison charts on some web sites like the chart below. Using Green Star's

own chart, fact-by-fact I show that the Samson is far superior on every

count - quicker to clean, gives you non-foamy juice, smoother baby foods and

sorbets, and actual raw nut butters (not the Green Star's nut powders).

Everyone agrees the Green Star is a PAIN to clean, really tedious to scrub

and scrub and scrub, especially the screens and twin gears, while the Samson

juicer is a one-minute rinse.

Twin gear of Green Star juicer - time-consuming to clean all the pulp

fibers out of pocket recess in every tooth of both gears plus I'm told the

screens are such a pain to scrub and scrub. Single screw of Samson juicer -

quick to clean, pulp easily washes off, no inaccessible fibers.When cleaning

takes a long time, you don't juice as often as you should, or would love.

Worse still, at the core of each Green Star twin gear is a series of in-line

magnets that produce a focused magnetic field of 2600 gauss through which

the juice flows. I'm sorry, but I do *not* want a force on the level of

physics to alter the sub-atomic structure of my juice. This denaturing of

Nature's perfectly balanced chemistry is the very thing raw foodists are


The Samson simply crushes or extracts the fiber, depending on whether you're

making fat-free dessert or fresh juice. This is a physical change, not

chemical. There's no stripping of electrons (which the heat of centrifugal

juicers does) and there's no adding of electrons (which magnetism does).

The gentle grinding of the Samson auger (screw) cannot break the forces

holding electrons in place. The only forces strong enough to shove electrons

around are those on the level of physics, like heat, pressure, light, and

magnetism. These are the forces that food factories use.

Green Star mentions a " 72 Hour Fresh Juice Stability Study " which showed

" the lowest bacteria proliferation. " This to me is scary. If the bacteria

don't want it, I don't want it. If the enzymes in microbes can't break down

the food, then the enzymes in my body will have an equally tough time. This

is true whether we're talking breakfast cereal or juice.

Facts on Juicer Comparison ChartLet's compare the newest Green Power model,

the Green Star, with the powerful Samson. To me, both the Samson and Green

Star juicers are masticating juicers - masticate means to grind or crush,

e.g. you masticate food between your teeth.

The Green Power chart above claims Green Star is the only juicer with:

Low Operating RPM (revolutions per minute) - in fact Samson is lower at

80 rpm, Green Star is 110 rpm.

Dry Pulp - Samson is the only juicer with adjustable *three* squeezing

strengths in drum cap to ensure driest pulp.

Low Heat and Physical Shock - Samson has thermal overload protection that

switches motor off, if it gets too hot. This is why Samson's motor warranty

is double that of Green Star (Samson 10 years, Green Star 5 years).

High Nutrient and Enzyme Content - the least oxidation occurs with the

lowest RPM, so Samson's 80 rpm retains the maximum nutrients. Plus Green

Star alters the sub-atomic structure (adds electrons through magnetism)

which would denature the nutrients.

Long Lasting Juice - this is NOT a benefit. No raw foodist wants to

extend the shelf life of their food. If we did, we'd eat pasta and breakfast

cereal instead of wheatgrass juice, fresh fruits and just-picked greens.

Pulp-Free Juice - Samson juice is pulpier and this to me is a benefit

(pulp helps to sweep debris from colon, like a broom) or use Samson's

strainer to separate the pulp.

Juices Wheat Grass - Samson juice is as good as a dedicated wheatgrass

juicer, whereas Green Star creates excess foam in wheatgrass juice.

Juices Herbs (sage, horsetail) - so does Samson, and in addition Samson

and Omega 8002 are the only juicers that juice aloe vera leaves and pine

needles (if you have a hankering for pine).

Juices Fruit - the Green Star twin gears *require* the fiber in veggies

to push the pulp through the machine, or it backs up. Samson's single gear

easily handles soft fruits like kiwi and melon. Plus Samson juices sugar

cane, Green Star will not. Both juicers juice all vegetables, including

celery and green leaves.

Low Noise Operation - I haven't heard both, but the rule of thumb is: the

faster a juicer turns (revolutions per minute or rpm) the louder the

machine. Samson is 80 rpm, Green Star 110, so my bet is on Samson as the

quieter. Compare Champion at 2,700 rpm and centrifugal ejection juicers at

7,000 rpm.

