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starting a vegan garden

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i am trying to start a vegan garden so i know just what is going into the fruits

and vegetables i eat. but i dont have any luck in finding anything like this.

can anyone help? oh, by the way i am a newbie who is trying to be a vegan.

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hello bb546124,


I have been growing my own food for the better part of 30 years (not

always successful)

it would take one on one training for the first season to get ya

going....but saying that

get some books on organic gardening check out a few organic web sites (just

do a search)

then ask some more questions

all the best



bb546124 [bb546124]

Friday, October 08, 2004 4:32 AM


[Raw Food] starting a vegan garden





i am trying to start a vegan garden so i know just what is going into the

fruits and vegetables i eat. but i dont have any luck in finding anything

like this. can anyone help? oh, by the way i am a newbie who is trying to

be a vegan.








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Peace be with you,


I think you will find the books 'Great Garden

Companions' by Sally Jean Cunningham and " Square Foot

Gardening' by Mel Bartholomew very interesting and

helpful reading.


I wish you the very best of success.








" A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he

felt. He said, I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One

wolf is the vengeful, angry, violent one. The other wolf is the loving,

compassionate one. The grandson asked him, Which wolf will win the

fight in your heart? The grandfather answered, The one I feed. "






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Hello bb546124

There is a magazine that you can buy called { ORGANIC GARDENING) . They

allso have a web site with a few free articles to read in there archives section



You also might find some good reading at this web site below


Nicholas Costanza





bb546124 <bb546124 wrote:



i am trying to start a vegan garden so i know just what is going into the fruits

and vegetables i eat. but i dont have any luck in finding anything like this.

can anyone help? oh, by the way i am a newbie who is trying to be a vegan.








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I'm in the same boat: my husband and I have just

bought some land and I want to learn how to garden.

I'm from NYC and my only growing experience is with

houseplants so I know how you feel. Here's what I'm



I bought " The Idiot's Guide to Edible Gardening " and

that gave me a basic overview of what I'm getting

into. It said to contact local gardening clubs and

coop extensions for hands-on type classes. I did that

and have located several gardening classes in my area

that seem pretty reasonable pricewise. I found some of

these at gardenweb.com, which has a searchable

database of garden clubs. Do a google search for a

" coop extension " in your area. Their classes are

usually pretty inexpensive.


Also, I joined a CSA (community supported agriculture)

farm. These are basically food cooperatives formed to

support local, (and usually) organic food. You pay a

nominal fee to become a member, as well as volunteer a

few hours, and in exchange you get a weekly allotment

of fresh produce. You can check out the one I belong





and that will give you an idea of what the whole CSA

" movement " is about. The good thing is CSAs usually

need for members to help out in the field so you can

get experience that way.


Finally, you could call garden supply stores and local

public gardens in your area and just chat people up to

get information about how you can learn. Someone you

talk to may know someone who's willing to take on free

help, or of someone who offers classes. Heck, you

could even call a professional gardener and have them

come to your yard and help walk you thru the process

-- for a fee of course.


hope this helps,







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