Easy to Operate and Clean - give me a break, look at the photo of twin

gears above. Green Star is toughest of all juicers to clean. As for easy to

operate, one web site comparing all juicers, states: " These machines [Green

Star, Green Power] are not for the faint or frail hearted as some pressure

is needed to feed the produce into the machine. " I can imagine, with those

interlocking twin gears.

Makes Pasta - Samson comes with two nozzles for both pasta and noodles,

Green Star has only one pasta screw.

Makes Nut Butters - the same site that sells all juicers (their price for

Samson is $269 with shipping) writes: " I have tried making RAW almond butter

in the Samson, it turned out fairly well, and in the Green Star, it

basically turned the almonds into powder... not quite a butter. " I make very

quick and easy nut-butters of the soft " wet " nuts like macedamia, walnut,

pecan, in my Samson - these nuts don't grind in a coffee grinder, as almond

will - and there's no sticky mess to clean up.

Makes Baby Food and Desserts - both Samson and Green Star produce creamy

fruit sorbets from frozen fruit (they're delicious, like frozen yogurt) but

the same site that tested both writes: " Samson seems to get the sorbets a

bit more " fine " than the Green Star. " This would apply to baby foods too.

Accessories Included - all are included with the Samson special here at

$219. For Green Star, it depends on which model you buy.

Warranty - Samson is 10 years on motor, 5 years on parts, Green Star is 5

years on motor and parts, Green Power is 2 years on motor and parts.

AND Green Star makes you pay for magnetized juice -

Magnetic Technology - A Note on Altering Electron Structure Through

MagnetismWe Are Living Miracles. How does it all work? The magic of a heart

beating in perfect rhythm? A heart that loses its rhythm in a heart attack

feels like a million squiggly eels in your hand.

It's chemistry. One atom marries another atom or divorces it. How do they

decide whether to kiss or run? Usually one atom needs an electron and the

other has one to give, so they stay together and share the electron.

What's critical to the union of our two young atoms is that the electron

they share must be in the right place, facing the right direction.

It's as if when squeezed in the rush hour train, your cheek can stick to the

person next to you (a) if you're both the same height - that's electron

place or position, and (b) if your left cheek is next to her or his right

cheek, but *not* left cheek - that's electron direction or orientation.

But it takes energy for your two cheeks to stick together. We don't collapse

in the arms of just anyone, unless we have a heart attack. We make a

calculated move only toward the cheek we want.

In our body, enzymes provide this energy. Enzymes bring atoms together and

split them up. Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match!

Enzymes are factory slaves, forced to work on strict assembly lines. Each

enzyme performs only one job over and over, sometimes millions of times a

minute - it's reaction-specific. And each enzyme does its job with only one

molecule of a specific structure - it's substrate-specific.

Change electron position and orientation, and you change the structure of

the molecule, the substrate. How can your enzyme then work on it?

Our enzymes evolved over billions of years to work on molecules as they

occur in nature with their structures unaltered by human machines,

chemicals, irradiation, or magnetism.

When you cook food (or magnetize it, or irradiate it) the electrons are

pushed out of position and orientation, so your enzymes have a tough time

connecting with them. With electrons all squiff, it's not easy for an enzyme

to slice a molecule in two, e.g. when digesting your food. And it's not easy

for an enzyme to marry two molecules into one to build your bone, blood,

nerves, hair, thoughts, feelings, all the magic of you!

This is why Ann Wigmore insisted on 100% raw organic foods for healing. Only

the physical forces of blending, or juicing with a low rpm juicer like the

Samson, are permissible. For a *physical* force - such as the Samson's

crushing or mincing action - to alter electrons would be like cleaning your

fingernails with a steam-roller. It's impossible (thank you to Dr. Udo

Erasmus, author of Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, for giving me this

analogy over the telephone, when discussing blending). Only sub-atomic

*physics* forces, like magnetism, can pull electrons apart.

With the Samson juicer, the position and orientation of each electron, so

critical to chemical reactions, stays the way it is in Nature, in perfect


That's my understanding... And that's why I chose the Samson, because I

trust my Knowledge.



Chris Williams <chris_williams67 wrote:

Personally I would recommend the Green Star 3000 but that's a little higher

than what you listed as the range your looking at. I would recommend going

to this site http://www.discountjuicers.com/demo/ and check out the videos

of the various juicers and look at the various videos and information links.

Don't get in a hurry to get one just to have one. Take your time and talk

to folks that have the various machines and get their honest feedback.


I'll give you my take on the green star. Great machine for green leafy

begis, root vegi's etc. I was told and the literature says it's Not the

best machine in the world for citrus but it does it quite well. I like it

better thean the juicman that juiced things with the spnning basket thing

with small blades in it and that won't work well for wheat grass.


Now I was told the green star was hard to clean taking 15 - 20 min. It

doesn't take that long. The twin gears don't heat the juice like the

juiceman juicer so nutrients aren't lost. Many of the machines listed at

the site have twin gears or single gears this squeezes the juice out not

tearing up the vegi and fruit like some of the others.


We use the pulp that is extruded for fiber in cooking. You can also put it

back through the machine if you think there may be a little more juice you

can get out of it.


So I would recommend not taking just one persons opinion, getting a many

opinions and studying as much material as possible the site above gives you

a start and there are groups on and MSN that are dedicated to

Juiceing, they can provide you with a lot of feedback and information as



My wife and I made a decision that this was basically preventive medicine

and we couldn't put a pricetag on our health So while Ioriginally wanted to

go with the cheapest we could get by with I changed my mind after talking to

folks and studying to pay the additional $$. So we waited a little bit

longer to get the additional $$ and purchased the machine we have. We use it

all the time and even take the juicer to church for use there during

potlucks .


Hope this helps.



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Your lucky. If you that you

provided for the Dimension 200 Juicer, it says that it

has been discuntinued due to a 60% return rate.





--- Dale Wing <dwing wrote:


> Hi


> I beg to differ with you. You stated, " This is why

> Ann Wigmore insisted on

> 100% raw organic foods for healing. Only the

> physical forces of blending, or

> juicing with a low rpm juicer like the Samson, are

> permissible. "


> On page 35, of her book " The Blender Book " , by Ann

> Wigmore & Lee Pattinson

> states, " At the Ann Wigmore Foundation, we use a

> Vita-Mix blender: I have

> found that this is the best blender to use in the

> long run. " , so your

> statement that, " only the physical forces of

> blending, or juicing with a low

> rpm juicer like the Samson, are permissible " basing

> it on Dr. Ann's

> teachings is not true.


> By the way I do own a Dimension 2000 One Gear

> Juicer . Here is a picture of

> one




> God bless you and yours,

> Dale

> webmaster

> http://hishealingways.com



> *****************************


> Message: 10

> Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:52:59 -0700 (PDT)

> Alex Malinsky <alexmalinsky

> Re: juicer


> Hey Chris, why the 3000 model?

> The only difference between the 1000 and 3000 is

> that the 3000 comes with

> all those attachments that raw foodists don't even

> use. Don't waste your

> money on a 3000, if you really want a greenstar

> juicer, get the 1000 model.

> I sell them for $347.99 plus free shipping.

> In my experience the greenstar gears are tough to

> clean after something oily

> like when making nut butter and also the machine is

> too bulky.... Read the

> below article why a Samson or SoloStar is just as

> good or even better than a

> Greenstar juicer.


> Samson Is Superior to Green Star and Costs

> LessPlease beware of Juicer

> Comparison charts on some web sites like the chart

> below. Using Green Star's

> own chart, fact-by-fact I show that the Samson is

> far superior on every

> count - quicker to clean, gives you non-foamy juice,

> smoother baby foods and

> sorbets, and actual raw nut butters (not the Green

> Star's nut powders).

> Everyone agrees the Green Star is a PAIN to clean,

> really tedious to scrub

> and scrub and scrub, especially the screens and twin

> gears, while the Samson

> juicer is a one-minute rinse.

> Twin gear of Green Star juicer - time-consuming

> to clean all the pulp

> fibers out of pocket recess in every tooth of both

> gears plus I'm told the

> screens are such a pain to scrub and scrub. Single

> screw of Samson juicer -

> quick to clean, pulp easily washes off, no

> inaccessible fibers.When cleaning

> takes a long time, you don't juice as often as you

> should, or would love.

> Worse still, at the core of each Green Star twin

> gear is a series of in-line

> magnets that produce a focused magnetic field of

> 2600 gauss through which

> the juice flows. I'm sorry, but I do *not* want a

> force on the level of

> physics to alter the sub-atomic structure of my

> juice. This denaturing of

> Nature's perfectly balanced chemistry is the very

> thing raw foodists are

> *against.*

> The Samson simply crushes or extracts the fiber,

> depending on whether you're

> making fat-free dessert or fresh juice. This is a

> physical change, not

> chemical. There's no stripping of electrons (which

> the heat of centrifugal

> juicers does) and there's no adding of electrons

> (which magnetism does).

> The gentle grinding of the Samson auger (screw)

> cannot break the forces

> holding electrons in place. The only forces strong

> enough to shove electrons

> around are those on the level of physics, like heat,

> pressure, light, and

> magnetism. These are the forces that food factories

> use.

> Green Star mentions a " 72 Hour Fresh Juice Stability

> Study " which showed

> " the lowest bacteria proliferation. " This to me is

> scary. If the bacteria

> don't want it, I don't want it. If the enzymes in

> microbes can't break down

> the food, then the enzymes in my body will have an

> equally tough time. This

> is true whether we're talking breakfast cereal or

> juice.

> Facts on Juicer Comparison ChartLet's compare the

> newest Green Power model,

> the Green Star, with the powerful Samson. To me,

> both the Samson and Green

> Star juicers are masticating juicers - masticate

> means to grind or crush,

> e.g. you masticate food between your teeth.

> The Green Power chart above claims Green Star is the

> only juicer with:

> Low Operating RPM (revolutions per minute) - in

> fact Samson is lower at

> 80 rpm, Green Star is 110 rpm.

> Dry Pulp - Samson is the only juicer with

> adjustable *three* squeezing

> strengths in drum cap to ensure driest pulp.

> Low Heat and Physical Shock - Samson has thermal

> overload protection that

> switches motor off, if it gets too hot. This is why

> Samson's motor warranty

> is double that of Green Star (Samson 10 years, Green

> Star 5 years).

> High Nutrient and Enzyme Content - the least

> oxidation occurs with the

> lowest RPM, so Samson's 80 rpm retains the maximum

> nutrients. Plus Green

> Star alters the sub-atomic structure (adds electrons

> through magnetism)

> which would denature the nutrients.

> Long Lasting Juice - this is NOT a benefit. No

> raw foodist wants to

> extend the shelf life of their food. If we did, we'd

> eat pasta and breakfast

> cereal instead of wheatgrass juice, fresh fruits and

> just-picked greens.

> Pulp-Free Juice - Samson juice is pulpier and

> this to me is a benefit

> (pulp helps to sweep debris from colon, like a

> broom) or use Samson's

> strainer to separate the pulp.

> Juices Wheat Grass - Samson juice is as good as a

> dedicated wheatgrass

> juicer, whereas Green Star creates excess foam in

> wheatgrass juice.

> Juices Herbs (sage, horsetail) - so does Samson,

> and in addition Samson

> and Omega 8002 are the only juicers that juice aloe

> vera leaves and pine

> needles (if you have a hankering for pine).

> Juices Fruit - the Green Star twin gears

> *require* the fiber in veggies

> to push the pulp through the machine, or it backs

> up. Samson's single gear

> easily handles soft fruits like kiwi and melon. Plus

> Samson juices sugar

> cane, Green Star will not. Both juicers juice all

> vegetables, including

> celery and green leaves.

> Low Noise Operation - I haven't heard both, but

> the rule of thumb is: the

> faster a juicer turns (revolutions per minute or

> rpm) the louder the

> machine. Samson is 80 rpm, Green Star 110, so my bet

> is on Samson as the

> quieter. Compare Champion at 2,700 rpm and

> centrifugal ejection juicers at

> 7,000 rpm.

> Easy to Operate and Clean - give me a break, look

> at the photo of twin

> gears above. Green Star is toughest of all juicers

> to clean. As for easy to

> operate, one web site comparing all juicers, states:

> " These machines [Green

> Star, Green Power] are not for the faint or frail

> hearted as some pressure

> is needed to feed the produce into the machine. " I

> can imagine, with those

> interlocking twin gears.

> Makes Pasta - Samson comes with two nozzles for

> both pasta and noodles,

> Green Star has only one pasta screw.

> Makes Nut Butters - the same site that sells all

> juicers (their price for

> Samson is $269 with shipping) writes: " I have tried

> making RAW almond butter


=== message truncated ===

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Hi Rufus,


I quess I am lucky I haven't had one bit of trouble with mine. I does

wheatgrass juice fine.

I like it Dimension 200 100 times better than I did my Champion.





> Sat, 25 Sep 2004 15:22:31 -0700 (PDT)

> Rufus Shaw <rufus10_99

> Re: Re: juicer - Digest Number 895


> Dale,


> Your lucky. If you that you

> provided for the Dimension 200 Juicer, it says that it

> has been discuntinued due to a 60% return rate.


> Rufus



--- Dale Wing <dwing wrote:


> Hi


> I beg to differ with you. You stated, " This is why

> Ann Wigmore insisted on

> 100% raw organic foods for healing. Only the

> physical forces of blending, or

> juicing with a low rpm juicer like the Samson, are

> permissible. "


> On page 35, of her book " The Blender Book " , by Ann

> Wigmore & Lee Pattinson

> states, " At the Ann Wigmore Foundation, we use a

> Vita-Mix blender: I have

> found that this is the best blender to use in the

> long run. " , so your

> statement that, " only the physical forces of

> blending, or juicing with a low

> rpm juicer like the Samson, are permissible " basing

> it on Dr. Ann's

> teachings is not true.


> By the way I do own a Dimension 2000 One Gear

> Juicer . Here is a picture of

> one




> God bless you and yours,

> Dale

> webmaster

> http://hishealingways.com

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Hi Dale,


I hope your Juicer continues to preform well for you.


One of the reasons I like the Green Star is that it is

so durable. I am always hard on things, and manage to

break almost everything I own. I have used my

greenstar at least once per day for over a year now,

and it is solid as a rock.


I have tried a friends Champion and did not like it.

I have never tried the Sampson, but would like to do

so after Alex's endorsement.






--- Dale Wing <dwing wrote:


> Hi Rufus,


> I quess I am lucky I haven't had one bit of trouble

> with mine. I does

> wheatgrass juice fine.

> I like it Dimension 200 100 times better than I did

> my Champion.


> Dale


> ****************************

> > Sat, 25 Sep 2004 15:22:31 -0700 (PDT)

> > Rufus Shaw <rufus10_99

> > Re: Re: juicer - Digest Number 895


> > Dale,


> > Your lucky. If you that you

> > provided for the Dimension 200 Juicer, it says

> that it

> > has been discuntinued due to a 60% return rate.


> > Rufus



> --- Dale Wing <dwing wrote:


> > Hi

> >

> > I beg to differ with you. You stated, " This is

> why

> > Ann Wigmore insisted on

> > 100% raw organic foods for healing. Only the

> > physical forces of blending, or

> > juicing with a low rpm juicer like the Samson, are

> > permissible. "

> >

> > On page 35, of her book " The Blender Book " , by Ann

> > Wigmore & Lee Pattinson

> > states, " At the Ann Wigmore Foundation, we use a

> > Vita-Mix blender: I have

> > found that this is the best blender to use in the

> > long run. " , so your

> > statement that, " only the physical forces of

> > blending, or juicing with a low

> > rpm juicer like the Samson, are permissible "

> basing

> > it on Dr. Ann's

> > teachings is not true.

> >

> > By the way I do own a Dimension 2000 One Gear

> > Juicer . Here is a picture of

> > one

> >



> >

> > God bless you and yours,

> > Dale

> > webmaster

> > http://hishealingways.com




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